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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 7及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 Look at the note below. You will hear a man checking time difference before making an overseas call. Overseas Call Message 1. Hed like to make a call to 【 1】 _ 2. When its 10 a.m. , its 【 2】 _ in London 3. The number: 【 3】 _ the area code, 【 4】 _ The name of t

2、he party: John Friedrich Herbart 5 Look at the note below. You will hear a call to rent an apartment. Hiring Registration Date: 5th Jan. Time: 10:30 Name of the customer: Kate 【 5】 _ Contact No: 【 6】 _ Service Details: 1. An apartment near 【 7】 _ street, with air-conditioner and heating system. 2. R

3、ent: net more than 【 8】 _a month, including water and gas. 3. Renting Period: about 1.5 years from February. 9 Look at the note below. You will hear a talk about a cleaner. Cleaner Message 1. Its very good on aluminum and 【 9】 _, but not very good with 【 10】_ 2. It works well on enamel, its perfect

4、for floor tiles. But its not good for 【 11】_floors . However, 【 12】 _is fine. 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five short recordings about different departments of an organisation. For each recording, decide which department A H the speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A H) next to the number of

5、the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recording. A canteen B shop floor C reception D publicity E payroll F human resources G information technology H research & development 18 You will hear another five short pieces. For each piece decide who

6、is talking. Write one letter A H next to the number of the piece. Your will hear the five pieces twice. Speakers A typist B teacher C garage owner D electrician E chemist F shop assistant G doctor H cleaner 三、 PART THREE 23 You will hear a talk presented by a reporter. This talk is about deceptive p

7、acking. For each question 23 30 mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 Consumers are concerned about the changes in the package size, mainly because _. ( A) they hate to see any changes in things they are familiar with ( B) the unit

8、 price for a product often rises as a result ( C) they have to pay for the cost of changing package sizes 24 According to this report, various types of packaging come into existence to _. ( A) meet the needs of consumers ( B) suit all kinds of products ( C) enhance the market position of products 25

9、 The reporter is critical mainly of _. ( A) dishonest packaging ( B) inferior packaging ( C) the changes in package sizes 26 What started the public and Congressional concern about deceptive packaging rumpus? ( A) Consumers complaints about the changes in the package size. ( B) Expensive packaging f

10、or poor quality products. ( C) A senators discovery of the tricks in packaging. 27 According to the reporter Manufacturer increases the unit price of his product _. ( A) by changing his package size ( B) by improving the quality ( C) at his will 28 A packaging expert said that he can multiply the pr

11、ice of hard sweets by 2.5 by changing to _. ( A) a small jar ( B) a fancy jar ( C) a big jar 29 Average family pays _ dollars a year for packages according to this report. ( A) 100 ( B) 200 ( C) 300 30 Businessmen usually change their products package for _. ( A) lowering the costs ( B) improving qu

12、ality ( C) improving a products market position BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 7答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 A: Overseas Call, Operator. B: Yes, Operator, I want to make an overseas call to New York. But Ill check the time difference first. What time is it in New York when it is 10 a. m. in London? A: Its 2 p. m.

13、B: Good. I want to make a collect call right now. A: What is the number, please? B: The number is 932-0856, and the area code is 212. A: Whats the name of the party youre calling? B: John Friedrich Herbart. Please make it urgent, as I want to catch him before he leaves the office. A: Yes, Sir. B: Th

14、ank you. 1 【正确答案】 New York 【试题解析】 由 “I want to make a call to New York.”可知。 2 【正确答案】 2:00 下午 【试题解析】 当被问到 “What time is it in New York when it is 10 a. m. in London?”时,接线生回答是 2 p. m. 3 【正确答案】 9320856 【试题解析】 由 “The number is 9320856 and the area code is 212.”可知。 4 【正确答案】 212 【试题解析】 由 “The number is 93

15、20856 and the area code is 212.”可知。 5 【听力原文】 M1: Good morning. Can I help you? F1: Oh, yes. I want to rent an apartment. My name is Kate Murphy. M1: Is it K-A-T-E, M-U-R-P-H-Y. F1: Yes, thats right. M1: Then what kind of apartment do you prefer? F1: Well, I want to live near Sunny Street. M1: Sunny

