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1、2017年大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) B类决赛真题试卷(精选)及答案与解析 Section A 1 In the United Kingdom, ministers are appointed by the Queen_the recommendation of the Prime Minister. ( A) on ( B) in ( C) from ( D) to 2 My mother always says that_upright man should be honest and fair. ( A) a ( B) an ( C) the ( D) / 3 With the co

2、nstitutional court unanimously upholding the bill to impeach Park Geun-hye, she became the first South Korean leader to be_through impeachment. ( A) ousted ( B) exiled ( C) abandoned ( D) excluded 4 As the show Readers has been well received, _more than 200 people were pictured lining up outside the

3、 Shanghai Library, a library equipped with professional recording devices, on March 4, to read aloud their favorite poems, essays and books. ( A) a chunk of ( B) a deal of ( C) a throng of ( D) a row of 5 Anglo-Saxon literature, _, the Old English literature, is almost exclusively a verse literature

4、 in oral form, whose creators for the most part are unknown. ( A) that is ( B) in the first place ( C) to start with ( D) most important of all 6 Health experts point out that a budget-crunched public school loses a lot when it_PE classes. ( A) cuts in ( B) cuts into ( C) cuts out for ( D) cuts back

5、 on 7 Some of the words and sounds used by Celts, the natives of Great Britain, were later_ the English language. ( A) accessed to ( B) conformed to ( C) assimilated into ( D) inhaled into 8 If suitable texts are_they may have to be scripted and recorded by the teacher, which _the ease of preparatio

6、n. ( A) available: gives rise to ( B) available: sets off ( C) unavailable: brings out ( D) unavailable: detracts from 9 _, a combination of government regulation, citizen demands, and industry self- regulation will continue to shape what marketers do. ( A) For the time ( B) The time being ( C) For

7、the time being ( D) As for the time being 10 So sudden_that most residents at the foot of the mountain had no time to escape. ( A) the volcanic eruption was ( B) was the volcanic eruption ( C) the volcanic eruption is ( D) is the volcanic eruption 11 A person with high language aptitude can learn mo

8、re quickly and easily than a person with low language aptitude, _. ( A) all other factors to be equal ( B) if all other factors to be equal ( C) all other factors being equal ( D) if all other factors being equal 12 Our literature teacher Mark is gaining more popularity on the Internet, who is, _, a

9、 walking dictionary. ( A) as it to be ( B) as it is ( C) as it was ( D) as it were 13 Hello, this is the admissions office. Can I help you? Hi. Im calling about your continuing education program. I want to become certified in computer programming. _ Yes, we offer both night and weekend courses in a

10、number of different subjects. ( A) Id like some information of full-time courses. ( B) Do you offer any part-time courses for adult further education? ( C) Could you introduce some art courses for starters? ( D) How much do you charge for computer courses? 14 John hasnt turned up and Stefan is ill.

11、_ Im afraid not. Were very short-staffed at the moment. Can you ask the shift supervisor to ask one of his team to do some overtime? Perhaps Tom can stand in for an hour or two until we find a replacement. ( A) Whats wrong with them? ( B) Is he coming tomorrow? ( C) Do we have anyone on stand-by? (

12、D) Have they passed the exam? 15 How did the Forbidden City get this name? Well, in the feudal society, emperors had supreme power, _ You mean the whole palace? Yes. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section for the emperor to exercise his power over the nation, and the nort

13、hern part for his royal family. ( A) so his residence was certainly a forbidden palace. ( B) thus his palace was definitely a product of wisdom. ( C) and thats why he is called the emperor. ( D) and the Forbidden City is the peak of Chinese traditional architecture. 一、 Part Cloze 15 One of Londons m

14、ost beautiful gardens is being transformed into the ancient Silk Road this winter to celebrate Chinese New Year. The 65-acre 18-century Chiswick House Gardens plays host【 C1】 _the second annual Magic Lantern Festival, with over 50 illuminated installations, 1,500 lanterns and 60,000 light bulbs. Cel

15、ebrating the Chinese New Year of The Rooster, this years【 C2】 the_is “Explore The Silk Road“ , a route that saw China trading its precious silk and other commodities with a huge transcontinental network during the Han Dynasty. It includes a 15-meter illuminated sculpture of the Houses of Parliament,

