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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 132及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the note below. You will hear a man leaving a message about deliveries for one of his companys suppliers. 4 Look at the form below. You will hear a woman phoning an architect to discuss a problem with a building project. 8 Look at the notes below. Yo

2、u will hear a woman giving feedback to a colleague on his presentation at a conference. 二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear five short recordings. Five people are giving advice on how to give feedback to employees. For each recording, decide what advice the speaker gives. Write one letter(A-H)next to the n

3、umber of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A Give feedback on a regular basis. B Choose the right time and place. C Focus on the consequences of the individuals behaviour. D Ignore your own personal feelings. E Be clear about wh

4、at youre referring to. F Praise the individuals strengths. G Offer people the chance to respond. H Give feedback immediately. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 You will hear another five recordings. Five people are talking about their reasons for joining a particular company. For each recording, decide wh

5、y the speaker chose to join the company. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A It was close to home. B The interview process was friendly. C The workload was not too demanding. D There wa

6、s a wide variety of work on offer. E The financial benefits were attractive. F The management approach was dynamic. G There were relevant training opportunities. H The promotion prospects were good. 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a radio interview with a leading industrialis

7、t and business consultant, Philip Spencer. For each question(23-30), mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 When visiting companies Philip Spencers objective is to ( A) improve staff productivity. ( B) identify problem areas. ( C) re-

8、train weak management. 24 Problems at Mansons had continued after Spencers first visit because of ( A) poor distribution systems. ( B) inadequate market research. ( C) out-dated production methods. 25 Difficulties at Criterion Glass stemmed from lack of attention to ( A) competitors designs. ( B) qu

9、ality of merchandise. ( C) consumer demand. 26 Philip Spencer blames his early business difficulties on ( A) inexperience with new companies. ( B) lack of knowledge of the financial sector. ( C) bad advice from established organisations. 27 He defends his unusual personal style by saying that ( A) i

10、t is important in business to make a strong impression. ( B) his business ideas are more important than his appearance. ( C) most business people are too serious and traditional. 28 He thinks he was appointed chairman of LBI because the company ( A) knew of his successes with failing companies. ( B)

11、 felt he had a positive image with the public. ( C) liked his fearless approach to problem-solving. 29 According to Philip Spencer, successful managers are distinguished by their ( A) concern for detail. ( B) desire to make money. ( C) strong leadership. 30 His final advice to people starting in bus

12、iness is to ( A) make every effort to prevent mistakes. ( B) find the best sources of information. ( C) maintain a positive attitude at all times. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 132答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Look at the note below. You will hear a man leaving a message about deliveries for one of his companys su

13、ppliers. You have 15 seconds to read through the note. pause Now listen, and fill in the spaces. pause Good morning. This is Gupta Ramesh from Morgan and Turnbull. Weve been having a few security problems lately, so weve reviewed our delivery arrangements. First of all, until further notice, drivers

14、 should use the warehouse gate instead of the main factory gate. Thats the one in Station Road. A second point I want to discuss is - as you have heard - were issuing IDs to replace the general permits drivers are using at the moment. Were sending couriers with them tomorrow morning. They should be

15、placed on the inside of the windscreen to activate the sensor in the gate. Its very important they dont forget to do it because after this week therell only be automatic access to the yard - were putting a stop to manual access. And finally - this is a safety measure to reduce vehicle movement in th

16、e yard - in future drivers should proceed to the parking area before checking in at reception. I hope this is all clear. Please call me if you have any problem. Bye. 1 【正确答案】 WARE(-)HOUSE(GATE) 2 【正确答案】 (SECURITY)IDS / ID(CARD(S) 3 【正确答案】 MANUAL 4 【正确答案】 PARKING AREA 4 【听力原文】 Look at the form below.