16、Street, right. Anything else? F1: The rent should not be more than 120 pounds a month, including water and gas. Id like an air conditioner and heating system. M1: How long are you going to rent it? F1: About a year and a half, from February. M1: Do you have the contact number? F1: Its 55322788. M1:

17、OK! As soon as I find an apartment I will call you. F1: Thank you. Im looking forward to your answer. 5 【正确答案】 Murphy 【试题解析】 由 “My name is Kate Murphy.”可知。 6 【正确答案】 55322788 【试题解析】 紧接着 “Do you have the contact number?”就是答案。 7 【正确答案】 Sunny 【试题解析】 客人的要求是 “live near Sunny Street”。 8 【正确答案】 120 pounds 【

18、试题解析】 房租要求 “should not more than 120 pounds a month”,水费气费在内。 9 【听力原文】 A: Tell me about this new cleaner please. Can it be used to clean metal? B: Yes, on certain kinds. Its very good on aluminum and brass. A: Aluminum and brass. I see. What about other metals? Can it be used with silver? B: Well, it

19、s not really very good with silver. We have a special cleaner for silver. A: Oh. And what about enamel surfaces, like on a bathtub, for example. B: Yes, it works weft on enamel. A: And what about on things like floor tiles? B: Yes, its perfect for floor tiles. It really takes off tough stains and ma

20、rks. But its not good for cleaning wooden floors or wooden surfaces. It might even damage them. A: How about plastic? B: Plastics fine. No trouble at all. A: Good, then Ill take two cans, please. 9 【正确答案】 brass 【试题解析】 由 “Its very good on aluminum and brass.”可知。 aluminum,铝。 10 【正确答案】 silver 【试题解析】 材料

21、说得很明白: “not really very good with silver.” 11 【正确答案】 wooden 【试题解析】 由 “But its not good for cleaning wooden floors” 可知。 12 【正确答案】 plastic 【试题解析】 由 “Plastics fine.”可知。 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Theres just the two of us in here and it can get very tense, especially as we get towards the end of the month.

22、Its absolutely vital that everything is completed to schedule otherwise the staff wont get paid on time. Theres no bigger disaster than that, is there? 13 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 从 “the staff wont get paid on time.”即可选出。 14 【听力原文】 Weve had a big problem lately with screen savers. Lots of staff like to load

23、these and several times the whole system has gone down or else theres been a virus. Well, theyve been banned completely now, and we just have to hope that the staff de as they are told. Yes, we have to monitor things very carefully from here. 14 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 screen saver(屏保 ), system、 virus(病毒 )都

24、是 IT词汇。 15 【听力原文】 We work in a large open-plan setting which can be tricky at times with the sort of work we do. There are small meeting rooms where we can go to discuss things confidentially or where members of staff can talk to us in private. Of course, with the sort of information we keep, indivi

25、dual staff records and interview reports and so on, we have to be discreet at all times. 15 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 人力资源部的工作就是 keep information, individual staff records和 interview reports。 16 【听力原文】 It can get extremely noisy down here. The staff are supposed to wear ear protectors at all times but thats i

26、mpossible if you need to talk to someone. The other things we have to contend with is dirt and dust. Its OK when were not too busy but when theres a rush on there isnt time to clear up. 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 rush on,争购。如: a rush on umbrellas争购雨伞。 17 【听力原文】 We offer a very personalised service to the di

27、fferent divisions. Some of the staff are dedicated to groups of individuals within these divisions. That way we get to know what sort of service they are looking for and how much help they need from us is over conference organisation or brochures or whatever. What we do insist on, whether its leafle

28、ts or posters or lo cal information, is quality. 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 最后一句的插入句使前面的一切明朗化 材料与 publicity有关。 18 【听力原文】 I dont think theres been a fuse. Look! The wires loose here. It seems to have been disconnected probably. Its been pulled out accidentally by someone tripping over it. Ill just unscrew th

