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1、BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 112及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 Look at the statements below and the views about improvement processes on the opposite page. Which company (A, B, C or D) does each sentence 1 - 7 refer to? For each sentence 1 - 7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use so

2、me of the letters more than once. A “Were ahead of our competitors in that every year we invite customers to headquarters to discuss their expectations for the next five years. In addition to customers, the meeting includes approximately 100 employees and suppliers. We parade our five-year plan, inc

3、luding such things as service, quality and on-time delivery, and involve everyone in a feedback process. The outcome becomes part of our long-range strategic plan, which is communicated to every employee in the organisation - a process we call management by planning.“ B “The approach we find we need

4、 to take to increasing customer satisfaction is systemic. There isnt an easy way to do it. Everything is interconnected and builds. In order to delight customers, you need smooth manufacturing processes, which means you need an accurate warehouse, which in turn relies on a good manufacturing require

5、ments system and good suppliers. You cant accomplish one in isolation.“ C “As part of our improvement process, employees participate actively in raising customer satisfaction. They establish the areas in which they will be measured that translate into quality performance: things like, How quickly do

6、 you respond to a call? or How effective are your dealings with the customer? Feedback is provided regularly to employees. They analyse the data to determine when additional instruction and support are needed, or when processes need to be re-worked or improved, or when our goals need to be changed.

7、They are also encouraged to keep an eye on the competition and how they are doing. These data are used for planning purposes.“ D “Our senior managers are constantly pulling the competitions products apart to see what theyre doing. Theyve also done some benchmarking against our better competitors. Th

8、ere are a few good ones that make us run faster and harder. But, to be honest, in terms of new service initiatives, for example, weve had to look outside our industry to find what could be called best of breed. Weve milked our own industry.“ 1 Staff are invited to set the standards that are used to

9、assess their productivity 2 Long-term aims are negotiated with people internal and external to the company 3 Staff contribute to the monitoring of competitors progress. 4 Different kinds of company need to be examined for ideas for innovation. 5 Staff decide on their own requirements for training. 6

10、 Improving one aspect of the business affects other aspects. 7 All staff are informed of the companys future direction. 二、 PART TWO 7 Read the article below about management teams in making decisions. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 8-12, mark o

11、ne letter(A-G). Do not use any letter more than once. How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight Top managers often find it very difficult to manage conflict. They know that conflict over issues is natural and even necessary. Reasonable people, making decisions under conditions of uncertainty, are l

12、ikely to have honest disagreements over the best path for their companys future. Management teams whose members challenge one anothers thinking develop a more complete understanding of the choices, cerate a richer range of options. Ultimately they are able to make the kinds of effective decisions ne

13、cessary in todays competitive environments. But, unfortunately, healthy conflict can quickly turn unproductive. A comment meant as a substantive remark can be interpreted as a personal attack. (8) Personalities frequently become closely connected with issues. Because most executives are proud of the

14、ir ability to make rational decisions, they find it difficult even to acknowledge let alone manage this emotional, irrational dimension of their behavior. The challenge is familiar to anyone who has ever been part of a management team. (9) The managers should be encouraged to argue without destroyin

15、g their ability to work as a team. In a study, in 4 of the 12 companies, there was little or no substantive disagreement over major issues and therefore little conflict to observe. But the other 8 companies experienced considerable conflict. In 4 of them, the top-management teams handled conflict in

16、 a way that avoided interpersonal hostility or discord. (10) They described the way they work as a team asopen, fun, and productive. The executives vigorously debated the issues, but they wasted little time on carefully considering and posturing. As one put it, I really dont have time. Another said,

17、 We dont gloss over the issues: we hit them straight on. But were not political, Still another observed of her companys management team, We scream a lot, then laugh, and then resolve the issue. The other four companies in which issues were contested were less successful at avoiding interpersonal con

18、flict. Their top teams were plagued by intense hostility. (11) When executives described their colleagues to us, they used words such asmanipulative, secretive.burned out, andpolitical. The teams with minimal interpersonal conflict were able to separate substantive issues from those based on persona

