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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 75及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 The girl is working in the: (1) The room number the girl will rent: (2) The price to be paid is: (3) The girls phone number is: (4) 4 WHILE YOU WERE OUT Message for (5) From: Norman International (6) They asked if you got the invoice No.2865, dated 31st March

2、. It was (7) ago. They sent you another invoice for the computer a month ago. And they need you to pay within (8) .days. If you dont, they will charge interest rate and see their solicitor. 8 Notes The advertising agency has three structures, the media department, the design department and the (9) d

3、epartment. The most important section: the (10) department. The client service department ensures the ads convey the (11) to the customers. The customers will help you advertise by (12) . 二、 PART TWO 12 A Avoid employees resistance when giving a feedback. B Employees fear for their bad performance.

4、C Leaders will put off feedback in general. D Make feedback a routine job with your staff. E Seek for a solution by confronting each other. F Destructive criticism does not work in the workplace. G Leaders are encouraged to share staff with experiences. H Leaders need a special ability to deal with

5、feedback. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 A The mortgage markets easing is on the way. B Housing keeps taking people in and out of recession. C People do not concentrate on the real estate. D Real estate values rising contributes to mortgage boom. E The consequence followed if the housing prices fell. F

6、 Countrywide is looking forward to expanding its business. G Making profit is the ultimate goal in housing. H The mortgage market is still under pressure. 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 23 What happened in America during the period of Sam Waltons growing up? ( A) Civil war ( B) Financial boo

7、m ( C) Economic crisis 24 Sam Waltons store running concept does not include ( A) giving customers discounts. ( B) opening stores in downtown. ( C) keeping costs low. 25 Sam Walton believes that if you want to run business well, first you should ( A) be kind to employees. ( B) be loyal to customers.

8、 ( C) work with passion. 26 Associates may work beyond expectations if ( A) they are treated equally in the corporation. ( B) they become stock owners in the corporation. ( C) they are given good welfare in the corporation. 27 In order to encourage managers to work better, Sam Walton always ( A) kee

9、ps them being challenged. ( B) gives them more pressure. ( C) offers them rewards. 28 According to Sam Walton, what is a better way to reward partners? ( A) Praise their work. ( B) Give them stocks. ( C) Help them have fortune. 29 To have a clear knowledge of your business running, you must ( A) go

10、to the front lines frequently. ( B) listen to your associates carefully. ( C) talk to your customers. 30 Wal-Marts constant competitive advantage over its rivals lies in ( A) keeping prices low. ( B) having a wide range of goods. ( C) making good use of expenses. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 75答案与解析 一、 PART ON

11、E 0 【听力原文】 Woman: Excuse me. I came to look at the apartment you have advertised in the paper. Man: Fine. Do you smoke or drink? Woman: No. Why? Man: We dont allow that in our apartments. Are you a working girl? Woman: Yes, I have a full-time job in the commercial bank. Man: OK. Lets go and take a l

12、ook. We have two actually, 101 and 222. They are both two-bedroom, apartments. Woman: Oh, I did not notice that in the ad. Im going to be living alone so thats too big. Man: Dont worry. We do have a one-bedroom that will be empty in a week. 211. Woman: Can I see that one now? Man: I think its OK. Mi

13、ss King is out. Woman: How much does the apartment rent for? Man: $150 a month. And there is a one-month deposit. Of course you will get that back if the apartment is in good condition when you move out. Woman: That is a little more than I was planning for. I was thinking of $130 a month. Man: Thats

14、 a deal. Come on in. The equipments are newly bought, such as the stove and refrigerator. but you have to pay the bills. Can you make a deposit today? Woman: Yes. My phone number is 83511854. If you have problems, just call me. 1 【正确答案】 COMMERCIAL BANK 【试题解析】 对话中房主问女孩有没有工作,言外之意就是问女孩有没有收入来源,是否能按时交纳房费

15、。女孩的回答是 Yes, I have a full-time job in the commercial bank.可见她在商业银行干一份全职工作。答案显而易见。 2 【正确答案】 211 【试题解析】 本题提到了三个房间号, 101房间、 222房间以及 211房间。由于女孩一个人住,希望要一张床的房间,而 101房间和 222房间都是双人床,所以女孩最后决 定要 211房间。 3 【正确答案】 $130 【试题解析】 对话中出现两个价格:一是房主出的 150美元,另一个是女孩还价说的 130美元。最后以 130美元成交。 4 【正确答案】 83511854 【试题解析】 本题考查考生对数

16、字的敏感度。要求清晰分辨 O-9各数字。 4 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning. Could I speak to Mrs. Smith, please? Woman: Good morning. Im afraid Mrs. Smith is not here today. Could I give her a message? Man: Yes, please. This is Norman international Trading Company. Woman: Sorry. How do you spell Norman? Man: N-O-R-M-A-N. Norm

