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1、BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 68及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the statements below and the comments on change management on the opposite page. Which section(A, B, C or D)does each statement 1-7 refer to? For each statement 1-7, mark one letter(A, B, C or D) You will need to use some of these letters more than on

2、ce A For over three decades, academics, managers, and consultants, realizing that transforming organizations is difficult, have analyzed the subject Theyve sung the praises of leaders who communicate vision and walk the talk in order to make change efforts succeed Theyve sanctified the importance of

3、 changing organizational culture and employeesattitudes Theyve teased out the tensions between top-down transformation efforts and participatory approaches to change Still, studies show that in most organizations, two out of three transformation initiatives fail B Each manager looks at an initiative

4、 from his or her viewpoint and, based on personal experience, focuses on different success factors The experts, too, offer different perspectives A recent search for books on change and management turned up 6, 153 titles, each with a distinct take on the topic. Those ideas have a lot to offer,but ta

5、ke together, they force companies to tackle many priorities simultaneously,which spreads resource sand skills thin. C Someofthehardfactorsthataffectatransformationinitiativearethetimenecessarytocompleteit, the number of people required to execute it, and the financial results that intended actions a

6、re expected to achieve. The research shows that change projects fail to get off the ground when companies neglect the hard factors. That doesnt mean that executives can ignore the soft elements; that would be a grave mistake. However. If companies dont pay attention to the hard issues first, transfo

7、rmation programs will break down before the soft elements come into play. D Companies assume that the longer an initiative carries on. The more likely it is to fail the early impetus will peter out, windows of opportunity will close, objectives will be forgotten, key supporters will leave or lose th

8、eir enthusiasm, and problems will accumulate. However, contrary to popular perception, along project that is reviewed frequently is more likely to succeed than a short project that isnt reviewed frequently. Thus, the time between reviews is more critical for success than a projects life span. 1 the

9、importance of taking into consideration the economic effects brought by the change 2 the diversity in observing the initiative of change in companies 3 the belief that good communication between managers and staff will benefit the change 4 the relationship between the duration of a project and the c

10、hances of winning the change 5 the need to consider all the elements involved in a change 6 the possibility to make a successful change by considering the plan more than once 7 the negative view of asking companies to solve many problems at the same time 二、 PART TWO 7 How to approach Reading Test Pa

11、rt Two In this part of the Reading Test you read a text with gaps in it, and choose the best sentence to fill each gap from a set of seven sentences. First read the text for the overall meaning, then go back and look for the best sentence for each gap. Make sure the sentence fits both the meaning an

12、d the grammar of the text around the gap. Read the on the opposite page about an awards scheme for companies. Choose the best sentence from below to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 8 - 12, mark one letter (A - G) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. There is an example at

13、the beginning, (0). The regions best smaller companies Once again, readers of this magazine have the chance to vote for the regions best companies. (0)The awards will be presented at a dinner in Birmingham on May 17. The pattern established in the first year, of awards for Best Established Company,

14、Best New Company and Best Entrepreneur, will of course continue. However this year sees a new category, that of Best Communication with Investors. (8) . The Established Company of the Year will be one whose success has lasted for more than just a couple of months or years. Its share price will be pe

15、rforming above the average for its sector, but that is not the only measurement which will be taken into account. (9) . Above all, the winner will be professionally managed, in a way that deals equally well with good and bad trading conditions. The New Company of the Year will have gone public last

16、year, but will already have shown its growth and management qualities. (10) . In fact three early winners have already been successful in this second category, as well. The Entrepreneur of the Year will be someone with a proven track record of expertise in setting up and providing leadership to one

17、or possibly more businesses. He or she will have created an organisation that can deal with the demands placed on it as a public company. (11) . The winner will have maintained a balance between that original energy and the need to adapt as the company grows. In our new category, Best Communication

18、with Investors, the winning company will show that it is engaging in two-way dialogue with both actual and potential investors. (12) . All of these communication channels will be carefully tailored for the intended audience. In addition, the company is likely to distribute press releases by electron

19、ic means, to maximise its opportunities for publicity. Nominations for awards were invited several months ago, and reduced by the judges to a shortlist of three in each category. The shortlisted companies are described below, together with details of how to vote. Please get your vote to us no later

20、than 31 March. A. It wit), in effect, be able to demonstrate that it can go on to become an Established Company of the Year before long, B. In order to win, the company will have achieved success in both spheres, and have the evidence to prove it. C. To achieve this, it will be using a variety of me

21、ans, including the annual report, presentations, a dedicated website and attendance at specialised exhibitions. D. The judges will also consider the degree to which the company has a well planned and soundly financed strategy for its growth and development. E. At the same time, this structure must n

22、ot stifle the spirit that led to the companys initial SUCCESS, F. The innovation has been made in order to recognise the increasingly important part which this factor plays in a companys success. G. The competition, which is now in its tenth year, is designed to encourage excellence in smaller publi

23、c companies based in this area. 三、 PART THREE 12 How to approach Reading Test Part Three In this part of the Reading Test you read a longer text and answer six questions. First read the questions. Try to get an idea of what the text will be about. Then read the text quickly for general understanding

24、. Then read the text and questions more carefully, choosing the best answer to each question. Do not choose an answer just because you can see the same words in the text. Read the article below about report writing and the questions on the opposite page. For each question 13 - 18, mark one letter (A

25、, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. Report writing: a growing demand Writing reports is an essential business skill, one which is often thought to be quite distinct from those required for letter writing and speech making, for instance, yet in each case success comes from ta

