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1、2013年大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) B类决赛真题试卷及答案与解析 Section A 1 What does the man say about the item he is sending? ( A) It is expensive. ( B) It is insured. ( C) It is breakable. 2 What will the man probably do next? ( A) Help Sue with the makeup. ( B) Go to the theatre with Sue. ( C) Drive to the theatre alone. 3

2、 What does the woman want to do? ( A) Plug in her laptop computer. ( B) Borrow the mans computer. ( C) Recharge her laptop battery. 4 Why cant the woman meet the man on Monday? ( A) She has a conference to attend. ( B) She will have to work. ( C) She will not be in town. 5 What time does the flight

3、leave for Madrid? Section B 6 What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman? ( A) They are strangers. ( B) They are acquaintances. ( C) They are members of a family. 7 What does the woman want to know? ( A) Which bus goes to the Music Complex. ( B) Where the Recreation Center Bus s

4、top is. ( C) What bus the man is taking. 8 What can be inferred from the conversation? ( A) The woman is going to the Recreation Centre. ( B) The man is going to the Music Complex. ( C) The woman enjoys taking the bus with the man. 9 How can the woman recognize the bus she wants? ( A) It stops aroun

5、d the corner from the bookstore. ( B) Itll be at the stop in every twenty minutes. ( C) It has the letters “RC“ above the windshield. 10 What can be said about the woman? ( A) She usually walks to the Recreation Center. ( B) She doesnt drive during rush hour on weekdays. ( C) Shes taking the Univers

6、ity Shuttle Bus for the first time. 11 What does the woman say about the colour of violet? ( A) It promotes inspiration and creativity. ( B) It makes people think of Beethoven. ( C) It helps people to get motivated. 12 What type of people love the colour of orange? ( A) Pessimists and quiet people.

7、( B) Optimists and energetic people. ( C) Nihilists and demotivated people. 13 Why can the colour of blue help people prevent nightmares? ( A) Because it can make people calm down. ( B) Because it can lower peoples blood pressure. ( C) Because it can help people visualize positive things. 14 What is

8、 the association of red in Latin cultures? ( A) Arrogant. ( B) Ambitious. ( C) Hot-blooded. 15 Which colour tends to bring negative emotions to people who wear it? ( A) Violet ( B) Green ( C) Black Section C 16 What may help officials find the rescued childrens parents? ( A) A national DNA database

9、of genetic samples. ( B) Household registers in various provinces. ( C) Official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. 17 Where is the Institute of Radiation Physics located? ( A) At the West Bank. ( B) In Tel Aviv. ( C) In Lausanne. 18 According to the news, what are major auto manufacturers wo

10、rking on? ( A) Driverless cars. ( B) High-speed racecars ( C) High-tech engines. 19 Why were US diplomatic team evacuated from the capital of Central African Republic? ( A) Because of a wide-spread of disease. ( B) Because of fears rebels could seize the capital. ( C) Because of the termination of d

11、iplomatic relations. 20 What made Gerard Depardieu give up his French passport? ( A) His strong love for Russia. ( B) A new French wealth tax. ( C) A well job in Russia. Section D 20 Background to economic success Chinas economic growth has lasted 40 years and represents the most【 D1】 _of the 21st c

12、entury. It started with【 D2】 _in the late 1970s. Growth statistics Chinas economy has grown on average【 D3】 _a year. 【 D4】 _is growing at 17% per annum. Its share of global manufacturing output has been doubled. China is the worlds second-biggest economy and will【 D5】 _in the next 10 years. A popula

13、tion on the move The population of 1. 3 billion provides China with not only the worlds largest market but also a huge workforce. Many people migrate from【 D6】 _to urban areas to find jobs. The growing middle class is【 D7】 _of Chinas success. Economics deficiencies Some experts say Chinas rapid grow

14、th relies too much on【 D8】 _. If the wages of the workers rise too much,【 D9】 _may move to other countries. Future challenges China must invest more in【 D10】 _so that its own experts and entrepreneurs are produced. 21 【 D1】 22 【 D2】 23 【 D3】 24 【 D4】 25 【 D5】 26 【 D6】 27 【 D7】 28 【 D8】 29 【 D9】 30 【

15、 D10】 Section A 31 When the limestone or other carbonate rock just below the ground surface dissolves naturally, _collapses and forms sinkholes. ( A) a land ( B) the land ( C) the lands ( D) lands 32 We look with pride at our new bridges and dams, for they are works of art as well as of_. ( A) leisu

