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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 108及答案与解析 一、 PART FOUR 1 How can organisations make sure that their leaders gain the right skills first? ( A) realise its importance ( B) find enlightened ClOs ( C) find qualified CFOs and HRs 1 You will hear a conversation on public relations. For each question (23-30), mark one l

2、etter (A, B, or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 2 What is the mans opinion on the business of public relations? ( A) It is mild. ( B) It involves rigorous competition. ( C) It develops very fast. 3 What did the woman first do after graduate? ( A) She st

3、arted a law firm. ( B) She was in charge of marketing products. ( C) She was in charge of a section in a firm. 4 What is not an area of the womans interest? ( A) How people become widely known. ( B) How products were produced. ( C) How human behaviour influence marketing. 5 What does the womans publ

4、ic relations business primarily focus on? ( A) It focuses on fashion. ( B) It focuses on modelling. ( C) It focuses on luxuries. 6 Which is not the disadvantage to focusing on small businesses? ( A) having limited funds ( B) having to try hard to made itself known ( C) having to cater for lots of ne

5、eds of people 7 Which statement is correct about problems in business? ( A) The most serious problem of a business is with the legal aspects. ( B) Legal challenges of a business involves contracts and agreements. ( C) Larger business has fewer problems than does smaller ones. 8 Which comment is corr

6、ect on the methods by which the womans business is made known? ( A) direct and effective ( B) indirect but effective ( C) indirect and ineffective 9 Judged from the interview, what is the womans position? ( A) a home-based business person ( B) a freelancer ( C) a virtual assistant 9 You will hear a

7、lecture on business management. For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B, or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 10 Which is the focus of tip one? ( A) You should invest less money than you can earn. ( B) You dont need to try too hard to earn money

8、to reach your goal. ( C) You should budget reasonably to invest your money. 11 What should be done concerning vital elements to success? ( A) to define what success is ( B) to organise your business in a successful manner ( C) to treat these elements as the most important in daily operation 12 What

9、does “Dont be an ostrich“ mean? ( A) Dont care what happens in the section you are in. ( B) Dont worry about events that could affect your business. ( C) Dont get bothered by problems that may arise. 13 According to the text, which of the following is preferred? ( A) to figure out how you are expect

10、ed to perform ( B) to focus on individual procedures instead of the mere ultimate goal ( C) to think a proposal through after it is made 14 What does SFS imply? ( A) The way you develop a part of your business accounts for what youll get eventually. ( B) How you perform determines the goal youll ach

11、ieve. ( C) How you operate your business is subject to your ultimate goal. 15 Why should you train the supervisors and managers? ( A) Because they are the key to your business success. ( B) Because how they perform affects the productivity of employees. ( C) Because they in turn can train employees

12、to increase productivity. 16 Which is not in line with the speakers account on appearance that matters in business? ( A) Products should be wrapped in an attractive way. ( B) The way a companys website works should be attention arousing. ( C) The expressions used when calling a client should be poli

13、shed. 17 What is essential for a business to thrive? ( A) to change faster than others ( B) to pay close attention to the industry and market ( C) to operate as the environment demands 17 You will hear a conversation between a manager and an employee management consultant. For each question (23-30),

14、 mark one letter (A, B, or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 18 What is the problem troubling the man? ( A) He has an employee who has to deal with reception office administration and data entry work. ( B) He has an employee who is not conductive to team

15、work. ( C) He has an employee who refused to do even the most obvious tasks. 19 Which is correct about the employees behaviour? ( A) It is characterised by eagerness. ( B) It is characterised by annoyance and frustration. ( C) It is characterised by arbitrary haphazardly. 20 What does the employee t

16、hink about the job? ( A) It is done by people of lower rank. ( B) It is paid less. ( C) It demands less ability. 21 What is the best way to find out the reason for the employees passive aggressive behaviour? ( A) to guess based on her work behaviour ( B) to ask her in person ( C) to make you face wi

17、th the behaviour 22 Which is not a predicted response after the boss asked the employee for the reason for her behaviour? ( A) She asks the boss for help. ( B) She talks nonsense. ( C) She beats about the bushes. 23 What is suggested to do if the employee hides the truth of her moodiness? ( A) to gi