26、king a common basic approach. Nowadays, the availability of computers makes it tempting to devote much of the planning stage of writing a report to experimenting with graphics and layout - which may well benefit the reader - but we risk focusing on presentation at the expense of substance. After all

27、, the absence of visible corrections may not mean an absence of errors. Skill at report writing is needed for anything from a short magazine article to a lengthy submission to a public enquiry. In business, it is nor only required for more and more jobs; it can also make a difference to your chances

28、 of promotion. When you speak, people know that you dont have the time to organise your ideas, or choose the fight words. But when you write, they assume youve got the time, and expect better organisarion, more careful expression. And - worryingly, perhaps, for many - they may read your words severa

29、l times. The increasing importance of reports reflects changes in the workplace. Gone are the days when businesses or departments were small enough for decisions to be taken after a discussion between the manager and a specialist on the shop floor. Companies and organisations have expanded and are n

30、ow increasingly dependent on documentation. This provides a record of decisions taken, and evidence that the issues have been analysed, Effective reports can enable management to retain the confidence of shareholders, directors and binkers. Some reports, like the minutes of a meeting, record the mai

31、n points of discussions, any decisions made and advice given. They also have one eye on the future. Lawyers and other professionals file reports as a record of their contact with clients. These are then available for future reference and for consukation by colleagues if necessary. A report filed at

32、the time is considered an accurate account of events should the facts be challenged subsequently. It provides evidence that you took appropriate steps, which may be valuable if things go wrong Later. It is always important to be clear about who your readers are. The report may be written for a parti

33、cular senior executive, but, unless it is confidential, a number of other people are likely to see it. Make sure your report is relevant to their needs too. If you are set a deadline, you will give a poor impression if you miss it. Busy managers can only cope with all the documents they receive by b

34、eing selective, perhaps turning just to the introduction and summary. If they are really harassed, your report may not even leave the pending tray! To be successful, a report must be read without undue delay, understood without undue effort, accepted and, where appropriate, acted upon. But reading a

35、 report can be a daunting experience, in which case the recipient will resist the idea of spending time wading through it. This natural resistance is known as the cognitive cost. A technical, closely typed report, written in a ponderous style, without illustrations, will have a high cognitive cost.

36、It is clearly going to be hard work absorbing the contents. 13 What point does the writer make in the first paragraph? ( A) The degree of accuracy in reports is higher now than in the past. ( B) Report writing and other forms of communication need similar skills. ( C) Readers are likely to respond f

37、avourably to attractively presented reports. ( D) The use of a computer can simplify the planning stage of a report. 14 What point is made in the second paragraph? ( A) Many people are more afraid of writing reports than they need to be. ( B) It may be difficult to decide on the appropriate length f

38、or a report. ( C) Report writing skills are influenced by the ability to speak effectively. ( D) Peoples careers may be affected by the way they write reports. 15 According to the third paragraph, reports are growing in importance because ( A) company size works against traditional forms of communic

39、ation. ( B) shareholders demand to be kept fully informed of company activities. ( C) a greater degree of specialisation at work is becoming the norm. ( D) more people are being given responsibility for making decisions. 16 In the fourth paragraph the writer suggests that reports may be helpful if (

40、 A) a client is dissatisfied with your advice. ( B) they are structured like the minutes of meetings. ( C) there is a disagreement about what happened. ( D) they outline a range of possible future outcomes. 17 The fifth paragraph warns that the intended reader ( A) may not agree with you about who s

41、hould read your report. ( B) may not think that your report is of any value. ( C) may not accept a report that is submitted late. ( D) may not read through your report in full. 18 In the last paragraph, what is meant by cognitive cost? ( A) the amount of time that the writer spends writing a report

42、( B) the readers unwillingness to make an effort to understand a report ( C) the amount of time that the reader spends reading any report ( D) the writers difficulty in presenting reports in an easily-understood style 四、 PART FOUR 18 How to approach Reading Test Part Four This part of the Reading Te

43、st tests your vocabulary. Read the whole text quickly to find out what it is about. As you read, try to predict the words that might fill the gaps. Next, look at the four possible answers for each gap and cross out any obviously incorrect words. Then read both before and after each gap to decide whi

44、ch word should go in it. The word needs to fit both the meaning and the grammar, After completing all the gaps, read the whole text again to check your answers. Read the article on the opposite page about networking. Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, O or D below. For each question 19

45、 - 33, mark one letter (A, B, O or D) on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning (0). NETWORK YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS That (0) . saying, Its not what you know, its who you know sums up what may well be the most important (19) . of climbing the business ladder. Diligence, competence and e

46、xperience are fine (20) ., but they are not enough. While this is no great secret, the fact (21) . that skilled workers are few and (22) . between - get business success depends on informal networking and sociologists have (23) . that the majority of top jobs in the US are obtained through it. A vas

47、t (24) . of jobs are never advertised and of those that are, many have already been (25) . to someone known to the company. These processes (26) . not just to industry but to the government and public sector as well. Potentially, colleagues, superiors, business friends, customers, suppliers can (27)

48、 . a networker with information, addresses and open doors that. make the difference between stagnation and a rapid rise. Nonetheless, as a communications trainer in Germany put it: Many people just do not know how to (28) develop and foster promising relationships. For some, networking (29) . just t

49、oo time-consuming or stressful. Such individuals shut themselves in their office and minimise (30) . with the outside world. They may do a great job of work, but they are unlikely to make great career strides. Other would-be networkers (31) . instant results, make a real nuisance of themselves, or network in too limited an environment. There are plenty of other classic errors, ranging from a failure to (32) . favours, to the converse - networking with opportunists who themselves never deliver.


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