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1、BEC商务英语(初级)阅读模拟试卷 31及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 Look at questions 1-5. In each question, which sentence is correct? For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Perfect for transporting computers, audio visual equipment and other office machinery. ( A) It is a perfect way of transpo

2、rtation. ( B) It is ideal for moving valuable equipment. ( C) It can be used to transfer home appliances. 2 Sunday school programs available for children of all ages. ( A) Children must study the programs every Sunday. ( B) If they like, all children can take these programs. ( C) The programs only a

3、dmit children above eight years old. 3 Do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. ( A) This equipment should be placed in a dry place. ( B) It does not matter if the unit is cleaned with a wet mop. ( C) It can only be used in a sunny day. 4 50% of daily room rate is charged for extension up to 6 pm

4、.If you leave the hotel after six in the afternoon _ . ( A) you will just pay half of daily room rate. ( B) you will get 50% discount. ( C) you will pay full expense. 5 Amsterdam - New York Twice Weekly Comfortable by Airbus-310 in First, Business or Economy Class _ . ( A) There are one flight every

5、 two weeks. ( B) Two kinds of classes are available. ( C) There are two flights every week. 二、 PART TWO 5 Look at the list below. It shows some product sectors of healthcare market. For questions 6-10, decide which sector (A-H) of the market each person on the opposite page should consult. For each

6、question, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. PRODUCT SECTORS OF HEALTHCARE MARKET A Vitamins and Dietary Supplements B Cough, Cold and Allergy Remedies C Digestive Remedies D Eye Care E Wound Treatments F Adult Mouth Care G Calming and Sleeping

7、Products H Smoking Cessation Aids 6 Kevin Lee is looking for some products to help him quit smoking. 7 Jessica Lynn is overweighed. She wants to keep slim. 8 Anthony West has got his arm injured when he is playing football. 9 Old people are likely to have some difficulties in falling asleep. 10 Sara

8、h Newton wants to buy some medicine for her stomachache. 三、 PART THREE 10 Look at the table below. It shows the trends in total unemployed from 1994 to 2001. Which year does each sentence (11-15) describe? For each sentence, make one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than

9、 once. 11 In this year, Belgium, Finland, France and Ireand reached their lowest unemployment. 12 Compared with the previous year, Frances unemployment increased while that in Germany decreased in this year. 13 From this year Finland and Ireland saw a falling trend in their unemployment. 14 The numb

10、er of the unemployed in this country is exactly the same before and after this year. 15 This years unemployment decreased in all countries except Denmark. 四、 PART FOUR 15 Read the article below about advertising Strategy. Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page Right or Wrong? If there is not enoug

11、h information to answer Right or Wrong, choose Doesnt Say. For each sentence 16-22, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Competitive Advertising Strategy In terms of its advertising strategy, Coca-Cola France decided in 2002 to have a three-year partnership with the football player Thie

12、rry Henry, in order to benefit from his considerable popularity, especially amongst teenagers. Using celebrities shows a new approach for the company, adopting a communication strategy similar to that of its rival, Pepsi Co. During the football world cup, special promotions were organized in some su

13、permarkets. The companys good results in the soft drinks market are partly due to its strategy to limit the impact of seasonality by doing all year round promotions. Coca-Colas attempts to diversify its range of products were illustrated by the successful introduction of the Aquarius brand within th

14、e emerging functional drinks sector. The companys recent strategy to develop new products specifically targeted at national markets was successfully illustrated in France by the good performance of Fanta Latina and Fanta Madness in 2001, two beverages designed to appeal to French teenagers tastes. T

15、he growth of the low-calorie variant Coca-Cola Light was boosted by major advertising campaigns to position it as a distinct brand, rather than as just a variant within the Coca-Cola range. Thus it was extended by the introduction of a lemon-flavoured variant in 2002. 16 The three-year cooperation w

16、ith the football player Thierry Henry has helped Coca-Cola France sell its products well. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt Say 17 Using celebrities is a new way of making ads for Pepsi Co. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt Say 18 Coca-Cola was a major sponsor for the football world cup in France. (

