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1、BEC商务英语(高级)口语模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 INTERVIEW (ABOUT 3 MIN) 1 Task Sheet for Candidate A Task Sheet 1 A: Staff training: how to maintain the staffs interest in the companys training program B: Customer relations: how to set up an effective customer services system C: Advertising: how to advertise

2、 a new product effectively Task Sheet for Candidate B Task Sheet 2 A: Recruitment: how to ensure that job advertisements attract appropriate applicants B: Staff management: the importance of assessing staff performance effectively C: Technology: the importance of adopting new technology 二、 SECTION 2

3、 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 1 How to approach Speaking Test Part Three In this p

4、art of the test you work with the other candidate. The examiner gives you a card which presents a scenario and task to discuss. You need to have a serious discussion of the task, with the type of interaction which would be appropriate to a work environment. You and the other candidate should try to

5、imagine yourselves in a work environment, faced with a real situation to discuss and you should try to reach some decisions. You have about 30 seconds to prepare your ideas. Use this time to ensure you understand the task. Listen to the other candidate and respond to what they say. Do not just give

6、your own opinions, or just agree with the other candidate. Try to make more than just basic comments. Following your discussion with the other candidate, the examiner will ask you questions on the same topic. Develop your answers, and give examples to show what you mean. Listen to what the other can

7、didate says. 1. Practise discussing this task, and the questions which follow it, with a partner: OPENING A NEW BRANCH ABROAD The company you work for wants to enter new markets by opening a new branch abroad. You have been asked to make suggestions concerning this. Discuss, and decide together: how

8、 the company could find out information about the new markets what training the staff for the new branch would need how the new branch could be promoted Follow-up questions: What is the most important factor when considering opening a branch abroad? In what other ways can companies build up business

9、 abroad? What kinds of companies benefit most from trading with different countries? Would you like to work abroad for your company? Do you think business will become increasingly global in the future? BEC商务英语(高级)口语模拟试卷 1答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 INTERVIEW (ABOUT 3 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Interviewer: Now, I will gi

10、ve each of you three topics. You will have to choose one from them, prepare for it in one minute and talk about it for one minute. OK? Here are your topics. You can make notes if you wish. All right. Sun Hao, which topic have you chosen? Sun Hao: Ive chosen A. Staff training. Interviewer: OK. You ha

11、ve one minute to talk. Wang Fei and I will listen to you. Wang Fei, after Sun Haos talk, you have to ask him a question. Now, Sun Hao, you may start. Ill stop you at the end of one minute. Sun Hao: Staff training is very important to a company, because it can help improve the staffs performance and

12、thus help the company develop in a healthy direction. During staff training, its important to maintain the participants interest in the training program. I think therere at 1east two ways to achieve this. First, the training program must be fun, useful and practical on the one hand, and challenging

13、and demanding on the other. Second, the staffs performance during the training should be related to their future promotion. In this way, the participants not only would enjoy the training and improve themselves through the training, but also would take it very seriously as something that might affec

14、t their future career. Interviewer: Thank you. Now, Wang Fei, what is the question youd like to ask Sun Hao? Wang Fei: Sun Hao, do you think there might be the flak of staff turnover after the training? Sun Hao: Well, yeah. Theres always that possibility. Its unavoidable. But I dont think a company

15、should stop training its staff altogether only because some of them might go and look for a better job after the training. Interviewer: OK. Now, Wang Fei, its your turn. Which topic have you chosen, please? Wang Fei: Ive chosen C. Technology. Interviewer: OK. You have one minute to talk. Sun Hao and

16、 I will listen to you. Sun Hao, after Wang Feis talk, you have to ask her a question Now, Wang Fei, you may start. Ill stop you at the end of one minute. Wang Fei: Well, obviously, technology is very important to the development of a company. To begin with, adopting the latest technology can help a

17、company maintain the edge over its competitors because new technology can help improve the quality of a companys service or products. Secondly, new technology can help increase a companys efficiency of operation or production, which will then result in higher yields and profits. Its hard to imagine

18、how a company could survive in such a high-tech society without adopting new technology. Interviewer: Thank you. Now, Sun Hao, what is the question youd like to ask Wang Fei? Sun Hao: Do you think investing in new technology will increase the burden on the company s budget? Wang Fei: Yes, to some ex

19、tent, it will. But in the long run, a company will benefit more from technological innovations. Interviewer: Thank you. 二、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas.


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