19、lities. (12) How did they do that? After analyzing the observations of the teams behavior, the experts found that their companies used the same tactics for managing interpersonal conflict. For instance, team members worked with more, rather than less, information and debated on the basis of facts. A

20、. They must try to keep constructive conflict over issues from turning into nonfunctional interpersonal conflict. B. Executives Often failed to cooperate. rarely talking with one another, tending to fragment into cliques, and openly displaying their frustration and anger. C. Anxiety and frustration

21、over difficult choices can evolve into anger directed at colleagues. D. Executives in those companies referred to their colleagues as smart, team player, and best In the business. E. All the teams had to make high-stakes decisions in the face of considerable uncertainty and under pressure to move qu

22、ickly. F. They managed to disagree over questions of strategic significance and still get along with one another. 三、 PART THREE 12 Read the article below about flea market and the questions on the opposite page. For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the an

23、swer you choose. Flea Market Shopping Can Be Satisfying Whether in London, Paris or at a rural antique fair, an addictive adrenaline surge is triggered when I discover an architectural fragment I know can be converted into a headboard, or when I come across an old sea chest that, with some paint and

24、 polish, can be made to work as a coffee table. In truth it took quite a while, but I finally learned to practice self-discipline when browsing at flea markets. Its that time again, sunny days are upon us, and flea market and antiques sales wait. Old pieces with great potential abound-all you have t

25、o do is to spot them. But wait a moment, I just got something to tell you before you plunge into it. That will help make your hunt more fruitful. Believe it or not, youll definitely be inspired. Keep an open mind. You may not come away with the things that were on your list, but thats the beauty of

26、the hunt. you never know what youll find. If you didnt find a particular item this week, dont despair-chances are youll find it next time. Know when to walk away. Sometimes playing the cool, uninterested browser will get you a better deal on an item, but dont be too coy. If you see something you lik

27、e, buy it-there may not be a second chance on a one-of-a-kind find. Know how to negotiate. Although haggling over a price is part of the experience, an offer thats too low is insulting. Vendors will often lower the marked price by about 10 percent. Buying several items from one vendor and giving the

28、m regular business will get you a better deal. Know who to buy from. This is a well-kept secret among flea-market gurus. Youre more likely to get a deal on items that arent part of a vendors regular supply. Vendors sometimes pick up odd items to add to the mix and may be more willing to part with th

29、em for less money. Have cash on hand. Cash is always the most powerful negotiating tool and best method of payment. Most vendors wont accept checks or credit cards. Small bills make it easier when youre haggling a sale. Markets in rural areas have ATM machines nearby, but field markets usually dont.

30、 Be aware that prices often prove more negotiable when vendors learn youll be paying with cash rather than with a credit card. Anyway, a flea market is an interesting place to visit if you want to buy something or if you want to buy nothing. It consists of an open space filled with individual vendor

31、s selling used or almost new merchandise, as well as produce, paintings and crafts. Approach your acquaintances or public library for the location of the nearest flea market and for the days and hours it is open. Dont be surprised if you find the very thing you have been looking for You may wish to

32、set up your own table at the flea market if you would like to sell toys, books and items that you no longer use. It will be another kind of pleasure. Now its your turn to go and find out. 13 What does “potential“ mean in the sentence “Old pieces with great potential abound. “? (Para 1) ( A) The new

33、uses to which old pieces will be put. ( B) The old pieces which need finding out very carefully. ( C) The gurus that are more likely to find out old pieces. ( D) The interesting objects that are stowed away. 14 How to keep an open mind when shopping at flea market? ( A) You should not make a list be

34、forehand. ( B) You should attach importance to the process rather than the result. ( C) Nothing can disappoint you. ( D) Ignorance of the market is the key to be satisfied. 15 The tip “know when to walk away“ tells us that _. ( A) you should walk away when you see something you like but expensive (