16、re ( B) aesthetics ( C) drudgery ( D) utility 33 When two people feel the same about each other, their feelings are_. ( A) mutual ( B) usual ( C) joint ( D) visible 34 American schools tend to put more emphasis on developing_ skills than they do on acquiring quantities of facts. Students are encoura

17、ged to ask questions, think for themselves and express their own opinions. ( A) critical-thinking ( B) interpersonal ( C) intellectual ( D) social 35 At each end of the tube_, one which gathers light and one which magnifies the image. ( A) are two lenses there ( B) two lenses are ( C) are two lenses

18、 ( D) two lenses are there 36 Beports have recommended that universities should prize good teaching_good research. ( A) the same as ( B) much as ( C) as well as ( D) in accordance with 37 The county of Kent is known as the “Garden of England“_it yields a bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables. (

19、 A) although ( B) because ( C) so that ( D) such as 38 _almost every major city in the world. ( A) Air pollution that now afflicts ( B) Not only does air pollution now afflict ( C) Air pollution now afflicts ( D) Air pollution is now afflicted 39 Id like to get a break from studying. Lets take the a

20、fternoon off and go to town. You can get some shopping done. Well, I definitely dont want to go to the mall. ( A) Id rather go to the mall for the farmers market. ( B) You are so kind that I feel guilty if I say no. ( C) Id rather stay at home to DIY some furniture project. ( D) Are you kidding? One

21、 afternoon shopping for a break? 40 I wish we had taken the bus instead of walking. You look really tired. _ No, lets keep going. We arent that far from the campus now. ( A) Stop complaining, its enough. ( B) How are you going to get there? ( C) Well think about that if it happens. ( D) Would you li

22、ke to stop for a rest? Section B 41 In the UK, the sport is played with an egg-shaped ball. It can be a dangerous game as players wear no protective clothing. The sport is_. ( A) cricket ( B) rugby ( C) polo ( D) golf 42 The UK is within 35 km of the northwest coast of _, from which it is separated

23、by_. ( A) Ireland: the Channel Tunnel ( B) Holland: the North Sea ( C) Norway: the North Atlantic Ocean ( D) France: the English Channel 43 In order to understand what is happening in Washington, it is not important to know not only the party of the president, but also which party controls_. ( A) th

24、e House and the Senate ( B) Parliament and Congress ( C) the White House and the Pentagon ( D) the Upper House and the Lower House 44 “ It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. “ This statement was made by_. ( A) Thomas Jefferson ( B) George

25、Washington ( C) Franklin Roosevelt ( D) George Bush 45 The three great Germanic tribes: the Angles, the_and Jutes, which invaded Britain, form the basis of the modern British people. ( A) Welsh ( B) Scots ( C) Saxons ( D) Wessex 一、 Part Cloze 45 Many animals which inhabited the earth in bygone perio

26、ds have entirely【 C1】 (appear), leaving not even a modern representative of their race. Others, no doubt, were known to prehistoric peoples, concerning which no record has come down to us. But within the period of【 C2】 rec_observation, many animals have lived and died out: various, causes contributi

27、ng to their【 C3】(exterminate), not least among these being in the presence of mankind. Man reconstructs the face of the earth to suit his needs: he cuts down【 C4】 f_, plows or burns over prairie lands, changes the course of rivers, drains the swamps, and thus destroys the natural【 C5】 en_of many of

28、natures wild children. Then, too, he destroys creature directly: he kills them for food, for clothing, or for other utilitarian【 C6】 : he hunts them because he fears them, as dangerous foes to himself, or to his【 C7】 agr_pursuits: he destroys them for sport: and finally he draws them from feral cond

29、itions by【 C8】(domestic). Not only thus does man directly injure by exterminating influences,【 C9】 his coming accompanied by exterminating influences, kills out certain other creatures. These, when man has destroyed their natural prey, practically die of starvation before they can【 C10】 ad_themselve

30、s to changed conditions. Then the domestic dogs, cats, etc. help on the work of slaughter in certain ways, by preying upon wild life. 46 【 C1】 47 【 C2】 48 【 C3】 49 【 C4】 50 【 C5】 51 【 C6】 52 【 C7】 53 【 C8】 54 【 C9】 55 【 C10】 Section A 55 Glaciers consist of fallen snow that compresses over many year

31、s into large, thickened ice masses. Most of the worlds glacial ice is found in Antarctica and Greenland, but glaciers are found on nearly every continent, even Africa. Presently, 10% of land area is covered with glaciers. Glacial ice often appears blue because ice absorbs all other colors but reflec

