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1、BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 7及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 Look at the sentences below and the following introduction about the types of ownership. Which type of ownership does each sentence 1 7 refer to? For each sentence 1 7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of the lette

2、rs more than once. A Partnerships On the whole, this is not a popular form of business organization, but it is often used by people in the professions, like doctors, dentists or lawyers, to expand their business. Greater efficiency is possible because people in this sort of association can spend the

3、ir time doing what they are best at. If one person is sick, then the remaining partner(s) can carry on the work. The main disadvantage is that even with this form of ownership, the amount of money available to the business may be limited. If people quarrel or disagree over decision making there can

4、be problems and serious delays. B Public (Plc) Companies These are the largest businesses in the private sector. There is no limit to the number of people holding shares in it and many of the larger companies have their shares listed on the stock exchange. The advantage of big businesses like this i

5、s that they find it easier to raise money as banks consider them a good risk. There are strict laws governing the setting-up of this kind of business and each year the company has to publish its accounts. The larger such businesses grow, the more difficult it is to control them. Workers in such busi

6、nesses may feel that management doesnt understand their problems. C Private (Ltd) Companies Such businesses are net allowed to sell shares to the public. They must consist of at least two members, but there is no upper limit to the numbers who own the company. The larger size makes it possible for s

7、uch companies to borrow more money from the banks or from issuing additional shares to its members. The advantage is that such a business is able to offer its members limited liability (responsibility) for debts and losses. Many companies of this type exist in England, Europe and the U. S. D Sole Pr

8、oprietorships Sole proprietorships, the most common business form, consist of one person doing business with no legal charter. While they offer the owner great freedom and are easy to form, they also present grave financial risks. General partnerships are merely proprietorships with multiple ewers.

9、1 There is no limit to the number of people holding shares in it. 2 The company can list on the stock exchange and the share can be sold to the public. 3 The company usually is organized by doctor and lawyer. 4 The shares of the company are not allowed to be sold to the public 5 The company has to p

10、ublish its accounts each year. 6 The members of the company bear limited liability for debts and losses. 7 In this form, people can spend their time in doing what they are best at. 二、 PART TWO 8 Read the on the opposite page about an awards scheme for companies. Choose the best sentence from below t

11、o fill each of the gaps. For each gap 8 - 12, mark one letter (A - G) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. There is an example at the beginning, (0). The regions best smaller companies Once again, readers of this magazine have the chance to vote for the regions best companies.

12、 (0)The awards will be presented at a dinner in Birmingham on May 17. The pattern established in the first year, of awards for Best Established Company, Best New Company and Best Entrepreneur, will of course continue. However this year sees a new category, that of Best Communication with Investors.

13、【 8】 _ The Established Company of the Year will be one whose success has lasted for more than just a couple of months or years. Its share price will be performing above the average for its sector, but that is not the only measurement which will be taken into account. 【 9】 _ Above all, the winner wil

14、l be professionally managed, in a way that deals equally well with good and bad trading conditions. The New Company of the Year will have gone public last year, but will already have shown its growth and management qualities. 【 10】 _ In fact three early winners have already been successful in this s

15、econd category, as well. The Entrepreneur of the Year will be someone with a proven track record of expertise in setting up and providing leadership to one or possibly more businesses. He or she will have created an organisation that can deal with the demands placed on it as a public company. 【 11】

16、_ The winner will have maintained a balance between that original energy and the need to adapt as the company grows. In our new category, Best Communication with Investors, the winning company will show that it is engaging in two-way dialogue with both actual and potential investors. 【 12】 _ All of

17、these communication channels will be carefully tailored for the intended audience. In addition, the company is likely to distribute press releases by electronic means, to maximise its opportunities for publicity. Nominations for awards were invited several months ago, and reduced by the judges to a

18、shortlist of three in each category. The shortlisted companies are described below, together with details of how to vote. Please get your vote to us no later than 31 March. A. It will, in effect, be able to demonstrate that it can go on to become an Established Company of the Year before long, B. In

