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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 59及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 What time is the mans flight? 2 Which is the companys new packaging design? 3 Which part of the job offer was George unhappy about? ( A) The amount of pay. ( B) The number of hours. ( C) The number of holidays. 4 What was the final decision about the meeting?

2、 ( A) It will take place as arranged. ( B) It will take place at a later date. ( C) It will not take place. 5 Where is the bank? 6 When will Mr Blackman come? ( A) August 23 ( B) August 31 ( C) August 3 7 Who is asked to call back? ( A) Dorothy Borrow ( B) Fracis Gregory ( C) Isabel Hawkins 8 When w

3、ill this be delivered? ( A) Monday Morning ( B) Tuesday Afternoon ( C) Wednesday Morning 二、 PART TWO 8 Look at the notes below.Some information is missing.You will hear a woman ordering some electrical equipment.For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a

4、word, numbers or letters.After you have listened once, replay the recording.三、 PART THREE 15 Look at the notes on how to succeed in a job interview.Some information is missing.You will hear part of a presentation by the advisor from a job advising center.For each question 16-22, fill in the missing

5、information in the numbered space using one or two words.After you have listened once, replay the recording.四、 PART FOUR 23 What qualities did John Warnock and Chuck Geschek appreciate in Bruce Citizen? ( A) He was from the eastern part of US. ( B) He is willing to try new ideas. ( C) He is good at

6、experiment. 24 When Jack and Chuck officially retired, ( A) Brace had been meeting with influential investors. ( B) Bruce had been giving most of the presentations to analysts. ( C) Bruce was already involved in the management of the company. 25 What were the critics to Bruce from employees? ( A) He

7、 didnt have a good technical background. ( B) He didnt have an MBA. ( C) He didnt have any experience as a CEO. 26 Obviously, it was Bruces hope that his employees will ( A) work under him. ( B) cooperate with him to run the company. ( C) understand what he has been doing. 27 What does Bruce hope to

8、 achieve in the next few years? ( A) to become a $ 5 billion company. ( B) to become a $ 6 billion company. ( C) to become a $ 8 billion company. 28 Being a OEO involves ( A) working by oneself. ( B) talking with the board. ( C) working with other CEOs. 29 Bruce admitted that at the beginning he was

9、 ( A) too agreeable. ( B) too strict. ( C) too kind. 30 Bruce believed that it is important ( A) to cope with ex-CEO. ( B) to be always honest and open in managing the company. ( C) to make every employee happy. BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 59答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Part One. Questions 1 to 8. For questions

10、 1-8 , you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once , replay each recording. pause One: What time is the mans flight“! pause M: Sue, could you change my flight reservation for me? Ive got an appointment in t

11、he morning so I wont be able to leave until after midday. W: Yes, of course. What about the 1:15 flight? Youll get in at 3:30, so youll be in time for the evening meeting. M: Thanks. That sounds great. pause Two: Which is the companys new packaging design ? pause W: . so were going to change our pac

12、kaging in April, is that right? M: Yes, its time to say goodbye to the old white packets, with the two letter “A“ s on them. W: Right, and the new style? M: Well, were going to have just a single “A“, in black on a grey packet, but with the same style writing. W: Oh, that sounds great. pause Three:

13、Which part of the job offer was George unhappy about? pause W: Are you going to take the job, George? M: I dont know. The salary was OK. W: What about the working hours? M: They were long but I dont mind that. Im just worried about the amount of paid leave. pause Four: What was the final decision ab

14、out the meeting ? pause W: Did you see the notice about tomorrows meeting? M: Yes, I saw it was postponed until next week. W: Well, forget about the notice. Its back on again at the same time, pause Five: Where is the bank ? pause W: Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is? M: Certainly. Go a

15、head for a few minutes and after you pass the first cross you can see it on your right. W: Thank you. pause Six: When will Mr Blackman come? pause W: When will Mr Blackman from GM come to our company? M: Well, he planned to come on August 23, but he called yesterday telling that he had to go to Spai

16、n on business with his boss. Now hes planning to come next Friday, thats August 31. W: Oh, I see. pause Seven : Who is asked to call back ? pause M: Peterson and Taylor. Can I help you? W: Yes, this is Isabel Hawkins from R and it also implies turning down the job offer you dont want. The reason for

17、 some job-seekers failure is that they become so used to meeting employersexpectations that they often take up the job they dont really want. The second one, always please the interviewer is also not true. Instead of pleasing the interviewer, you should please yourself. Youll get nowhere if you try

18、to give answers that will suit a potential employer without considering your own feelings. Of course, dont be hostile. Nobody wants to hire someone disagreeable. Take a middle ground between being too agreeable and being hostile. An effective interview is like an exciting encounter in conversation w

19、ith your seatmate on an airplane. The next myth is to try to control the interview. Nobody “controls“ an interview, neither you nor the interviewer. Actually, it is an exchange of two parties, like making a telephone call. So hang loose when interviewing: never dominate an interview. The fourth myth

20、 is never to interrupt the interviewer. An exciting conversation always makes us feel free free to interrupt and show different opinions. So when interviewing, try to be relaxed and natural. The last myth, dont disagree with the interviewer is another silly myth. If you dont disagree at times, you c

21、onsent in fact. Dont hesitate to disagree with your interviewer in an agreeable way. And also feel free to change your mind. pause Now listen to the recording again. pause That is the end of Part Three. You now have twenty seconds to check your answers. pause 16 【正确答案】 myths 【试题解析】 原文: The smart job

