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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 20及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C)for the correct answer. You will hear the eight recordings twice. 1 Why is the man in New York? ( A) To visit friends. ( B) To travel. ( C) To work. 2 Why is

2、 the order late? ( A) Invoice error. ( B) Suppliers own difficulty. ( C) Slip-up in dispatch. 3 When can Steven come to see Mr. Smith? ( A) At three this afternoon. ( B) At ten tomorrow morning. ( C) At three tomorrow afternoon. 4 Where are they going to take the visitors? ( A) The Italian Experienc

3、e. ( B) The Thai House. ( C) The Potato House. 5 Which part of the factory does Eric want to change? ( A) The packing hall. ( B) The warehouse. ( C) The production line. 6 What kind of packaging do they decide to use? 7 Which chart is correct? 8 How much does the retailer pay for each game? ( A) 8 (

4、 B) 9 ( C) 10 二、 PART TWO 8 Look at the form below. Some information is missing. You will hear a man phoning the Human Resources Department of his company. For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters. You will hear the conversation

5、 twice. NEW MEMBER OF STAFF DETAILS Name: (9) Ms _ Starting date: (10) _ Phone extension: (11) _ Email address: (12) _ Horsham. com Network password: (13) _ Starting salary: (14) _ Home address: (15) _ West Street. Kenford 三、 PART THREE 15 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You wi

6、ll hear part of a talk given to a group of new empolyees. For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words. You will hear the presentation twice. FIRST DAY AT JPC Our personnel officer is: (16) Joan _ Location of coffee machines, noticeboards: (

7、17) on _ Tax enquiry to: (18) _ Presentation: 2:40 pm Venue: Conference Room Subject: (19) _ Day of buffet lunch: (20) _ Colour photocoping (21) _ require: See Jerf: (22) _ Said for: 四、 PART FOUR 23 Listen to the manager talking to staff about the way they answer the telephone. For each question (23

8、 -30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 23 The information was ( A) recorded by the company. ( B) given by the companys customers. ( C) collected by a consultancy. 24 The companys staff answer the phone ( A) very quickly. ( B) reasonably quickly.

9、 ( C) far too slowly. 25 The groups average friendliness score was ( A) six out of ten. ( B) seven point five out of ten. ( C) eight out of ten. 26 When dealing with enquires, staff usually ( A) have to take a message. ( B) cant answer the callers questions. ( C) know who to pass the caller on to. 2

10、7 When putting a call through, staff should always ( A) ask for the callers name. ( B) play the hold music. ( C) ask the caller to wait. 28 Employees should answer the phone after ( A) two rings. ( B) three rings. ( C) four rings. 29 The company is most worried about how ( A) quickly staff answer th

11、e phone. ( B) efficiently staff deal with enquiries. ( C) friendly staff sound on the phone. 30 The handout has a list of ( A) pieces of good hold music. ( B) useful telephone phrases. ( C) extension numbers. BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 20答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 F: Have you been here long? M: No, only a fe

12、w days. F: Are you here on business or for pleasure? M: Business, Im afraid. My company has a project here in New York. I have to be here for three months. F: Really, thats nice. 1 【正确答案】 C 2 【听力原文】 F: Hi, Tom, Im calling to ask why we still havent received our order. It should have arrived last wee

13、k. M: Oh Im very sorry for that. You know, we usually deliver our orders on time. But this time our supplier is late in supplying us. Theyre having some difficulties and I hope theyll get over it as soon as possible. 2 【正确答案】 B 3 【听力原文】 F: Hello, CEB Company, Joan speaking. Can I help you? M: Hello,

14、 this is Steven speaking of ABC Company. Id like to speak to your General Manager, Mr. Smith. F: Im sorry. Mr. Smith is not available for the moment. Can I take a message? M: Thank you. Please tell him that I cannot come to see him at 3 this afternoon. I may come to see him at 10 tomorrow morning. F

15、: OK. I will tell him about this. Anything else? M: No. Thank you. Bye. F: Bye. 3 【正确答案】 B 4 【听力原文】 F: Where should we take the visitors this evening? M: Good question. What kind of food will they like? F: I know a place that serves great Asian food. M: Not everyone likes spicy food, though. I know

16、a place that does great pasta. Why dont we go there? 4 【正确答案】 A 5 【听力原文】 F: How can we increase production, Eric? Should we buy some more machines for the production line? M: Thats not necessary. The real problem is that we cant store any more raw material. We need to increase storage space. F: Yes,

17、 and the packing area, is that OK? M: For the moment, as I said, storage is the problem. 5 【正确答案】 B 6 【听力原文】 F: What packaging do you recommend for the smaller type of bottle? M: Well, Id wrap it in clear plastic and tie it at the top. F: OK. But dont you think a box would be better, perhaps with a

18、pattern on it? M: Boxes are dull and a pattern on the plastic would look untidy. F: Right, well do as you recommend. 6 【正确答案】 A 7 【听力原文】 M: . and Im pleased to announce that weve had a small but steady increase in ice creamsales, in spite of the unusually low temperatures in the last three months. W

