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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 49及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear three conversations.#Write one or two words or a number in the number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below.After you have listened once, replay each recording.Conversation OneLook at the notes below.You will hear a secretary giving

2、 information to her boss about his schedule.5 Look at the note below You will hear a man phoning about a document that is needed urgently Southern Region Electricity Telephone Message For: Paul Scott Date: 19/8/98 Message: Jon Hausmann range from (5)_ . He would like last month s (6) _ for the South

3、-East. Please (7) _ to him, because he needs to get it as soon as possible: it is essential that he receives it (8)_ . 9 Look at the form below. You will hear a staff development officer booking a new member of staff on an in-house training course. ABP IN-HOUSE TRAINING: COURSE BOOKINGS Course (9)_

4、Level (10)_ Name: Ms Amy Choi Position/job (11)_ Name of Line Manage: Mr Lim Position/job of Line Manager(12)_ 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five short recordings. For each recording, decide what the speaker is trying to do. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any l

5、etter more than once. You will hear the five recordings twice. A tell information about a delivery B change the schedule C give an invitation D make a complaint E place an order F make an announcement G postpone a session H inform of the success of a presentation 18 You will hear another five record

6、ings. For each recording, decide what the speaker is doing. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. You will hear the five recordings twice. A complain about job interference B design a package of a product C review a contract D work on a TV

7、advertisement E produce a new soap F present a yearly projection G present an operation budget H talk about profits 三、 PART THREE 23 You will hear a panel discussion about some major problems, or issues facing the Internet technology. The host is joined by an industrial expert and a senior executive

8、 from Effnet, a Swedish company producing Internet security equipment. For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 23 Whats the especially big issue that holds back the Internet? ( A) The quality of being easy to use. ( B) For most

9、of us, broadband access is years in the future. ( C) To maximize the Internets sufficiency. 24 What sort of Internet issue is Effnet dealing with? ( A) Router and firewall. ( B) Bandwidth and user friendliness. ( C) Speed and security. 25 According to the discussion, at what speed is the Internet gr

10、owing? ( A) At a very steady speed. ( B) At a very rapid speed. ( C) At a very slow speed. 26 What is the challenge facing Stockholm County Council? ( A) How to control the growing number of intranet users. ( B) How to prevent teenagers in town from chatting on the Web. ( C) How to keep some informa

11、tion secret and accessible only to qualified people. 27 What is the special feature of Effnets firewall system? ( A) All the devices and parts are put in the basement. ( B) All the devices and parts are put into a single box. ( C) Cellular phone and Internet are part of this system. 28 What are the

12、main functions of a firewall system? ( A) It protected packets of information from being raided. ( B) It can break everything up into little packets. ( C) It can meet the world demand of the generic plug-in card. 29 How can Internet users avoid ending up with another bottleneck? ( A) They need to do

13、 some filtering very fast. ( B) As a member of an organization, they should decide for themselves. ( C) They should try to make their treasure inaccessible. 30 What is the trend in the development of network? ( A) To make seven ordinary years turn into one year. ( B) To get along well with chip vend

14、ors who can finish tasks very quickly. ( C) To increase the capacity of the firewall system and to reduce the volume of the device. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 49答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 F: Good morning. Jenny Rhyme speaking. M: Jenny, its Gordon. Look Im not feeling too good this morning. Ive seen the doct

15、or and he suggested I take a couple of days of work. F: Oh dear! Im sorry to hear that. M: Well, these things happen. Now, I havent got my schedule with me. I just want to make a note of what Ive got on this week. F: OK, let s see. It s Monday, so theres the usual project meeting at 9:30. M: Ah, yes

16、, I havent got that much to talk about actually. Maybe you could let the others know I wont be coming in. F: Right. And thats all youve got down for today. Tuesday, you will see in Able Consultants at 11:00. M: Able Consultants? Oh, dear, yes, I remember. Now, what can I do about that? Thats more di

17、fficult, maybe you could phone them and postpone the meeting until next week. F: OK, I can do that. M: Now, I should be back by the sixth. If I re-member tightly, theres something in the after-noon. Im interviewing someone, arent I? F: Uh, no, I dont think so. It says here “fire drill.“ Thats at 2:0