29、e back of the trans former and reconnect the wire. 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 fuse(保险线 )、 wire,只有电工符合。 19 【听力原文】 I now have the full results of your laboratory tests. Your blood tests were quite normal and there is nothing to worry about there. However, you are rather overweight and I believe that a low fat

30、 diet is indicated. 19 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 这是医生拿到化验结果 (the full results of laboratory tests)后,对病人说的话。 blood test(血检 )、 a low fat diet(低糖膳食 )等词汇更证实是 doctor,不是 chemist(化学家或药剂师 )。开处方非药剂师的工作。 20 【听力原文】 I can de eighty words a minute, but the last piece of work I did took me a long time. The boss didnt know

31、the address, and so I had to look in a trade directory to find it. Then I found it very hard to read his hand-writing. 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “I can do eighty words a minutes.”我一分钟能打 80个字。 21 【听力原文】 It took me a long time to find out why it wouldnt start. I examined every bit of the engine and cleaned t

32、he spark plugs. Finally, I checked the fuel tank. It was empty! I was annoyed! 21 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 engine(引掣 ) Spark plug(火花塞 )及 fuel tank(油箱 )都和汽车有关。 22 【听力原文】 If you want a really professional record deck why dont you look at the Technics 210. We sell a lot of them to disc jockeys because of the co

33、mbination of great durability and a great price. 22 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 这是 shop assistant(店员 )在向人推销 record deck(唱片播放器 )。 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 It is said that the public and Congressional concern about deceptive packaging rumpus started because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes of cereals consume

34、d by him, Mrs. Hart, and their children were becoming higher and narrower, with a decline of net weight from 12 to 10.5 ounces, without any reduction in price. There were still twelve biscuits, but they had been reduced in size. Later, the senator rightly complained of a store bought pie in a handso

35、mely illustrated box that pictured, in a single slice, almost as many cherries as there were in the whole pie. The manufacturer who increases the unit price of his product by changing his package size to lower the quantity delivered can, without undue hardship, put his product into boxes, bags, and

36、tins that will contain even 4-ounce, 8-ounce, one-pound, two-pound quantities of breakfast foods, cake mixes, etc. A study of drug store and supermarket shelves will convince any observer that all possible size and shapes of boxes, jars, bottles, and tins are in use at the same time and, as the pack

37、age journals show, week by week, there is never any hesitation in introducing a new size and shape of box or bottle when it aids in product differentiation. The producers of packaged products argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes, but no one in the tra

38、de comments unfavourably on the huge costs incurred by endless changes of package sizes, materials, shape, art work, and net weights that are used for improving a products market position. When a packaging expert explained that he was able to multiply the price of hard sweets by 2.5, from 1 dollar t

39、o 2.5 dollars by changing to a fancy jar, or that he had made a 5-ounce bottle look as though it held 8 ounces, he was in effect telling the public that packaging can be a very expensive luxury. It evidently does come high, when an average family pays about 200 dollars a year for bottles, cans, boxe

40、s, jars and other containers, most of which cant be used for any thing but stuffing in to the garbage can. 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 消费者之所以关心包装大小的变化,主要还是因为商品单价也会随之增长。从 “The manufacturer who increase the unit price of his product by changing his package size to lower.”可知。 24 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 层出不穷的新包装就是想吸引消费者

41、,巩固商品的市场地位。通过“. no one. comments. on the huge costs incurred by endless changes of package. uses for improving a products market position.” 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 作者批评的就是那种欺骗消费者的 dishonest packaging 26 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 作者就是认 Senaor Hart在吃燕麦时发现商家搞的虚假包装而引出活题的。 27 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这属于常识, B, C显然站不住脚。 28 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这是单纯考察记忆重现力的试题。 fancy jar,形状奇特的罐子。 29 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 考察目的 的与上题相同。答案是最后一句: “. when an average family pays about 200 dollars a years.”。 30 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题和第 24题考察知识大同小异,都是讲商品便换包装是商家促销。巩固商品市场地位的策略。


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