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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 61及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 Which is the house for sale? ( A) The house with two garages and two bathrooms. ( B) The house with more than three bedrooms and a garage. ( C) The house with two bathrooms and three bedrooms. 2 When will Mr. Lee leave for Japan? ( A) Wall calendar with 5 May

2、 circled. ( B) Wall calendar with 15 May circled. ( C) Wall calendar with 25 May circled. 3 What do we need to order? ( A) Disks. ( B) Calculators. ( C) Paper. 4 Which one is the dean? ( A) A young woman with long hair and glasses. ( B) A middle-aged man without glasses in a dark suit, carrying a br

3、iefcase. ( C) A middle-aged woman without glasses, carrying a shoulder bag. 5 Which toy product do children like most this year? ( A) Superman. ( B) Cyper Cop. ( C) Astronaut. 6 What does the man want? 7 Where is 78 Prince Street? 8 How did Nick Leeson end up? ( A) He made millions of dollars and be

4、came a star trader in Singapore Futures Market. ( B) He invented the 88888 account and helped Barings Bank survive. ( C) He was sent to prison because of the crime he committed. 二、 PART TWO 8 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a telephone talk on travel arrangements.

5、 For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters. You will hear the conversation twice. OConnel Travel Agency Travel Arrangements CUSTOMERS NAME: 9. Lynn_ DATE OF DEPARTURE: 10. _Dec. EDSTINATION: Auckland NIGHT FLIGHT: Via (on way back)

6、: 11. _and Sydney Discount: 12. _% Time of Departure: 13. _ Flying Time: 14._ hours TOTAL PRICE AFTER DISCOUNT: 15. $ _ 三、 PART THREE 15 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a presentation about a holiday tour company. For each question 16-22, fill in the missing infor

7、mation in the numbered space using one or two words. You will hear the conversation twice. CULTURAL STUDY TOURS Location: Head office: Glasgow Glasgow Branch office: Edinburgh Company structure: Status: 16. _liability company Number of directors: 17. _ Responsibilities: Alan: 18. _ Peter: 19. _ Numb

8、er of staff: 20._ tour leaders 21. _staff Administrative staffs responsibilities: 22. _ 四、 PART FOUR 23 Maggie started working for the company_. ( A) sometime last year ( B) one year ago ( C) over a year ago 24 Maggie found out about the vacancy from_. ( A) a friend ( B) a newspaper ( C) an internal

9、 memo 25 Maggie does not enjoy_. ( A) answering the telephone ( B) typing invoices ( C) preparing price lists 26 The biggest problem with the computer is that_. ( A) she doesnt know the program very well ( B) it regularly stops working ( C) the monitor is too small 27 Maggie would like the company t

10、o buy . ( A) new software ( B) new computers ( C) new monitors 28 When dealing with complaints, she would like to_. ( A) take more responsibility ( B) pass the customer on to her boss ( C) give the customers money back 29 Maggies boss thinks that some customers_. ( A) often receive faulty orders ( B

11、) often make mistakes ( C) are not always honest 30 Maggies main aim for next year is to_. ( A) get to know the customers a lot better ( B) make fewer mistakes ( C) learn more about the products BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 61答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Ml: Is that the house that Mark Smith is going to sell? M2

12、: Yes, it is a two-story house, with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. M1: Does it have a garage? M2: Yes, it has a two-car garage. Ml: How much does it cost? M2: The price is right, only 300,000 dollars. It is a real bargain. 1 【正确答案】 C 2 【听力原文】 M: Where are we going to hold the negotiation? F: Mis

13、s Plumber from the Toy Company has informed me that the negotiation will be held in Room 303 of the Commercial Building downtown tomorrow. M: Thats great. What time does it start? F: It starts at 3:30 in the afternoon. 2 【正确答案】 C 3 【听力原文】 F: What do we need to order? M: Well, weve got enough compute

14、r disks. We dont need any more. F: Thats right, but we need half a dozen new calculators. M: No, we dont. Have you forgotten? We ordered eight calculators last week and they should arrive by the end of this week. F: Id completely forgotten. Youre right. M: That just leaves stationery. We need some m

15、ore paper. Theres only a little left. F: Right. Ill order some more at once. 3 【正确答案】 C 4 【听力原文】 M: Is that the new dean of our department in a dark suit carrying a briefcase? F: No, it isnt. M: Ah, that must be the new dean with the long hair and the glasses. F: No, the new dean has short hair and

