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1、BEC商务英语(初级)阅读模拟试卷 92及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 In which department is Jane Crew working at the moment? ( A) Sales ( B) Marketing ( C) Administration 2 Special Offer! Limited period only. 0% commission on foreign currency exchange. ( A) Commission is charged on some foreign currencies only. ( B) Customers

2、can change limited amounts of money without paying commission. ( C) At present there is no charge for changing foreign money. 3 Business Latest Demand for office space in sharp decline due to a slowing economy Click here ( A) Companies may have to wait longer to find cheap offices to rent. ( B) The

3、financial situation is affecting the commercial property market. ( C) Businesses are renting out empty office space to help their falling profits. 4 Office furniture direct from the manufacturer Free delivery; 21-day money back guarantee; interest free loan 2-year guarantee ( A) Buyers will get a fu

4、ll refund if they are not satisfied. ( B) Customers must collect the furniture straight from the factory. ( C) Payment on the furniture has to be completed within two years. 5 To receive our free business publications, complete and return the enclosed form for up to three titles per company. ( A) Ea

5、ch company may send for three publications. ( B) Companies may send in three articles for publication. ( C) Publications are sent out on receipt of payment and form. 二、 PART TWO 5 Look at the office plan below. It shows the various sections of a small consultancy company.For questions 6-10, decide w

6、hich section(A-H)each person needs to visit.For each question, mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.Do not use any letter more than once.6 There has been an electrical problem and all the computers are down. 7 You have written a draft report on your lap-top and now you want it checked and printe

7、d. 8 The company has invited a group of specialists to the office for a one-day meeting. 9 You have been asked to check if there will be enough coffee, tea, sugar, soft drinks, etc, for refreshments at the conference. 10 You need to get copies of the CVs of three members of staff. 三、 PART THREE 10 L

8、ook at the charts below. They show Internet sales compared to High Street sales of holidays offered by eight different travel companies during a three-year period.Which chart does each sentence(11-15)describe?For each sentence, mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.Do not use any letter more than

9、 once.11 Although Internet sales started higher than High Street sales, they lost that lead when both dipped in the middle of the period. 12 High Street sales and Internet sales reached their peak in the middle of the period, but Internet sales declined more sharply at the end. 13 While both High St

10、reet and Internet sales rose throughout the period, High Street sales saw their greater increase in the middle year. 14 Both Internet and High Street sales dipped in the middle of the period, with the Internet always achieving fewer sales than the High Street. 15 High Street sales fell from their ea

11、rly high point to equal Internet sales, and both then remained level at the end of the period. 四、 PART FOUR 15 Read the article below about a success story. Are sentences 16-22 Right or Wrong ? If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong , choose Doesnt say. For each sentence(16-22),

12、 mark one letter(A, B or C)on your Answer Sheet. Louise Wood s Success Story Three years ago, Louise Wood set up her own hair products company. She soon found she had more orders than she could handle by herself, and now employs ten people. Her turnover last year was 5. 8 million. I used to work as

13、a rep, selling hair products to people like famous hair-dressers. One day someone suggested to me that I should make and sell similar products myself, and I thought, why not? “Before I started, I thought running my own business would be similar to my previous job, but straight away I had problems Id

14、 never dealt with before. Im glad I took the risk, though.“ “Ive always insisted on 90 days credit to make the company self-supporting, without huge loans from banks. Luckily my manufactures agreed!“ Louise uses local suppliers and expects them to come to her if they want to do business with her. “

15、I rarely leave the office and try to fit everything onto normal working hours. Im no good at working late. “ So what are Louises plans now? “My friends predicted I wouldnt keep this business for long as Im always having new business ideas, but at the moment I want to see this project through.“ 16 Lo

16、uise Wood recruited her staff as soon as she set up her business. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 17 As a rep, Louise enjoyed meeting famous hair-dressers. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 18 Louises first few months of business were less difficult than she had expected. ( A) Right ( B) W

17、rong ( C) Doesnt say 19 Louise has avoided borrowing large amounts of money to finance her business. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 20 Her suppliers have complained about having meetings at her office. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 21 Louise regularly does overtime. ( A) Right ( B) Wr

18、ong ( C) Doesnt say 22 Louise feels committed to this business for the present. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Doesnt say 五、 PART FIVE 22 Read the article below about relationship with customers. For each question(23-28)on the opposite page, choose the correct answer. Mark one letter(A, B or C)on your A

19、nswer Sheet. Although it is nothing new for companies to build relationships with customers, it has generally been done on a one-to-one basis. In recent years, however, technological developments have made it possible to build up individual relationships with clients on a much larger scale, and this

