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1、BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 146及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you

2、 more questions related to the topic. 1 Corporate Strategy Businesses have become more adept than ever at employing the essential strategies needed to succeed. You have been asked to illustrate how to set corporate strategy. Discuss the situation together, and decide: - what are the three sides of s

3、etting corporate strategy - why five elements are so important to set corporate strategy. 2 Working Environment Your company has made a discussion about creating a harmonious atmosphere. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to keep harmonious working environment. Discuss the situati

4、on together, and decide: - how to keep harmonious working environment - why the role of HRD is important. 3 Raising Employees Morale Employees in your company seem to be less active and lack of initiative recently. You have been asked to make recommendations about raising employees morale. Discuss t

5、he situation together, and decide: - what existing problems cause employees to show low level of morale - what kinds of solutions you can offer to solve them. BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 146答案与解析 一、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 secon

6、ds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. 1 【正确答案】 A: Todays businesses have become more adept than ever at employing the essential strategies nee

7、ded to succeed in light of intense competitive and financial pressures. Say something about corporate strategy. B: Well, managers and executives from all walks of life are called on to set corporate strategy. Corporate strategy is the way a company creates its value through configuration and coordin

8、ation of its multlmarket activities. A: In practice, we illustrate the concept with corporate strategic triangle. B: Youre right, for technical reasons, the three sides are “ resources“, “ businesses“ and “ structures, systems, and processes“. A: As far as I know, the three sides of the triangle are

9、 the foundation of corporate strategy. B: So when aligned in pursuit of a vision, and motivated by appropriate goals and objectives, the system can produce a corporate advantage, which justifies the firms existence as a multibusiness entity. A: Yeah. How does it work as a systematic way for corporat

10、e strategy analysis and formulation? B: To understand the whole system, we should examine its five elements. A: Well. That is vision, goals and objectives, resource, business, structures, systems and processes. B: Youre right. Vision plays the central role for any corporate strategies as it defines

11、and positions a firms destination in the world of business. Objectives refer to specific short and medium term quantitative targets: goals, on the other hand, refer to qualitative intentions in the same time frame. Resource is the building block for any firm. Business portfolio management is traditi

12、onal concern of corporate strategy. Every corporate performs a certain level of control over its individual businesses to achieve its corporate goals. This is the way to realise the goal of “the whole is greater than the sum“. A: Well, Thats good! With all this, Im sure we can do better on setting c

13、orporate strategy! 【试题解析】 本次讨论的任务是对设定企业战略提供一些建议。根据要求决定的要点 1“设定企业战略的三个方面 ”,我们可以拓展想到资源 (resource);商务(business);结构、制度和进程 (structures, systems, and processes)三个重要方面进行讨论 .根据要求决定的要点 2“制定企业战略的五个要素 ”,可以总结为:洞察力 (vision);目标 (goals and objectives);资源 (resource);商务 (business);结构、制度和进程 (structures, systems and p

14、rocesses)。 2 【正确答案】 A: We need a steady working site, not a place for office politics. As we all know, environment will affect ones mood of working. B: Yes, beside hard conditions like nice decoration, advanced office equipment, elegant meeting room and etc. , some soft conditions may be more import

15、ant for the person in it. A: Speaking of office politics, I believe that lots of people know the actual harmfulness of it. B: Well. The main point I want to say is that I wish HRD could solve the fluctuation of psychological emotion in office, or office ambience. A: You mean HRD should know what had

16、 happened through peoples expressions, movements and tones? B: Thats right. One role of HRD should be communication. It should notice what happened yesterday, what happens now, and predicts what will happen soon. A: The role of HRD is quite important, so it needs to have profound working experience

17、related to human management. B: Absolutely. HRD should walk into almost every place of the whole company. It should observe everything, from the ornaments on the table, contents of the blackboard, place of files, neatness of the office, to the mood of staff when they enter into office, all should be

18、 evaluated and analysed. A: I cannot agree more. B: If a company wants to develop, it must keep harmonious working environment and staff should be united. If any part appears problems, the whole system may be destroyed. A: We dont need a conflicting atmosphere, but a joyous one. 【试题解析】 本次讨论的任务是为建设和谐

19、的工作环境提供一些建议。根据要求决定的要点 1“如何保持和谐的工作环境 ”,我们可以结合硬件环境:装修好 (nice decoration)、办公设备先进 (advanced officeequipment)、会议室精致 (elegant meeting room)以及软件环境来展开讨论。根据要求决定的要点 2“为什么 HRD(人力资源总监 )很重要 ”,可以展开联想到 HRD的重要性有:沟通职能(communication):敏锐的洞察力 (keen insight)。 3 【正确答案】 A: Our manager considers that our employees morale i

20、s not very high recently, and Im sure that you can feel that, too. B: Yes, it is not a good sign for the development of our company. It is not hard for us to find many signs reflecting this problem. First many managers complain that their subordinates usually do not finish their tasks till the deadl

21、ine, therefore making them hard to control the overall situation. A: Ive heard of that, too. And they also told me that the employees are not as active as before, they contribute very little at the brainstorm meeting. But you know, as an advertisement company, creative and original ideas really mean

22、 a lot to us. B: Thats right. No wonder our boss is so concerned. Whats worse, Im afraid that our staff lacks sense of identity or sense of belonging to our company, and that may be the root of all the other problems. A: Well, I think your analysis is quite insightful, so we must take some measures

23、for this situation. High work efficiency should be encouraged more in our company, and employees should realise that initiative can be beneficial to everyone. B: Right. And I think they can be more active and offer more smart ideas if given more material incentives, after all we have to admit that s

24、ometimes this is really the most effective way to encourage them. A: That sounds quite reasonable, but I also think that carrying forward our company culture to arouse their sense of belonging can be even more helpful in the future. After all, material stimulation wont last as long as spiritual one.

25、 B: I totally agree. Lets hope that we can run our business better after this round of reform. 【试题解析】 本次讨论的任务是找出导致员工士气低落的原因以及解决办法。根据要求决定的要点 1“导致员工士气低落的原因有哪些 ”,我们可以结合以下三个方面的问题:工作未按期完成 (do not finish workuntil the deadline)、不能提供好的创意 (contribute very little at the brainstorm meeting)和对公司缺乏认同感 (lack sense of identity of the company)展开讨论。根据要求决定的要点 2“可以提供何种解决措施 ”,结合前面分析出现的主要问题,可以针对采取以下措施来讨论:鼓励高效率 (encouragehigher work efficiency);物质激励 (give material incentives to people offering smart ideas);宣扬企业文化 (carry forward companys culture)。


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