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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 22及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 For questions 1 -8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will hear the eight recordings twice. 1 Whats the flight number? ( A) CA 356 ( B) CA 530 ( C) CA 536 2 Which chart are they tal

2、king about? 3 How long will the order take to arrive? ( A) 4 days ( B) 5 days ( C) 6 days 4 What was the final decision about the meeting? ( A) It will take place at a later date. ( B) It will take place as arranged. ( C) It will not take place. 5 What interest rate did the mans investment receive t

3、his year? ( A) 4% ( B) 4. 5% ( C) 5% 6 Which set of information is unavailable? ( A) Information about sales staff. ( B) Information about products. ( C) Information about stores. 7 What does John think about the new company magazine? ( A) It looks boring. ( B) It costs too much to produce. ( C) Its

4、 a useful resource. 8 When are the visitors arriving? ( A) 10:00 ( B) 10:30 ( C) 11:00 二、 PART TWO 8 Look at the notes below. You will hear a man telephoning a sports centre. For each question (9 -15), fill in the missing information in the numbered space, using a word, numbers or letters. You will

5、hear the conversation twice. HEALTH SPORTS CENTRE Customer Details CUSTOMER NAME: (9) William _ COMPANY NAME: (10) _ Ltd MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: (11) _ DATE OF GROUP INTRODUCTION: (12) _ November DISCOUNT OFFERED (13) _ % CONTACT NUMBER (14) _ EMAIL ADDRESS: (15) info _. com 三、 PART THREE 15 Look at the

6、notes. Some information is missing. You will hear a man talking to some journalists about a new product range. For each question ( 16 - 22), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words. You will hear the recording twice. UK DESIGN AWARD - NOTES ON WINNING DESIGNER Fi

7、rst worked in a (16) _ 1990: became senior manager of a (17) _ chain Country where the first successful exhibition was held: (18) _ 2004: Awarded Conrad Prize for the (19) _ program Would like to thank his (20) _ Recent Developments: Won a contract with a Swedish firm to design a new range of (21) _

8、 New partner called: (22) _ 四、 PART FOUR 23 Listen to the discussion between Henry, MD, and Rachel, Office Manger. For each question (23 -30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 23 What is Henry most interested in discussing? ( A) Computer systems.

9、 ( B) Flexible working hours. ( C) Staff performance. 24 Henry says that Thomas Lee has produced ( A) his reports late. ( B) only one report. ( C) very short reports. 25 Henry and Rachel discuss organizing a workshop on ( A) team building. ( B) cost cutting. ( C) time management. 26 In March, the co

10、mpany is going to ( A) install the new computer software. ( B) start using the new computer software. ( C) test the new computer software. 27 Where will staff do the computer course? ( A) At the training center. ( B) On site. ( C) In the college. 28 The Accounts department will move to the ( A) firs

11、t floor. ( B) second floor. ( C) third floor. 29 According to Rachel, there are still problems in the Accounts department with ( A) the fax machine. ( B) the printer. ( C) the photocopier. 30 What will Henry and Rachel discuss at their next meeting? ( A) The health and safety report. ( B) The progra

12、mme for the French clients. ( C) The appointment of the new PA BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 22答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原 文】 F: Hello, Im calling about the group of visitors from Spain. M: Oh, yes, whats the detail? F: Well, they are arriving on 5 September on flight CA 356, . so thats about 5:30 in the afternoon

13、. M: Do you want me to arrange the hotel for them? F: That would be nice. Ill e-mail the names of the visitors. 1 【正确答案】 A 2 【听力原文】 F: What are the orders like in the past three years? M: Orders were going down during 2004 and 2005 and managed to remain steady throughout 2006. After that, the order

14、began to show strong growth till now, which is quite encouraging. 2 【正确答案】 B 3 【听力原文】 F: When are those samples arriving? M: Well, they sent them on Monday and it normally takes 4 working days. F: But Thursday was a bank holiday. M: Yes, so they should be here on Friday then. 3 【正确答案】 B 4 【听力原文】 F:

