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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 133及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the note below. You will hear a man calling a colleague about making changes to his schedule. 4 Look at the notes below. You will hear a woman leaving a message for a colleague about his slides for a presentation. Christines comments on slides Remove

2、 the【 C5】 _.and put in some words. The【 C6】 _of the slides needs to be improved. The【 C7】 _on slide 3 doesnt make sense. Theres a【 C8】 _on slide 6. 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 8 Look at the notes below. You will hear a woman giving instructions to a colleague about dealing with job applications.

3、 二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear five short recordings. For each recording, decide which aspect of working conditions the speaker is talking about. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A care

4、er prospects B health and safety C working hours D holiday allowance E training courses F disciplinary procedures G job security H pay increases 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 You will hear another five recordings. For each recording, decide what each speaker is trying to do. Write one letter(A-H)next

5、to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A nominate a supplier B present sales figures C support a proposal D refuse an increment E agree to expenditure F claim damages G negotiate a contract H request a postponement 1

6、8 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a radio interview with Donald White, the author of a book about running board meetings. For each question(23-30), mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 According to White, what d

7、o most people think happens at board meetings? ( A) Participants discuss the companys future in a creative way. ( B) Participants tell each other how successful the company is. ( C) Participants compete with each other to gain more power. 24 What does White think is the key to having a successful bo

8、ard meeting? ( A) inviting the right people to the meeting ( B) choosing a chair who handles the paperwork efficiently ( C) ensuring people are able to prepare for the meeting 25 According to White, what should report presenters do at board meetings? ( A) present a summary of their report ( B) focus

9、 on conclusions of their report ( C) answer questions about their report 26 What kind of person does White think makes the best chairs? ( A) a person who previously held the office of chief executive ( B) an experienced person who may be a future chief executive ( C) an inexperienced person who is k

10、een to learn new skills 27 What does White say the chair has to be able to do? ( A) ensure that decisions are reached quickly ( B) draw attention to the weaknesses in any argument ( C) give all points of view the chance to be expressed 28 How does White feel about how agendas are prepared? ( A) irri

11、tated that so much time is spent discussing them ( B) concerned that they are prepared by senior staff ( C) surprised that so little thought is given to them 29 What suggestion does White make about the agenda? ( A) The content of the agenda should be considered on a yearly basis. ( B) Routine matte

12、rs should not always be at the top of the agenda. ( C) Time limits should be imposed on discussions of less important issues. 30 What does White recommend about what happens after the meeting? ( A) Action points from the meeting must be dealt with promptly. ( B) The record of the meeting must be ver

13、y carefully checked. ( C) Someone must report back on the meeting to anyone who could not attend. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 133答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Look at the note below. You will hear a man calling a colleague about making changes to his schedule. You have 15 seconds to read through the notes. pause

14、 Now listen, and fill in the spaces. pause Woman: Hello. Jacksons Associates. Man: Oh, hi! Its me, James. James Horrocks. Woman: Oh, James! Where are you? Man: Im on the train - but Im still in London! Theres been a long delay and Im going to be very late, so Im going to have to reschedule my mornin

15、g. Could you deal with it all for me? Woman: Sure . Man: Ive got a meeting at half past ten with John Row of APE Woman: What do you want me to do about it? Shall I try to get him to come later? Man: That meeting will have to be cancelled or the whole mornings schedule will be impossible. Woman: Righ

16、t. Man: Now, Id also called a marketing meeting for eleven thirty. Could you give everyone a later time? Um, lets make it twelve thirty. Woman: OK then. Man: And as itll be lunch time, could you call Jim Davis to arrange a lunch venue? People wont mind a late meeting if we offer them food! Woman: OK

17、. Man: Oh, and, um, also, I wont have time to see Freda Bell when I finally get into the office. Could you email her for me? Otherwise, shell think Ive forgotten. Woman: Fine. OK. Anything else? Man: Nothing at the moment. See you soon, I hope. Woman: OK. Bye . . . 1 【正确答 案】 CANCELLED 2 【正确答案】 12:30