17、 A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt Say 19 The companys soft drinks sell well all year round. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt Say 20 Coca-Colas attempts to diversify its product have been proved to be successful. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt Say 21 Fanta Latina and Fanta Madness are designed to

18、appeal to French consumers. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt Say 22 The low-calorie variant Coca-Cola Light regarded as a distinct brand was the result of the companys advertising strategy. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt Say 五、 PART FIVE 22 Read the article below about South-east Asian stocks. F

19、or each question 23-28 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer. Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. After a good 2003, will 2004 be better? The past year has been a good one for Southeast Asian stocks. Markets in both Singapore and the Philippines have risen by more than 30% in

20、 dollar terms; Indonesia has surged more than 70%; and tigerish Thailand has leapt by almost 130%. Investors, needless to say, are keen to know whether lightning will strike again in the same places in 2004. There is indeed something good in store: elections. The gains of the past year are easy to e

21、xplain. Indonesia, for one, has finally found its feet after years of chaos following the regional crisis in 1997. Inflation and interest rates are failing, and the economy has grown by around 4% in the past year. Thailands economy, meanwhile, has been doing even better. It has grown at an annual ra

22、te of 6.5% in the year as a whole. Because of low interest rates, consumers have been wildly purchasing cars and houses, helping crisis-hit companies pay off their debts and thus improving the balance sheets of Thailands struggling banks. Analysts tell similar tales of asset increase all around the

23、region. Markus Rosgen, of ING, a Dutch bank, notes that Asians have been piling up deposits in their bank accounts since the crisis. With interest rates so low, he argues, they now have an incentive either to consume more or to put their savings into more lucrative investments. Either way, share pri

24、ces should rise. Even now, ail Southeast Asian markets are still well below their pre-crisis highs. Moreover, points out Christopher Wood of CLSA, an investment bank, all Southeast Asian markets except Singapore serve as useful hedges against America, since they do not rise and fall with Wall Street

25、. Unexpected events might yet upset these rosy prospects. There will be elections in the Philippines and Indonesia in 2004, and probably in Malaysia, too. Thailand goes to the polls at the beginning of 2005. Economically corrupted governments, street protests or bombing campaigns are always a possib

26、ility. But the responsible leaders seem likely to get re-elected in all four countries. Furthermore, they will spend a lot of money in the process, out of both the state budget and their own pockets, giving their economies a further boost. As a recent report by ING points out, Indonesian stocks rose

27、 in the nm-up to all of the past three elections. 23 About 2004 investors are eager to learn whether ( A) it is the right time to make investment. ( B) Southeast Asian stocks will be better. ( C) there will be any elections. 24 What has happened in Indonesia in the past year? ( A) There has been cha

28、os following the regional crisis in 1997. ( B) The economy has grown by around 4%. ( C) Both inflation and interest rates have finally risen. 25 The low interest rates made consumers in Thailand ( A) crazily buy cars and houses. ( B) help crisis-hit companies pay off their debts. ( C) improve the ba

29、lance sheets of straggling banks. 26 What conclusion can we get from Markus Rosgens analysis? ( A) Asians have been depositing their money in banks. ( B) Low interests make consumers to buy more or make investment. ( C) Southeast Asian economy is promising. 27 Southeast Asian markets serve as useful

30、 hedges against America because ( A) they do not rise and fall together with Wall Street. ( B) they axe still well below their pre-crisis highs. ( C) share prices should rise. 28 What will give the economy of the four countries a further boost? ( A) corrupted governments, street protests and bombing

31、 campaigns ( B) the amount of money spent in the process of election ( C) the development of stock market 六、 PART SIX 28 Read the introduction below about a book fair. Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A, B, or C on the opposite page. For each question 29-40, mark one letter (A, B or C)

32、 on your Answer Sheet. Book fair facts & figures The Frankfurt Book Fair, the largest, oldest and most important book fair in the world, brings (29) an estimated 80,000 executives from the international book and media industry, (30) nearly 10,000 journalists from about 70 countries report (31) the e

33、vent. To begin (32) , the Frankfurt Book Fair was primarily an order fair (33) booksellers from Germany but, as its international importance grew, the (34) of rights and licenses became its central activity. (35) three-quarters of the publishing worlds rights and licenses (36) now transacted through

