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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 30及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. After you have listened once, replay each recording. Conversation One Look at the form below. You will hear a man m

2、aking a request for catering. EXECUTIVE CATERING SERVICES BOOKING FORM Booking made by: Julian Russell Company: Family Holidays Event: Launch of new (1)_ Date: (2) _ Location: Head Office, in the (3)_ Number attending: (4) _ 5 Look at the note below. You will hear a man calling to change an arrangem

3、ent. Message To: Sam Wong From: Bob (5)_ (Planning Dept) Message: Wednesdays meeting with him and (6) _ changed to (7) _ ,at 11 am. Please bring (8) _ for the new production units. 9 Look at the note below. You will hear two colleagues talking on the phone. IT Department Messages Time: 10.30am Tom,

4、Dave Proctor (9) _ Dept) called - he has someone who might be suitable for the (10)_ job. Can you go over there and take a departmental (11)_ with you? Candidate will wait for up to (12)_ . 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five short recordings. Each speaker is saying what a manager must do to achieve s

5、uccess. For each recording, decide which is the most important action for that speaker. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay each recording. A. sort out staff disagreements B. delegate tasks fairly C. o

6、btain all the facts D. develop a range of strategies E. establish clear goals F. carry out regular planning G. clarify all job descriptions H. act immediately 18 You will hear another five short recordings. Each speaker is talking about a visitor to the office. For each recording, decide which visit

7、or the speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay each recording. A. a health and safety official B. an estate agent C. an insurance broker D. a journalist E. a foreign buyer F. a la

8、wyer G. a marketing consultant H. a travel agent 三、 PART THREE 23 You will hear a radio interview with Richard Wood, the founder of Bookstore, a company that sells books on the internet. For each question 23-30 mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay

9、the recording. 23 Richard Wood started the internet company, Bookstore, because he felt ( A) he was earning yep/little in his job. ( B) he had reached the age for a career change. ( C) he had to respond to a business opportunity. 24 What did Richard Wood consider when choosing his product? ( A) whet

10、her the suppliers could respond quickly to demand ( B) whether customers would be worried about the price ( C) whether the product could be distributed around the world easily 25 Why did Richard Wood decide on books and not CDs as his product? ( A) The demand for books is more international. ( B) Pe

11、ople with computers buy many books. ( C) There is a greater range of book titles available. 26 According to Richard Wood, what has been an important element in Bookstores success? ( A) attracting good personnel ( B) the many new ideas that were generated ( C) his knowledge of computer software 27 Wh

12、at was Bookstores sales revenue at the end of 1997? ( A) $120 million ( B) $230 million ( C) $310 million 28 Bookstores profits are low because of ( A) money spent on promotion. ( B) fluctuations in the stock market. ( C) changes in the management structure. 29 Why is Bookstores customer service so

13、successful? ( A) The company is able to offer any book title in print. ( B) The company deals with complaints in a positive way. ( C) The company gives priority to orders from regular customers. 30 Bookstore can perform better than its competitors because ( A) its distribution network is more effici

14、ent. ( B) it has a wider share of the international market. ( C) its staff have a personal investment in the company, BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 30答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello, Executive Catering Services, Anna speaking. How can I help you? Man: Hello Anna, this is Julian Russell from Family Holid

15、ays. I wondered if you could do some catering for us next week. Were having a small reception - its to launch a new advertising campaign. Would you be free? Woman: When exactly is it, Mr Russell? Man: Next Thursday - thats May the second. Woman: Oh yes, I can do that. Where will you be holding it? M

16、an: We thought wed have it at Head Office and use the Boardroom because theres enough room for everyone there. Woman: OK. What sort of things would you like? Man: Just a light lunch, I think, so that people can eat while they move around and talk to each other. You did something similar for us last

17、year - wed be happy to have the same menu again. Woman: Right, Ill look in my diary and see what you had. Oh, I nearly forgot to ask you, how many should I cater for? Man: Well, I think most people will be able to come. Perhaps around 25. No, lets say 30 to be sure. Woman: Right. Thank you for getti