32、ts blue. Almost 90% of an iceberg is below water: only about 10% shows above water. What makes glaciers unique is their ability to move. Due to sheer mass, glaciers flow like very slow rivers. Some glaciers are as small as football fields, whereas others grow to be over 100 kilometers long. Within t

33、he past 750,000 years, scientists know that there have been eight Ice Age cycles, separated by warmer periods called interglacial periods. Currently, the earth is the end of an interglacial, meaning that another Ice Age is due in a few thousand years. This is part of the normal climate variation cyc

34、le. Greenhouse warming may delay the onset of another glacial era, but scientists still have many questions to answer about climate change. Although glaciers change very slowly over long periods, they may provide important global climate change signals. The girth of the ice, combined with gravitys i

35、nfluence, causes glaciers to flow very slowly. Once a mass of compressed ice reaches a critical thickness of about 18 meters thick, it becomes so heavy that it begins to deform and move. Ice may flow down mountains and valleys, fan across plains, or spread out to sea. Movement along the underside of

36、 a glacier is slower than movement at the top due to the friction created as it slides along the grounds surface. Most glaciers are found in remote mountainous areas. However, some found near cities or towns present a danger to the people living nearby. On land, lakes formed on top of a glacier, dur

37、ing the melt season may cause floods. At the narrow part of a valley glacier, ice falling from the glacier presents a hazard to hikers below. When ice breaks off over the ocean, an iceberg is formed. Glaciers are a natural resource and contain 75% of the worlds freshwater. People world-wide are tryi

38、ng to harness the power of these frozen streams. Some towns rely on glacial melting from a nearby ice cap to provide drinking water. Some farmers spread soil or ashes over snow to promote melting, hoping that the melting will provide water to irrigate crops in drought-stricken Areas. Others have cha

39、nneled melt water from glaciers to their fields. Scientists and engineer shave worked together to tap into-glacial resources, using electricity that has been generated in part by damming glacial melt water. 56 Why does glacial ice often appear blue to the eyes? ( A) Because the visible light strikin

40、g the ice surface is reflected. ( B) Because it absorbs all the colours except blue, which is thrown back. ( C) Because it has the ability to move forward. ( D) Because only 10 percent of it shows above water. 57 What can be concluded about glaciers according to the passage? ( A) There wont be anoth

41、er Ice Age coming in the further. ( B) Glaciers have both negative and positive effects on human life. ( C) Scientists have difficulty studying global climate change. ( D) Scientists dont have enough data on the formation of glaciers. 58 Glacial mass changes are considered among the most sensitive i

42、ndicators of_and are a major source of variations in sea level. 59 When a glacier thickens to a critical point, it starts to_. 60 Glacial melt water can be dammed to produce_. Section B 60 He was a funny looking man with a cheerful face, good-natured and a great talker. He was described by his stude

43、nt, the great philosopher Plato, as “the Best, most just and wisest man. “ Yet, this same man was sentenced to death for his beliefs. The man was the Greek philosopher, Socrates, the most interesting and influential thinker in the fifth century. His dedication to careful reasoning transformed the en

44、tire enterprise. Since he sought genuine knowledge rather than mere victory over an opponent, Socrates employed the same logical tricks developed by the Sophists to a new purpose, the pursuit of truth. Thus, his willingness to call everything into question and his determination to accept nothing les

45、s than an adequate account of the nature of things made him the first clear exponent of critical philosophy. He was condemned for not believing in the recognized for corrupting young people. The second charge stemmed from his association with numerous young men who went to Athens from all over the c

46、ivilized world to study under him. Socrates method of teaching was to ask questions and, by pretending not to know the answers, to press his students into thinking for themselves. His teachings had unsurpassed influence on all the great Greek and Roman schools of philosophy. Yet, for all his fame an

47、d influence, Socrates himself never wrote a word. Socrates encouraged new ideas and free thinking in the young, and this was frightening to conservative people, and they wanted him silenced. Yet, many were probably surprised that he accepted death so readily. Socrates had the right to ask for a less

48、er penalty, and he probably could have won over enough of the people who had previously condemned him. But as a firm believer in law, Socrates reasoned that it was proper to submit, so, he calmly accepted his fate and drank a cup of poison hemlock in the presence of his grief-stricken friends and st

49、udents. 61 Why was Socrates condemned to death? 62 What did the “new purpose“ mean in the second paragraph? 63 What did the most of Socrates contemporaries believe in? 64 What was the purpose of Socrates teachings? 65 Why did Socrates accept the death penalty? Section C 65 Becky Howard, 23, is desperate to lose weight. Like thousands of women across Britain this weekend, she is starting


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