18、ve her two weeks to re-explain the reason for her moodiness ( B) to tell her the answer is not acceptable and she should change it ( C) to inform her that her behaviour in the next two weeks will be supervised 24 What couldnt happen after two weeks of supervision? ( A) The employee behaves well and

19、the boss talks with her about her future career. ( B) The employee behaves well and the boss terminates her current position to offer her a better future. ( C) The employee behaves not so well and the boss decides to give her the sack. 25 What is the manager supposed to do if the employee behaves we

20、ll for months afterwards? ( A) to offer her a new position ( B) to give her a promotion ( C) to replace her BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 108答案与解析 一、 PART FOUR 1 【听力原文】 Man: How can organisations make sure that their IT executives and managers gain the right skills? Woman: In the short term, companies have to f

21、irst recognise that business management and leadership skills are critical in the IT organisation, then ask, “ How do we embed these today.“ You deal with this by finding enlightened ClOs who understand business and surround themselves with a team of people who have the right skills: a CFO for IT, a

22、n HR person with an understanding of how to deal with IT issues, the right marketing communications people. 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: How说明考查的关键点是公司如何确定其领导者获得正确的技能题干提示点 2: first提醒考生注意时间顺序,因为在听力原文中出现了首先、然后的内容,如果考生不清楚题干。可能会误选。 1 【听力原文】 Man: We all know that public relations is a tough, highly competi

23、tive and fast-paced business. What made you decide to be in the public relations and branding field? Woman: When I graduated from college, my first job was working as the head of marketing for a law firm. But after working long hours with limited vacation time, office politics, and the routine sched

24、ule getting up every morning at 6: 00AM, going to the gym, then going to work and being chained to my desk, I decided to take the leap of faith, quit, go out on my own and start my own company. Marketing, public relations and branding were areas of business that always interested me. When I was youn

25、ger, I was fascinated by how people became famous, how the media worked and how different stories were selected, how product/services brands were built, and how sales and marketing are built on the principles of human behaviour. Man: Well, your public relations business focuses mainly on the fashion

26、 and beauty industries. What made you decide to work primarily for these industries? Woman: When I was in my early twenties, I was a high fashion model represented by various modelling agencies in New York City. I became acquainted with various luxury fashion, accessory, and beauty brands and I fell

27、 in love with the quality and details that each brand offered. Man: Right. What do you think are the advantages to focusing on a narrower segment, especially for small businesses? Woman: Good question. Small businesses usually have limited funds for marketing, so we have to be resourceful. We have t

28、o use all the tools that are available to us, like publicity and public relations. Additionally, when we pick a smaller niche to target, it is much easier to market effectively because we are not spreading ourselves thin by trying to be everything to everyone. Man: Then, what were the challenges you

29、 faced when starting the business? Woman: Just like any business owner, I encountered all sorts of problems, but the largest problems I had were with the legal aspects of my business contracts, agreements, and joint ventures. I didnt have the funds to hire an attorney to draft the contracts in the b

30、eginning, so I bartered. Bartering can be very effective if done properly. Man: The public relations field is one of the most fiercely competitive markets in the business world. What are the factors helping Marquet Communications make its mark in this dynamic and fast paced industry? Woman: You have

31、 that right, PR is so competitive. There are thousands of PR companies here in NY and in LA. I have taken a very concentrated approach to marketing by taking on clients that come as referrals, contact me through a byline in an article or an interview or by contacting me through one of the seminars /

32、workshops Ive hosted /attended. Man: Another question. You work from home with a staff of freelancers and virtual assistants. What are the key elements a small business owner needs to remember when managing people? Woman: The most important thing is to manage and supervise your employees. If you are

33、 the President of the company, your job is to oversee the daily operations of the business. Delegate responsibility. 2 【正确答案】 B 3 【正确答案】 C 4 【正确答案】 B 5 【正确答案】 A 6 【正确答案】 C 7 【正确答案】 B 8 【正确答案】 B 9 【正确答案】 A 9 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning, everyone. Today Im going to talk about business management. At firs

