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1、BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 118及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 - The pie charts below show the percentages of a companys turnover which were contributed by its three products in years of 2009 and 2010.- Using the information in the chart, write a short report comparing the contributions of the three products turnover in

2、 the two years.- Write 120-140 words. 二、 PART TWO 2 - The Sales Manager in your company is looking for a place where he can hold a two-day conference with sales staff. You have recently attended a conference at Maritime Hall and the Sales Manager has asked you to prepare a report on the suitability

3、of the Hall for his conference. - Write a report for the Sales Manager: - describing the place where you attended the conference - listing the positive and negative aspects of the hall - making a recommendation as to its suitability for your companys conference. 3 - Your director are dissatisfied wi

4、th the computers your company bought last month. During inspecting, you found several computers running slowly. The computers have recently been returned to the computer company. - Write a letter to the computer company: - informing them of the slow computers - explaining why you are dissatisfied -

5、describing the bad effect the computers have on your business - detailing what action your intend to take if the computers have not been adjusted. 4 - You feel that your companys new products can benefit from better publicity. The Sales Director has asked you to write a proposal giving your ideas. -

6、 Write a proposal for the Sales Director: - mentioning the new products concerned - listing the disadvantages of the current advertising - outlining how your competitors advertising strategy - suggesting new ideas to advertising. BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 118答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 Report: The turnover o

7、f product A, B and C between 2009-2010 This report aims to analyse the percentages of a companys turnover which were contributed by its three products in years 2009 and 2010. Product A had a very good performance in 2009, accounting for 60% of the total turnover of the company. However, it had a sha

8、rp decline in 2010, and took up only 30% of the total turnover of the company. On the contrary, product B showed an opposite trend. It accounted for 20% of the total turnover of the company in 2009, while the percentage then increased sharply to 50% in 2010. At the same time, product C demonstrated

9、a very steady trend in the two years, taking up the same percentage of 20% of the whole turnover in 2009 and 2010. From the pie charts we can see that product B showed very positive signs in development while product As performance was not very satisfying and product C remained quite stable. 【试题解析】

10、题目要求描述一个公司三种产品在 2009和 2010年两年间的营业额比较。根据图表可以看出, A产品在 2009年营业额所占份额较大, 2010年急剧减少。 B产品 2009年所占份额很少, 2010年有大幅上升。 C产品在两年间变化不大。写作的时候,应注意体现出 A、 B的变化情况,及 C的稳定性,同时注意语法、拼写等细节问题。 二、 PART TWO 2 【正确答案】 Report on the suitability of a hall for a meeting The report sets out to describe the suitability of the Maritim

11、e Hall for holding a two-day conference with sales staff. I have recently attended a conference at Maritime Hall, so I know well about the qualities and services there. It is a 20-storied modern conference hall with advanced equipments in the east part of the city, about half an hours drive from our

12、 head quarter. The hall is suitable for our conference in some aspects. First, it is equipped with advanced facilities for meetings and can meet our demands completely. Whats more, the service they provide is very good, so all staff will feel very comfortable there. However, there are also some nega

13、tive aspects. First, most of the halls are for large conferences, so they are too spacious, while smaller ones are often not available without booking in advance. Then, the rent is a little higher compared with our budget. Finally, they dont provide lunch there. I have some recommendations for the a

14、bove problems, like booking in advance and negotiate with the manager of the hall to lower the rent. As they provide all kinds of services freely, some of our budget can be saved. And we can arrange the lunch in an economical restaurant nearby. With all things considered, I think the Maritime Hall i

15、s a suitable place for the conference. 【试题解析】 题目要求写一份报告。根据题目要求,这是一份写给总经理的关于某个礼堂是否适合举行会议的报告,首先要求说明这个礼堂的情况。接下来列出这个礼堂的优缺点。最后提出自己的建 议。说明如何才能使其适合公司的会议。写作时应注意句式工整,表达流畅措辞严谨;同时注意字数的控制及语法、时态、拼写等细节。 3 【正确答案】 To whom it may concern, I am very sorry to give you the bad news that we are forced to return the comp

16、uters we have bought from your company last month for its slow-running. These computers were bought about 20 days ago. However, some of them run very slowly. We are absolutely sure that we operate these computers in right ways, so it has to be concluded that this slow-running problem came from the i

17、nferior quality of your computers. For the reasons above, we have to return the computers. We are very dissatisfied with your company not only for the inferior quality of the computers, but also the attitude you treat us. You should have dealt with this problem after receiving our request last week,

18、 but you failed to do that, which really annoys us. This event has very bad effects not only on your company but on our business. I was the person in charge of it, as a result, I have the full responsibility for the whole thing. This has caused much trouble in our department, which needs computers f

19、or data processing, and I think it is difficult for me to trade with your company in the future if nothing changes. We hope you can give us a reasonable explanation for this issue and compensate the loss we have suffered. We are sure that you will give our claim your most favourable consideration an

20、d let us get your settlement at an early date. Yours faithfully, Simon Paul 【试题解析】 题目要求写一封投诉信。由题目给出的信息,我们可以了解到写信的目的是对产品质量进行申诉,要求交易方对出现的情况做出合理的解释。要求首先说明电脑运行慢的信息,接下来解释自己不满意的地方,然后描述电脑不好对公司工作的影响,最后提出如果电脑不升级将会采取的行动。写作时措辞要注意礼貌原则,语气可稍微强烈一些。另外,应注意语句顺畅,表达流利,避免语法、拼写、时态、字数等方面的错误。 4 【正确答案】 Proposal for improvin

21、g the product advertisement Introduction This report aims to analyse the advertising strategy of our 3G cell phone, compare it with the strategy of our rivals, and give suggestion for future an campaign. Sales of 3G cellp phones for teenagers last quarter is not very satisfying, with only 20,000 sol

22、d out. On the contrary, the compatible products are doing fine. Observations - While our company are making outdoor display card in shopping centers and also media advertisement at TV last quarter, there has been a significant decrease in sales. By observation we found that teenagers at school dont

23、often go to shopping centers and even less do they watch TV nowadays as they often use computers for all kinds of activities. - On the contrary, the rival firms advertisement is made totally to students interest and their printed ads are posted at university campuses, where students can see easily.

24、Whats more, they hold many activities at school campuses to attract youngsters. And their advertisement are played on the net, like BBS or blogs. Conclusion Therefore, its very urgent and necessary for as to modify our advertising method and learn from our competitors. Recommendations I suggest that

25、 better advertisements as the following be made to attract customers to publicize our products. - First, some posters should be posted in school campuses. - Second, some activities like basketball games can be organized at schools, and we can also sponsor such activities. - Third, as most colleges s

26、urf the internet nowadays, some interesting games and flashes advertising our products should be put on the internet. And more posters should be given out to internet bars. With these advertisements and sales promotion, Im sure our company can regain our leading position in G3 cell phone market. 【试题解析】 题目要求写一份建议书。根据题目要求,这是一份写给销售经理关于改进广告宣传产品的建议书。要求首先说明新产品目前的情况。然后列出目前广告的缺点,接下来要列出竞争对手的广告措施。最后提出自己的建议。写作时应注意条理清晰,层次分明。提建议时应针对前面提到的问题及竞争对手的优点。


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