18、 / 12-30(PM)/ HALF PAST TWELVE / TWELVE THIRTY 3 【正确答案】 (A)LUNCH(VENUE) 4 【正确答案】 (A/AN)EMAIL / E-MAIL 4 【听力原文】 Look at the notes below. You will hear a woman leaving a message for a colleague about his slides for a presentation. You have 15 seconds to read through the notes. pause Now listen, and fi

19、ll in the spaces. pause Hello, John, its Christine. Ive just looked through the revised slides for your presentation, and theyre now much better. Ive got a couple of general comments. You thought there might be too many slides. I dont think thats a problem, though several would be improved if you re

20、placed the statistics. A few words would be easier to take in. Then dont the slides strike you as looking rather dull and predictable? The content is fine, but the design needs some variety. Maybe adding a few animations would help. And two quite specific points. Something seems to have gone wrong i

21、n slide three. The graph is fine, but I cant make sense of the bar chart. It doesnt bear any relation to whats gone before, or after. And finally, I remember we discussed the grammar mistake you had in slide six, and youve dealt with that, but if you have another look, Im sure youll notice the spell

22、ing error thats crept in. OK, once youve dealt with that, itll be fine. Goodbye. 5 【正确答案】 STATISTICS / STATS 6 【正确答案】 DESIGN 7 【正确答案】 (BAR)(-)CHART 8 【正确答案】 SPELLING ERROR/MISTAKE 8 【听力原文】 Look at the notes below. You will hear a woman giving instructions to a colleague about dealing with job applic

23、ations. You have 15 seconds to read through the notes. pause Now listen, and fill in the spaces. pause Woman: Hello? Man: Its Peter here from Personnel. The applications for the Publicity Co-ordinator post - how do you want us to sort them? Woman: First, could you look at the qualifications, and rej

24、ect those who havent done media studies. We can do IT training ourselves if necessary. Man: Right. Woman: Then the second time around, take a look at the Previous Experience section . . . Man: Yes. Woman: And pick out the ones whove worked as part of a project team before. Man: In a similar company?

25、 Woman: At this stage it doesnt matter whether its in a service industry or any other kind. Man: OK. And did you want me to arrange interview dates yet? Ill need to book the rooms well ahead. Woman: Ill do that when youve decided on the final list. Before the interviews, can you get references for e

26、ach of the candidates? Dont bother asking for copies of their certificates yet. Man: No problem . and what shall I do with their applications? Woman: Can you forward them to section heads? Theyll probably sort them a bit more before they go to the marketing manager. Man: Ill do that before I . 9 【正确

27、答案 】 MEDIA(STUDIES) 10 【正确答案】 PROJECT TEAM 11 【正确答案】 REFERENCES 12 【正确答案】 SECTION HEADS 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Thirteen The hours vary - sometimes lunchtimes, sometimes late afternoons. We all feel weve improved our skills or picked up new ones which will benefit us in the future in some way. Outside

28、 providers are contracted to come in and theyve been very good, very professional. Theres been a range of things on offer, too. Were given vouchers which we use in a way to pay for the sessions, choosing what to do and how many hours to put in. pause Fourteen Things have improved a lot since I start

29、ed working here. Were all more aware now of potential risks and of the correct procedures for everything. For example, reporting anything that isnt working properly, having the appropriate clothing, things like that. We know what to do now, and who to go to. There are regular checks on equipment, to

30、o, so that problems are less likely to happen in the first place. pause Fifteen Well, despite talks with senior management, weve been unable so far to agree on something which all my staff can accept. Management know we have a fair case and that weve waited a long time compared to other departments,

31、 who were awarded rises last year. So its not as if theyre against the idea itself. as I say, weve just got to get a final figure which staff will be happy with. pause Sixteen There are various stages we go through. We try first to reassure staff and give them the opportunity to present their side.

