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1、BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 116及答案与解析 一、 PART TWO 1 One product of your company is not selling well, while competitor s products are doing fine. The Director has asked you to write a proposal to advertise it. Write a proposal for the Sales Director: - describing the current situation of the product and the wh

2、ole market - explaining why your company should advertise for it - summarising the time and media you choose to make the advertisement - outlining how the advertisement would generate extra business. Write 200-250 words. 2 You are the assistant of a design company. Your director has decided that the

3、 companys rules and regulations should be improved, and has asked you to write a proposal giving your ideas. Write a proposal for the director: - explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the current rules and regulations - summarising the importance of improving - suggesting one or two improve

4、ments you consider practical - outlining the benefits the improvements would bring to the company. Write 200-250 words. 3 The Human Resources Manager of your company has planned two training courses: English Studying and Technical Training. He has asked you to recommend the course you think would be

5、 most useful for the staff. Write a proposal to the Human Resources Manager, including the following information: - a brief description of the current situation - what is the course you have chosen and what it is about - why you feel it would be useful and the other is not so suitable - how the cour

6、se will be of benefit to the company. Write 200-250 words. 4 One of the product in your company is not selling very well this month. The Sales Manager has asked you to make a survey to find out the cause and suggest the way to improve it. Write a proposal to your Sales Manager: - informing the curre

7、nt situation of the product - presenting the issue you have found - outlining your proposals to solve this problem and its disadvantages - saying how the proposals would generate extra effect. Write 200-250 words. BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 116答案与解析 一、 PART TWO 1 【正确答案】 Proposal for product advertisement To:

8、 Grahame Black From: Julian White Re: Introduction Sales of VC juice last quarter is not very satisfying, with net profits down by 1.5%. And it doesn t seem to be getting better this quarter, from April to June. On the contrary, our competitor s products are doing fine. Observations The rival firms

9、advertisement is a vital factor for their VC juicesgood market. While our company stopped advertisement and publicity last quarter, there was a significant decrease in sales. And some new rivals entering into market surly intensified the competition. Therefore, I suggest that some advertisements be

10、made to attract customers to publicise our products. Recommendations I hope the following measures can be taken to advertise products: First, some posters should be made for sales promotion as summer will be the best season for drinks and juice, so I think that posters of various juice products shou

11、ld be pasted and given out. That will cost us about $100. Second, a new advertisement should be made on TV to show the new taste and package of our products, teenagers will like that very much. The ad should appear at 19:00 every day, three months in a row. That will cost us about $1200. Third, as m

12、ost colleges surf the net nowadays, some interesting games and flashes advertising our products should be put on the internet. And more posters should be given out to internet bars. That will total to about $1600. Conclusion With these advertisements and sales promotion, Im sure our company can rega

13、in our leading position in VC juice market. 【试题解析】 题目要求针对公司产品销售不佳的情况,写一则做广告进行宣传的建议。根据题目要求可知,这是替销售部经理写的一则建议,要求写明目前存在的问题,以及做广告进行宣传的必要性,接下来具体说明自己的建议,包括做广告的时间、媒体及花费等,最后说明做广告对增加销量带来的效果。写作的时候通过描述目前产品销售情况及整体市场情况,说明目前存在的情况,这一部分可以通过一些具体的数据进行说明;在说明做广告的必要性时,可以分析自己的产品不如竞品畅销的原因;提出自己建议的广告时间及媒体的时候,要给出充足的理由,说 明自己选择

14、的媒体及时间为什么是最合适的,以及花费有多少。写作时应注意条理清晰,说理充分。 2 【正确答案】 Proposal for improving company rules and regulations To: Mark Jacob From: Frank Johnson Re: Introduction This report aims to analyse the current situation of the implementation of current company rules and to give recommendation for possible improveme

15、nt. Observations The current regulations and rules are operating smoothly and everything is in order. Everything can be regulated in the office and staffs are all well acquainted with them. However, there seem to be some problems in execution, and a few of the rules and regulations seem to be confli

16、ct with each other. A recent survey to the staff and their routine jobs found that some rules and regulations are standing in the way of their daily work and others cant keep up with the developing situation. Therefore, it is urgent that the current rules and regulations be improved as soon as possi

17、ble. Recommendations In order to make our work run more smoothly and the rules and regulations more standardised, I would like to make the following recommendations: 1. The regulations about punching twice at noon, before and after 12:30 separately should be revised to punch once at noon, which coul

18、d avoid some unnecessary mistakes. 2. Methods of performance evaluation should be more specific and clear, so that employees will know exactly how to behave and what they can or cannot do. Conclusion I believe the implementation of these rules and regulations will encourage the staff to work more se