34、 the Frankfurt Book Fair. The Frankfurt Book Fair has responded to the development of the electronic media by, in 1993, setting (37) a separate exhibition area at the fair. (38) two years, the number of exhibitors Offering electronic publishing products increased eight-fold, (39) that now the Frankf

35、urt Book Fair is the most important event in the medium of electronic publishing (40) well as books. ( A) about ( B) down ( C) together ( A) which ( B) yet ( C) while ( A) over ( B) on ( C) at ( A) from ( B) with ( C) off ( A) against ( B) to ( C) for ( A) draft ( B) drafting ( C) drafted ( A) Aroun

36、d ( B) Of ( C) Near ( A) are ( B) were ( C) have ( A) out ( B) up ( C) aside ( A) Within ( B) Between ( C) After ( A) such ( B) in ( C) so ( A) as ( B) too ( C) much 七、 PART SEVEN 40 Questions 41-45 Read the memo and note below. Complete the claim form. Write word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a

37、 number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet. Memo TO: Barbara Sinclair FROM: Peter Rogers DATE: 25 May 2002 SUBJECT: Insurance Claim Could you deal with this? Its our insurance claim, for the damage at the weekend. The insurance policy is in my name, and we bought the carpet for 300, although it wil

38、l cost at least 500 to replace. Luckily our office carpets seem fine. Thanks. OWEN SMITH INSURANCE COMPANY with compliments Thank you for your recent phone call regarding flood damage in your photocopy room. Could you please complete the attached form and return it to me as soon as possible? Insuran

39、ce Claim NAME OF POLICY HOLDER: 41. _ POLICY NUMBER: LD4756030C ITEM (S) TO BE REPLACED: 42. _ LOCATION OF ITEM (S): 43. _ VALUE WHEN PURCHASED: 44. _ CAUSE OF DAMAGE: 45. _ DATE OF DAMAGE: SUNDAY 19 MAY BEC商务英语(初级)阅读模拟试卷 31答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 B 2 【正确答案】 B 3 【正确答案】 A 4 【正确答案】 C 5 【正确答案】 C 二、

40、PART TWO 6 【正确答案】 H 7 【正确答案】 A 8 【正确答案】 E 9 【正确答案】 G 10 【正确答案】 C 三、 PART THREE 11 【正 确答案】 H 12 【正确答案】 C 13 【正确答案】 A 14 【正确答案】 E 15 【正确答案】 G 四、 PART FOUR 16 【正确答案】 C 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【正确答案】 C 19 【正确答案】 A 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 B 22 【正确答案】 A 五、 PART FIVE 23 【正确答案】 B 24 【正确答案】 B 25 【正确答案】 A 26 【正确答案】 C 27

41、 【正确答案】 A 28 【正确答案】 B 六、 PART SIX 29 【正确答案】 C 30 【正确答案】 C 31 【正确答案】 B 32 【正确答案】 B 33 【正确答案】 C 34 【正确答案】 B 35 【正确答案】 A 36 【正确答案】 A 37 【正确答案】 B 38 【正确答案】 A 39 【正确答案】 C 40 【正确答案】 A 七、 PART SEVEN 41 【正确答案】 PETER ROGERS 【试题解析】 此处要填的是投保人的名字,注意 memo中的第三句话: The insurance policy is in my name. in my name意思是

42、“以我的名义 ”,所以投保人就应该是发 memo的人,故填 Peter Rogers。 42 【正确答案】 A/THE/ONE CARPET 【试题解析】 原文信息: we bought the carpet for 300, although it will cost at least 500 to replace从这句话得知,要更 换是地毯。 43 【正确答案】 PHOTOCOPY ROOM 【试题解析】 从下面的 note得知,复印室里发生了水灾,导致地毯损坏。 44 【正确答案】 300 【试题解析】 地毯当初买时花了 300英镑,这在 memo里可以找到答案。 45 【正确答案】 FLOOD 【试题解析】 解析见 43题,是水灾导致地毯损坏。


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