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1、BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 130及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Read these sentences below and the transfer agency on the opposite page. Which business(A, B, C or D)does each sentence(1-7)describe? For each sentence(1-7), mark one letter(A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more t

2、han once.Example: 0 You can take it for only a short time if you prefer. EBTA BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENTSThe following businesses in the region are offered for sale: A RESTAURANTA large, well-decorated restaurant in an excellent position near the city centre. Opened three years with annual turnover of

3、100, 000. Regular trade and bookings for weddings, special occasions etc. Available on 50-year lease. Price on requestB ESTABLISHED POTTERYFamily business established for over fifty years in citys main commercial area.Small pottery currently employs twelve people producing china figures, vases and o

4、ther decorative items.Price includes premises plus equipments and raw materials.Price 200, 000C VACANT SHOPLocated in a superbly preserved historic building near city center. Large premises recently renovated to very high standards.Would suit a wide range of different trades. Available on limited(th

5、ree-year)lease, or longer if required.Short lease 15, 000D GARAGE thats $ 10 more than the going rate among thieves. If you think youre a victim of identity theft, you can ask for fraud alerts to be put on file at each of the three credit-report companies. You can also download a theft-report form a

6、t: www, consumer, gov/ idtheft, which, along with a local police report, should help when irate creditors come knocking. Just dont expect justice. That audacious help-desk worker was one of the fewer than 2% of identity thieves who are ever caught.Example: A A lot of them go Dumpster diving for thos

7、e millions of “pre-approved“ credit-card mailings that go out every day.B It used to get quite interesting around the dinner table.C That allowed the gang to cherry-pick consumers with good credit and applies for all kinds of accounts in their names.D So theres little financial incentive for them to

8、 make the application process more secure.E All allow you to order reports online, which is a lot better than wading through voice-mail hell on their 800 lines.F Otherwise its going to cost $8 to $14 each time.G This was an inside job, according to court documents. 8 【 P1】 9 【 P2】 10 【 P3】 11 【 P4】

9、12 【 P5】 三、 PART THREE 12 Read the article below about video games move online and the questions on the opposite page. For each question(13-18), mark one letter(A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet. Video Games Move Online In the eyes of media executives, the Internet is a malevolent vacuum-cleaner, su

10、cking in one business after another. Music, software and videos are all increasingly obtained online often free of charge. Now it is the turn of video games. A combination of new technology and compelling economics means that many, if not most, of them will be played online soon. Online gaming is no

11、t new. Since the early days of the Internet, netizens have indulged in “massively multiplayer role-playing online games“ , a genre that, now completes with fancy graphics, is still very popular, particularly in Asia. Some console games can be played online. There are several reasons to think, howeve

12、r, that video games have begun the transition from an industry primarily based on consoles and shrink-wrapped software to one in which online services dominate. Conventional gaming has not proved as resistant to the recession as many had expected. Meanwhile alternatives are emerging quickly. Many pe

13、rsonal computers are powerful enough to run fast-moving, graphics-heavy games just as well as consoles. As a result, firms are offering online games that can be played either through “client“ software, which users download, or via a web browser. These trends are dwarfed, however, by the explosion of

14、 “social“ games, which have become all the rage on social networks such as Facebook. These are more about interaction than action: players either join their friends for an online game of poker or Scrabble, or to create and show off virtual pets, farms and mob families. As gaming moves online, the ec

15、onomics of the industry are changing. Conventional games take years to develop and cost millions to market, and rely on big sales in their first few weeks of release to recoup the investment, making the launch of a new game a gamble akin to a Hollywood studios decision to produce a big-budget film.

16、As a result, like Hollywood, big gamemakers focus on successful franchises with fancy effects and plenty of action and have moved online only hesitantly. Online games, in particular the social kind, are hard for firms steeped in this model to make, argues Kristian Segerstrale, the boss of Playfish,

17、the number two in social gaming. Developing a new game takes only a few months and costs a few hundred thousand dollars. It can still be improved after its launch. Virtual distribution is far cheaper, and marketing tends to be too, since games often spread “virally“ among friends on social networks.

