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1、BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 141及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you

2、 more questions related to the topic. 1 Industrial Forum Your company is going to hold the 2nd forum of the industry next month. You have been asked to prepare for it. Discuss the situation together, and decide: - what accommodation arrangements you will need to make before the forum - what kinds of

3、 experience you need to learn from the first forum. 2 Promotion Advertisement The company you work for has produced a new healthy product for elder people, and wants to promote its selling on the market. You have been asked to make an advertisement plan for its promotion. Discuss the situation toget

4、her, and decide: - what channels you can use for its promotion - what features the advertisement needs to have. 3 Changing Plans Your company was planning to have a party for new members on Friday. However, this party has to be rescheduled on next Monday due to weather conditions. You have been aske

5、d to deal with this situation. Discuss the situation together, and decide: - who you will need to inform of the plan change - what kinds of changes you have to make. BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 141答案与解析 一、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 3

6、0 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. 1 【正确答案】 A: You know, our company will hold the 2nd industrial forum next month, so we have a lot

7、 to do to prepare for it within three weeks. B: Yes. It is really a tight schedule and therefore we should waste no time. The first and most important thing to do is of course to make reservations at hotels near our company. Hotels are always a little crowded in this season, so we must reserve the h

8、otel as soon as possible. A: Yes, especially considering the forum coincides with the National Holiday this year. And I think we can print some dinner cards for our guests, for they can eat freely at our companys restaurant right after each session is over. B: Thats a very good idea. So they do not

9、have to starve and it costs us much less. A: And it is also necessary to contact the car rental companies, because we dont have enough cars to drive every guest to their hotels. B: Yes. I quite agree with you, and I think we should also draw a lesson from the first forum to avoid similar mistakes. F

10、irst of all, we should remember to check all the rooms we have reserved to ensure they are in good condition. Last time a rooms roof is leaking, and the manager was not happy at all. A: Yeah. I can still remember his long face during his speech. Another thing we cant forget is the food taboo of some

11、 guests. Neglecting the taboo could make the situation embarrassing. Maybe we can open special dinner windows for them in our restaurant during the forum. B: That sounds quite feasible, and you are so considerate. Still we need to rent several extra cars for emergency use. You cant rely on taxi if s

12、omething urgent happens. A: I totally agree. B: Well, with all the preparation work we do, Im sure we can make the forum run smoothly! 【试题解析】 本次讨论的任务是如何做好工业论坛会议的住宿安排并从第一次论坛中吸取经验。根据要求决定的要点 1“论坛之前需要做哪些住宿安排 ”,我们可以结合住宿安排的三个主要方面,即提前预订 (makereservations in advance)、打印晚餐邀请卡 (print dinner invitation cards)和

13、联系租车公司 (call thecar rental company)进行讨论。根据要求决定的要点 2“应从第一次的论坛活动中学到什么经验 ”,可以探讨以下几方面:检查房间质量 (check all the rooms);注意某些经理人的饮食禁忌 (know foodtaboo of some managers);租用额外汽车备用 (rent several extra cars for emergency)。 2 【正确答案】 A: Our new product has appeared on the market for several months, but the customers

14、 reaction is not as good as we expected, so maybe its time to launch an ad campaign for promotion. B: Yes, I agree. You know, you can never tell the power of advertisement in our time. A: There are many channels to launch our advertisement.Which do you think are the most efficient ones? B: Well, as

15、our main target customers are retired elder people, I think television should be our first choice, because the retired people spend lots of time watching TV. A: Right, and you remind me of newspaper. The majority of them will read one to three newspapers every day. B: And dont forget radio! Since it

16、 is easy to carry with, they always take it along with them when they are out for exercise and shopping. A: I think all three media are very powerful and influential, but if we want to succeed, we should also pay much attention to the features of the advertisement on each channel. B: Sure. In my opi

17、nion, ads on TV should stress the persuasive effect of the product, because customers think TV ads are more reliable, especially those on satellite channels. A: As for ads on newspaper, special offers on the local market are much more attracting. Dont you think so? B: Yes, the elder people do not ha

18、ve very high purchasing power, anyway. Considering their physical condition, our ads on radio should be broadcasted in a very clear, slow and gentle voice. A: You bet that, and if we take all these into consideration, Im confident that the sales can double by the end of this year. 【试题解析】 本次讨论的任务是找出推

19、销的渠道和广告的特色。根据要求决定的要点 1“可以使用哪些途径来做推销 ”,我们可以从推销的三个常用途径。即电视(TV)、报纸 (Newspaper)和广播 (Radio)进行讨论。根据要求决定的要点 2“该广告应有什么特色 ”,可以探讨以下几方面:突出说服力 (effective, persuasive);促销活动 (special offers);语言清晰、轻缓而温柔 (in a clear, slow and gentle voice)。 3 【正确答案】 A: Due to bad weather condition, Im afraid that our party for new

20、employees has to be rescheduled on next Monday, so we need to do something for the change. B: Yes, lets first inform all the people who have something to do with this party. Many people are involved in this annual party. I will send e-mails to all the 24 new employees, telling them about the change.

21、 A: Aha, and I would call the managers invited to see if they are still available on Monday evening. But I think some of them may go to Shanghai for a business meeting. B: What a shame! The party is really a good opportunity for mutual understanding between managers and their staff. And what about t

22、he caterer? I guess we are bound to lose our down payment as it is already Wednesday now. A: What else can we do? I think we also need to make some necessary adjustment. Firstly we should call the general secretary and tell her that we need a conference room on Monday evening. B: I hope that will no

23、t be a problem. Moreover, as for the toys we prepare for our new recruit members, wed better bring them back to the warehouse. They just occupy too much space in our office. A: Would that be a little troublesome? B: Dont worry, although they are very large, they are not heavy at all. A: OK. Im think

24、ing about keeping the sound equipment till Tuesday, so we can renew it at the warehouse when we return the toys. B: Good idea! I hope we have taken everything into consideration. 【试题解析】 本次讨论的任务是如何通知人们计划有变并作调整。根据要求决定的要点 1“需要通知哪些人计划有变 ”,可以考虑到要通知的大概有:所 有的新员工 (all new employees)、受邀参加聚会的领导 (managers invited to the party)和宴会承办人 (caterer of the party)。根据要求决定的要点 2“需要做出哪些调整 ”,可以探讨以下几方面:重新预订会议室 (rebook a conference room);把给新员工的礼物放回仓库 (bring all the toys for new employees to the warehouse);续借音响设备 (keep thesound equipment)。


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