16、shes carrying a bag. M: Oh yes, I can see her, she is about 35. 4 【正确答案】 C 5 【听力原文】 M1: Our market investigation showed that there is a growing demand for the toy products. M2: Yes, our toy “Superman“ is very popular with children. Our sales have been increasing steadily. M1: I know, but I think kid

17、s and teenagers like “Cyber Cop“ better, which is made by Kito, our major competitor. It sells even better than “Astronaut“, the childrens favorite last year. 5 【正确答案】 B 6 【听力原文】 M: Well, what about our sales from 1998 to 2000. F: Oh, terrific. Theres been constant growth from 1998 to 2000. 6 【正确答案】

18、 A 7 【听力原文】 M1: Excuse me. Can you help me? M2: Sure, what do you want? M1: Where is 78 Prince Street? M2: Thats easy. Walk to the corner. Then make a left turn. Then walk two blocks to the traffic light. Make another left to Prince Street. M1: Thank you. 7 【正确答案】 B 8 【听力原文】 M1: Recently I read a st

19、ory about Nick Leeson, a star trader on the Singapore Futures Market. M2: What is unusual about him? M1: He made millions of dollars for his employer, Barings Bank before he began to lose money. In order to hide the problem, he invented the 88,888 account. M2: What was the result? M1: He went to pri

20、son and Barings, one of the oldest banks in the City of London, was destroyed. 8 【正确答案】 C 二、 PART TWO 8 【听力原文】 M: OConnell Travel Agency. Can I help you? F: Yes, please. I am planning to fly to New Zealand to attend a conference next week. What I am thinking of is to stop by in both Singapore and Sy

21、dney for a short visit on my way back. Can you arrange the trip for me and tell me the cost? M: Sure. First you can take Australian Airlines from Auckland to Sydney and stay there for no more than seven days. That will cost about $ 500. Then take Singapore Airlines to Singapore, which will be about

22、$ 600. F: Well, that would be too much for me. How about the ticket from London to Auckland? M: The ticket from London to Auckland will be $ 1,200. So plus the ticket from Singapore back to London, which is about $ 500, altogether that will be $2,800. F: Oh, no. Its more than I can afford. Do you ha

23、ve any discount? M: Well, if youd like to take night flight to Sydney and Singapore, there will be a 50% discount. F: Night flight? What time? M: 11:30 at night usually. Its about a 5-hour flight. Of course, its tiring, but it makes quite a difference to your money. F: OK. Thats not a bad idea. Ill

24、take the 11:30 night flight. So thats about $ 2,250 in total? M: You are right. Can you give me your name? F: Yes, Lynn Prescott. Its P-R-E-S-C-0 double T. M: And when are you planning to leave? F: Dec. 16th. M: I am sorry, the tickets for the 16th are all booked. How about the 17th? F: That would b

25、e fine. And another thing is that I want the ticket valid for three months. M: Thats no problem. Now you can pick up your ticket any time before the weekend. F: OK, thanks a lot. 9 【正确答案】 Prescott 【试题解析】 原文中给出拼写。 10 【正确答案】 17th 【试题解析】 Dec 16th的机票已订完。 11 【正确答案】 Singapore 【试题解析】 客户要在回去时在新加坡和悉尼短暂停留。 12

26、 【正确答案】 50 【试题解析】 文中有: “there will be a 50 discount ” 13 【正确答案】 11:30 【试题解析】 起飞时间为夜间 11: 30。 14 【正确答案】 5 【试题解析】 由原文 “Its about 5一 hour flight ” 15 【正确答案】 2,250 【试题解析】 文中说: “So thats about $2, 250in total”,因此优惠之后总价为2250美元。 三、 PART THREE 15 【听力原文】 Good afternoon. My name is Alan Swale, and Id like to

27、talk to you about my company which is called Cultural Study Tours. Basically, we offer tours in various countries including Scotland, for people who want to learn more about particular cultural aspects of those countries. Now I thought Id begin firstly by describing our organization and then go on t

28、o outline for you the way in which we operate. Well, its based in Scotland. The head office is in Glasgow but we have a small branch office in Edinburgh. Its a limited liability company, with two directors, me and my colleague, Peter. And together we own 60% of the shares. Im in charge of marketing

29、and Peters responsible for the financial side of things. Apart from us, there are eleven full-time staff, there are five tour leaders who plan and lead the tours. Each of them is responsible for a particular region: that is Great Britain, the Russian Federation, Eastern Europe, China and the Mediter

30、ranean. The tour leaders are supported by six administrative staff who handle day-today work. Let me give you an example of a tour that we organized last year on the architecture of Hungary. Well, firstly, we set up a series of introductory lectures and visits in Budapest and then took the participa