35、B) sometimes appropriate detached attitudes can ensure you a bargain ( C) dont act too shy to leave ( D) youd better walk away when you have a second chance 16 What is impolite when shopping at flea market? ( A) To argue about the price with sellers. ( B) To show little enthusiasm for the items you

36、want. ( C) To buy several items from different sellers. ( D) To ask sellers for too low prices. 17 Who would like to sell particular goods at low prices? ( A) Sellers with irregular supply. ( B) Gurus with a well-kept secret. ( C) Sellers with many sorts of goods. ( D) Sellers without ATM machine ne

37、ar their stand. 18 The last paragraph of this passage implies that ( A) only at flea market can you buy nothing ( B) you can always find the very thing youve been looking for ( C) you may find the items that youve used at the flea market ( D) both selling and buying at flea market are pleasant 四、 PA

38、RT FOUR 18 Read the article about the cash basic of accounting. Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, Cor D. For each question 19 33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning. Under the cash basis of accounting, a firm recognizes revenues

39、from selling goods and providing services in the period when it receives cash from customers. It reports(19)in the period when it makes cash expenditures for merchandise, salaries, insurance, taxes, and (20)items. To illustrate the measurement of performance under the cash basis of accounting, consi

40、der the following example. Donald and Joanne Aliens open a hardware store on January l, Year 1. The firm receives $ 20, 000 (21)cash from the Aliens and borrows $ 12, 000 from a local bank. It must repay the loan on June 30, Year l, with interest charged (22) the rate of 12 percent per year. The fir

41、m rents a store building on January l, and pays 2 months rent of $ 4, 000 (23)On January 1, it also pays the premium of $2, 400 for property and liability insurance coverage for the year (24) December 31, Year 1. During January it acquires merchandise costing $ 40, 000, (25) it pur chases $ 26, 000

42、for cash and $ 14, 000 on account. Sales to customers during January total $ 50, 000, of which $ 34, 000 is for (26)and $ 16, 000 is on account. The acquisition cost of the merchandise (27)during January is $ 32, 000, and various employees receive $ 5, 000 in salaries. Lawyers, accountants, and (28)

43、professionals are the principal entities that use the cash basis of accounting. These professionals have (29) small investments in multiperiod assets, (30)buildings and equipment, and usuall y collect cash from clients soon after they (31)services. Most of these firms actually use a modified cash ba

44、sis of accounting, under which they (32)the costs of buildings, equipment, and similar items as assets (33) . Most individuals use the cash basis of accounting for the purpose of computing personal income and personal income taxes. ( A) by using up ( B) expenses ( C) by spending ( D) expense ( A) si

45、milar ( B) a lot of ( C) a large number of ( D) different ( A) by means of ( B) on ( C) within ( D) in ( A) with ( B) by ( C) at ( D) in ( A) in advance of ( B) ahead of ( C) in advance ( D) in front ( A) ended ( B) ending ( C) to end ( D) while ending ( A) of which ( B) in which ( C) with which ( D

46、) of that ( A) expenses ( B) money ( C) rent ( D) cash ( A) sell off ( B) sold ( C) is sold ( D) was sold ( A) the same ( B) different ( C) like ( D) other ( A) relatively ( B) relative to ( C) been relative to ( D) in relation to ( A) so that ( B) such that ( C) such as ( D) for the purpose of ( A)

47、 render ( B) pay for ( C) put into ( D) bring ( A) treat as ( B) pay for ( C) pay back ( D) treat ( A) when purchasing ( B) when purchased ( C) when purchase ( D) which purchased 五、 PART FIVE 33 How to approach Reading Test Part Five This part of the Reading Test tests your ability to identify addit

48、ional or unnecessary words in a text. Most lines contain one extra word which is incorrect. Read the whole text quickly to find out what it is about. As you read, try to identify the words that are incorrect. Make sure you consider whole sentences, and not each line separately. Then read the text ag

49、ain, and write down the extra words. Remember there will be only one extra word in a line, and some lines are correct. Read the article on the opposite page about identifying the training needs of staff. In most of the lines 34 - 45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. If there is an extra wo


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