17、an. Im ringing to ask if Mrs. Smith received our last invoice. It was Invoice No.2865. dated 31st March. Woman: OK. So it was three months ago. Man: Yes, but we havent received any payment from Mrs. Smith and I was wondering its not right. Maybe the invoice had been lost. We put another invoice in t

18、he post for her a month ago. Woman: What is the invoice for? Man: Its for a computer purchased from us last March. Could you ask her to pay this bill in the next ten days? If it isnt paid in ten days time, we shall have to charge interest and put the matter in the hands of our solicitors. At that ti

19、me, things will become much more complex. Woman: Dont worry. sir. I will tell Mrs. Smith as soon as possible. Byebye! Man: Thanks a lot. Byebye! 5 【正确答案】 MRS. SMITH 【试题解析】 从对话中 “Good morning. Could I speak to Mrs. Smith, please?”以及 “Im afraid Mrs. Smith is not here today.”两句话,可判定出正确答案。 6 【正确答案】 TRAD

20、ING COMPANY 【试题解析】 男士回答说: Yes, please. This is Norman International Trading Company.可知正确答案。 7 【正确答案】 THREE MONTHS 【试题解析】 此题属细节题。对话提到两个相关时间,分别是: three months ago和 a month ago,试题中已给出 a month ago,则可排除这个时间。文中男士说道: It was Invoice No.2865, dated 31st March女士答: So it was three months ago. 因而从两人的谈话中也可推知答案是

21、three months ago。 8 【正确答案】 TEN 【试题解析】 此题同样考查时间,从 文中 Could you ask her to pay this bill in the next ten days?这句话可知答案是 ten。 8 【听力原文】 Woman: Im interested in the functions of an advertising agency. Are you willing to tell? Man: Well, first let me introduce the structure of an advertising agency. There

22、are three main sections: the media department, the design department and the client service department. Woman: How do they function? Man: The media department advises and plans which newspapers, magazines or televisions should use. It also buys the space or TV time for the client. The design departm

23、ent, from its name, you know, designs advertisements. This is the most important section of an agency. Woman: Then how about the client service department? Man: Well, they contact the clients directly. Their job is to ensure that the ad conveys the right message to the right people within budget. Wo

24、man: Oh, I see. There is a lot of work to be done before making an advertisement. Man: Certainly. And business image is critical. A positive image reflects your integrity and customer service. If you are true to your customers, they will be true to you and they will help you by word of mouth to adve

25、rtise. They will take your business cards, hand them out to friends, relatives and business associates. That depends on how you manage the situations. Woman: It really sounds interesting and complicated. 9 【正确答案】 CLIENT SERVICE 【试题解析】 此题考查细节。对话中提到: There are three main sections: the media department

26、, the design department and the client service department. 可判定答案是 client service。 10 【正确答案】 DESIGN 【试题解析】 对话首先提到设计部的职责就是设计广告,然后又提到: This is the most important section of an agency. 可判定答案为 design。 11 【正确答案】 RIGHT MESSAGE 【试题解析】 此题考查的是 the client service department的职责。从对话中“Their job is to ensure that

27、the ads convey the right message to the right people within budget。 ”这句话可知 right message是正确答案。 12 【正确答案】 WORD OF MOUTH 【试题解析】 对话中提到: If you are true to your customers, they will be true to you and they will help you by word of mouth to advertise. 其中 word of mouth的意思是 “口头传播 ”。故正确答案是 word of mouth。 二、

28、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Man: Lets consider why courage is necessary to overcome our refuctance to conduct such a fundamental business interaction. Theres the fear of hurting employees feelings or being perceived as mean. Theres the awareness of what its like to be on the receiving end of a poorly delive

29、red performance review. And since the toughest feedback usually touches on deeply ingrained behaviours and personality traits, theres a fear of the intimacy required when offering observations that hit so close to home. 13 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 录音中提到: Lets consider why courage is necessary to overcome our

30、 reluctance to conduct such a fundamental business interaction.即:让我们考虑一下为何需要勇气来克服不情愿的情绪,进行这样一项基本的企业交流。下列信息可以帮助考生明确这段文字的主题 :the toughest feedback usually touches on deeply ingrained behaviours and personality traits 即:最难的反馈往往触及根深蒂固的行为和性格特征。 14 【听力原文】 Woman: Giving feedback is indeed more art than sci

31、ence. The trick is to deliver themessage fully, frankly, and in a timely way while making it acceptable and readily usable by the employees. Remember that theres a difference between constructive and destructive criticism. The former involves offering support and alternative behaviours along with th

32、e feedback. To deprive employees of this shirks responsibility. The latter is a form of punitive aggression and has no place in the workplace. 14 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 录音中提到: Remember that theres a difference between constructive and destructive criticism.即:要记住建设性批评和毁灭性批评有区别。 15 【听力原文】 Man: Dont wait unti

