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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 94及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the note below.You will hear a man clarifying some information about a balance sheet.4 Look at the notes below. You will hear a man leaving a voicemail message about a negotiating problem. ANSWERPHONE MESSAGE Kristoff called from Australia. Client now

2、 unhappy about proposed date for finishing the(5)_ Also wants to include(6)_which could cost us 3% per week. To finish on time, we would need extra(7)_ workers from start of project. Our company will be given(8)_for next project if we complete on time. 8 Look at the notes below.You will hear a woman

3、 telephoning a colleague about a new project.二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear five short recordings. Five speakers are talking about the use of technology in recruitment. For each recording, decide what recommendation the speaker makes concerning technology in recruitment. Write one letter(A-H)next to t

4、he number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A Advertise posts within the company as well as outside. B Include detailed information about vacancies. C Make sure your website is kept up to date. D Allocate suitable staff to ma

5、intain the website. E Re-design your non-web-based recruitment advertising. F Use a range of technologies for contact with applicants. G Ask potential applicants the most important questions first. H Maximise the opportunities offered by the internet. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 You will hear anothe

6、r five recordings. Five speakers are talking about how to deal with complaints about goods. For each recording, decide what action the speaker is recommending. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the rec

7、ordings. A initiating an investigation B giving money back C providing an identical replacement D offering an upgrade E arranging free servicing F organising free training G extending the warranty H offering a credit note 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear part of a tutorial bet

8、ween a business student called Gareth and his tutor, in which they discuss Trident Appliances, a manufacturer of photocopiers. For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 Gareth says that Tridents problem with

9、selling the product is caused by the ( A) product specifications. ( B) prices that they charge. ( C) engineering support. 24 Gareth thinks that the parent company ( A) is interested in selling Trident. ( B) would like Trident to supply new markets. ( C) wants Trident to succeed without any help. 25

10、In Gareths opinion, what is the main reason for the workforce being demotivated? ( A) changes in pay and conditions ( B) lack of job security ( C) poor management 26 Gareth thinks that the difficulty for the sales force is caused by ( A) having to deal with too many customers. ( B) a lack of adequat

11、e training. ( C) uncertainty about their responsibilities. 27 Gareth says that the service engineers should ( A) have a wider role. ( B) respond to call-outs more quickly. ( C) co-operate more with the Parts Services Department. 28 Gareth suggests that the poor internal communications reflect the mi

12、ddle managers attitude towards ( A) company policies. ( B) the employees. ( C) senior managers. 29 Gareth thinks that the Chief Executives most urgent problem is the ( A) product range. ( B) companys turnover. ( C) size of the workforce. 30 Gareth says that the fault in Tridents advertising lies in

13、the ( A) design of the advertisements. ( B) media which are used. ( C) targeting of customers. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 94答案与解析 一 、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Man: Hi, Tom here. Could I speak with Bill? Woman: Sorry, hes out. Can I take a message? Man: Thanks. Its about some queries Bill had about the balance sheet

14、 I prepared. Woman: Which balance sheet exactly? The one for the last financial year? Man: Actually, it was the one for the last quarter. Woman: OK, got that. Man: There were several things Bill wanted to check. Firstly, he asked about the liabilities figures. He thought the figures in column A migh

15、t be for current liabilities, but in fact those figures indicate the long-term ones. Woman: OK, Ive got that. What next? Man: The assets figures. He wondered exactly what they cover. Actually, Ive put the current assets there, but Ive still got to work out the fixed assets and the intangible assets

16、before I include them. Woman: Thanks. Anything else? Man: One last thing. Also about assets. Bill wasnt sure what the figures in brackets in section four refer to. He thought they might represent average figures for the last two years or something like that. In fact, they show losses over that perio

17、d. Woman: Thanks. Ill pass all that on. 1 【正确答案】 (THE)LAST QUARTER 2 【正确答案】 (THE)LONG(-)TERM 3 【正确答案】 CURRENT 4 【正确答案】 LOSSES 4 【听力原文】 Hi, George. This is Kristoff calling from Australia. Its about the contract negotiation for constructing the factory in Melbourne. Our client doesnt want to agree th