15、Did you see the memo about tomorrows meeting? M: Yes, I saw it was postponed until next week. F: Well, forget the memo, and its back on again at the same time. 4 【正确答案】 B 5 【听力原文】 M: Id tike some advice about my investment in Lawsons. I was hoping for five per cent but it didnt even repeat last year

16、s four point five per cent. F: Well, four per cents not all that bad the way things are at the moment. A lot of companies are giving far less. 5 【正确答案】 A 6 【听力原文】 F: Have you finished getting the information about best performance yet? Id like to use it at tomorrows meeting if possible. M: Nearly. T

17、he data on individual sales personnel isnt all in yet. F: What about product categories? Thats more important. M: No problem with that, or with the highest performing stores. Ive put the figures on your desk. F: Thanks. 6 【正确答案】 A 7 【听力原文】 F: What do you think about the new company magazine, John? M

18、: It looks very professional, but I think they could have done it more cheaply. F: But dont you think people will find it useful? M: Well, they might find it interesting but thats not still expensive? 7 【正确答案】 B 8 【听力原文】 M: Oh, you stupid machine! F: Hey. Whats all excitement for? M: Because its alr

19、eady half past ten. Ive got visitors arriving in half an hour. I need to photocopy some reports and this stupid machine isnt working. 8 【正确答案】 C 二、 PART TWO 8 【听力原文】 F: Health Sports Centre. Can I help you? M: Hello, were supposed to be customers of yours, but Ive just seen your opening dates delaye

20、d again. F: Oh, er . could I take your name please? M: Yes, William Darwin. F: And are you an individual member, sir? M: No - Im the Human Resources manager at NTU Limited. F: Its the letters N-T-U. M: Yes, thats right. Weve got twenty members registered with you. F: Were you given a membership numb

21、er? M: Yes, its 6 - double 4 - 7 - 3, but I need to know when we can use the facilities. F: Were so sorry about the delay. But we are arranging special tours for corporate members in November, to introduce you to the facilities. M: When would that be? F: Wednesday . Could some of you make the next o

22、ne, on the seventh? M: Thatd be difficult but the thirteenthd be . F: How about fourteenth? M: OK . F: Starting at six? M: Sure. Ill see whod be free that evening. F: Because of the delay, wed like to suggest a fee reduction. M: Yes, wed expect at least ten per cent. F: Actually, wed thought twelve

23、. M: That seems very reasonable . thanks. F: Great. Can I just confirm your phone number . 02155 7947317 M: Use my direct line, 794782. F: Or email? M: Yes. better, info-at-cullers-dot-com. F: At? M: C-U-double-L-E-R-S dot com. F: Ill be in touch tomorrow . 9 【正确答案】 Darwin 10 【正确答案】 NTU 11 【正确答案】 64

24、473 12 【正确答案】 14(TH) 13 【正确答案】 12 14 【正确答案】 794782 15 【正确答案】 cullers 三、 PART THREE 15 【听力原文】 M: Ladies and gentlemen. Im delighted to receive this award from the UK design industry and thank everyone involved. My career has come a long way since I started my first job as a junior employee in a finan

25、ce company. I worked in that field for fifteen years, changing companies several times. However, in 1990 a recruitment consultancy contacted me with an invitation to join a retail chain as a senior manager, and I accepted. It was the right choice - within two years Id moved into fashion design. My e

26、arly creations were mostly unsuccessful and when the company attended the London Design Exhibition, none of my work was included. However, the following year my designs were shown at another trade fair in Germany; they received a lot of attention and sales increased. There were many opportunities op

27、en to me, especially in the US, so I decided to set up my own business. I always try to have original ideas, to be ahead of the field. Last year, of course, I received the Conrad Prize for the graduate training scheme we introduced, but until this award I had never previously won anything for my fas