17、 You will hear a woman phoning an architect to discuss a problem with a building project. You have 15 seconds to read through the form. pause Now listen, and fill in the spaces. pause Man: Hello, Frank Bauer speaking. Woman: Hello this is Antonia Radford from Speedlink. Im phoning about a problem wi

18、th our extension project at the factory. Man: Ah. I thought everything was on schedule . . . Woman: So did I, until today. I called the site foreman because the air conditioning was due to be put in this week, but the subcontractors werent there. Theyd left a message that everything was on hold. Man

19、: What reason did they give? Woman: I thought itd be a transport delay because the systems coming from the States. Apparently though, theres a hold up at the suppliers end, a quality control issue at the plant, actually. Man: I see. Woman: Now, as you know, the rest of the construction work is more

20、or less finished, but we cant start the assembly line until this system is operational for health and safety reasons. We were due to begin production next week . . . Man: Right. Thats why we drew up a contract that allowed you to claim compensation in these circumstances. Woman: Absolutely. So could

21、 you please inform the building company we will be expecting that for each days further delay. 5 【正确答案】 AIR(-)CONDITIONING 6 【正确答案】 (THE)QUALITY(CONTROL) 7 【正确答案】 ASSEMBLY LINE 8 【正确答案】 COMPENSATION 8 【听力原文】 Look at the notes below. You will hear a woman giving feedback to a colleague on his present

22、ation at a conference. You have 15 seconds to read through the notes. pause Now listen, and fill in the spaces. pause Woman: Hello John, its Kim. You wanted some advice about your presentation. Man: Please. Thats the first time Ive given it and Im repeating it next month. Woman: Well, the introducti

23、on was clear and you finished on time without appearing hurried. The case study you analysed seemed a bit long though. Man: Youre right. Ill cut it a bit. Woman: Now the slides - you had the right amount. Personally, Id use a larger font though - it helps in a big hall. But the graphs made your poin

24、t well. Man: Good. I worked hard at those. Woman: Another tip - you didnt turn your back on the audience - but be careful not to block their view of the screen - its frustrating if they cant see what the presenters referring to. Man: I was so nervous. Woman: You didnt sound it. You spoke very clearl

25、y. Think about your body language though. You dont want to stand absolutely still, but avoid too much movement if you can. Man: Thats really helpful. Woman: Youre welcome. 9 【正确答案】 CASE STUDY 10 【正确答案】 FONT 11 【正确答案】 SCREEN 12 【正确答案】 (BODY)MOVEMENT 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Thirteen Basically the point

26、of giving feedback is to motivate your staff to perform as well as they can in future. Nothing is a better motivator than telling someone that they are doing a wonderful job. I do not believe it could ever be the wrong time or place to draw attention to someones plus points. So use your regular feed

27、back sessions in this way to encourage your staff and make them feel good about themselves and their value to your company. pause Fourteen When I started organising feedback sessions for my staff, I made the mistake of not letting them have their say. Although Id criticise their performance tactfull

28、y, and I knew I had to do so immediately and in an appropriate place, Ive now learned that its sensible to allow them time to reflect - you can then agree to meet again at a later date if necessary. That means youve both had time to consider the implications of whats been said. pause Fifteen Most em

29、ployees feel they dont get enough feedback. On the rare occasions they do get it, its either too superficial or its because some kind of problem has arisen, and so it comes across as negative. The key to giving effective feedback is to allow a time for it each month, so that it becomes a matter of c

30、ourse, just part of the work routine. Then staff wont get nervous about it, and itll be more positive. pause Sixteen When a member of staff has made a serious mistake and you have no choice but to respond with serious negative feedback, then the best thing is to concentrate on what happened as a res

31、ult of the criticised performance. That way your criticism will come across as reasoned and cannot be later dismissed by the employee as just your own unfair personal opinion. Dont just say that the work done was not satisfactory, but point out what effects it had. pause Seventeen Sometimes when I w

32、as on the receiving end, Id come out of feedback sessions with my boss wondering what on earth hed been talking about. As a result, I always open sessions with my employee by saying something like I wanted to talk to you about the report you wrote yesterday. I do this even when Im responding on the

33、spot to something that has just happened. It means were both starting from the same point. 13 【正确答案】 F 14 【正确答案】 G 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【正确答案】 C 17 【正确答案】 E 17 【听力原文】 Eighteen I had really enjoyed working for my last company -I felt that I was really being given lots of different challenges especially in

