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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 102及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 Which chart shows the percentage of foreign trade in three years? ( A) nbsp; ( B) nbsp; ( C) nbsp; 二、 PART TWO 1 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a man bargaining for a better price. For each question, fill in the missing i

2、nformation in the numbered space using a word, number or letter. You will hear the conversation twice. Talking About Business-Bargaining for a Better Price Company Name(that offers the price) Fraser Projector【 A1】 _Corporation Company Name(that is to bargain fa a better price) S. C. Johnson & Son Co

3、rporation Position of Ms. Jennings 【 A2】 _Marketing Position of Mr. Markinson 【 A3】 _Manager Price offer 【 A4】 $ _ for each projector Price bargained for 【 A5】 $ _ for each projector Solution 【 A6】 Talk to the_ Reply date 【 A7】 _ 2 【 A1】 3 【 A2】 4 【 A3】 5 【 A4】 6 【 A5】 7 【 A6】 8 【 A7】 三、 PART THREE

4、8 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a presentation about a holiday tour company. For each question 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words. You will hear the conversation twice. CULTURAL STUDY TOURS Location: Head office:

5、Glasgow Glasgow Branch office: Edinburgh Company structure: Status: 【 B1】 _liability company Number of directors: 【 B2】 _ Responsibilities: Alan: 【 B3】 _ Peter: 【 B4】 _ Number of staff: 【 B5】 _tour leaders 【 B6】 _staff Administrative staffs responsibilities: 【 B7】 _ 9 【 B1】 10 【 B2】 11 【 B3】 12 【 B4

6、】 13 【 B5】 14 【 B6】 15 【 B7】 四、 PART FOUR 16 You will hear an interview with Ms Spencer about the change of telephone numbers in the city. For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will hear the interview twice. 16 Why are telephone numbers changing? ( A) The t

7、elephone company is running out of numbers because of rapid growth of phone systems. ( B) There is an increasing demand of mobile phones and fax machines. ( C) All kinds of businesses are expanding in the city. 17 Over the next 5 years, every phone number in the city will gain an extra ( A) 8 digits

8、. ( B) 2 digits. ( C) 1 or 2 digits. 18 The telephone company is going to ( A) launch a nation-wide campaign to inform people about the change. ( B) write most of the new numbers on White Pages directories. ( C) inform about the change right away. 19 How long will the customers be told about new num

9、ber on the phone? ( A) 3 months ( B) 6 months ( C) 9 months 20 How can people overseas find the new number? ( A) call their local operator ( B) look into the White Pages directory ( C) find out from the media 21 To be connected automatically to your old number, overseas callers will ( A) not be char

10、ged for the service during the first year. ( B) not be charged for the service for the first 9 months. ( C) be charged for the service for the first 9 months. 22 You can minimize the cost if you ( A) update the materials and facilities on the date of change. ( B) update the materials and facilities

11、within one year. ( C) update your materials and facilities beforehand. 23 The cost of call will ( A) rise after the change. ( B) remain unchanged. ( C) reduce after the change. BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 102答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 and , although at present 25% of our trade is done abroad, this should incr

12、ease by 10 next year. Weplan to expand foreign trade to 50% of our market within three years. 1 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 听力 二、 PART TWO 1 【听力原文】 F: Hello, this is Flora Jennings, the Marketing Manager of Fraser Projector Manufacturing Corporation. M: Hi, Ms. Jennings. This is Michael Markinson, the Sales Man

13、ager of S.C. Johnson Son Corporation. F: Oh, Mr. Markinson, you called yesterday. Im sorry I was away at a business meeting yesterday. M: Thats all right. Im calling to talk with you about some business. F: Please go ahead. M: I have studied the pamphlet of your product and Im impressed with all the

14、 equipment the projector has. F: That is our newly designed built-in projector. M: I see. Im thinking of ordering twenty sets. But theres one problem. F: Whats that? M: Price. It is not possible for us to make any sales at this price. F: $ 369 is about as low as we can go. M: Im afraid I cant agree

15、with you there. Your price is higher than that of many other companies. F: But considering the high quality, our price is very reasonable. M: I dont deny that the projector is of top quality. If you could go a little lower, say $ 300 for each projector, Id give you the order right away. F: Well, I d

16、ont know if we can do it. Let me talk to our General Manager. M: All right. When can I get a reply? F: Well, I think I can give you a reply the day after tomorrow. M: Thats great. Thank you very much. F: My pleasure. Goodbye! M: Goodbye! 2 【正确答案】 Manufacturing 3 【正确答案】 Manager 4 【正确答案】 Sales 5 【正确答案

17、】 369 6 【正确答案】 300 7 【正确答案】 General Manager 8 【正确答案】 The Day After Tomorrow 三、 PART THREE 8 【听力原文】 Good afternoon. My name is Alan Swale. and Id like to talk to you about my company which is called Cultural Study Tours. Basically, we offer tours in various countries including Scotland, for people wh

