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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 81及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the notes below. You will hear a man phoning for a job application. CJ PRODUCTIONS CJ Personnel CJ Job Application Requests Job: (1) (Marketing Department) Reference Number: (2) Advertised in: (3) Name: Daniel Johnson Address: Internal, c/o (4) 4 Look

2、 at the form below. You will hear a conversation on the phone. Reservation Card To: Dr. Green From: Linda Date: 18th April Time: 2:30 p. m. Information of patient Name: David (5) Symptom: something wrong with the (6) Date of meeting: 15th, (7) Time for meeting: (8) 8 Look at the notes below. You wil

3、l hear a conversation about a new type of cleaner. Cleaner Message 1. Its very good on aluminum and (9) , but not very good with (10). 2. It works well on enamel, its perfect for floor tiles. But its not good for (11) floors; however, (12) is fine. 二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear five short recordings.

4、 For each recording, decide which topic from the box below the speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recording. A reading a map B asking for help C shopping in a supermarket

5、 D having trouble with study E budgeting F buying books G sleeping H talking about a teacher 13 14 15 16 17 17 You will hear another five recordings. For each recording, decide which topic from the box below the speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do

6、 not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A work carelessly B complain about too much work C introduce a building D make enquiries E meet the visitor F ask for higher pay G dislike a colleague H resign 18 19 20 21 22 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a job

7、 interview. For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 The interviewees current job is ( A) designing web. ( B) planning. ( C) programming. 24 Now the interviewees clients are mainly from ( A) Shanghai. ( B) S

8、henzhen. ( C) Beijing. 25 Every day, the interviewee does the following work except ( A) writing up plans. ( B) communicating with junior staff . ( C) writing programs. 26 Is the interviewee satisfied with the current salary? ( A) Yes. ( B) No. ( C) Not mentioned. 27 The interviewee doest feel his c

9、urrent job ( A) creative. ( B) interesting. ( C) boring. 28 What doesnt the interviewee like about his current job? ( A) Bad working environment. ( B) Tight schedule. ( C) Strict customers. 29 Does the interviewees family approve the decision of changing a job? ( A) Yes. ( B) No. ( C) No comment. 30

10、 It isfor the interviewee to work until midnight now. ( A) unusual ( B) often ( C) seldom BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 81答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Conversation One. Questions 1 to 4. Look at the notes below. You will hear a man phoning for a job application. You have fifteen seconds to read through the notes.

11、 pause Now listen , and fill in the spaces. pause Woman: This is the Personnel Department of CJ Productions. Please state the title and reference number of the job youre phoning about and state where you saw the advert. Please give your name and address clearly. Man: Hello. Im phoning about one of t

12、he jobs going in the Marketing Department. Its the Regional Organisers job in that department which Im interested in. The reference number quoted in the ad is J-1-8-5-6-R. This is an internal request I saw the advertisement you put in the staff newsletter. Please send the application form and inform

13、ation pack to me, Daniel Johnson in the Sales Department. Thank you. pause Now listen to the recording again. pause 1 【正确答案】 Regional Organizer Organiser 【试题解析】 这段听力材料是关于求职者应聘的。其中,女声 主要是提问,男声提供了所有问题的答案,也就是说我们本题所需要的信息都出现在男声部分,因此要特别留意。此题是关于应聘岗位的,在听力时要对职位名称特别留意。听力原文为: Its the Regional Organisers job in

14、that department which Im interested in表明应聘的职位为 Regional Organizer Organiser。 2 【正确答案】 J1856R 【试题解析】 此题是针对序列号的提问,在听音中要特别留意字母和数字一起的编号。听 力原文中直接出现答案,应为 J1856R。 3 【正确答案】 Staff newsletter 【试题解析】 此题是针对信息出处的提问。在听音中要注意分辨信息可能出现的地方,如互联网、杂志、报纸、朋友介绍等。听力原文中提到是内部招聘信息,是在员工简报上看到的,因此,答案为 staff newsletter。 4 【正确答案】 Sa

15、les Department 【试题解析】 此题是针对收件人地址的提问,在此题中表现为应聘者的地址。听力原文中提到该应聘者为内部员工,是 Sales Department的。 4 【听力原文】 Conversation Two. Questions 5 to 8. Look at the form below. You will hear a conversation on the phone. You have fifteen seconds to read through the form. pause Now listen, and fill in the spaces. pause W

16、oman: Hello. Springfield Health Centre. Can I help you? Man: Yes. Id like to speak to Dr. Greens receptionist, please. Woman: Yes. Man: This is David Port. I have been having some chest pains recently. Woman: Well, Mr. Port. What can I do for you? Man: I would like to make an appointment to see the

17、doctor. Woman: Yes. Would Thursday morning suit you? Man: Thursday is the 15 th of May. OK. At what time? Woman: Is 10:30 OK for you? Man: Yes, thats fine. Woman: Whats your name again please? Man: David Port. D-A-V-I-D, P-OR-T. Woman: Thank you. Dr. Green will see you at 10:30 on Thursday. pause No

