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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 10及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 Look at the note below. You will hear an interview. Interview Information The interviewer asked interviewee some information about her family and family size, etc. 1. Her husband works in a factory, earning $ 【 1】 _ a month. 2. She has 【 2】 _ children, 【 3】 _

2、 boys and one girl. 3. The oldest boy is 【 4】 _ the youngest daughter is four and a half. 5 Look at the note below. You will hear a notice about a luncheon meeting. 1. The Pan-American will have a luncheon meeting this coming 【 5】 _ , professor Miguel Lopez will make a speech at 【 6】 _. 2. The admis

3、sion fee is $【 7】 _ per person, and the speech will probably end at 【 8】 _oclock 9 Look at the note below. You will hear a man telephoning about some problems with an order. Mr. Moss from 【 9】 _Division rang. He wants to order a dinner on 【 10】_for 15. He wants it served in the 【 11】 _dining room wi

4、th at least three 【 12】 _ Can you get back to him as soon as possible? 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five short recordings. For each recording, decide what each speakers goal is for their career. Write one letter (A- H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. You wi

5、ll hear the five recordings twice. A to gain promotion to a more responsible position B to specialise in a particular aspect of their work C to live and work abroad D to be recognised as an innovator E to go into business on their own F to travel on business more often G to join another company H to

6、 start working in a different field 18 You will hear another five recordings. For each recording, decide what reason each speaker gives for the problem they mention. Write one letter (A- H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. You will hear the five recordings t

7、wice. A The company tried to operate in too many markets. B The companys spending priorities were mistaken. C Unsuitable staff were appointed. D The company failed to update its products. E The companys suppliers were unreliable. F Thee company used inappropriate retailers. G A number of new competi

8、tors entered the market. H The company set its prices at the wrong levels. 三、 PART THREE 23 You will hear Katherine and Andrew, students at a business school, discussing their experiences and views of business. For each question 23 - 30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will h

9、ear the recording twice. 23 What does Katherine dislike about the course? ( A) the student presentations ( B) the reading requirements ( C) the attitude of her lecturers 24 What does she find impressive about the course? ( A) the group discussions ( B) the use of technology ( C) the focus on individ

10、uals 25 What does she think is the purpose of the latest course exercise? ( A) to improve understanding of strategy ( B) to extend knowledge of branding issues ( C) to increase ability to evaluate data 26 What aspect of the course does she find most relevant to her job? ( A) negotiating conflicting

11、targets ( B) involving different points of view ( C) combing theory and practice 27 What does she say causes her difficulty in her job? ( A) accepting cost implications ( B) meeting tight deadlines ( C) explaining reasons for decisions 28 She hopes that in the future she will become involved with (

12、A) developing brand identity. ( B) negotiating strategy. ( C) improving quality control. 29 She believes that management is likely to ( A) become more creative, ( B) change its values. ( C) reduce in importance. 30 She predicts that businesses will increasingly need to respond to ( A) differences ac

13、ross regions. ( B) the influence of technology. ( C) changes in consumer values. BEC商务英语(中 级)听力模拟试卷 10答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 A: Good morning. Im from the Citizens Census Committee and I wonder if youd mind answering a few questions. It wont take long. I promise. B: What kind of questions? A: Oh,

14、 just a few questions about your family family size, husbands occupation, that sort of thing. B: Well, all right, as long as it doesnt take too long. A: This will only take a few minutes. B: OK. Why dont we sit down over here? A: Thank you. OK. First of all then, are you married? B: Yes, I am. A: Wo

15、uld you mind telling me what your husband does? B: He works in a factory. A: I see. Factory worker. And could I ask you how much he earns? B: His salary? Do you have to know that? A: Well, it would be helpful. Just a general amount. B: About $13,500. A: And youre a housewife? No income? B: Mmmm. A:

16、And may I ask how many children you have? B: Four. A: Boys? Girls? B: Three boys and a girl. A: Three and one. And what are their ages? B: The oldest boy is nine and the other ones are seven and six. A: And your daughter? How old is she? B: Shes the youngest: four and a half. A: All right, fine. And

17、 flow may I ask you about this house? Do you own it or are you renting it? B: Were renting it. A: And how many rooms does it have? B: All together? Six, I think, yeah, six not counting the bathroom. A: Well, thats that then. Thank you very much for your time. B: Youre welcome, 1 【正确答案】 13500 【试题解析】