34、developing new products. But in the end, I felt they asked too much of me -I never seemed to have any time at home, and I felt I had to look around for another post. It was clear that this job would be much more manageable. pause Nineteen I was lucky to be offered three different jobs. The interview

35、 for this one was quite a challenge - you know, the human resources manager was rather unwelcoming, I thought. But then we did a tour of the factory with several senior managers and saw all the different work areas. They seemed really go-ahead and talked a lot about their plans for the future etc. T

36、hat decided it for me. pause Twenty I really liked where I used to work because it was an extremely pleasant environment and I didnt have to commute any distance - unlike where I am now. But the thing was, I couldnt see myself being sufficiently challenged in the long run at my last place, whereas i

37、t was obvious in this current job description that if I stuck at the work, I could move up the company. And thats what I really wanted. pause Twenty-one The job description sounded quite interesting, but I was a little worried that I wouldnt be able to fulfil all the criteria for the various aspects

38、 of the work - particularly the requirement to work as part of a large team. Anyway, I obviously managed to convince them at the interview I could do it, and I started last week. Id actually been offered another job in a nearby firm, but I couldnt have lived so well on the remuneration package. paus

39、e Twenty-two At my last place, I just didnt feel the environment was dynamic enough. I didnt feel I was going to be able to get ahead. Im not so much interested in getting a higher or better paid position - or at least not yet - but I wanted my skills to be built up through a development programme.

40、It was obvious at the interview that this company was very good in this respect. 18 【正确答案】 C 19 【正确答案】 F 20 【正确答案】 H 21 【正确答案】 E 22 【正确答案】 G 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 You will hear a radio interview with a leading industrialist and business consultant, Philip Spencer. For each question, 23-30, mark on

41、e letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. You have 45 seconds to read through the questions. pause Now listen, and mark A, B or C. pause Woman: . And now lets meet Philip Spencer, one of Britains top industrialists, and hear about his experiences

42、and ideas on improving company performance . . . welcome, Philip. Man: Thanks, Gemma. Good to be here. Woman: Philip, youre famous for your unique approach when called in to advise companies . . . Man: Well, Im certainly very generous with my advice! I always acknowledge genuine effort wherever poss

43、ible - it is important to do so; but my job isnt to manage the company, its to hunt down underlying weaknesses in the systems; thats what Im trained to do. Woman: Your visit to Mansons received a very mixed response, didnt it? Man: Well, yes. Following my first visit, theyd researched the market mor

44、e deeply and had improved product quality considerably, but, on my return, I blamed their failures on the ancient assembly line which theyd still done nothing about, despite my report, and which by now had led to a ten-year waiting list for their customers. The company was so upset by the comments I

45、 made during my second visit that they didnt invite me back! Woman: Another of your consultations took you to Criterion Glass, a family-run business . . . Man: Yes. Their troubles started with an over-concentration on the actual making of the product, on the craftsmanship involved, without asking th

46、emselves whether there was still enough of a market for that type of product. Prices needed to be more competitive too, something they hadnt considered sufficiently. Woman: As you said, youre famous for your advice to industry, but for a long time you were not at all successful in business yourself,

47、 were you? Man: True! The first two organisations I headed went into liquidation! They were both relatively new companies, though, without a long history and were trying to establish their brand name. People had tried to warn me, of course. The resources were there - that wasnt the problem - but I j

48、ust couldnt get things to work - basically because financial services just isnt my field. Woman: You enjoy a strong public image, with your unusual choice of clothes, etcetera. Why did you start to cultivate this original style? Man: Well, many people think Ive developed this style just to get mysel

49、f noticed, but its really because I think my ability is what matters in business - more than my image. I like to do my own thing, so why shouldnt I please myself how I look? I know many other business people prefer to follow convention and dress more seriously - thats up to them. Woman: Did this help you to get one of the top jobs in the country - the chairmanship of LBI? Man: Thats not really for me to say . the c


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