33、l the last possible moment to deliver feedback; make it a regular part of your one-on-one interactions with employees rather than an obligatory exchange prior to discussing next years compensation. Shaming someone by giving feedback in front of colleagues or by attacking their character will make th

34、em dislike you rather than incorporate the feedback you gave. 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 录音中提到: Dont wait until the last possible moment to deliver feed; make it a regular part of your one-on-one interactions with employees rather than an obligatory exchange prior to discussing next years compensation.即: 不要

35、等到最后才作出反馈,要使反馈成为与员工一对一交流的常规做法,而不是在讨论下一年度的薪水之前才被动地作出反馈。 16 【听力原文】 Woman: Confrontations should be a method of last resort. Some leaders have a knack for giving the hardest news in a way that leaves employees feeling understood and good about the interaction. One way to do that is by sharing a persona

36、l experience with the same sort of developmental challenge, rather than making employees feel theyre the only person in the world with this problem. 16 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 录音甲提到: Confrontations should be a method of last resort.即:最不好的方法就是对抗。接着又举例说明, some leaders have a knack for giving the hardest news

37、in a way that leaves employees feeling understood and good about the interaction.即:一些领导者具备特殊才能,可以把最难的事情以一种员工能理解并乐于接受的方式讲出来。要做到这一点,其中一种方式就是 by sharing a personal experience with the same sort of developmental challenge, rather than making employees feel theyre the only person in the world with this p

38、roblem. 17 【听力原文】 Woman: The last thing you want is a performance discussion in which the form, rather than substance, of the message increases empioyees resistance to it. While some executives say “bring it on“ to the unvamished truth, in my experience theyre in the minority. Alas. those most welco

39、ming of constructive feedback are the ones who probably need it the least. 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 录音中提到: The last thing you want is a performance discussion in which the form, rather than substance, of message increases the employees resistance to it.即:最不想要的结果就是在讨论工作表现时,是这一信息的形式而不是内容,使员工增长抵触情绪。 18 【听力原文

40、】 Man: The main driver was real estate values rising. And when they begin to rise not different from the tech boom everybody at all levels of society wants to participate. They dont want to be left behind. And thats particularly true with home-ownership, which comes with a passion to make a profit.

41、to own something. But theres no question there were speculators who were trying to make a quick profit. 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答题的关键信息有两个,第一: The main driver was real estate values rising.第二: not different from the tech boom. everybody at all levels of society wants to participate.主要的驱动力是房地产价格上涨,这跟科技潮一样

42、,社会上每一层面的人都想参与。 19 【听力原文】 Man: We look continuously to bring in more investors. This is a living organism. Countrywide continues to operate in an environment thats changing constantly a round it. And the reason why weve survived over many years and nobody else has in the mortgage banking space nobod

43、y else has, were the only survivor is because Countrywide constantly adjusts itself to the environment. And so we will do whatever the environment dictates that we must do to make certain we remain a viable player going forward. 19 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 解题的关键信息是: We look continuously to bring in more inve

44、stors 即:我们一直想吸收更多投资者。 20 【听力原文】 Woman: I cant say I see any great signs of light in terms of the market easing. Theres still a lot of tension in the mortgage market, a lot of stress in the financial markets. But the only thing I would say is that a couple of weeks ago you probably couldnt do anythin

45、g at any price, and now it appears you can do something at some price. So, you know, maybe there is a little bit of liquidity coming back. But its hard to tell how long this is going to go on. 20 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 解题的关键信息有两个,一句是: I cant say I see any great signs of light in terms of the marketing easi

46、ng.即:我不能说我看到有任何的市场缓和显著迹象。还有一句是: Theres still a lot of tension in the mortgage market 抵押借款市场仍处于紧张状态。听到了任何一句,答案都能锁定到 H项上。 21 【听力原文】 Man: Again, the business environment, what happens in the mortgage origination space, and what happens with interest rates going forward. You could have a refinance boom

47、going forward, and that would create one situation. As you see, real estate sales are down. Real estate values continue to go down, which breeds dissatisfaction on the part of people out there who bought houses thinking they were going to make a profit. And so it just depends. You have to have confi

48、dence that Countrywide will continue to morph. 21 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 录音中关键信息提示点为: As you see, real estate sales are down. 22 【听力原文】 Man: Theres a recession in housing. I dont think anybody can debate that. Prices continue to go down. as evidenced by the National Association of Realtors numbers. Sales a

49、re down 12 months in a row, uh, 16, actually. And you see whats happening to homebuilders. The question that can be debated is whether this is going to spill over into the economy in one form or another. I think it is. 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 录音中 的重要信息提示点为: There is a recession in housing. 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Woman: Today we have the honour to invite Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, to our programme. Welcome, Sam. Man: Thank y


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