18、e date for the completion of the second stage, even though it was accepted when we put in our tender. We specified that we couldnt complete in less than six months. Now theyre saying they want it brought forward a month. This is a problem, because they want to put in a penalty clause which states th

19、at for every week we are late, we have to pay three per cent of the total cost. I cant agree to this at all. Were already using our best technical employees, and the only way we can complete in five months is if we use more unskilled staff right from the beginning, whichll mean a substantial investm

20、ent which we hadnt budgeted for. Theres one incentive, however; instead of the usual bonus, well be awarded the contract for their next project if we can meet their new deadline. 5 【正确答案】 SECOND STAGE 6 【正确答案】 (A)PENALTY(CLAUSE) 7 【正确答案】 UNSKILLED 8 【正确答案】 (ANOTHER)/(A)/(THE)CONTRACT 8 【听力原文】 Man: H

21、ello. Joe Fischer speaking. Woman: Joe, its Wilma here. Can I have a word with you about the e-commerce website? Man: Of course. How did the interviews go? Woman: Well, we recruited an excellent business analyst this morning - hell join the team in a week or so. Theres still a gap for a software eng

22、ineer, though, and well have to fill that as soon as possible. Man: Ill ask around and see if anyone is able to transfer from other projects. Woman: Thanks. Also, do you think you could produce a report for senior management by the end of the week? Theyd like an idea of the timing of the project. Ma

23、n: No problem. What else should I include? Woman: Let us know exactly what hardware youll need. The budget already allows for that. Man: OK - anything else? Woman: Yes - when you describe the project, would you make sure you spell out the objectives in clear, straightforward language? Certain member

24、s of the Board have their doubts that it will bring about the results we promised. Man: OK. 9 【正确答案】 (SOFTWARE)ENGINEER 10 【正确答案】 (THE)TIMING 11 【正确答案】 (THE)HARDWARE 12 【正确答案】 OBJECTIVE(S) 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Thirteen Im the companys recruitment specialist, and weve moved heavily into using the in

25、ternet. Its virtually eliminated the sorts of applications that dont stand a chance. We have an online application system that works well, because it elicits the vital information at the outset. For instance, there might be something like Do you have hands-on experience of the latest technologies in

26、 this field? People who cant give the answers are immediately advised not to continue with their application. pause Fourteen Its astonishing that, while nearly all British businesses use the internet in one way or another, most of them just use their websites as shop windows for advertising jobs - t

27、hen expect people to send in paper-based applications. Theyre simply not using the technology to its best advantage. There are so many refinements that the internet makes possible, so every recruitment officer ought to be looking at making optimal use of it and cutting out as much paper as they can.

28、 pause Fifteen Many companies think theyre up to date if they advertise vacancies on their website and send emails to applicants instead of letters. But that just isnt enough. These days, lots of people send text messages, so businesses should follow suit, for instance when inviting someone to inter

29、view: it shows that the firm has joined the twenty-first century. And although the phone is much more traditional, its still a valuable form, because you can talk to applicants in person. pause Sixteen Companies sometimes get the wrong idea about online recruitment. They focus on the fact that it ca

30、n reduce administration, but forget that it takes specific skills to manage the online process. After all, the recruitment section of the website needs to be organised, applications dealt with quickly and effectively, and so on. People who are used to circulating details of vacancies internally, pla

31、nning newspaper advertising, acknowledging applications, etc. may not have the abilities required for dealing with online recruitment. pause Seventeen So often, people apply for jobs they know very little about, because positions with the same title can vary considerably in different organisations.