32、We like first to deal with things within the organisation - staff know action wont be taken until the case has been thoroughly investigated. Of course, problems can arise from lots of things -anything from poor timekeeping or inappropriate dress to actual breach of contract. Dismissal would be the v

33、ery last course of action and all employees have the right to appeal even then. pause Seventeen I very much like the system we have -1 like the opportunities it gives me for other things. Everyones at work for the agreed essential time, but we all have some choice each side of this. I keep my own re

34、cord, and it means I can fit in other things, like medical appointments. I like to feel Ive got some control over my professional life and I need to be able to plan. It may not suit everyone, but it certainly works for me. 13 【正确答案】 E 14 【正确答案】 B 15 【正确答案】 H 16 【正确答案】 F 17 【正确答案】 C 17 【听力原文】 Eightee

35、n I take your point Brian. I know that since George left youve had to take on some of his tasks which were not in your original job description. However, you were allocated seventy-five per cent of Suzies time to deal with the paperwork, so I feel that the situation, although not ideal, is manageabl

36、e and in this financial climate any further expenditure, any rise, however well deserved, might damage the companys future and, I am sure youll agree, thats too risky. pause Nineteen I wanted to have a word about the departmental budget forecast you asked me to draw up. I totally agree with you on t

37、he need for working out the future expenditure well in advance, its only that since weve never done this forecast in such a detailed way before, its taking us much longer than I expected. Would it be acceptable to the board if I deferred the submission date by a fortnight? pause Twenty May I come in

38、 here? Thank you. I think Toms last point was very valuable. We mustnt forget how important it is to make a really good impression when we launch the new T-six engine at the Air Show in Paris. Although were very familiar with the engines specifications and performance data, we arent skilled at givin

39、g polished multi-media presentations which the audience expects nowadays. Toms right. I think we should consider hiring in a professional from a marketing company. pause Twenty-one I know why you want Smithsons - theyre the biggest in the field and theyve got years of experience. The disadvantage is

40、 the price. Theyre the best so they can charge what they like. Personally, Id prefer to go for someone local like Mackays. Theyre small, so we could negotiate a favourable deal, and Im sure theyd do their best to deliver the stuff on time and help us if we had an emergency job and needed extra mater

41、ials. pause Twenty-two Jones and Sons have always been our haulage company and theyve been reliable. But things changed when Michael Jones took over. The service wasnt so efficient and then last month two trucks were four days late on a delivery with no explanation and no apologies. As a result, we

42、lost a new customer. I refuse to just accept that financial loss. So write to Jones please, demanding ten per cent of our expected profit from that contract. I think its only fair. 18 【正确答案】 D 19 【正确答案】 H 20 【正确答案】 C 21 【正确答案】 A 22 【正确答案】 F 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 You will hear a radio interview wit

43、h Donald White, the author of a book about running board meetings. For each question, 23-30, mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. You have 45 seconds to read through the questions. pause Now listen, and mark A, B or C. pause Woman: Goo

44、d afternoon, Donald. Your book, The Successful Board Meeting, will, Im sure, soon be compulsory reading for directors. Please tell us first what you see as the chief role of the board meeting. Do people attending them really play the power games we see in TV dramas? Man: That can happen, of course.

45、Certainly, people who dont attend them are often cynical about board meetings. The tendency is to see them as a place where fat cats congratulate each other on their success. But that public perception is false - theyre actually far more frequently used as the place where new strategic ideas are dis

46、cussed. Woman: So what advice would you give a company wanting to make board meetings more successful? Is it just a matter of making sure the right people are on the board? Man: Thats certainly important. As well as having someone who is skilled at chairing meetings effectively. But, Im with a chair

47、man I heard about the other day - he cancelled a board meeting because the papers werent ready. It is no good inviting people to a meeting when they havent got time to consider the issues in advance. Woman: Then the meeting will be more effective, wont it? Man: Thats right. It also saves time as the

48、 presenters at the meeting dont have to formally present the conclusions of their report and can instead focus on fielding any questions that arise. This means therell be more time for the chair to lead a more productive discussion of any issues raised by the report in general. Woman: Youve mentione

49、d the chair several times. Obviously the choice of chairperson is crucial to a boards effectiveness. Who do you think makes the best chair? Man: The role of the chair is to support the chief executive and help him do the best job possible but not to do it for him. Often an outgoing executive takes on the role of the chair, but they can find it a difficult part to play if they are not real


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