18、由 “About $13,500”可知。 2 【正确答案】 four 【试题解析】 由 “How many children do you have?”“four”可知。 3 【正确答案】 three 【试题解析】 由 “Three boys and a girl.”可知。 4 【正确答案】 nine 【试题解析】 由 “The oldest boy is nine.” 可知。 5 【听力原文】 A: This is the Pan-American Club. May I help you? B: Yes, I believe you have a luncheon meeting this

19、 coming Wednesday. Could you give me some more information about that? A: Yes, of course. The guest speaker is Professor Miguel Lopez of Guadalajara University, and hell be lecturing about “The impact of the Oil Crisis on Latin America.“ B: Mmm, that sounds very interesting. And when does the meetin

20、g begin? A: Lunch will be served at 12:00, and Professor Lopez will speak at 12:45. B: is there an admission fee? A: Yes. The lunch and lecture are $7.50 per person. B: And do you have any idea when it will end? A: Oh, I think about two oclock at the latest. B: Very well. Thank you very much. A: You

21、re quite welcome 5 【正确答案】 Wednesday 【试题解析】 由 “I believe you have a luncheon meeting this coming Wednesday”可知。 6 【正确答案】 12:45 【试题解析】 由 “Professor Lopez will speak at 12:45”。 可知。 7 【正确答案】 7.5 【试题解析】 “The lunch and lecture are $7.5 per person.”餐会费每人 7.5美元。 8 【正确答案】 two 【试题解析】 “I think about two oclock

22、at least.”至少两点左右结束讲座。 9 【听力原文】 A: Good morning, is that Victoria in Catering? Its Moss from Sales Division here. B: N0, Mr. Moss, Im afraid shes not here at the moment. Can I take a message? A: Well, I want to order a dinner for the reps on Saturday. Now, theres going to be eight of them and seven f

23、rom here so we are looking at 15. With that sort of size its going to have to be the executive dining room as the board room isnt big enough, dont you think? And then I want at least three catering staff on duty. That should do it. Now food. B: I think I ought to check that through with Victoria and

24、 get back to you with the menus, really. A: Yes, yes. Youre probably right. 9 【正确答案】 Sales 【试题解析】 从 “Its Moss from Sale Division here,”就可看出 moss是销售部的。 10 【正确答案】 Saturday 【试题解析】 “I want to order a dinner for the reps on Saturday.”rep:representives,代表。 11 【正确答案】 executive 【试题解析】 因为 board room容纳不了 15个人

25、,只能用 executive dinning room board,董事会。 12 【正确答案】 staff 【试题解析】 由 “And then I want at least three catering staff on duty.”可知要三位服务员。 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 My job involves making sure the firms accounting systems run as efficiently as possible. There are always new problems to solve, so theres a bit of

26、a challenge. But Ive been there long enough, and Im ready for a change. Im planning to go freelance, and offer the same sort of service to a variety of companies. Im sure Ive gained enough knowledge over the years, and Id like to be able to tackle a greater range of problems. 13 【正确答案】 E 14 【听力原文】 T

27、he company I work for has a new system of working with overseas partners, and people are encouraged to move abroad for a year or two. Its a chance to learn different ways of working, of course. I would be prepared to do it if I could be sure it was a stepping stone to becoming head of department, in

28、stead of just finance administrator as I am now. Though if I could achieve that without relocating, Id prefer it. 14 【正确答案】 A 15 【听力原文】 Im in a very specialised area of technology and actually the futures all mapped out for me, because I can continue up the ladder until Im in charge of the section.

29、But Ive had enough, and my ambition now is to get right away from it and try something new. I dont think that the company Im in now would let me change jobs internally, so 171 probably have to move to another firm, or set up on my own. 15 【正确答案】 H 16 【听力原文】 Honestly, my firm wont stay in business mu

30、ch longer, its so inefficient. Take the sales staff- they waste time on the road because they each deal with different customers in the same area. I would change that Ive got plenty of ideas for improvements, but theres no system for putting them forward. Itd be easier if l was more senior, but I en

31、joy my present work rd just like to see my ideas being implemented. Then the job would be perfect. 16 【正确答案】 D 17 【听力原文】 I work for quite a small advertising agency, and we set up a team for each new project. My job covers both design and responsibility for leading project teams, currently one on a