19、lf-motivated and be more devoted to their jobs. 【试题解析】 题目要求针对目前公司规章制度方面存在的问题提出建议,说明如何改进。根据题目要求可知,这是替公司主管写的一篇建议,要求说明目前公司规章制度的优缺点及要改进的必要性,同时要提出自己的可行的建议。并说明这些改进会给公司带来的好处。其中,在说明公司规章制度优缺点时,应注意客观、中肯、切实;在提出自己的建议时应具体、规范,说明这些建议为什么不合适及应当怎样改进,为什么是可行的等;在说明这些措施给公司带来的好处时应客观,具有前瞻性。写作时应注意客观、条理。层次分明,逻辑清晰。 3 【正确答 案】

20、Proposal for training courses To: Paul Stevens From: Tony Morrison Re: Introduction In response to your request for trainings to be given to the staff, we would like to submit the following proposal. As we know, our company is of technology-oriented type and new technologies are advancing rapidly an

21、d constantly, which means renovation of technology is very important to the development of the company. Recommendations As a result, I strongly recommend that Technical Training, which aims to improve the skills of the staff, should be our first choice in choosing a training course. The Technical Tr

22、aining will be given the whole day every Saturday and last for about three months, starting from next Saturday. Reasons The reasons why I consider Technical Training should be implemented while English Studying is not so necessary can boil down to the following: First, as is listed above, technology

23、 is the lifeline of the company and concerns our development. Second, many staff are not skilled enough to accomplish their tasks in time, which affected the development of the company. Third, most staff dont have any chance to go on business abroad or to speak English at work and seldom use English

24、. So there is no urgent need for English at work. Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to propose that Technical Training for the staff be taken as soon as possible, so that our company can be operated more effectively and generate more profits in the future. 【试题解析】 题目要求针对公司要进行何种培训提出自己的建议。根据题目内容可知

25、。这是一则为人力资源部经理提供的建议,要求首先简单描述一下公司目前的情况,然后提出自己的观点,应该选择哪个培训,并对这个培训进行简单的描述。接下来说明理由,即为什么要选择这个培训而不选择另一个,最后说明通过这次培训能给公司带来什么。描述公司目前现状时应注意结合要做的培训进行。而不是泛泛地谈公司的情况;说明要选择哪个培训时应简单列一下这个培训的大体情况,以便让对方有所了解;说明为什么选择这个培训而不选另外一个时,应注意结合 公司现状和实际进行客观的评价;最后在说明这些培训会给公司带来哪些好处时应注意具有前瞻性。写作时注意用语恰当。句式灵活,陈述理由时有逻辑性和条理性。 4 【正确答案】 Prop

26、osal for improving sales of products To: Paul Stevens From: Frank Johnson Re: This proposal has been prepared to recommend ways of improving sales of one of our products. All the figures are collected from the statistical data and questionnaires to the customers of and by Sales Department. After a t

27、horough investigation to the customers and an elaborate analysis to the figures, we found that the current problems can be traced down to the following reasons: First, the name of the product is not very attractive and most customers who saw it didnt associate it with any kind of food. Second, the c

28、olor of the packages are not fresh enough to attract children, who are easily appealed by those more colorful packages. Third, the products are displayed in the higher rack of the shelves in the supermarket, so children cant see them easily. As a result, I strongly recommend that some measures be ta

29、ken to improve sales and attract more customers: First, the name of the product should be changed, so customers can know what it is the first sight they see it. Second, the package of the product should be designed to be more attractive. Third, products should be displayed in the bottom of the shelv

30、es. The only disadvantage we can envisage is that some of the customers have begun to know the products well and the changing of name and colors will disturb them from buying them. However, in view of the long-term development, I recommend that the above measures be taken to attract more customers a

31、nd creat more profits. 【试题解析】 题目要求针对目前公司某种产品销售不佳的情况提出自己的解决方案。根据题目要求可知,本文是为营销经理写的关于某种销售不好的产品提出建议,要求首先说明产品目前的情况,接下来说明发现的问题,然后提出自己的解决方案及其优点,最后说明这些建议将如何促进销售。说明目前现状时应结合产品的销售情况、销售地域、针对人群和产品本身的特征等进行 ;说明发现的问题时,应侧重说明影响销售的问题,比如价格过高、产品名称不合适、产品针对人群不合适、广告宣传不到位、人们对产品认知度不够高、包装不够吸引人、摆放位置不合适、上市时机不合适等多个方面;提出自己的解决方案时应注意针对前面发现的问题,并详细说明这些方案的优点。写作时应注意要用语地道。条理清晰,层次分明,表达流畅。


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