18、0 in the afternoon. M: Oh, Im obviously mistaken. Is the interview on Thursday, then? F: The seventh? I dont think so. It looks as if youre at a marketing conference all day. M: Oh, yes, thats tight. Well, Im sure Ill be better by then anyway. F: Yes. Well, I hope so. 1 【正确答案】 Project Meeting 2 【正确答

19、案】 Able Consultants 3 【正确答案】 Fire Drill 4 【正确答案】 Marketing Conference 5 【听力原文】 F: Good morning, Southern Region Electricity. M: Hello, Id to speak to Paul Scott, please. F: Im afraid hes in a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message? M: Uh, yes, its John Hausmann here. Im phoning from Head Office

20、. Do you know what time the meeting finishes? F: Hell be in meetings all day, Im afraid. M: Well I wanted to speak to him about the sales report for the southeast region. It should have arrived here last week, but we havent received it yet. F: Is that last months report? M: Yes, the July one. Well,

21、with this delay, I think, youll have to fax it. Theres a meeting next Wednesday looking at the different regions, so I need the figures to prepare a paper. F: Ill make sure he knows that. M: Could you ask him to ring me if theres a problem. I need the figures by Monday at the latest. I need time to

22、write up the paper. F: OK. Ill leave a message for him. M: Thank you. Goodbye. 5 【正确答案】 Head Office 6 【正确答案】 Sales Report 7 【正确答案】 Fax it 8 【正确答案】 By Monday 9 【听力原文】 M: ABP In-House Training, Mike speaking. Good morning. F: Good morning, Mike. This is Kim here, from Human Resources. Weve got someone

23、 new starting in the Accounts Department and Id like to book her on the course on financial statements. Is there a place for her on the next course? M: Well, it depends. We actually run two courses, one for beginners, and theres also an advanced course, but shell have to be a qualified accountant to

24、 go on that. F: Yes, shell actually need the advanced one. M: OK, that should be all right. Can you give me her name, please? F: Amy Choi. M: And her job title? F: Junior accountant. M: Now, wed like to consult with her line managers to ensure that the courses meet staff needs. Who is her line manag

25、er? F: Mr. Lim, hes the Accounts Manager. M: OK, then. I think thats all I need for now. Ill send you confirmation of this hooking and the dates in the internal mail. F: Thats very helpful. Thank you very much. Good-bye. F: Good-bye. 9 【正确答案】 Financial Statements 10 【正确答案】 Advanced 11 【正确答案】 Junior

26、Accountant 12 【正确答案】 Accounts Manager 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Woman: Im just ringing to tell you about the positive feedback weve had on the presentation you gave the other day. I really appreciate you collecting the relevant data. Most of our staff hope to have a further discussion with you about the

27、 projection. And looking at the feedback forms, it seems the only complaint was about the size of the room. 13 【正确答案】 H 14 【听力原文】 Man: Hello, David. This is Colin Firth. I was just calling to say Im flying to Swiss for an international conference on the 15th, and probably stay there for the whole we

28、ek. So I was wondering if we could bring everything forward to the 13th rather than delaying things any longer. If thats OK, perhaps you could call me.My extensions 249. 14 【正确答案】 B 15 【听力原文】 Woman: This is the third time Ive called about this. Its a complete waste of my time. When we ordered the ph

29、otocopier from you, you assured us it would be installed by your engineers and set up ready for use. Well, weve waited for three days and nobody arrived to help. And now every time we switch the machine on, weve got a warning message. But we have no idea how to handle this and a lot of trouble has b

30、een caused in our work! 15 【正确答案】 D 16 【听力原文】 Man: Before we begin, Ive been asked to tell you that Dr. Newman has been delayed. That means he wont make it in time for his presentation on “Dealing with Complaints“. Unfortunately, we have to cancel the session for the moment and anyone who signed up

31、for it should now choose between the other two sessions which are running at the same time in the afternoon. Thank you. And now, Ill hand you over to Margaret. 16 【正确答案】 F 17 【听力原文】 Man: Ive checked with the Warehouse Manager and it seems there was a mistake in the transport documents and your order

32、 was somehow sent to Washington instead of Seattle. We have arranged the goods to be transported by air from Seattle, but it will still be 7 hours late according to the arrangement when order arrives. 17 【正确答案】 A 18 【听力原文】 Man: This graph represents our production last year. And the other will give