19、ell see whether this trend continues. 7 【正确答案】 C 8 【听力原文】 F: The games look interesting, but how much do they cost per unit? M: The unit price is 10. F: And are there any discounts on large orders? M: We could give you a pound off per unit on orders over 500 units. F: Well. Then Ill just take 200 un

20、its to begin with. 8 【正确答案】 C 二、 PART TWO 8 【听力原文】 F: Human Resources. M: Hello, Steven Spence here. I understand youve managed to recruit a new assistant for my office. F: Yes, Steven, would you like to take down the details? M: Please. Can I have her surname? F: Well. its Shappen, S-H-A-double-P-E

21、-N, and its Ms. M: Thats an unusual name. OK. Now, can she begin on the fourth of July, as I requested? F: Ah, good news there. Weve actually been able to bring that forward to the twenty-eighth of this month. M: June? Oh, thats great. Were so busy, and itll make a real difference. F: Ive got everyt

22、hing set up for her. M: A phone line? F: Yes, and shell be on extension five-four-five-o. Weve used all the five-four-fours. M: Oh, right. And what about email? F: Easy. Her address will be Rachel thats R-A-C-H-E-L . M: . and then at Horsham-dot-com. F: Right, as normal. We havent got any other Rach

23、els. And then theres her password . M: Oh, for the network? F: Uh-huh, its F-T-Z-O-SEVEN-NINE. M: Oh, mines just numbers. F: Weve got a new system now. M: I see. And her pay? F: Yes, shell be getting seventeen thousand, two hundred and fifty. M: Fine. Well, Id like to send her a letter to welcome he

24、r. F: Good idea. She lives at a hundred and sixty-three-B, West Street. Thats Kenford. M: OK, thank you very much. F: No problem. 9 【正确答案】 Shappen 10 【正确答案】 28-六月 11 【正确答案】 5450 12 【正确答案】 Rachel 13 【正确答案】 FTZO79 14 【正确答案】 17,250 15 【正确答案】 163B 三、 PART THREE 15 【听力原文】 Welcome to JPC. You know already

25、 how valuable your skills will be to us as we expand I believe you have fifteen different languages between you. There are three of us in Personnel and Im the one you should come to for any help or information. The other two are Tom Miller and Jeff Said, and my name is Joan Rueckert, thats R-U-E-C-K

26、-E-R-T. Id just like to give you a few practical details now, before the MD comes to talk to you. Firstly, the canteen on the ground floor is open all day for coffee, meals, etc. , but there are also coffee machines on the top floor, where we have all the company noticeboards, so staff often meet th

27、ere to talk. Next, some of you have asked about your tax position . and for any tax questions, you need to contact the Accounts Office, general salary enquiries can be made to the Finance Office itself. Two events, now. Today, in the conference room, at 2:40, therell be a presentation its not on new

28、 developments as the notices say, its actually on marketing. Youre welcome to attend to see how were moving in that area. Therell also be a buffet lunch for all staff working on the. new projects that includes you, thats on Wednesday sorry, I mean Thursday youll get full details later. Finally, some

29、times youll need to use the machines in the print room. The first time you go there, register for a plastic card you dont need it for ordinary photocopiers, but you do for the colour ones. The other thing to sign up for, if you want to, is the sports club, just two minutes from hero. If youre intere

30、sted, see Jeff Said, wholl give you an application form. Right, thats all for the moment. Heres coffee, and the MD is just come through now. 16 【正确答案】 Rueckert 17 【正确答案】 top floor 18 【正确答案】 Accounts (Office) 19 【正确答案】 marketing 20 【正确答案】 Thursday 21 【正确答案】 (plastic) card 22 【正确答案】 (an) application f

31、orm for the sports club 四、 PART FOUR 23 【听力原文】 So, if everyone is here, Ill make a start. Now as you might know, a few months ago we asked some consultants to take a look at the way we answer the telephone across the group. They telephoned our offices and made enquiries as customers normally would.

32、They recorded information such as how quickly the call was answered, how friendly people were and how efficiently they dealt with the enquiry. So Ill begin with what they found out. Right, now first of all, they found out that on average we answer the phone after four rings, which isnt bad, but we c

33、an still improve on it. Secondly, friendliness. Now although some offices scored as high as 8 out of 10 for friendliness, the consultants only gave the company as a whole 6 out of 10. Once more. This wasnt as good as it should be. The consultants said that 7.5 is the minimum we should be aiming for

34、throughout the group. And finally, efficiency. Now here, we did quite well. It deals with themselves or puts the caller through to the right person. However, there were one or two negative points which we still have to work on, such as always remembering to ask the callers name before putting them t

35、hrough. So as you can see, we need to do a lot of work. Going back to the first point, about the phone ringing four times, everyone will now be responsible for answering the phone after the third ring. This way there is no excuse for keeping a caller waiting. The point about friendliness, however, i

36、s the most important. People want to hear a cheerful voice when they call the company and feel good when they do business with, so were going to choose some new hold music and the consultants have given us some good phrases to use on the phone. Theyre on the handout I gave you so, moving on to efficiency . 23 【正确答案】 C 24 【正确答案】 B 25 【正确答案】 A 26 【正确答案】 C 27 【正确答案】 A 28 【正确答案】 B 29 【正确答案】 C 30 【正确答案】 B


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