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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay each recording. 1 When will the meeting be?2 Which office suppliers are they going to use? 3 Wh

2、ich line shows productivity correctly?4 What is the correct length? 5 What does the woman want to do about the meeting? ( A) cancel it ( B) postpone it ( C) bring it forward 6 What time will Mr Johnstone arrive? 7 Which chart shows where the companys goods are made? 8 Which task is urgent? 二、 PART T

3、WO 8 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear an interview between Anna Marsh, who works for a business magazine, and Jim Davenport, who works in the publicity department of a company, Gold Express. For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered sp

4、ace using a word, numbers, or letters. After you have listened once, replay the recording. Interview notes Company: GOLD EXPRESS Started in: (9) _ Most recent turnover: (10) _ Growth over 5 years: (11) _%. Managing Director: Peter (12) _ Total number of customers: (13) _ Number of employees: (14) _

5、Recent staff questionnaire showed: (15) _ % enjoyed their work. 三、 PART THREE 15 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear Alan French, the Managing Director of A2Z Racing, talking at a public meeting about his future plans. For each question 16-22, fill in the missing info

6、rmation in the numbered space using one or two words. After you have listened once, replay the recording. NEW RACETRACK IN BRAMFORD New racetrack will be where the (16) _ used to be. Work begins: (17) _ PARTNERS: SPC and Runwells SPC will provide an on-site (18) _ and a sports caf6. Runwells manufac

7、ture (19) _ Runwells will provide everyone with (20) _ TRACK USE: - racing twice a month - Police and ambulance need it for (21) _ their drivers. FUTURE PLANS: - possibility of building a (22) _ 四、 PART FOUR 23 You will hear a radio interview with a representative of the New Zealand Kiwi Fruit Marke

8、ting Board (the KMB), about the sale and export of kiwi fruit. For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 New Zealands highest earning exports are ( A) dairy products. ( B) fruit and vegetables. ( C) lamb and wo

9、ol. 24 Peter Bull says that the KMB was set up in order to increase ( A) the profits of retailers. ( B) the number of growers. ( C) the demand for kiwi fruit. 25 In order to sell kiwi fruit abroad, the KMB relies on ( A) low prices. ( B) quality control. ( C) TV advertising. 26 The newest export mar

10、kets are ( A) the Middle East and Korea. ( B) Europe and Japan. ( C) South America and Vietnam. 27 What percentage of New Zealands total exports are kiwi fruit? ( A) seven ( B) twenty-five ( C) thirty-two 28 Kiwi fruit are transported from farms to ports by ( A) air. ( B) rail. ( C) road. 29 How doe

11、s the KMB want to improve the shipping of kiwi fruit? ( A) by increasing the number of ships it uses ( B) by improving the way the fruit is packed ( C) by lowering the temperature on the ships 30 What is the most popular type of fruit in New Zealand? ( A) apples ( B) kiwi fruit ( C) pears BEC商务英语(初级

12、)听力模拟试卷 11答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Man: Sarah, can you fix a date for us to discuss the new advertising campaign with Nick Bradshaw? Itll have to be next week. I can manage the twelfth, fourteenth or fifteenth, as long as its after three-thirty. Woman: Right, but Nick said hed be away until the fo

13、urteenth, so itll have to be the following day. Man: Thatll be fine. 1 【正确答案】 C 2 【听力原文】 Woman: This latest order from Office Network is very expensive. Have you thought about changing suppliers? Man: Well, I did think about it. But Excel Products wouldnt give us any discount and A-Grade Service wan

14、t cash on delivery, so lets just leave things as they are. 2 【正确答案】 A 3 【听力原文】 Man: These figures are interesting, arent they? I expected to see the highest productivity in the earliest part of the day, and the lowest at the end. Woman: But. in fact, the peak times just before midday, isnt it? Man:

15、And performance is better at the end of the day than it is after lunch. I imagined itd be the other way round. 3 【正确答案】 C 4 【听力原文】 Man: Hello, Im calling from Brent Hardware. Theres an error in our catalogue, and we missed it when we were proofreading. Its on page twenty-six. Woman: Oh? Man: It says

16、 the length is five forty but it should be four twenty millimetres. Woman: Right. Oh yes, I see. The height is still four hundred and fifty-two, isnt it? Man: Thats right. Woman: OK, well re-do that page. 4 【正确答案】 A 5 【听力原文】 Woman: Ben. hello, Emily Jones here. Im calling about the project meeting.