28、hion designs. Id like to thank someone whos been very important to me since I started the company . thats my assistant, who plays a part not just in the design department, but also in planning, marketing and recruitment. I certainly hope this award will help us to grow. Were planning expansion into

29、areas other than clothing design, including textiles and kitchen equipment. Weve also just started working on a contract we have with a Swedish manufacturer for a new furniture range, and weve recently acquired a partner company - our Eye for Design name wont change- but were working closely with th

30、e Powerhouse Group on a range of lighting equipment, something which hopefully will bring us . 16 【正确答案】 finance company/financial company 17 【正确答案】 retail 18 【正确答案】 Germany 19 【正确答案】 graduate training 20 【正确答案】 assistant 21 【正确答案】 furniture 22 【正确答案】 Powerhouse/power-house (Group) 四、 PART FOUR 23 【

31、听力原文】 M: Come in, Rachel. F: Thanks. M: Right. We need to discuss some of the issues raised at the last meeting with your department. F: Yes, there were a lot of questions about computer systems and flexible working hours. M: Well talk about computer systems in a minute, but I think we can leave fle

32、xible working hours for the time being. What Im really very concerned about at the moment, though, is how some staff are working. Im not at all happy with how long its taking for some reports on visits to come in. Thomas Lee, for instance, hasnt produced a single report on time. The last, on his vis

33、it to Paris was two weeks late. Its not as though theyre long reports -they should only take a short time to write. F: Ill certainly warn Thomas about getting reports in more quickly but it really comes down to a question of staff training. I think we need to do some workshops on time management. M:

34、 I agree, but getting consultants in to do the training costs money. Itd be cheaper to use one of our own staff. Have we got anyone who could do it.? F: Robert Green has some management training experience. M: Hes away on a team-building course at the moment, though, isnt he? F: Only till next week.

35、 Ill speak to him when he gets back. Im sure hell be interested. M: Now, Id like to move on to computer systems. As you know, were going to upgrade our software. The plan was to install it in January but thats proved difficult so its going to be during February because we certainly want it to be rea

36、dy and running for March. F: Good. Im worried about the computer skills of some of the staff, though. A few could do with some extra training. M: Im sure youre right. Could we organize that on the premises, do you think? F: Possibly, but itd be expensive. I know the business college in the Broom Str

37、eet has a really good computer section. Ive compared their prices with those of the computer training center at Blackstone, and college prices are far more reasonable. M: Lets go to get that, then. Will you see to it? F: Of course. Now, I think this would be a good time to make some office changes b

38、efore the new software comes in. The Accounts team need a bigger office. At the moment, weve only got five people using the marketing office on the second floor, so Accounts could take over that office if we moved Marketing to the first floor. M: And HR up to the third floor? Yes, that sounds a good

39、 idea. F: Great. Itll mean moving a lot of equipment. Accounts keep complaining about some of their equipment. Itd be nice if we could replace it. M: We certainly cant replace all of it. Whats causing most problems? F: Well. Weve had to call technical support in at least once every week for the past

40、 two months to deal with the fax machine. The printers were causing trouble but theyre working well enough now and everyone complains that the photocopier is slow but its alright, really. M: Fine, Ill see what we can do. Now, I have to go in a minute. What do we need to discuss when we meet next wee

41、k? F: Its Health and Safety report. M: Peter Lymen has already done that. F: Great. What about the programme for the French clients? Theyre coming at the beginning of next month. M: OK. Wed better deal with that. F: And then what about getting a new PA to replace Louise? M: Oh, we can leave that, and I think she isnt going till the end of April now. F: Thats good. I thought she was leaving sooner. 23 【正确答案】 C 24 【正确答案】 A 25 【正确答案】 C 26 【正确答案】 B 27 【正确答案】 C 28 【正确答案】 B 29 【正确答案】 A 30 【正确答案】 B


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