18、w listen to the recording again. pause 5 【正确答案】 Port 【试题解析】 此题是针对来电者姓名的提问,在此题中也就是针对病人姓名的提问,听音时应注意。在听力原文中,该信息出现了两次,第一次是在自我介绍时,第二次是在来电者被要求拼写自己姓名的时候。 6 【正确答案】 chest 【试题解析】 此题 是针对病状的提问,听音时需要注意病人在描述自己身体不适时的词汇。听力原文是: I have been having some chest pains recently,也就是说该病人胸部不适,答案为 chest。 7 【正确答案】 May 【试题解析】 此

19、题是针对预约日期的提问。听音时要注意对时间的描述。听力原文中出现了三个不同的时间信息,一是星期: Thursday,一是月份: May,一是具体日期: 15th。这里答案为月份: May。 8 【正确答案】 10:30 上午 【试题解析】 此题与上 题类似,是针对预约日期的提问,听音时要注意对时间的描述。在最后接线员和病人确认时,再次出现了预约时间: 10: 30 am。 8 【听力原文】 Conversation Three. Questions 9 to 12. Look at the notes below. You will hear a conversation about a ne

20、w type of cleaner. You have fifteen seconds to read through the notes. pause Now listen, and fill in the spaces. pause Man: Tell me about this new cleaner please. Can it be used to clean metal? Woman: Yes, on certain kinds. Its very good on aluminum and brass. Man: Aluminum and brass. I see. What ab

21、out other metals? Can it be used with silver? Woman: Well, its not really very good with silver. We have a special cleaner for silver. Man: Oh. And what about enamel surfaces, like on a bathtub, for example. Woman: Yes, it works well on enamel. Man: And what about on things like floor tiles? Woman:

22、Yes, its perfect for floor tiles. It really takes off tough stains and marks. But its not good for cleaning wooden floors or wooden surfaces. It might even damage them. Man: How about plastic? Woman: Plastics fine. No trouble at all. Man: Good, then Ill take two cans, please. pause Now listen to the

23、 recording again. pause That is the end of Part One. You now have twenty seconds to check your answers. pause 9 【正确答案】 brass 【试题解析】 这段听力内容是关于清洁剂性能的,在听音时要多注意销售人员的介绍,区分适用于什么不适用于什么。此题是对该清洁刑适用于哪种金属的考查,听音的时候要注意把握金属的名称。根据听力原文,这里填: brass。 10 【正确答案】 silver 【试题解析】 此题是对该清洁剂不适用于哪种金属的考查,听音的时候要注意把握金属的名称。根据听力原文,这

24、里填: silver。 11 【正确答案】 wooden 【试题解析】 此题是针对清洁剂不使用于哪些物品的考 查,听音的时候要注意把握金属的名称。根据听力原文,这里填: wooden。 12 【正确答案】 plastic 【试题解析】 此题是针对清洁剂使用于哪些物体的考查,听音的时候要注意把握金属的名称。根据听力原文,这里填: plastic。 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Section One. Questions 13 to 17. You will hear five short recordings. For each recording , decide which

25、topic from the box below the speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once , replay the recordings. You have fifteen seconds to read the list A-H. pause Now listen , and decide which topic from

26、 the box below the speaker is talking about. pause Thirteen Man: I went to the big second-hand book sale at Marcias yesterday. There was much of a selection to get excited over. Wish I had brought a bit more cash. pause Fourteen Woman: I am having trouble with managing a family while to be a student

27、. And the trouble is that I never ask for help. Here, can you take care of baby Damien for a day? pause Fifteen Man: Where can I find some of the socks the supermarket advertised on sale? Oh, look at the directions. Here. So, lets check out the sales rack in aisle B. There seems to be still quite a

28、few left. pause Sixteen Woman: Im hoping that I can get my finances in better shapes. I cant spend money like its going out of style. Well, I think that following a month-by-month plan is sure to pay off. pause Seventeen Man: I dont know what to do with my professor. This morning we found him sleepi

29、ng in his office. Sometimes I think maybe we shouldnt be so hard on him. Hes probably just weary. pause Now listen to the recordings again. 13 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 根据关键词 “the big second-hand book sale”可以得出答案。故选F。 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 文中 “Can you take care of baby Damien for a day?”中 “can you?”是请求帮助的常用句式。故选

30、 B。 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据文章第一句话 “Where can I find some of the socks the supermarket advertised on sale?”可以推测这部分谈的话题是在超市购物。故选C。 16 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 此题的关键点在于 “Im hoping that I can get my finances in better shapes ”只有 budgeting和 finances有关。故选 E。 17 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 根据文章第一句话 “I dont know what to do with m