18、o want to learn more about particular cultural aspects of those countries. Now I thought Id begin firstly by describing our organization and then go on to outline for you the way in which we operate. Well, its based in Scotland. The head office is in Glasgow but we have a small branch office in Edin

19、burgh. Its a limited liability company, with two directors, me and my colleague, Peter. And together we own 60% of the shares. Im in charge of marketing and Peters responsible for the financial side of things. Apart from us, there are eleven full-time staff, there are five tour leaders who plan and

20、lead the tours. Each of them is responsible for a particular region: that is Great Britain, the Russian Federation, Eastern Europe, China and the Mediterranean. The tour leaders are supported by six administrative staff who handle day-to-day work. Let me give you an example of a tour that we organiz

21、ed last year on the architecture of Hungary. Well, firstly, we set up a series of introductory lectures and visits in Budapest and then took the participants around various cities of architectural interest. The aim, therefore, was to combine a holiday with a particular professional or cultural inter

22、est. So, what Ive been trying to do this afternoon, or in this brief introduction, is to show the kind of organization we are and the kind of hours we get involved in. 9 【正确答案】 LIMITED 【试题解析】 关键词语: Its a limited liabilitycompany.这是一家有限责任公司。 10 【正确答案】 2 【试题解析】 关键词语: with two directors, me andmy colle

23、ague, Peter有两个董事:我和我的同事 Peter。 11 【正确答案】 MARKETING 【试题解析】 关键词语: Im in charge ofmarketing我负责市场营销。 12 【正确答案】 FINANCE 【试题解析】 关键词语: and Peters respon sible for the financial side of things Peter负责有关财务方面的事务。 13 【正确答案】 5 【试题解析】 关键词语: there are five tour leaderswho plan and lead the tours 14 【正确答案】 6 ADMIN

24、ISTRATIVE 【试题解析】 关键词语: Thetour leaders are supported by six adminis trative staff 15 【正确答案】 DAY-TO-DAY WORK 【试题解析】 关键词语: staffwho handle day-to-day work 四、 PART FOUR 16 【听力原文】 Recently the local phone and fax numbers in this city are going to be changed to 8 numbers. How can we ensure smoother trans

25、ition. The following is an interview with official from local telephone company, Collins Spencer. She is going to give us some detailed explanations about it. Ms Spence, can you tell us why, how and when are the numbers changed? Well, in recent years there has been dramatic growth in the local phone

26、 system, especially in parts of the city where all kinds of business are thriving. So along with the demand for additional phone services, mobile phones, fax machines and pagers, as well as new phone companies we are actually running out of numbers. Over the next 5 years, starting July this year, ev

27、ery phone number in the city will eventually gain an extra 1 or 2 digits, so we will all have 8 digit numbers and a 2-digit area code. And the city will have a much larger supply of numbers for future growth and innovations in phoning services. Some people wonder how their customers will be informed

28、 what their new numbers are. This may not be as complicated as some people think. Beginning in May this year there will be an extensive nation-wide advertising campaign to make everyone aware of the number change. There will also be regular updates on the national and local press. And a complete tim

29、etable for every phone region in the city will be included in all White Pages directories from July this year. But more importantly, you will have time to let all your customers and suppliers, both locally and overseas, know in advance that your number is changing. Then for at least 6 months, after

30、the changeover, anyone accidentally calling your old number from anywhere in the country will be automatically connected to the new number at no extra charge. Then for a further 3 months, anyone who dials your old number will receive a recorded message advising them the change of your number. But ho

31、w will people overseas call me? Our local telephone company will advise other countries about the change. So overseas callers will be able to find out your new number from their local operator. Also, like phoning from within the country, during the first 6 months after changeover, overseas callers w

32、ho accidentally call your old number will be automatically connected to your new number at no additional cost. Then for the next 3 months, a recorded message will advise any overseas callers of your new number. That will be very convenient. Then Ms Spencer, many people want to know what they need to

33、 do about the change? Well, before your number changes, you should plan to update your stationery, promotional material, signs and any material where your number appears. With 12 months written notice before the changeover, you can minimize the costs by planning ahead. As the changes occur you will

34、also need to update programmed numbers in computers, fax machines and phones and modify barring facilities on phones and fax machines. Database phone lists and documents will also need to be updated. Then I have a last question. Will the cost of calls change? Oh, no. Dont worry about that. The chang

35、e of the phone number will have no effect on the cost of making a call, no matter if its a local or long-distance call. National long distance calls will still be charged according to the distance and time, just like they are now. 16 【正确答案】 A 17 【正确答案】 C 18 【正确答案】 A 19 【正确答案】 C 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 B 22 【正确答案】 C 23 【正确答案】 B


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