19、 order to win, the company will have achieved success in both spheres, and have the evidence to prove it. C. To achieve this, it will be using a variety of means, including the annual report, presentations, a dedicated website and attendance at specialised exhibitions. D. The judges will also consid

20、er the degree to which the company has a well planned and soundly financed strategy for its growth and development. E. At the same time, this structure must not stifle the spirit that led to the companys initial SUCCESS. F. The innovation has been made in order to recognise the increasingly importan

21、t part which this factor plays in a companys success. G. The competition, which is now in its tenth year, is designed to encourage excellence in smaller public companies based in this area. 三、 PART THREE 13 Look at the article about the poll and the questions below. For the question 13- 18, mark one

22、 letter A,B,C or D on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. The Use of Ads Advertising may legally contain opinions and exaggerations which are misleading. There “legal lies“ are called puffs because they puff up a products qualities and make it seem better than it really is. Learn how to spo

23、t advertising puff. Advertising is controlled by law. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates the content of advertisements what the manufacturer can and can not say about its product. You as a Consumer can protect yourself from misleading ads by learning how to recognize them. Misleading adver

24、tising often presents the sellers opinion as if it were fact. “Zenos Cola is the finest soft drink. Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town.“ When you see advertisements like this, ask yourself “Who says so?“ This is the type of advertising puff that reflects an opinion. The words “fine

25、st“ and “most“ show that a judgment is being made a personal opinion, not a statement of fact. Of course the Zeno Company thinks their cola is the finest. They want you to think so too, so youll buy it. Some advertising puffs try to connect an unrelated quality to a product. For example, beauty and

26、popularity are often linked with perfume, cars, mouthwash, or toothpaste. This kind of advertising is called “image making“. Will you really meet nicer people if you drive a Panther automobile? Will people think youre sexier if you brush your teeth with Sparkle toothpaste? Of course not. When you se

27、e these advertisements, remember that very few products will automatically make you a better or happier person. Some advertising puffs describe the product accurately but are still misleading. For instance, a leading hamburger is described as a quarter of a pound. This statement is true: the hamburg

28、er does weigh a quarter of a pound before cooking. Since its purchased after being cooked, this claim may be classified as puff. Check the frozen food aisle in your supermarket. A frozen pie is labeled as a “nine-inch pie.“ This statement is true if you measure the pie from the outside of the rim on

29、 one side to the other side. The actual body of the pie is only 7.5 inches. If you buy a standard nine-inch pie plate for making your own pres, youll see that the nine inch measurement is for the inside of the pie. You should always question the claims made by any advertisement. Ask yourself: will t

30、he product really do all of these things? Is it truly the best? 13 Decide which of the following advertisements reflects/reflect only the sellers opinion? ( A) Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town. ( B) Use Sparkle Toothpaste to whiten your teeth. ( C) White Cat, washes whiter. ( D)

31、All of the above. 14 What does “puff up“ in the first paragraph (Line 2) mean? ( A) tell lies about ( B) speak too highly of ( C) praise ( D) evaluate 15 We can learn from the passage that the hamburger described as a quarter of a pound is _ a quarter of pound after being cooked. ( A) heavier than (

32、 B) really ( C) lighter than ( D) slightly heavier than 16 “Image-making“ advertisements try to _. ( A) exaggerate a products quality ( B) overpraise a products quality ( C) link an unrelated quality to a product ( D) make a true but exact statement of product 17 What does the passage mainly discuss

33、? ( A) Rules and regulations of advertising ( B) Learning how to spot advertising puffs ( C) Advertisements ( D) The agency regulating the content of advertisements 18 In this passage puffs can include all of the following except _. ( A) advertisements that contain the sellers opinion only ( B) adve

34、rtisements that connect an unrelated quality to a product ( C) advertisements that compare the advertised product with other products ( D) advertisements that seem to be facts but not exactly so 四、 PART FOUR 19 Read the article about People Express. Choose the best word to fill each blank, from A, B

35、, C or D. For each question 19-33 mark one letter (A, B, C or D )on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning. People Express People Express, founded in April 1981, grew rapidly on the basis of low fares and no-frills service. It soon became a leading airline and (19)_ changed the indu