22、 seeker should getrid herself of several standard myths 17 【正确答案】 like 【试题解析】 The real aim of an interview is to obtainthe job you like 18 【正确答案】 yourself 【试题解析】 原文: Instead of pleasing theinterviewer, you should please yourself 19 【正确答案】 middle ground 【试题解析】 原文: Take a middle ground betweenbeing to

23、o agreeable and being hostile 20 【正确答案】 control 【试题解析】 原文: The next myth is to try tocontrol the interview 21 【正确答案】 interruption 【试题解析】 原文: free to interrupt and showdifferent opinions 22 【正确答案】 disagreement 【试题解析】 原文: Dont hesitate to disagree withyour interviewer 四、 PART FOUR 23 【听力原文】 Part Four.

24、 Questions 23 to 30. You will hear an interview with Bruce Chizen, CEO of Adobe. For each question 23-30 , mark one letter A , B or C for the correct answer. After you have listened once , replay the recording. You have forty-five seconds to read through the questions. pause Now listen , and mark A

25、, B or C. W: Bruce Chizen is CEO of Adobe. He is offering some advice on following the founders footsteps. W: Youve said you had an unusual rise to the top at Adobe. How so? M: I was not an engineer. I didnt have a technical background. I had a funny east accent. Also I didnt have an MBA. but I thin

26、k what John Wamock and Chuck Geschke did appreciate in me was my willingness to experiment, to try new ideas in the market place in the ways that they might not have. W: When you were named CEO, there was some anxiety about the new boss. How did you bring around Wall Street and the employees? M: Wal

27、l Street was easier than the employees because of my relationship with the financial community. Between 1998 and 2000, I had been doing most of the presentations to analysts, though John was certainly present. I had been meeting with key investors and visiting customers and employees. So when John a

28、nd Chuck officially retired, Wall Street knew that I was already running the company in many ways. But I knew some of the employees had some anxiety about it. The critics were concerned that I didnt have John and Chucks technical background. Who would drive the companys technical vision, considering

29、 that I wasnt a technologist and that Adobe had built its foundation on technological differentiation? So at the first employee meeting I held as CEO, I made it very clear to the employees that I couldnt fill John and Chucks shoes alone. I imagined a picture of myself in front of two very large shoe

30、s, and I told the employees that I would fill one shoe, but they had to fill the other one. I was counting on them. W: How are you doing things differently from John and Chuck? M: Adobe is going through a transformation. We are no longer a little company. Were a $ 1. 2 billion company with a market

31、cap of somewhere between $ 6 billion and $ 8 billion. And I think we can become a $ 5 billion company over the next several years. That requires a whole different way of doing business. W: Any notable missteps along the way? Any lessons from what has happened? M: John told me, when he was handing ov

32、er the title, that the CEOs job is very lonely. While you have the board to speak to, the board is also your boss, and you really dont have any peers within the company. I think I was too slow to reach out and engage with other CEOs to find a peer group to learn from. Over the past year and a half,

33、Ive joined a CEO group. We meet quarterly under non-disclosure agreement. The other thing I would do differently is to confront the hard organizational and people issue quickly, especially around my executive staff. Because I was promoted from within, I was sometimes too “nice“ at the beginning. I d

34、idnt want to disrupt the comfortable work environment. I allowed the present situation to persist longer than I should have. I knew that I needed to reorganize and eliminate those people who werent right for the positions. W: Whats your advice to executives who are to take over as CEOs? M: Be honest

35、, open, and direct, and recognize that for every employee who might like what you are doing, there could be another who doesnt and you are not going to make everyone happy most important, make sure, if your ex-CEO is still going to be on the board, to have an agreement going in so that they are goin

36、g to let you do the job. pause Now listen to the recording again. pause That is the end of Part Four. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer Sheet. pause 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文信息: I think what John Wamockand Chuck Geschke did appreciate in me wasmy willingness to experiment,

37、 to try new ideasin the market place in the ways that they mightnot have由此可见, Bruce被选为 CEO的主要原因是他敢于创新。故选 B。 24 【正确答案 】 C 【试题解析】 原文: So when John and Chuckofficially retired, Wall Street knew that I wasalready running the company in many ways A项和 B项描述的均为原总裁还未退休时就已成的既定事实。故选 C。 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 注意把握原

38、文信息: The critics wereconcerned that I didnt have John and Chuckstechnical background。故选 A。 26 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文信息: I told the employees that Iwould fill one shoe, but they had to fill theother one,说明由于 Bruce没有专业背景,因此他希望员工们能与他一起合作, “to fill theother one shoe”。故选 B。 27 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 原文信息: I think w

39、e can become a $5billion company over the next several years, B项和 C项虽然在原文中提到过,但所指信息为该公司的“market cap”,因此与本题并不相关。故选 A。 28 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 原文信息: you really dont have anypeers within the company,表明 A项是正确的;而文中提到的 “you have the board tospeak to”并不是指与董事会谈话的意思,而是表示要对董事会负责 ;听力原文中还提到向其他公 司的总裁学习,但并不是指于他们一起工作。故选 A 29 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据原文 “I was sometimes too“nice”at the beginning”。便可判断正确答案为 C。故选 C。 30 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据 Bruce对记者最后一个问题的答案可以判断。故选 A。


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