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1、BEC商务英语(高级)口语模拟试卷 32及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 INTERVIEW (ABOUT 3 MIN) 1 Task Sheet for Candidate A Task Sheet 1 A: The management: the importance of corporate culture B: Customer relations: how to get a customer coming back for more C: Employee relations; how to tell the boss be is wrong Task Sheet for Ca

2、ndidate B Task Sheet 2 A: Recruitment; how to learn most about a job candidate. B: Employee relations; how to fire a family member. C: Leadership training: how to make a good boss. 二、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business

3、 topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 2 Sale Reduction Your company is an international company which produces electronic productS. Your companys sales have reduced recently and this situation has

4、lasted for a period of time. You have been asked to submit your ideas on how to increase your company s sales. Discuss, and decide together: What problems does the company have which led to such sales reduction? What can be done to increase the sales? BEC商务英语(高级)口语模拟试卷 32答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 INTERVIEW

5、 (ABOUT 3 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Interviewer: Now, I will give each of you three topics. You will have to choose one from them, prepare for it in one minute and talk about it for one minute. OK? Yang Yon, here are your topics. And here are yours, Yon Ming. You can make notes on the paper I gave you during yo

6、 preparation. All right. Yang Yon, which topic are you going to talk about? Yang Yan: Id like to talk about B, Customer Relations. Interviewer: OK. You have one minute to talk. Yon Ming and I will listen to you. Yon Ming, after Yang Yans talk, you have to ask her a question. Now, Yang Yan, you may s

7、tart. Ill ! stop you at the end of one minute. Yang Yon: Customer relations are very important to a company. Since if we have very good customer relations, the customers will come hack and buy more. In my opinion, one effective way of keeping good customer relations is to get into the habit of consi

8、stently updating customer information. At every customer touch point, try to learn a little more or verify our existing information. For instance, ask why the customer is buying the larger size rather than the small one. Why choose blue rather than gray? Has he or she been promoted, with a new title

9、 and responsibilities? Note any responses to marketing efforts. Keep adding details and making sure the customer profile is up-to-date. We can rely on smart, centralized customer information; we can send specialized offerings to selected customer segments. Use Publisher 2003 to create flyers, postca

10、rds or other mailings that send news of customized offers. En, and Interviewer: Thank you. Its time. Now, Yan Ming, what is the question youd like to ask Yang Yon? Yon Ming: Yang Yon, what kind of customer information should you know? Yang Yon: Well, we need to learn details about their habits, prof

11、iles, and preferences before we can characterize them. Interviewer: OK. Now, Yon Ming, its your turn. Which topic have you chosen, please? Yon Ming: Recruitment Interviewer: OK. You have one minute to talk. Yang Yon and I will listen to you. Yang Yon, after Yan Mings talk, you have to ask him a ques

12、tion. Now, Yan Ming, you may start. Ill stop you at the end of one minute. Yon Ming: Learning most about a job candidate is very important. Several things are very important to us. Taking the rime to prepare our interview questions in advance will help pose similar questions to different candidates.

13、 Then in addition to the conventional methods of reviewing an applicants job history and skills, we should ask questions that give the applicant a chance to explain how they react to specific job situations. Moreover, asking opon-ended follow-ups instead of allowing for a simple one-word answer, giv

14、e applicants the chance to communicate useful information about themselves. At last, its very important to ask exactly how they would do something that is part of the job instead of simply looking at a resume that lists a candidate% areas of experience. Interviewer: Thank you. Time is up. Now, Yang

15、Yan, what is the question youd like to ask Yan Ming? Yang Yan: Among all the aspects that youve mentioned, which one do you think you can judge whether this person is suitable or not? Yan Ming: I think the last one. Its a kind of knowing their practical ability and will impress me most, Interviewer:

16、 Thank you. 二、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 2 【正确答案】 Interviewer: Well,

17、Song Li and Hou Llang, the last part of this speaking test is a discussion task. Your discussion topic is on this task card. You have about 30 seconds to read it carefully. After you have read the task, you will have a discussion on the given topic. Your discussion time is around three minutes. OK?

18、Now read your task card. Well, can you start your discussion now? Im going to listen to you and then ask you to stop at the end of three minutes. Hou Liang: Well, I think several problems might lead to our companys sales reduction. The electronic market becomes more mature and the competition is mor

19、e drastic. Japanese manufactures, and the U.S. and the German. companies are really competitive which hurt our industries. Many electronic companiessales begin to reduce. Such environmental impact may be one reason for our sales reduction. Song Li: En, I agree with you. Since our company is internat

20、ionalized and the global environment of business is very important, it affects all the aspects of our company. The number one global environmental change is the growth of international competition and the opening of free trade among nations. Hou Liang: Yes, in such a serious competition, keeping the

21、 sales increasing is not a very easy thing. I think high-quality goods are very important. Japanese manufacturers like Honda and Sony won much of the market for automobiles, videocassette recorders, TV sets, and other products by offering global consumers better-quality products than many other coun

22、tries. Song Li: Better quality is, no doubt, a crucial problem for our sales. Meanwhile, I think another important problem we have is customer service. We dont have a very complete customer services system. We dont keep in touch with our customers in time and ask for their feedbacks. So we dont know

23、 whether our products are suitable and good for them. Hou Liang: Thats quite right. Since the first aspect of the definition of quality is meeting the requirements of our customers, both inside and outside the organization. If we dont have a very complete customer services system and dont keep in to

24、uch with our customers, we really dont know whether our products meet their requirements or not. Song Li: Right, so after finding those main problems, we should begin to think over what we should do next. I think we can analyze some advanced quality methods and skills which are adopted by many compe

25、titive companies. Since global consumers will fast become accustomed to such high quality products. Hou Liang: Good idea. And we should complete our customer services system. We can learn details about their preferences and construct their own files. Song Li: Right, its like a database. But we shoul

26、d make it easily accessed and easily manipulated by the staff. Interviewer: Have you had any experience of such a good customer services system? Hou Liang: Yes. I experienced such a good services system in a small company rather than a big one. That company gave me a questionnaire to do when I first

27、 bought their products. They always send me some introductions to their new products according to my preferences and after I bought, they always phoned me to ask for feedback. Song Li: Me, too. I got very good services from a middle sized company and they always ask for the degree of my satisfaction

28、 and compensate for any defects in time. Interviewer: How important are such experiences to you? Song Li: Actually, it makes me like to buy their products very much. As long ss they have the prod- ucts I need, I always buy from that company. Hou Liang: I like to buy things from that company. Sometimes, when I need something, I phoned that company directly. Interviewer: Thank you, Song Li and Hou Liang.


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