36、stry as firms constantly engaged in price wars to lure passengers. Then, People Express bubble (20)_ because it overexpanded, consumer complaints mounted and other airlines matched its fares on popular routes. In 1986, People Express (21)_ hundreds of millions of dollars and was forced to sell out t

37、o Texas Air, the owner of Continental and Eastern Airlines. In early 1987, Texas Air (22)_ People Express into its Continental division and industry observers believed (23)_ the costly fare wars would be ended. They could not have been more wrong. To stimulate business for its (24)_ Continental Airl

38、ines, Texas Air instituted a new low fare category (25)_ MaxSaver. The fare offered prices that were up to 40 per cent lower than “supersaver“ rates offered (26)_ all airlines. For example, the round-trip MaxSaver fare from New York to Houston was $79. The MaxSaver fares were immediately matched by

39、all major airlines, (27)_ feared losing business. While MaxSaver rates were low, they also had restrictions. Tickets could not be (28)_ or flight times modified after purchase. Passengers would have to stay over either a Saturday or Sunday, Reservations had to be made at least two days (29)_ and the

40、re were limited seats available. Three weeks after MaxSaver rates were (30)_ American Airlines announced plans to raise its discount fares and require 30-day (31)_ purchasing for its lowest fares. It felt it could not continue at the rates in effect. However, just 10 days (32)_ American Airlines had

41、 to revise its plan. Texas Air refused to abandon the MaxSaver fare; it even extended the program into the busy summer sea son. Competitors went along and the price war raged on, (33)_ an executives comment that “nobodys cost structure can survive MaxSavers.“ ( A) little ( B) slowly ( C) quick ( D)

42、radically ( A) burst ( B) explode ( C) opened ( D) disappeared ( A) gained ( B) made ( C) lost ( D) disappeared ( A) emerged ( B) merged ( C) has combined ( D) mixed ( A) what ( B) which ( C) where ( D) that ( A) expand ( B) to extend ( C) expanded ( D) extended ( A) called ( B) calling ( C) to call

43、 ( D) calling on ( A) to ( B) for ( C) with ( D) by ( A) what ( B) that ( C) which ( D) this ( A) put off ( B) canceling ( C) destroyed ( D) canceled ( A) before ( B) in advance ( C) ahead of ( D) later ( A) introduced ( B) brought in ( C) taken in ( D) adapted ( A) advanced ( B) before ( C) ahead (

44、 D) prior to ( A) lately ( B) later ( C) late ( D) latter ( A) despite of ( B) despite ( C) in spite ( D) although 五、 PART FIVE 34 Read the text below about supermarket checkouts. In most of the lines 41-52 there s one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the mean

45、ing of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in the line. Write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTER on your Answer Sheet. CHECKOUTOPERATORS Supermarket Checkout operators sit at e

46、lectronic tills and feed in the prices of the customers goods This is now done by scanning, passing each such item over 34. a device that reads the bar-code on it and automatically registers it down in the 35. till. They may weigh some products, such as fruit, on scales near the 36. tilt. When all t

47、he goods will have been scanned, the till provides a total and the 37. operators take payment in the cash, by cheque or by credit or debit card. and 38. give a till receipt and any more change required. They provide bags, often 39. help to pack purchases, and change paper till rolls as being necessa

48、ry. 40. They also make it sure they have enough change, credit card forms, and carrier 41. bags. Operators ring a bell or buzzer to summon for a supervisor to help 42. with problems, and put notes and cheques into bags for periodic collection. 43. They enter their personal details in the till, so th

49、at their performance can be 44. analysed later. The system offers supermarkets an efficient way of handling with a 45. large number of customers purchasing many products and helps to keep checkout queues to a minimum. BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 7答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 “在这种公司里,持股人的数目没有限制。 ”见 B段中的第二句话There is no limit to the number of people holding shares.。 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 “公司能在股票交易市场上市,且可以将股票卖给公众。 ”这是一个常识,


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