31、y professor ”可以得知,此处他在谈论自己的老师。故选 H。 17 【听力原文】 Section Two. Questions 18-22 pause You will hear another five recordings. For each recording, decide which topic from the box below the speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than

32、once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. You have fifteen seconds to read the list A-H. pause Now listen , and decide which topic the speaker is talking about. pause Eighteen Man: Miss Mei, did you type this letter? Look! This should be US $ 5,400, but you have typed US $ 54,000. A

33、nd you have misspelled not only figures, but also the clients name. It should be Dennisnot Denis! Its not funny! If I hadnt noticed it, we could have lost a lot of money. Did you see the envelop of the letter from Vancouver on the desk? What? You threw it away? I need it. I need this mailing address

34、. Can you repeat it? Oh, gosh! Whats wrong with you? pause Nineteen Woman: Hi, Mike. You see, I have a special request. I wonder if I could leave work an hour early today. I need to meet my friend from Shanghai at the railway station. Although I know I have already left early three times this month.

35、 Personal business must be on my own time. And I was wondering if, uh, I could turn the timetable tomorrow instead of today. The hotel rooms need to be confirmed, and I havent received any news from Ms. Weis office, perhaps the airline has been delayed by a storm. pause Twenty Man: Mr. Robert, I wou

36、ld like you to know that I will be leaving the company on the first of the next month. I dont want you to think I havent appreciated working for you, because I like working for you. You have been a very good employer. However, I have been offered a job with higher pay that also gives me the opportun

37、ity of a promotion. In addition, this new job is more in my field of interest and training. Its something I have always wanted. So, sorry, Mr. Robert, I will give you my resignation pause Twenty-one Woman: Excuse me, but are you Peter from New York? I am Jane from International Telecommunication Co.

38、 Ltd. Welcome to China! We have been expecting you ever since we received your e-mail. According to your request, we have arranged you to stay in China Hotel, which is five-star with traditional Chinese architectural style. It is only five-minute walk from the downtown area We hope youll enjoy your

39、stay in Shanghai. Let me take your suitcase for you. The taxi is waiting outside the airport. pause Twenty-two Man: Its been a real nightmare lately. Weve been busy enough at the best of times. And now weve lost our admin assistant, its even worse. Ive been up my neck in paperwork, going through con

40、tract details with the Legal Department and checking CVs and reference. You know, Ive interviewed 40 applicants this week already for one of our vacancies and its only Wednesday today. My colleague seems to take everything in his stride, though. If hes not standing next to the fax machine chatting t

41、o someone from the Purchasing Department, hes outside my window smoking. Look, there he is, lighting up again. I cant believe it. Thats his sixth one this morning. Honestly, its a wonder he gets any work done at all. pause Now listen to the recordings again. pause That is the end of Part Two. pause

42、18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据文中的 “This should bebut you have typed”“And you have misspelled not only figures”可知 Miss Mei工作非常不认真,出了很多差错。故选A。 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据文章第一句话 “I have a special request ”可以推测他会在后面提出一些要求。故选 D。 20 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 这道题的关键句是 “I will be leaving the company ”和 “I will give you my resignati

43、on ”从而得知他要辞职。故选 H。 21 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 从文章中 “are you?”“I am” 以及 “Welcome to China ”可以推测出两人为第一次见面,并且说话者是在接人,所以 E为最佳答案。故选 E。 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从听力中 “Ive been up my neck in paperwork”和 “Ive interviewed 40 applicants”可以推断出他正在抱怨工作过多。故选 B。 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Part Three. Questions 23 to 30. You will h

44、ear a job interview. For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. You have forty-five seconds to read through the questions. pause Now listen, and mark A, B or C. pause Woman: OK, Id like to ask you a few questions a

45、bout what you do. What is your current occupation? Do you work or study? Man: Im working for a computer web designing company. Its a fairly large local company in Shanghai which specializes in designing websites for joint ventures and wholly owned foreign enterprises. Most of our clients are from Sh

46、anghai, but we also get a lot of clients from Shenzhen and a few from Beijing. Woman: Uh. huh. and what are some of your responsibilities? Tell me something about a typical day at work. Man: Well, what I have to do is give the basic instructions to the junior staff about what I basically want to see

47、 in the web design, and so I have to ensure the job is done right. So, I guess you can say Im in charge of the planning, but I do not do any of the actual manual work of programming. So most of the day I am either writing up plans, communicating them to the staff or checking through what they have d

48、one. Woman: What are some of the things you like about your work? Man: Well, it is creative and interesting and there is always a way to do it better. The best thing about my work is that it generally pleases the people when it is done well, so you can get immediate feedback. Also, to be frank, the

49、pay is pretty good I mean, you work hard but your salary at the end of the month is a lot better than what a lot of others are making. Woman: That sounds very exciting. Are there any things about your job that you dont like so much? Man: Well, do people in the computer field ever go home on time? Not often. The hours are long and the deadlines are quite tight, because the customers often have no concept about how much actual labor is involved.


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