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1、BEC商务英语(初级)口语模拟试卷 79及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 INTERVIEW (ABOUT 3 MIN) 1 In this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions. (1)Are you a northerner or a southerner? (2)What kind of person do you want to

2、 be in the future? (3)Do you believe the computer is very important for us? 二、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You h

3、ave 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 2 In this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the two below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas. A What is important when.? Maintaining the po

4、pularity among consumers: High quality Discounts After-service B What is important when.? Delegating task to others: Choice of person Clear organization Good attitude 三、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the p

5、rompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. 3 In this part of the test, the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material in the form of pictures or

6、 words. You have 30 seconds to look at the test promptly, and then about two minutes to discuss the scenario with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. For two or three candidates Scenario Im going to describe a situation. Nowadays, more people have

7、 chosen the flexible work style of working in your own home. Please make a discussion on the impacts of the flexible work style. Here are some ideas to help you. Prompt material Higher productivity Lower cost More employment opportunities Freedom Flexibility Follow-on questions What is the reason fo

8、r the trend towards working at home? Why are some companies still doubtful about this idea? What are the advantages of working at home? What are the disadvantages of working at home? What is the significance of working at home? BEC商务英语(初级)口语模拟试卷 79答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 INTERVIEW (ABOUT 3 MIN) 1 【正确答案】

9、(1)I am a real northerner with good temper. (2)I want to be a lawyer. And I hope I can devote myself to this career. (3)In this high-technology society, we need to communicate with the outside world directly and quickly. And only the internet of computer can meet these demands. 二、 SECTION 2 MINI PRE

10、SENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 2 【正确答案】 I choose topic A what is important when maintain the

11、 popularity among consumers. Concerning this topic, there are three items I want to mention here. In the first place, high quality of products is the basis of the sales. When the consumers buy the product this time, they find it is practically useful. Next time, they will be intended to buy the same

12、 product. While, if the product cannot meet their expectations, they may get disappointed, and as a result, they would try other brands of products. Next, it is important to offer discounts to regular customers. By offering discounts, a company can make its existing customers happy and remain loyal

13、to the companys products. Last but not least, after service is also an important item. Successful businesses try to supply service and follow-up in a timely manner to retain their customers. If a business is losing customers, it will lose profits. To sum up, high quality, discount and after service

14、are all important elements when maintaining the popularity among consumers. I choose topic B what is important when delegating task to others. As for this topic, I have three points to say. To begin with, choosing the right person is an important item to be considered. You had better to find the emp

15、loyee who does well in the work you want to assign. Based on the strengthen principle, the company can save time and improve the efficiency. And the employee can express his own strengthen and do his best to finish the work. Next, clear organization is another standard for a good leader. You should

16、figure out who has time to do the job. Do not put pressure on the busy employees and let the some others free to lose their mind to other unused things. Find the right person in a right time is the best choice. Then, good attitude also improve the efficiency of the work. The employees can cooperate

17、with each other, and do what they good at and learn from each other. Therefore, they may do the assigned job very well and complete the work in a shorter time. 【试题解析】 这道题所给出可供选择的两个话题分别是 “为了保持产品的受欢迎程度,什么是重要的 ”和 “在给别人分配工作时,什么是重要的 ”。这两个话题分别设计到了产品的管理以及公司的 人事管理领域。而其中,不难看出,分配任务话题较为贴近考生生活,容易入手。而相对应的产品欢迎度,则

18、属于比较专业的产品营销范畴。 三、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questio

19、ns related to the topic. 3 【正确答案】 A: Well, as we know, our company is going to introduce the right flexible working strategy for the staff. Flexible wording offers large business and government organization new ways of doing business. B: Oh, the concepts such as home working, tele-working and more r

20、ecently remote and nomadic working are all forms of flexible working. And the flexible working has potentially brought a number of considerable advantages, in attracting staff, in improving productivity, in maintaining competitiveness and in increasing employment opportunities. A: And it also has ad

21、vantages in higher productivity and in cost reduction. B: Exactly. But I think the biggest benefit of flexible ways of working is freedom and flexibility. You see, with flexible ways of working, theres no strict timetable to obey. People can work at any time according to their own habits or convenie

22、nce. A: Right. And they do not need to travel to work every day and can wear whatever they like at home. B: And this trend towards home offices is bringing work and home closer together under one root, so it can also help employees improve the balance between work and home life. A: I can not agree w

23、ith you more. To sum up, freedom and flexibility is the most important benefit the flexible working strategy has potentially brought. B: Oh, exactly. Follow-on questions There are so many reasons, such as corporation reorganization and downsizing, explosion in technology, and so on. Because they wor

24、ry that they wont know what the staff are doing, if they are not in the office all the time. The advantages are freedom and flexible time. And it is a fact that we do not need to travel to work every day and we can wear what we like. The disadvantages are that we isolated from a team and seldom communicate face to face. It will have a great influence on various aspects of the society, especially on the way of life.


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