18、ng in much, Mr Russell, Ill send you confirmation of the arrangements by the end of the week and then Ill. 1 【正确答案】 advertising campaign 2 【正确答案】 (Thursday) 2 (nd) May 3 【正确答案】 Boardroom 4 【正确答案】 30 5 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello, Production department, can I help you? Man: This is Bob Black from Planning. I

19、s Sam Wong there? Woman: Im afraid hes out all day on a visit. Can I take a message? Man: Yes, please, if you would. Its about the meeting we scheduled for Wednesday. Woman: Oh yes, about the new factory site. Man: Thats right. Ive just heard from the builder that he cant come on Wednesday. I wonder

20、 if we can change the date. Woman: That shouldnt be a problem. Ill just look in Mr Wongs diary. Right, Ive cancelled Wednesdays meeting. Man: OK, now hows he fixed on Friday.? Woman: Hes got a meeting at nine-thirty but that should be finished by ten-fifteen. What time did you have in mind? Man: Wel

21、l, the two of us can come any time that morning, so could we make it 11 oclock? Woman: That sounds fine. Man: We want to discuss the new production units, so could you ask Sam to bring his plans with him. Woman: Yes, certainly. Man: Thanks a lot, bye. 5 【正确答案】 Black 6 【正确答案】 (the) builder 7 【正确答案】 F

22、riday 8 【正确答案】 (the/your/his) plans 9 【听力原文】 Woman: Good morning - IT here. Man: Hi, Joanne, its Dave Proctor here from Personnel. Woman: Hello Dave. Man: Joanne, Ive got someone here with me whos just had an interview with us. Were pretty impressed with him and I think he might be the sort of perso

23、n youre looking for the programming post. Woman: OK. Theres nobody around to talk to him at the moment. Ill leave a message for Tom, asking him to come over and see you as soon as be gets back. Man: Sure. Could you ask him to bring an application form for your department when he comes? This candidat

24、e hasnt applied directly to you and I think perhaps he should. Youd get a lot more information on his relevant experience. Woman: OK. Is he employed at the moment. I mean does he need to get away now or can he wait? It might be half an hour or so. Man: Well, he says he can stay for another two hours

25、 so theres plenty of time. But he cant wait any longer, as hes got a train to catch. Woman: I understand. We wont keep him waiting that long. Now, if you could just give me his name. 9 【正确答案】 Personnel 10 【正确答案】 programming/programing 11 【正确答案】 application form 12 【正确答案】 2 hours 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文

26、】 Woman: Well, if you dont know what your aims are, how can you achieve anything? The secret is to decide what your priorities are first. Of course, its essential that everyone in your team knows what youre aiming for. Then you can work out a plan of action to reach these aims. 13 【正确答案】 E 14 【听力原文】

27、 Man: We all know how plans can fail to fit reality within weeks. The only way to overcome problems is to make sure youve got all the necessary information about the particular situation. Once you have a good understanding of all aspects of the problem, then it becomes clearer what needs to be done

28、next. 14 【正确答案】 C 15 【听力原文】 Man: I dont believe in spending too much time finding and analysing every possible solution to a problem. Success depends on one thing and one thing alone: getting things done as soon as possible. Once youve decided what to do, take immediate action and work out the detai

29、ls later - thats my rule. If I waited until I had all the information available, 1 wouldnt get anywhere. 15 【正确答案】 H 16 【听力原文】 Woman: Dont forget that organisations are made up of individuals with their own interests. And they often use information and plans to further their own aims. Politics and d

30、ifferences in opinion are common in large firms. So as 1 see it, a managers main role is to solve problems and differences between team members in a way that everyone can accept. 16 【正确答案】 A 17 【听力原文】 Woman: Achieving success is simpler than we all think. Above all, a manager needs to make sure that

31、 everyone is clear about what it is that their post involves. Every employee needs to know exactly what their functions and their responsibilities are. Then thats one less thing to worry about, and they can get on with their work. 17 【正确答案】 G 18 【听力原文】 Man: The thing is, he was a very good customer

32、of ours until about five years ago, when we had that safety problem with the R21. He didnt reply to our literature or anything for all that time, and then suddenly theres this phonecall: Ill be in England next week. Could I arrange to come and see you sometime? i think hell like the present range, s