16、 an【 C3】 _(art)replica of the ship that Chinese Admiral Zheng used on his trade explorations and an ambitious, lantern adventure across the Silk Road, through Europe, Asia, Arabia, Egypt, Persia, India and Ancient China. The 3D lantern experience enjoyed a sold-out run last year with a host of award

17、s and 110,000 visitors. With spring still not quite on the【 C4】 hor_, this is the perfect way to enjoy winter and get out of the house with the family, says David Lee of Weli Creative, who dreamt up the festival with Ian Xiang. “Beautiful Chiswick House Gardens is the perfect backdrop for the Lanter

18、n Festival“ says David. “It provides a stunning location and canvas for these magnificent, illuminated lantern sculptures,【 C5】 _leaves visitors of all ages【 C6】 _(delight)and hungry to share pictures with friends. “ In China, artists have been making artworks for more than 2,000 years, with designs

19、 becoming bigger and more ambitious with each【 C7】 _(pass)celebration. London is no different. This year has even more in store for visitors, including【 C8】vir_reality headsets that allow visitors to imagine they are running with dinosaurs and a synthetic ice rink. As well as Ancient Egypts【 C9】 exo

20、_pyramids, sphinx and camels, India, Persia and Ancient Rome will also be up in lights, with a re-imagining of The Colosseum and a giant fire rooster proudly【 C10】 _(crow)at the end of winter. As guests enjoy more than 75 minutes on their cultural adventure, they can sample a range of international

21、street food, hot tipples and unique gifts to remember the experience. 16 【 C1】 17 【 C2】 18 【 C3】 19 【 C4】 20 【 C5】 21 【 C6】 22 【 C7】 23 【 C8】 24 【 C9】 25 【 C10】 Section A 25 The mid-and-late 19th century is generally known as the Victorian age, controlled by the rule of Queen Victoria. This is a per

22、iod of dramatic change that led England to the summit of development as a powerful nation. The rising bourgeoisie were getting political importance as well as wealth. England became the worlds workshop and London the worlds bank. London became the center of Western civilization. Literacy increased a

23、s the masses started to be educated and started to think for themselves. This stage has got ready for the coming of the Golden Age of the English novel. The Early Period of Victorian Age With the rapid economic development, the early years of the Victorian age was a stage of serious social problem.

24、Social issues especially about industrialization and urbanization were reflected and dealt with mostly in literature. English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties which described with much vividness and great artistic skill and criticized the capitalist system. The greatest

25、 of the entire Victorian age was Charles Dickens. Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, which were written by the Bronte Sisters, emerged in 1847 as women novels. Jane Eyre represents womens fights for their equal rights and independence. Wuthering Heights caught the emotional needs of human beings in a

26、time of rapid industrialization. William Makepeace Thackeray is best known for his Vanity Fair. While Dickens criticized the inhuman social institutions and the corrupted government in a direct way, Thackeray leveled his criticism at the moral standard that made up the money-minded society. The Mid-

27、Victorian Age The Mid-Victorian Age was a stage of economic development. The English critical realists not only gave a satirical portrayal of the bourgeoisie and the ruling classes, but also showed sympathy for the common people. There is a great deal of the use of humor and satire in the English re

28、alistic novels, which is marked by intensifying pessimism. David Copperfield(18491850)is most autobiographical of all Dickens works. The Great Expectations of Dickens is the greatest and most sophisticated novel which is written in a semi-autobiographical style about a young man who learns through r

29、ise and fall to discard his own snobbishness. Hard Times(1854)has an ironic title, as the main characters are rich factory owners and it is just their workers who have to suffer the “ hard times“. The Late Victorian Age The Late Victorian Age was not a simple development of mid-Victorian confidence

30、and prosperity. The establishment of the British Empire was claimed when Queen Victoria became Empress of India in 1876, but a sharp decline had already come in the beginning from the 1870s. The last quarter of the 19th century witnessed not only the decline of the British Empire but also the breakd

31、own of Victorian value standards. Thomas Hardy was the main novelist of this period, and his novels show readers the losing struggle of individuals against the obscure power. But the critical realists did not find a way to eradicate social evils and a good solution to the social contradictions.Quest

32、ions 56 to 60 Complete the table using no more than three words for each blank.Section B 30 Who has it and who doesnt? And how do those of us with less of it get more? It is a riddle that has exercised philosophers ever since Aristotle first identified happiness as the end of all human activity. Wea