31、nts around various cities of architectural interest. The aim, therefore, was to combine a holiday with a particular professional or cultural interest. So, what Ive been trying to do this afternoon, or in this brief introduction, is to show the kind of organization we are and the kind of hours we get

32、 involved in. 16 【正确答案】 LIMlTED 【试题解析】 Its a limited liabilitycompany。这是一家有限责任公司。 17 【正确答案】 2 【试题解析】 with two directors, me andmy colleague, Peter有两个董事:我和我的同事 Peter。 18 【正确答案】 MARKETING 【试题解析】 Im in charge ofmarketing我负责市场营销。 19 【正确答案】 FINANCE 【试题解析】 and Peters responsible for the financial side of

33、things Peter负责有关财务方面的事务。 20 【正确答案】 5 【试题解析】 there are five tour leaderswho plan and lead the tours 21 【正确答案】 6 ADMINISTRATIVE 【试题解析】 Thetour leaders are supported by six adminis-trative staff 22 【正确答案】 DAY-TO-DAY WORK 【试题解析】 staffwho handle dayto-day work 四、 PART FOUR 23 【听力原文】 A: Come in Maggie and

34、 take a seat. B: Thanks. A: So, where do we start? Should we begin with a look at last year and then go on from there? B: Fine. A: So, how do you feel youve done in your first full year with the company? B: Overall, I think Ive done quite well. I feel quite confident now about what I do. A: And are

35、you happy with your duties? B: Well, the job is exactly as it was advertised in the paper, so there have been no surprises. I like dealing with customers and I dont mind answering the phone and preparing invoices. Sometimes its a bit boring typing long price lists, but then everyone has to do it. A:

36、 Thats true. Does anything make your job difficult? B: The computer to begin with, I was slow because I didnt know the program, but now I get annoyed when the computer just stops working for no reason. I often sit looking at the monitor for minutes, not sure whether it is still working or not. I thi

37、nk the network is too old for our software and we need some new machines. Erin, let me see. Id like the authority to issue credit notes without having to ask you first. Youre often away on business and sometimes customers ring up with a complaint. And if we cant contact you, then we cant deal with t

38、he complaint properly. Its a bit embarrassing at times. A: Yes, but some of our customers always find something wrong and try and get a credit note with every order. You cant believe everything they say, you know. What about your objectives for the future? B: Well, I need to get to know the customer

39、s a bit better and maybe try to make fewer mistakes. But I think the most important thing is to increase my product knowledge, so I dont get embarrassed when customers make enquiries. A: Dont worry, youll learn all that in time. What Id like to ask you about now is. 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从问话人说的 How do

40、you feel youve done in your first full year可得知该雇员在公司干了整整一年。所以答案为 B。 24 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题目要求回答 Maggie是怎么知道这个岗位是空缺的。从 Maggie所说 the job is exactly as it was advertised in the paper可得知她是从报上的广告知道招聘的事,即 B。 25 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题目要求回答 Maggie不喜欢干什么。 Maggie不喜欢打印一长串的价格单子,她的原话是 Sometimes its a bit boring typing

41、long price lists因此答案为 C。 26 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题问的是使用电脑最大的困难是什么。 B的答案意思是:使用电脑最大的困难在于它经常出故障,不能用。 Maggie的原话是 The computer just stops working for no reason I often sit lookingnot sure whether it is working or not电脑会无缘无故死机,我常常坐在那里看着监视器,不知道它是否还在运行。故选 B。 27 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题问的是 Maggie希望公司买什么,是软件、电脑,还是新的监测器

42、 ?Maggie认为网络太旧,需要买新的电脑。其原话为 we need some new machines,故选 B。 28 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题问的是在处理顾客抱怨时 Maggie愿意怎么做。从 Maggie所说 Id like the authority to issue credit notes without having to ask you first Youre often away on business得知,她希望老板出差时她有权发放赊欠凭证。 A表达了原话的意思。故选 A。而 B认为把顾客交给老板, C说把钱退还给顾客,均与原话意思不符。 29 【正确答案】

43、 C 【试题解析】 此题问的是老板对一些顾客的看法, A认为一些顾客经常收到的是错误的票据, B说顾客经常出差错, C认为顾客并不总是诚实可信的。老板的原话是 but some of customers always You cant believe everything they say因此, C的说法与老板的话相符。 30 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题问的是 Maggie第二年的主要目标是什么。从她的原话 The most important thing is to increase my knowledge,得知,她的主要目标是学习更多关于产品的知识。即 C说的 learn more about the products。而不是其他。故选 C。


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