34、t, let me present you some tips for management, which might be useful in your work. Tip one. It is easier to save a dollar than to earn a dollar. Every dollar you dont spend is a dollar you dont have to earn to achieve the same profit level. Invest as needed to grow the business, buy what you need,

35、but dont spend without forethought and a good reason. Secondly. In every business there are a handful of key success factors. So, what you need to do is to define them, organise the business to achieve them, and make them your no.1 priority everyday! Tip three. Dont be an ostrich. Let me explain. Ev

36、en the best-run company can be blind-sided by external events. Stay aware of whats happening in your industry and to your clients. Watch world events that could affect your customers, or your suppliers. Dont worry about every potential problem, but keep your eyes open for the ones that do develop. T

37、ip No. 4. Identify all of your stakeholders. lt is important to know all of the individuals and groups who have a stake in what you do. Learn who they are, what they expect of you, and how they will measure it. The fifth one. Dont get lost in the steps. Stay focused on what it is you need / want to

38、accomplish. Dont focus on the steps involved. Be more concerned about your ultimate goal than about any individual step along the way. And No. 6. Do your homework. Whether its a proposal to a major client or a meeting with the Shop Steward of a union, you will do better if you are prepared. Collect

39、the facts, think the problem through, talk to the others involved. Take the time to do the “up-front“ work and the “ downstream“ work will be easier and more rewarding. Tip seven. SFS, that is structure follows strategy. When you develop your companys internet presence, or any other part of the busi

40、ness, remember that what you want to achieve, which is the strategy, has to drive the design and implementation, the structure. Dont get it backwards and let technology obscure the business purpose. No. eight. Train your supervisors. The key to your business success is the productivity of your emplo

41、yees. The key to employee productivity is their perception of their immediate supervisor. Invest in training your supervisors and managers. It will pay off. Tip nine. Appearance does matter. It may be a sad commentary on our superficial society, but appearance does matter. Whether its the packaging

42、on your product, the first impression you make when calling on a new client, or your companys website people notice how things look. They care about how things look and make judgments about you and / or your product based on appearance. Last but not the least, change or die. Your business must chang

43、e to survive. As much as we wish it would, nothing stays the same. Some industries change faster than others. Some markets are more fixed. To stay in business, you need to watch both and change as they do, or before. 10 【正确答案】 C 11 【正确答案】 C 12 【正确答案】 C 13 【正确答案】 A 14 【正确答案】 C 15 【正确答案】 B 16 【正确答案】 B

44、 17 【正确答案】 C 17 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello, Tim. Something wrong? What can I do for you? Man: Well. I do have a problem. I have an employee whose responsibilities include both reception and office administration work, and also data entry of our sales leads. Woman: And? Man: In recent months her attitude ha

45、s become problematic, so much so that other employees are afraid to approach her about tasks and duties. At times she seems almost unwilling to do even the most obvious tasks that an office admin should perform like express packages and such. l have difficulty addressing this problem because it happ

46、ens randomly sometimes she has a great attitude and is very eager to complete tasks, other times she seems annoyed or frustrated that we even dare not ask her to do something. The word “moody“ comes to mind. I know she thinks this job is “ beneath her“ and that she is looking for something more. But

47、 how can I give her more when she has demonstrated such poor behaviour? Woman: I see. I believe your admins “ moodiness“ is passive aggressive behaviour. Man: What does that mean? Woman: That is, she is unhappy with something in her life and expressing that unhappiness in her work behaviour. Unhappi

48、ness with what? I cannot venture to guess. Only she knows the answer. Consequently, the best way to deal with these situations is to confront the behaviour. Man: Then, what am I supposed to do? Woman: I suggest you meet with her privately to give her your observations. Then, ask her what she thinks

49、is the reason for her unprofessional behaviour. If she is honest, she will take this opportunity to tell you what the real issue is and give you the opportunity to help her solve the problem. If she is hiding something, I mean dishonest, she will make an excuse that makes no logical sense to you. Man: What if the latter happens? Woman: You need to explain to her that her moodiness is unacceptable behaviour for a professional and that she must change it immediately and respond positively to her co-workers from this time forward. Advise her that you are docu


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