33、lth and health are thought to be a means to it, but the thing itself always seems to be just beyond our grasp. After a decade of studying happiness or “ subjective well-being“ , to give it its proper psychological term, Michael Argyle, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Oxford Brookes University, c

34、oncludes that the best guarantee of long-term happiness is something called “serious leisure“a hobby or activity that involves your whole being. 【 B1】 _says Argyle. “Its also a highly social activity, which is a very important component of happiness. The point is it doesnt really matter what you do

35、as long as you find the activity challenging and absorbing. “ Other experts, like Mihaly Csikszentmihaly, Professor of Psychology at the University of Chicago, concur. He has a similar theory called “flow“. This is what a chess player senses at the most intense point in a game. “ Flow is a state of

36、loss of self-awareness, brought about by facing challenges with necessary skills. “ explains Argyle. Because most people are by nature lazy and undisciplined, the majority find it easier to achieve flow when they are forced to rise to challenges imposed on them from outside, hence the importance of

37、work as a source of happiness. But work can also be a huge source of stress and there seems to be less time than ever for the simple pleasures of life. 【 B2】 _Flow, he argues, is all very well for the adrenalin-driven commodities traders of this world, but those of us who dont have a high-powered jo

38、b in the city may have to look elsewhere for contentment. 【 B3】 _he writes in his latest book, The Social Psychology of Leisure, “ Free time has greatly increased but those who have the greatest increase have not been able to convert it into satisfying forms of leisure. “ The best example is TV. Rec

39、ent studies have shown that Britain is in danger of becoming a nation of couch potatoes and Argyle agrees that because of its essential passivity, TV is one of the activities least likely to produce flow.【 B4】 _ One answer is to ask the subjects to write down what they do at each hour of the day, an

40、d how it makes them feel. This technique, known as “pleasant activities therapy“ , was invented by Peter Lewinsohn. The data is fed into a computer which comes up with the activities that tend to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Professor Argyles own study of leisure groups pu

41、t dancing at the top of the contentment charts, which you may or may not see as a happy coincidence given the professors own passion for hopping about in a kilt. Next is any other activity that involves contact with peoplesuch as volunteer work, or simply sitting around and relaxing with family and

42、friendsfollowed by reading, making or fixing things and team sports. Cooking, housework and shopping are all ranked above watching TV. 【 B5】 _After all, there are plenty of compulsive-depressive types who work all hours, go skiing every weekend and still end up committing suicide at 35. “ Just as th

43、ere are happy people, there are unhappy people,“ he says, answering one of the questions posed at the outset of this article. The difference is that unhappy people look at themselves when things go wrong, but happy people only look at themselves when things go right. “ The Americans call it the Poll

44、yanna effectalways looking on the bright side. “ Questions 61 to 65Choose from the sentences AG the one which best fits each gap of 6165. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.A. This is where Professor Argyles theories come in.B. “There really is a problem here. “C. How can we

45、keep optimistic about the state of our life?D. But isnt all this ranking of different leisure activities beside the point?E. “Its extremely invigorating and a great source of euphoria. “F. So what sort of “serious leisure“ activities should we be considering if we want a slice of Nirvana?G. “Actuall

46、y lots of people lose their job aspirations. “ 31 【 B1】 32 【 B2】 33 【 B3】 34 【 B4】 35 【 B5】 Section C 35 If ideas can symbolize the spirit of an age, then the symbol of the recent applied linguistic age is undoubtedly “language acquisition“. But what does this term mean? What exactly is “language ac

47、quisition“? For the moment we may characterize it as the process by which individuals “pick up“ a language through exposure to it. There are two immediately obvious sorts of language acquisition. The first is L1(first language)acquisition, which every normal child manages at an early age. The second

48、 is FL(foreign language)acquisition where someone, a child or an adult, picks up a language, for example, while they are living in a target language country. Chomskys ideas stimulated the interest in L1(and, indirectly, FL)acquisition that there has been over the past few decades. For him, L1 acquis

49、ition is a conundrum, even a miracle. The big question is: how is it that the very young child, so poorly developed in many areas, is able to learn the rudiments of their native language so quickly and so successfully? Chomskys answer was that the individual has a machine in the head, an LAD(Language Acquisition Device), that does the job for them. The words “quickly and successfully“ hold the key


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