17、Man: . on the fifteenth of May? Woman: Yes. I think that dates going to be too soon - I still havent got the figures I need from the contractor. Man: Do you want to put it off then? Woman: Please. Ill get back to you about alternative dates. 5 【正确答案】 B 6 【听力原文】 Man: Its Peter here from Executive Car

18、s. Im collecting a Mr Johnstone from the States His flight arrived at fourteen forty-five, but he still hasnt come through customs. Woman: Sorry. yes. Weve had a message to say he took a different flight. He gets in at sixteen fifty. Can you wait? Man: OK. The next flight Im meeting isnt until twent

19、y-one ten. Ill get something to eat. 6 【正确答案】 B 7 【听力原文】 . and the majority of our parts are made outside the US with sixty per cent manufactured in Asia, a smaller amount, just ten per cent, made in Eastern Europe and a further five per cent in Scandinavia; the remaining quarter are produced here i

20、n the US. 7 【正确答案】 B 8 【听力原文】 Man: Sarah, are you busy? Woman: Not very. Have you signed the letters I put on your desk? Man: Theyre in the post. The thing is, theres a problem at the Barcelona office. Weve got several faxes from them that need answering at once. Could you do that? Woman: No problem

21、. After that, shall we check our diaries for this week? Man: Good idea. 8 【正确答案】 C 二、 PART TWO 8 【听力原文】 Man: Gold Express. Jim Davenport. Woman: Morning. This is Anna Marsh from Business Review. You said youd give me some infor mation for the article Im doing on delivery companies. Man: Ah yes. Woma

22、n: So, when did Gold Express start doing business? Man: Well, it had been in business for 10 years when I joined it in 1986, so that means it was set up in 1976. Woman: I see. And whats your annual turnover? Man: 118 million last year - thats 12 million more than the year before. Woman: Thats fantas

23、tic. Man: Most similar companies have only grown by 8 to 9% in the last 5 years, but our business has grown by 54% in that time. I think thats due to our MD, Peter Mackintosh. Thats spelled M-A-C-K-I-N-T-O-S-H. Hes done a great job. Woman: What ideas has he brought to the company? Man: Well, first a

24、 very positive attitude to customer opinion. We have 120,000 customers, and we send questionnaires to 4,000 of those every 8 weeks. Woman: That must be very useful for you. Man: And we encourage all our staff - there are 7,500 now, because weve taken on another 450 this year - to give opinions too.

25、Last month 76% of staff said they were totally satisfied with their work here - thats 10% more than last time! Woman: Thats great, thanks. 9 【正确答案】 1976 10 【正确答案】 118 million 11 【正确答案】 54 12 【正确答案】 Mackintosh 13 【正确答案】 120,000 14 【正确答案】 7,500 15 【正确答案】 76 三、 PART THREE 15 【听力原文】 Man: Good evening ev

26、eryone. My names Alan French, and Im the managing director of A2Z Racing. Thanks for inviting me to speak to you about the development of the new racetrack here in Bramford. The plan is to build it on the site of the old airport behind the new leisure centre. It was reported in the local paper that

27、we were going to start work on 4th April, but in fact itll now be on the 14th of March. The total cost of the project will be around 4 million, and we have as our partners in this project SPC, the sports clothes manufacturers, who will open a retail outlet and sports cafe on the site. Theyre well-kn

28、own for the high quality of their goods and competitive prices, so Im certain theyll do well. The producer of car tyres, Runwells, have also joined us. They will offer a repair service to both the general public and the racing industry. We are therefore confident that the new 10km track and the othe

29、r businesses related to it will bring increased employment opportunities to the area. You may also be pleased to hear that the track will be used for racing just twice a month, so there should be no problem with noise. At other times the police and ambulance service will use it for training purposes

