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1、BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 140及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 1 What is im

2、portant when.? Planning a new project - Market research - Screening - - 2 What is important when.? Setting up a new branch - Site selection - Market research - - 3 What is important when.? Doing international business - Cultural differences - Preferential policy - - BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 140答案与解析 一、 SEC

3、TION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 1 【正确答案】 When planning a new project, an essen

4、tial step you should adopt is making a market research. If your products have no market, its nonsense for you to launch a new project. Therefore, market researches can be proactive to prevent breakdowns and losses. Besides, its also important to think of screening. Select the potential which is more

5、 competitive from those with less merits, and it may determine your chance of success. Finally, its quite necessary to set up a new product committee in charge of new projects. As an effective organisational structure, the committee can help to coordinate different departments and ensure that the wh

6、ole process will be operated smoothly. 【试题解析】 本题需要发言的主题是 “规划一个新项目 ”。根据已有的要点1“Market research市场调查 ”,可以联想到规划新项目之前首先要开展市场调查,可适当强调该步骤的重要性,例如避免损失 (preventlosses)。根据已有的要点2“Screening筛选 ”,可以联想到对拟建立的新项目要进行筛选,选择能体现企业优势的项目,选择的正确与否往往决定成败 (determine the chance of success)。另外我们还可以补充一些回答的要点:一是进行成本分析 (Analysing cos

7、t),这样做的目的是可以有效地节约控制成本;二是建立一个新的项目委员会 (Setting a new project committee),这样做的必要性在于使项目进展更加顺利。 2 【正确答案】 When setting up a new branch, the priority you should contemplate is the selection of an appropriate site. According to different types of business, you can choose the site in line with your needs. For

8、 instance, heavy industry requires an ample space and labour force of large quantity. Besides, you should also have a market research before you plan to set up a new branch. If you start up a new branch blindly, without the consideration of local customers needs, consumption level, or competitors po

9、wer, you are doomed to fail. Whats more, its also important to consider governments policy. Whether your requirement for setting up a new branch will be approved or not largely depends on governments policy. 【试题解析】 本题需要发言的主题是 “成立一个新的分公司 ”。根据已有的要点1“Site selection选址 ”,可以联想到选址是开设分公司时首先要考虑的问题,并可展开说明选址的原

10、则和重要性。根据已有的要点 2“Market research市场调查 ”,可以联想其原因是为了了解顾客的需求 (customersneeds)和竞争对手的情况。另外我们还可以补充一些回答的要点,例如政府的政策 (Governments policy),因为政府能否批准是新公司项目能否真正实施的先决条件;或者当地 的消费水平 (Local consumption level),因为这是公司能否有足够的客户和业务量的关键。 3 【正确答案】 In the first place, I would like to attach great importance to cultural differ

11、ences, which consists of a countrys general concepts and values towards clothes, food, and daily appliances For example, when McDonalds opened its first branch in China, few people had interest in its western food which conflicts with traditional food. Meanwhile, its also necessary to pay attention

12、to preferential policy. If the target county you want to march in has a lot of favourable policies, its an appeal for many latent investors, because doing business in these countries can gain more profits and reduce some troubles. Last but not least, its also important to think of social differences

13、, which consist of religion, traditional customs, education, etc. Therefore, local adaptation is necessary. 【试题解析】 本题需要发言的主题是 “开展国际业务 ”。根据已有的要点1“Cultural differences文化差异 ”,可以联想到其原因是文化差异可能对国际业务的开展产生重要的影响,因此要充分考虑该因素的影响。根据已有的要点2“Preferential policy优惠政策 ”,可以联想到目标国家是否有对海外投资的优惠政策,这对业务能否顺利开展十分重要,海外投资时应充分利用这些优惠,为公司谋取更多利益 (gainmore profits)。另外我们还可以补充一些回答的要点,例如:Tariffs and trade restrictions关税和贸易限制,将该因素提前考虑,并采取针对措施,这有利于避免不必要的麻烦和困难;再如, Socialdifference社会差异,了解这类信息对于企业能否适应当地环境至关重要。


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