33、o lets hope we can get back to normal business relations. 18 【正确答案】 E 19 【听力原文】 Woman: What he wants to interview us about is our new annual travel insurance packages. As you know, theyre selling pretty well at the moment, so the competition is getting worried. Anyway, after interviewing me, hes goi

34、ng to talk to the MD and then he wants a photograph. The articles coming out in next months issue. 19 【正确答案】 D 20 【听力原文】 Man: Apparently, the company she represents is part of a big American chain and they can offer some better deals on the kind of foreign trip we have to go on, especially on hotels

35、. The fact is, I dont think our usual people have been doing a particularly good job, so this will be some healthy competition. Anyway, shes coming here at 4. 20 【正确答案】 H 21 【听力原文】 Man: As far as I can understand, shes come across some problems with the ownership of the land. The owners of part of t

36、he site cant find the relevant papers. She wants to check our insurance policies, too - you see, we may be able to claim if we have to postpone the move for legal reasons. Oh, and there are some documents weve got to sign for her. so we may need you as a witness. 21 【正确答案】 F 22 【听力原文】 Woman: I quite

37、 liked him, actually. He didnt ask as many questions as the one who came last time, but he was thorough. There were a few problems with the latest legal requirements regarding electrical equipment - leaving cables lying around with the plug in the socket, that sort of thing . . . but nothing too ser

38、ious. Theres no reason why we shouldnt get a reasonable report again. 22 【正确答案】 A 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 Man: I have in the studio with me today Olivia Peyton, who set up the Pacific Bar Sc Grill with her brother Tom in 1994, when she was 30. They now have a restaurant chain with a 220 million turn

39、over. Olivia, what gave you the drive to achieve so much at such a young age? Woman: Well, our parents taught us the important lesson that you should never be afraid of failure. But really, it was when we moved to England from Australia when I was a teenager. I felt like an outsider, because of my a

40、ccent and interests, so that gave me a strong desire to do better at school than those whod always lived here. 1 felt the need to be educated. I was more likely to take chances. Man: You didnt study catering at university though, did you? Woman: No. Id never thought of that as a career. l studied En

41、glish Literature. My parents tried to persuade me to take up a career in finance - my best exam results at school were in Maths. So they were disappointed when I did Literature . but I wanted to be a writer regardless of whether I could write! I didnt do fantastically well in my degree, though. Man:

42、 So, what do you think has made you successful as a businesswoman? What is it that makes someone able to progress as an entrepreneur in the business world? Woman: Well, in my case, I think its more a reflection of my mental capacity than all the books Ive read and the skills I learnt at university.

43、I mean I can write a good letter now but that isnt going to make me successful. But Ive got a fundamental understanding of business. I can see very easily in my mind how things are going to go. Man: OK. Lets move on now to talk about your career. First, you got into the soft drinks business. Woman:

44、Yes. in the late eighties. But we soon found that importing drinks is a bit of a dull business - nothing much was happening, so we sold up in 1991 and thought What shall we do now? We decided to go travelling for a year, but we wanted to work while travelling. Then when we were in Australia, we met

45、someone ill the drinks industry who had a chain of restaurants there. He took us on. My brother was a waiter and I was working in the office, doing a lot of the day-to-day running of the restaurant, and in doing that I learnt the basics, such as what to buy, how many chefs to employ and so on. Man:

46、And you stayed there until 1994. Woman: Yes, then we came back here and started the Pacific Grill straight away. Man: You and your brother must be a good team. Woman: Well, Tom and I always discuss things but hes more creative and comes up with all the ideas while I look after the business side. The

47、 thing about working with family is that you know theyre going to be there tomorrow. You can employ other key people, but then if you upset them, theyll probably leave. Man: Sure. People say its tough work. Woman: Theres no doubt that it is. Some staff dont go home until 4.30 in the morning. but the

48、n they might not be on until the next evening. I only work during the day I might add! I like to have some time to myself but most people in the restaurant business arent like me. People in the business tend to be outgoing, sociable types - the sort who enjoy an environment of constant activity and

49、tight deadlines. Man: What would you say to anyone whos thinking of going into the catering business? Woman: Id say, start at the bottom. Interestingly, one of the institutions here is developing a recruitment technique based not on degrees and work experience but on the ability to learn. The food industry still maintains the idea of apprenticeship. Runni


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