30、. Of course, my own racing team will practise there. We aim to attract as many people as possible, and in addition to the excellent facilities Ive already mentioned we are hoping to provide local businesses with a conference centre in a few years time. Now. if you have any questions, Ill be pleased

31、to answer them. 16 【正确答案】 (old) airport 17 【正确答案】 14(th) March 18 【正确答案】 retail outlet 19 【正确答案】 (car) tyres/tires 20 【正确答案】 (a) repair service 21 【正确答案】 training 22 【正确答案】 conference centre 四、 PART FOUR 23 【听力原文】 Man 1: Good evening. On Business World tonight, its my pleasure to welcome Peter Bull

32、from the New Zealand Kiwi Fruit Marketing Board - the KMB for short! Good to have you with us, Peter. First of all, for those people who may not have seen kiwi fruit, what are they? Man 2: Well, theyre a small, green, round fruit and theyre delicious! New Zealand now exports more of them than any ot

33、her fruit and vegetable - so kiwi fruit are very important to us economically. Of course, New Zealand is famous for lamb and wool production, and trade in both of these is still very good - though dairy products is actually the biggest area in terms of export income. Man 1: I see, and can you tell m

34、e why the KMB was started? Man 2: Well, some years ago kiwi fruit farmers found they were producing more fruit, but the market wasnt growing at the same rate. So the KMB was formed - partly to set up distribution to retailers and so on within New Zealand, but also to find more customers for kiwi fru

35、it around the world - in other words, to make the export market bigger. Man 1: I see, now just what do you do to find more customers around the world for a particular product, especially one which people have probably never seen before? Man 2: Well, there are a number of ways of doing this. Some mar

36、keting boards might do an international advertising campaign, so that when anybody in one of the target countries watches TV, theyre certain to see the product. Thats fine, but of course it costs a lot, and its not really suited to our product. So weve always approached this in a different way - we

37、want to be certain that anyone who buys our product anywhere in the world has a guarantee that what theyre buying is of the highest quality. This is the best long-term policy, you can do all kinds of things, like selling at cost price at the beginning so that your product is cheaper than its competi

38、tors, but we didnt think that would present the right image, and in the end youll only have to raise your prices anyway. Man 1: So, as with anything, it all comes down to how good your product is. Man 2: Thats right. Man 1: And where do most exports of kiwi fruit go? Man 2: Well, our market is expan

39、ding all the time. Our oldest markets are in Europe and Japan, but demand is growing in the Middle East and Korea. Our latest destinations are South America and Vietnam. Man 1: Really? So kiwi fruit are becoming truly international. Man 2: Yes. And kiwi fruit currently make up 25% of all fruit expor

40、ted by New Zealand. Man 1: And do you expect that to rise? Man 2: Yes - to 32% in five years time, a 7% increase we hope! Man 1: Mmm - OK how does the fruit get from grower to customer? Man 2: Well, most kiwi is exported by sea though some is sent by air freight to Australia. The fruit comes into th

41、e ports by truck, after being packed by the growers at local packing stations. There is a plan for express rail transport in the future, which should speed things up a bit more. Man 1: And after the fruit arrives at the ports? Man 2: Well, its stored on the ships in large wooden boxes. We send 50 mi

42、llion boxes out of the country on 80 ships - but thats not enough! Were quite happy with the design of the boxes, and we know weve got exactly the right temperature on board for the fruit - in other words, our technology isnt a problem - we simply need more ships to be able to work as efficiently as

43、 wed like to. Man 1: And how do you see the future developing? Man 2: Well, we hope to work out ways to send the fruit even more quickly to our export markets, to keep it as fresh as possible. Man 1: Mmm - well thank you, Peter. One last question - is kiwi fruit popular in New Zealand? Man 2: Yes. I

44、n fact it recently became the second biggest seller on the home market. Its overtaken sales of pears - although itll be a while yet before we overtake apples. But thats OK of course, because all New Zealand fruit is delicious! 23 【正确答案】 A 24 【正确答案】 C 25 【正确答案】 B 26 【正确答案】 C 27 【正确答案】 B 28 【正确答案】 C 29 【正确答案】 A 30 【正确答案】 A


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