33、you an idea of the sales so far this year and this is the projection for the next half year. From this graph we will preview the expected profits through the end of the year, but well have some problems to achieve our targets. 18 【正确答案】 F 19 【听力原文】 Man: In the first frame, well show a picture of the

34、 product surrounded by a bright light. Then well fade into a shot of our presenter. We plan to finish up with this shot of the product and the line: “You can count on us to be whatever your washing needs are!“ In fact, Im thinking of shortening the line or finish it up with a different image. 19 【正确

35、答案】 D 20 【听力原文】 Woman: I had a meeting all this morning. The printer broke in the middle of putting together the Wix soap presentation, and the phone kept ringing from the minute I walked into the office and my secretary told me that Mr. Hopkins wanted to see the designs for the Polish Paste ad. Tom

36、orrow morning. I guess Ill be home until midnight again tonight. 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【听力原文】 Woman: Ive got a new idea for the design of the Wix soap package. The outer circle would be in yellow and the inner would be a metallic blue and I have shown it to some of my colleagues. They feel its much better

37、now and thatll be an attraction to the customer. 21 【正确答案】 B 22 【听力原文】 Man: These numbers represent our potential profit this year. And this is our total operating budget for 2005. That seems a lot lower than last year. Profits are steady at the moment. But according to our estimate, sales will drop

38、 off quite a bit in the next two seasons. Without a significant increase in sales, were facing a pretty dismal year. 22 【正确答案】 H 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 Hast: Today, were going to examine some of the complexities involved in managing todays Internet. And our industrial expert here for us today is Ma

39、tthew Flanigan, President of the Telecommunications Industry Association. Matt, many thanks. Welcome to the program. What are some of the key issues that were still grapping with when trying to maximize the Internets sufficiency? Matt Flanigan, President, TIA: Well, today I would say speed and bandw

40、idth. Especially, a little smile up to the consumer is probably a big issue holding back the Internet. But security is also important with electronic commerce. And until they really solve that, people are not gonna feel secure. Host: All right. Well, Lets introduce our guest. Were joined by an execu

41、tive from Effnet: Tomas Althen. Welcome to the program. Were delighted to have you. Tomas, lets start with this. What sort of Internet issue is Effnet dealing with? What kind of solutions do you bring to the table? Tomas Althen, CEO, Effnet Group: The Internet is growing at a very rapid speed at the

42、 moment. As you must know, the number of users doubles every year. However, also the information on the net doubles every month. And this calls up the two issues we have been hearing about here, speed and security. Host: Well, lets look at more details. Look at this video about the city council of S

43、tockholm, Sweden. Narrator on the video: Here is the power. The politicians and high civil servants at Stockholm County Council are used to having access to qualified information. Now with everyone using Internet and Intranet, some information has to remain secret. The decision on how to do this are

44、 mad here at IT Control. They have found the way to let 10, 000 employees use the Internet but some information can still be accessed only by qualified people. This is the firewall keeping the information system secure. A box in the basement with software from Effnet. Scandinavia is known for its te

45、chnology. Cellular phones and Internet are part of daily life. And here in Sweden there are some young, very innovative up-starting companies. One is Effnet, founded in 1997 and already on the world market. As the world demands speed and security and reliability, Effnets gigabit router on a card mak

46、es security easier. The generic plug-in card, firewaller and router in one, proves that they are ready to meet the world demand. Host: Well, how does the firewall work? We were told a few days ago that one of the new methods of transmission was to break everything up into little packets, send them a

47、ll into the Internet and hope they arrive in the same order, and so on. Is the protection of these packets from being raided is this the principle task of the firewall? Tomas Althen: You can say that in one sense. You also dont want packets to come in to your data system, or into your network, packe

48、ts which you dont want to be there. You want to be able to decide for yourself as an organization or as a company: hey, I dont want these guys to be able to access my treasure. And to do that you need to do some filtering. You need to decide which packets are allowed, which packets are not allowed.

49、You have to do that very fast so you dont end up with yet another bottleneck. And we solved that problem. Host: Lets look ahead a couple of years and have you estimate for us how you see this technology evolving. What do you think will be different or new on the horizon in a couple of years? Tomas? Tomas Althen: More and more has been put into smaller and smaller spaces. We are making quite a leap in putting all the


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