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1、BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 121及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 - A survey has recently been conducted by the Product Department, and the bar charts below compare the output of two workshops of an European company in 2009 and 2010.- Using the information from the bar charts, write a short report describing the changes in

2、 2009 and 2010.- Write 120-140 words. 二、 PART TWO 2 - Your team won a big construction contract for your company last month. Your Managing Director has asked you to prepare a report on your achievement. - Write a report to the Managing Director: - saying what you have prepared for the bidding - outl

3、ining your plans for future work - telling what kind of help you may need from the company. 3 - You have seen a job of a coal company advertised in a poster, and you want to apply for the post of Purchasing Manager. - Write a letter to the company: - introducing yourself - explaining the reasons why

4、 you are interested in it - telling your qualifications and experience - expressing your wishes to get this job. 4 - Your hotel has planned two training courses: Etiquette Training and Technique Training. You have been asked by the Human Resources Manager to write a proposal, recommending the course

5、 you think would be most useful for the staff. - Write a proposal to the Manager: - saying which course you have chosen - explaining why you feel it would be the most useful and the other is not so suitable - giving your specific recommendations for this training - showing the benefits of the traini

6、ng. BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 121答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 Report: Output of two workshops in an European countrys company in 2009 and 2010 The purpose of this report is to compare the output of two workshops of an European company between 2009 and 2010. Workshop A had an output of 20 million pieces in the

7、 first quarter of 2009, with a rise in the second, but the output decreased in both the third and fourth quarter. The situation in 2010 was similar to that of 2009, with a stable output of a little under 25 million pieces quarterly throughout the year. Workshop B had a better beginning of 30 million

8、 pieces in the first quarter of 2009, but dropped in the second. However, it showed a positive sign again in the last two quarters. It continued its increase in 2010, with a sharp rise in the fourth quarter to about 40 million pieces. From the bar charts, we may conclude that workshop A was more sta

9、ble in its output while workshop B was rising recently. 【试题解析】 题目要求写一则关于欧洲某公司两车间在 2009年和 2010年两年间的产量情况。根据图表显示的信息, A车间在 2009年第二季度有上升趋势,接下来开始下降;到 2010年整体较平缓。起伏不大。 B车间 2009年第二季度有下降,接下来呈上升趋势; 2010年直线上升,在第四季度达到最高。写作时应体现这些变化,语言简洁精练。同时应注意避免语法、拼写等错误。 二、 PART TWO 2 【正确答案】 Report on our achievement in the con

10、struction bidding The report sets out to describe our success in winning the big construction contract last month as well as plans for future work of the construction. In the preparation for bidding for the construction, we made a large amount of investigations, including the construction site, the

11、distribution of various wires in the area as well as the cost and profits of the whole project. Based on all the findings and analysis of the investigation, we completed our tender, engineering drawing and estimated budget. It contained all the excellent features of our competitors and excelled all

12、of them in the aspect of daylight and heat design, which enabled us to win the contract. As for future work, several tasks as follows should be carried out. In the first place, the construction site must be cleaned and leveled off in two weeks. Meantime, designs of the project should be reexamined b

13、y another group of engineers in case there should be any inappropriate mistakes. Synchronised with that, relevant equipments and materials for construction must be purchased, inspected and safely kept in the construction site for the course of construction. The preparation and construction office is

14、 responsible for these two parts. Above all, temporary water and electricity must be switched in immediately. Construction work will get started once preparation work gets finished. Since its a very big project and its success is essential to our company, adequate provision of personnel and funds mu

15、st be assured. Specific demands are listed in the documents appended. 【试题解析】 题目要求写一份报告。根据题目要求可知,这是一份写给总经理的关于赢得建设工程投标的报告。要求首先说明为竞标所做的准备,接下来说明将来的工作计划,最后说明需要公司提供的帮助。写作时应注意条理清晰,层次分明,注意前后文衔接及语意逻辑关系,同时应注意避免语法、拼写等错误。 3 【正确答案】 Dear sir, Im writing to apply for the post of Purchasing Manager in your company,

16、 which I have seen it advertised from a poster. I graduated from AAA College, in June 2007. I am twenty-six years of age. After graduation I worked as a senior clerk in sales department of a famous company and have been responsible for all the office details in the administration of sales ever since

17、 2008. In the course of my work, I have become very familiar with the various sales territories, and have also mastered much experience in handling business problems other than my proper sphere in my spare time. The years before I was employed at that company, I was a secretary for BBB company, an a

18、ccounting firm. My familiarities with accounting terms and procedures was acquired there. Therefore, Im competent for assisting in making budget of the company and making annual plans. I am leaving my present position because it cant use my capabilities more fully with wider scope. My present employ

19、er knows of it and encourages me to find a new job. May I have a chance to see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work required? I would appreciate it if you can offer me the opportunity. Thank you for your consideration. Yours faithfully, Mark S

20、mith 【试题解析】 题目要求写一封求职信。由题目给出的信息,我们可以了解到写信的目的是要申请某公司的一个职位。首先应介绍自己的情况,然后解释为什么要应聘这一职位,接下来说明自己的优势,最后表达自己希望得到这份工作的意愿。写作时应注意态度诚恳,措辞合理,语句流畅,句式清晰。同时应注意避免语法、拼写等错误。 4 【正确答案】 To: Lucas Wang, The HR manager From: Monica Xue, the assistant Date: August 14.2009 Subject: Proposal for training courses I here submit

21、 the following proposal to inform you of my suggestion for the training course. Therefore, I strongly recommend that Etiquette Training, which aims to improve the services of the staff, should be our first choice in choosing a training course. As we know, our company is of service trade and etiquett

22、e is the most important thing. The reasons why I consider Etiquette Training a better choice over Technical Studying can be concluded as the following: First, as is listed above, service standard shapes the destiny of our hotel. Second, some newcomers are not familiar about the etiquette and cant do

23、 their jobs perfectly, which has affected the degree of satisfaction of our customers. Third, technical courses are offered by department leaders to their once a month, so there is no need for a techniques training throughout the whole company. As a result, I recommend that all the staff of the comp

24、any get the etiquette course every Saturday afternoon from this week till the end of this month. And a test should be given at the end of the training to make sure that everyone has benefited the course. 【试题解析】 题目要求写一份建议书。根据题目要求,这是一份写给人力资源部经理的关于给员工选择何种培训的建议书。要求首先说明要选哪个培训课程,然后解释为什么这个课程更好,而另一个不是很合适,接下来给出具体的建议,最后说明这个培训会给公司带来的好 处。写作时应注意语句顺畅,层次分明。建议中肯,理由充分。同时,应注意避免语法、拼写等错误。


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