20、 more sophisticated kind of operation is known as relationship marketing. Relationship marketing aims to increase sales through deliberate efforts to retain customers and promote two-way communication with them and new technology has made communication possible with a for larger customer base than b

21、efore. The information gathered forms the basis of highly technical analyses of customer purchasing and profitability, which can be used to increase sales. The building of good personal relationships with customers is usually integral to the management of small businesses, and owners of small corner

22、 shops clearly illustrate the essence of relationship marketing, although the technology available to them is far less advanced than that available to, say, a supermarket chain. Small shopkeepers have direct knowledge of regular customers and become familiar with their needs, likes and dislikes. The

23、 shopkeepers can then provide services tailored to individual needs. Over time, a bond of loyalty is likely to develop between shopkeepers and regular customers. The benefits of relationship marketing enjoyed by small businesses are now available to big businesses, thanks to a number of developments

24、. First and foremost is the increasing recognition of the importance of profitability of retaining existing customers. Secondly, technologies have been developed which enable the collection, manipulation and analysis of huge banks of customer information. Large retailers can use store cards to obtai

25、n detailed background information about customers ages, salaries and lifestyles, and point-of-sale technology can be used to track purchases made by every customer. Electronic storage enables all of this information to be retained, manipulated and integrated, while detailed analyses can be carried o

26、ut on ever more powerful computers. Companies are thus able to target individuals amongst their thousands of customers with unique promotions or information matched to their backgrounds and to their purchasing tendencies. Thirdly, companies feel a need to use relationship marketing because of increa

27、sed competition: amassing knowledge a-bout customers and building up customer relationships through interactive contact can enable organizations to differentiate their products or services more easily form those of competitors. However, relationship marketing is not always the right route for organi

28、zations to take, and is not appropriate for all customers. Some bank customers, for example, cost more to serve than the bank actually makes form their custom, while a supermarket customer who spends very little and does not shop regularly does not justify the expenditure of several pounds per annum

29、 on relationship marketing. In addition, customers may not always be interested in a relationship, even where there are demonstrable benefits to be had. Overall, successful relationship marketing depends upon selecting and targeting the customers you wish to retain, and identifying sales areas where

30、 the investment and effort will be worthwhile. Many organizations have found the approach to be very rewarding in terms of customer retention and related profitability, but relationship marketing is still a developing field and is neither cheap nor easy to operate. It involves an integrative approac

31、h which draws marketing, quality and customer service together; it also depends upon developing the capacity of every employee particularly front-line staff to market the goods or services of the organization in a customer-focused way; and finally, it can require heavy investment in appropriate info

32、rmation technology. 23 In the first paragraph, the writer describes relationship marketing as ( A) an idea that has passed in and out of fashion over the last few years. ( B) a term used for an activity that used to exist in a more basic form. ( C) a way for a company to analyze its profitability. 2

33、4 Why are small shopkeepers used to illustrate relationship marketing? ( A) Their success depends on their relationships with their customers. ( B) They keep information about their customers on computer. ( C) They were the first to use the term relationship marketing. 25 One reason why large compan

34、ies didnt use relationship marketing in the past is that ( A) they underestimated the true value of customer loyalty. ( B) their customers didnt want them to collect information. ( C) they didnt need to find out about individual customers. 26 One advantage of relationship marketing for large retaile

35、rs is that ( A) they can become more widely known. ( B) they can respond to suggestions from customers. ( C) they can identify the shopping habits of customers. 27 According to the writer, what kind of customers are unsuitable for relationship marketing? ( A) People who only make cash purchases. ( B

36、) People who dont shop very often. ( C) People who have had bad experiences with shops. 28 The writer concludes that relationship marketing is most likely to work if ( A) the customer cooperate. ( B) it is applied in small sales areas. ( C) the right customers are chosen. 六、 PART SIX 28 Read the art

37、icle below about a report on employment. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C. For each question(29-40), mark one letter(A, B or C)on your Answer Sheet. This years Corporate Travel exhibition will take place on 13 and 14 October. The exhibition is twice the size it was last year【

38、C1】 _the organizers have been successful in attracting many more【 C2】 _airlines, hotels and car rental companies than in the past.【 C3】 _150 companies will have stands【 C4】 _ the exhibition. During the two days of the exhibition,【 C5】 _will be a programme of seminars 【 C6】 _a wide range of subjects

39、related to business travel. Each of【 C7】_will provide professional advice on ways in【 C8】 _firms can obtain a high level【 C9】 _service at the most competitive prices. Participants will have the opportunity to learn【 C10】 _to achieve savings of up to 40% on【 C11】 _ annual travel budgets. The exhibiti