18、 The most important change will be in the way publishers earn money. Although some are charging subscription fees to players of online games or selling advertising, many of them make most of their money by managing an online economy, complete with virtual goods and a digital currency. Playing is fre

19、e, but users can get ahead by buying extra bits and bobs. 13 In Asia, what make the online game remain so popular? ( A) good service ( B) more users ( C) high speed movement ( D) perfect graphics 14 The main reason why the video game will be played online is that ( A) the unition of new technology a

20、nd current economics. ( B) the increase of the users. ( C) the change on living styles. ( D) the need of video game itself. 15 For the online game, the most important change is ( A) diversity of the use. ( B) the way publisher earn money. ( C) the improvement of the speed. ( D) the increase of the t

21、ypes of video game. 16 The way of managing online games is changing from selling software oriented to ( A) selling the procedure oriented. ( B) click rate oriented. ( C) online services oriented. ( D) fancy graphics oriented. 17 The reason why the trend of playing the social games is not good enough

22、 is that ( A) users seldom interact with one another. ( B) the technology of this kind of game is not fancy enough. ( C) the element of action not give much attention. ( D) the condition on the game market is not good enough. 18 Compared with the conventional games, the main difference of the online

23、 game is that ( A) it takes so long time to develop. ( B) it costs so much money. ( C) it can easily get back the cost. ( D) virtual distribution is much cheaper. 四、 PART FOUR 18 Read the article below about highways in the United States.Choose the best word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C o

24、r D on the opposite page.For each question(19-33), mark one letter(A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet.There is an example at the beginning(0).The United States is well-known(0)B its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time.【 C1】 _

25、these wide modern roads are generally【 C2】_and well maintained with【 C3】 _sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most【 C4】 _one. Large highways often pass【 C5】 _scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally【 C6】 _large urban centers, wh

26、ich means that they become crowded with【 C7】 _ traffic during rush hours,【 C8】_the “ fast, direct“ route becomes a very slow route.However, there is almost always another route to take【 C9】 _you are not in a hurry. Not far from the【 C10】 _new “ superhighways“ , there are often older,【 C11】 _ heavily

27、 traveled roads which go through the countryside.【 C12】 _of these are good two- lane roads; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high【 C13】 _, or down frightening hillside to towns【 C14】 _ in deep valleys. Through these less direct

28、 routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places【 C15】 _the air is clean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.Example: A as B for C at D among 19 【 C1】 ( A) Although ( B) Since ( C) Because ( D) Therefore 20 【 C2】 ( A) stable ( B)

29、splendid ( C) smooth ( D) complicated 21 【 C3】 ( A) little ( B) few ( C) much ( D) many 22 【 C4】 ( A) terrible ( B) possible ( C) enjoyable ( D) profitable 23 【 C5】 ( A) to ( B) into ( C) over ( D) by 24 【 C6】 ( A) lead ( B) connect ( C) collect ( D) communicate 25 【 C7】 ( A) large ( B) fast ( C) hi

30、gh ( D) heavy 26 【 C8】 ( A) when ( B) for ( C) but ( D) that 27 【 C9】 ( A) unless ( B) if ( C) as ( D) since 28 【 C10】 ( A) relatively ( B) regularly ( C) respectively ( D) reasonably 29 【 C11】 ( A) and ( B) less ( C) more ( D) or 30 【 C12】 ( A) All ( B) Several ( C) Lots ( D) Some 31 【 C13】 ( A) ro

31、cks ( B) cliffs ( C) roads ( D) paths 32 【 C14】 ( A) lying ( B) laying ( C) laid ( D) lied 33 【 C15】 ( A) there ( B) when ( C) which ( D) where 五、 PART FIVE 33 Read the text below about marketing information.In most of the lines(34-45), there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect o

32、r does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.The exercise begins with two examples,(0 and 00).Example: Market

33、ing Information0 Sales and marketing messages are illegal if they falsely advertise prices,00 performance capability, quality, or the other product characteristics, or34 the buyer in what any way. A Western Canadian electronics firm was convicted35 recently of bait-and-switch selling(selling product

34、s with deceptive advertising).36 This practice occurs when a company advertises at a very low price on a37 product, but the customer has great many difficulty getting the special price.38 Rather that, the company attempts to sell the customer a similar but39 higher-priced product or offers a rain ch

35、eck that it will not be honored. This40 tactic for attracting customers is a form of deceptive marketing. Furthermore,41 sellers of services must also be cautious about how the language they use to42 describe what they will do. Letters, reports, and proposals that they describe43 services to be performed are interpreted as contracts in courts. Sales and44 marketing messages must not make claims that cannot be verified, so that45 language must not promise more than which intended. BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 130答案与解析


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