32、major advertising campaign. I was totally new to project management when I joined the company, but now I find it fascinating. Im planning to talk to my line manager about altering the balance and doing more of that. Then the job would be ideal. 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【听力原文】 I used to work for an employment

33、agency which supplied staff to civil engineering companies. We were growing fast, opening branches in more countries every year Well, that was great. But instead of investing properly to get a good location for each branch, the company preferred to rent cheap premises and to pour resources into the

34、head office, which of course very few of the customers ever saw. It made most of the staff in the branches very unhappy. 18 【正确答案】 B 19 【听力原文】 Ive always loved racing cars, so a couple of friends and I started our own small business manufacturing there. But I had no idea how difficult it was going t

35、o be! You see theres been a lot of innovation in racing cars since I was a child. Nowadays theyre full of electronic components, which we sourced from specialist firms. But we could never be sure of getting them on time, so of course that caused lots of delays in production. 19 【正确答案】 E 20 【听力原文】 Ce

36、rtain things must be right, from the outset. Take staff. employing people you cant depend on is very harmful. And when youre trying to break into a market with goods identical to your competitors products, you need to undercut them. But my last company did the opposite when they targeted a new regio

37、n, and expected consumers to pay twenty per cent more. Obviously you can only sell at a premium if youre selling something new, or offering added value. 20 【正确答案】 H 21 【听力原文】 Customers are much less loyal these days, so companies have to work hard to get repeat sales. And that means having staff who

38、 really understand customer care, and identifying what will sell. But of course demand changes. My first job was with an electronics firm that just didnt keep up with technical developments. They assumed there would always be a demand for their goods, and let their competitors get ahead of them. As

39、a result they went out of business. 21 【正确答案】 D 22 【听力原文】 Some years ago I set up a small company to produce high quality food. I found organic farmers to supply all the ingredients, and used traditional recipes from around the world. We were producing small quantities so it was hard to keep prices

40、competitive, but we managed it. My decision to sell through small, independent food stores was a mistake, though, because many of them were losing customers to the supermarkets, so sales were much lower than I expected. 22 【正确答案】 F 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 M: Well, Katherine, Ive only been on the cou

41、rse for a few weeks, but youre in your third and final year. F: Yes, theres light at the end of the tunnel. Its hard, doing it part-time. M: Have you enjoyed it? F: Oh, on balance, yes, very much. Its not perfect, of course. The teaching staff vary in their commitment, but I think Ive been lucky in

42、geeing the more dynamic ones. And most of the students are fine - there are a few oddballs - and theres such a mix of backgrounds and expertise, which comes out in the really wide range of presentations we get. One down side is the number of books and journals were expected to get through - some wee

43、ks its just been too much. M: Yes, Im finding that already. What have you particularly enjoyed? F: One thing thats struck me is how much each person is capable of contributing. We have these online chat rooms and email lists, so you can stay in touch with each other, but nobody says anything special

44、. And then when we have the class sessions, suddenly everyone comes to life, and you get some great exchanges of ideas. M: Interesting. And what are you working on at the moment? F: Weve got a tough assignment. Theyve given us a case study about a companys plans to re- brand, and we have to go throu

45、gh all the figures sales, research et cetera - and comment on them. Its supposed to give us practice in drawing conclusions from the figures available. But its hard! M: I know Im not ready for that kind of thing yet. But do you find the course relevant to your work? F: Most of it, yes. Its been very

46、 helpful in showing me how to bring together attitudes and contributions 19om different parts of my company - bringing in the aims of both the marketing and the finance departments, for example, in order to generate new ideas. Thats been of real practical value for me at work. M: So its made your jo

47、b easier? F: Oh, I wouldnt go that far! Ive got a demanding role, and whatever the project were involved in, everythings always got to be done yesterday, so theres the constant stress of working in a hurry. It means doing castings, setting targets, and so on, at the same time, along with providing a

48、 detailed rationale for everything youve decided on. M: Sounds extremely demanding. But do you find it rewarding? Will you stay there? F: Its fine for now. What Im hoping to do is arrange a shift in direction, to get a more strategic role, perhaps next year, when the course is out of the way. The co

49、mpanys working on quality control at the moment, which isnt hugely interesting for me, but the next major project is on building up our brand image, and Id like to play an active part in that. M: So you look forward to a long career in management? F: Oh, yes its exciting, because its changing all the time. And as many companies downsize, or focus on core activities through outsourcing, it becomes more


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