40、on will be open 10:00 17:00 on【 C12】 _days. 29 【 C1】 ( A) if ( B) when ( C) as 30 【 C2】 ( A) leading ( B) first ( C) primary 31 【 C3】 ( A) Above ( B) Over ( C) Ahead 32 【 C4】 ( A) with ( B) on ( C) at 33 【 C5】 ( A) there ( B) one ( C) it 34 【 C6】 ( A) cover ( B) covers ( C) covering 35 【 C7】 ( A) th

41、is ( B) these ( C) that 36 【 C8】 ( A) which ( B) what ( C) where 37 【 C9】 ( A) for ( B) of ( C) to 38 【 C10】 ( A) how ( B) why ( C) whether 39 【 C11】 ( A) them ( B) they ( C) their 40 【 C12】 ( A) either ( B) both ( C) every 七、 PART SEVEN 40 Read the note and the attached job details below. Complete

42、the form below. Write a word or phrase(in CAPITAL LETTERS)or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet. Ali, I spoke to Michael Byers(Pettivale Garden Supplies). Regarding non-payment of invoice #RT2124. He says they received RT2123. twice, but not RT2124. Can you issue a fresh invoice, please(JO

43、B details attached). I think we should ask for payment within five days, dont you? And make sure it goes directly to him, OK? Lakmi JOB #555 Date: 02. 02. 04 Item: Repairs to VGS delivery van Parts: $ 144. 00 Labour: $ 350. 00 Total: $ 494. 00 Signed: JKL INVOIVE TO: Company:【 K1】 _ Twentypence Road

44、 Verwood BH12 6TT Invoice number:【 K2】 _ For the attention of:【 K3】 _ Details of service provided:【 K4】 _ Amount due:【 K5】 _ Terms of payment: 5 working days from receipt of invoice 41 【 K1】 42 【 K2】 43 【 K3】 44 【 K4】 45 【 K5】 BEC商务英语(初级)阅读模拟试卷 92答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 一封关于人事调 整的电子邮件。决定

45、从 7月份开始, Tony Barns将调离销售部,转入市场部接替 Jane Crew的工作, Jane Crew将调转至行政部。选项 B符合题意。 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 特别报价,在特定时间内免收外币兑换费。选项 C符合题意。 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 经济放缓导致近期商用办公室需求急速下滑。选项 B符合题意。 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 厂家直销办公家具,免费送货, 21天内可享受全额退款, 2年质保。选项 A符合题意。 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 只要填写并交还该附表,该公司便可享受最多三种免费商业期刊。选项 A符合题意。 二、 PART TWO

46、6 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 文中关键词 “all the computers are down ”说明电脑现在不能工作,你需要技术支持。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 文中关键词 “you want it checked andprinted”, “你想要其他人帮你做这些事 ”。打印机能够帮忙。 8 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 文中关键词 “a one-day meeting”,所以你需要一间会议室。 9 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 文中关键词 “enough coffee, tea, sugar, soft drinks, etc”这些东西应该存放在厨房里。 10 【正

47、确答案】 B 【试题解析】 文中关键词 “CVs of three members ofstaff”, CV的意思是简历,应该保存在人事部门。 三、 PART THREE 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 题目意为:虽然 Internet sales(网络销售 )的起点高于 High Street sales(店铺销售 )。但在中间时段双双走低,而前者也失去了领先优势。也就是表明2001年时 Internet sales高于 High street sales,虽然到了 2002年两者业绩都有所下跌,但当年 High street sales要高于 Internet sales.从图表中查

48、看同时符合这两个条件的只有选项 D。 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题目意为: High street sales与 Internet sales在中间时间段 (2002年 )均达到最高 峰,但后期 (2003年 )Internet sales下滑更快 (快于 High street sales)。 13 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 题目意为:三年间 High street and Internet销售都有所增长,而High street销售在中期更加强劲 (高于 Internet sales)。 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 题目意为: 2002年 Internet与 H

49、igh street销售都暂时下滑,但Internet销售一直要稍低于 High street销售。 15 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 题目意为: 2002年 High street销售从 2001年初期的高点下跌至与Internet相当水平, 2003年两者销售持平。 四、 PART FOUR 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题目意为: Louis Wood开始创立公司时就雇佣了员工。文章第一段第二句 “She soonfound she had more orders than she could handleby herself and now employs ten people ”是在公 司成立不久后发现一个人应付不了那么的订单后,才开始雇人。所以该题陈述是错误的。 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题目意为: Louise在做销售代表期间乐于为知名头饰公司做业务。该表述与原文没有提及。 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题目意为: Louise公司在运营初期遇到的困难要比她预想小。


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