32、So when youre recruiting, you should use your website to list projects and assignments of the post and give case histories of people in similar posts in the company, perhaps with a personal statement from them. It doesnt affect the procedure you follow, but it helps potential applicants to decide if

33、 its a job they really want. 13 【正确答案】 G 14 【正确答案】 H 15 【正确答案】 F 16 【正确答案】 D 17 【正确答案】 B 17 【听力原文】 Eighteen Some people tell you that what a dissatisfied customer really wants is to have the opportunity to spend his money again. You may have to resort to this - a refund or perhaps some form of credi

34、t. However, this may lose a customer and will certainly lose that particular deal. Try a bit of persuasion -remind your customer why he chose your product in the first place, give him a new one and save him the trouble of making further decisions. pause Nineteen Its often the case that a complaint a

35、bout faulty equipment really means the customer is doing something wrong. Of course, considerable tact is called for when this happens - dont make them feel foolish. What they need is some guidance -and this should be provided without further cost. Make sure any damage done has been put right, and t

36、hen set up the familiarisation session. Problem solved, customer happy, equipment saved from any more misuse. pause Twenty When a customer complains, its important to be sympathetic, but business-like as well. Do apologise, of course, and then, taking a personal interest in the way the equipment wil

37、l be used, suggest a newer, more recent model rather than simply replacing the original one. This is often a good solution, because it not only deals with the complaint, but also the client feels theyve got away with a bit extra to make up for the inconvenience. pause Twenty-one I dont think all com

38、plaints can be dealt with in the same way. Basically, youve got to solve the immediate problem to try to keep the customers confidence. Sometimes guaranteeing your product for a longer period can be a good way to do this. Fix whats wrong as quickly as possible and show youre prepared to do so a seco

39、nd time if necessary. Point out that the customer wont have any worries, at least not until they need an upgrade. pause Twenty-two Its a good idea to let the customer know why theres been a problem - it shows you are prepared to be honest, and you might win a bit of sympathy. They realise that thing

40、s dont always go right for the supplier either. But the most satisfactory thing to do is to offer a refund. Then, of course, they are more likely to deal with you again when they need a replacement. 18 【正确答案】 C 19 【正确答案】 F 20 【正确答案】 D 21 【正确答案】 G 22 【正确答案】 B 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Woman: Ah, Gareth

41、, do sit down. Man: Thank you. Woman: Now, presumably youve considered this case study about Trident Appliances? Man: Yes. Woman: Good. Well, lets start with the present situation. Trident manufactures photocopiers, which they sell in bulk to retailers and large organisations. Now, why do you think

42、theyre having trouble selling them? Man: Its strange, because theres a big demand for photocopiers, and Tridents are competitively priced. But the specifications just dont compare with whats expected these days. Its a shame, because theyve got plenty of technical expertise in their engineering suppo

43、rt team. Woman: OK. Now, the company is owned by a large multinational. How do they see Trident? Man: Well, the group is largely in the mining sector, and Trident doesnt fit in with that, so youd expect the parent company to want to sell it. Or alternatively to be active, say by helping it to expand

44、 its markets. But really it seems quite content to take a hands-off approach, as long as Trident is generating some income. Woman: Hmm . . . Theres clearly poor morale among the employees. Why do you think that is? Man: Well, weak line managers are often a reason, but I cant find any evidence for th

45、at here. And even the recent changes, like the cut in bonuses, have been accepted fairly calmly. I think it reflects peoples uncertainty about their long-term prospects with the company. Woman: What would you say about the sales staff? Theres a lot about them in the case study. Man: Theyre doing the

46、 best they can in the circumstances. Theres a system for helping them to develop their selling skills, and thats working. The way customers are allocated to each salesperson could be improved maybe, to reduce unnecessary travel. But theyre getting contradictory signals about what theyre supposed to

47、be doing: just responding to enquiries, or going out looking for new business. Woman: Uh-huh. And what about the service engineers: whats the main weakness in that department? Man: They seem to miss a lot of opportunities. When they visit a customer to install or repair a photocopier, its their chan

48、ce to look at all the equipment there and suggest how Trident could supply the companys needs better. Then theres their problem with spares, the Parts Services Department keeps stocks low, for financial reasons, but that means the engineers often cant get the parts they need for call-outs, and the c

49、ustomer has to wait. Woman: Now, what about communications within the company? Im sure youll agree theyre not as good as they could be. Why do you think that is? Man: Well, was bit surprised, because, in fact, middle managers hold regular meetings with their departments. But thats because theyre given information by the top management about policy issues and plans, for instance, which they have to pass on. But I have to


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