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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 105及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 You will hear a manager in a travel company addressing a group of employees on how to write a tourism marketing plan. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recordi

2、ng. How to write a tourism marketing plan 【 L1】 A tourism marketing plan helps you make marketing decisions by arranging tasks, selecting messages, and_to promote your area. 【 L2】 _about the travelers of your area is necessary for an effective plan. 【 L3】 First, you should set your_. 【 L4】 Your mark

3、eting goals should be far-ranging so that they can be accomplished through_. 【 L5】 SWOT is short for_,_,_and Threats. 【 L6】 Strengths and weaknesses are_that could have an impact on your market position. 【 L7】 Opportunities and threats are external forces that influence your_. 【 L8】 Thirdly, create

4、a community or_. 【 L9】 Make_of the features your area offers including food and accommodation, etc. 【 L10】 Fourthly, recognise your_. 【 L11】 Ask for_information such as gender, age, income and home town. 【 L12】 Finally, set marketing objectives for each_. 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【

5、L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 11 【 L11】 12 【 L12】 二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear five different people talking about ways to build sustainability into the fabric of their business. For each extract, there are two tasks. For Task One, decide which approach each speaker mentions from the list A-

6、H. For Task Two, choose the reason each company take the approach from the list A-H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. Task One-Approach For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the approaches taken to build business sustanability, listed A-H. For each extract decide on the app

7、ropriate approach. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the extract. A Employees focus on producing operations. B Goals to reduce footprint are set every another year. C Product design is considered when making products. D Employee is a good corporate environmental steward. E The whole process

8、 of production is taken into account. F Meet the needs of the present and be mindful of the future. G Managers influence on invironment is emphasised. H Employees are encouraged to exert their environmental impact. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 Task Two-Reasons For questions 18-22, match the extracts

9、with the reasons, listed A-H. For each extract,choose the reason each company take the approach. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the extract. A It is decided by the DNA of the staff. B It is imbued to the staff way back to the founding time of the company. C It is more possible to realise

10、 a thing once you make your continous effort on it. D It makes business operation cost less. E It reflects the belief of working together to build a better world. F It makes being green easier, more efficient and cost effective. G It can increase the production turnover and working efficiency. H The

11、 employees want to make a more meaningful life. 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a radio interview with Richard Wood, the founder of Bookstore, a company that sells books on the internet. For each question(23-30), mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After you hav

12、e listened once, replay the recording. 23 Why did Richard give up his job in an investment corporation? ( A) Because at that time there were too many graduates of computer science ( B) Because he loved books more than computers ( C) Because he felt that internet had a bright future 24 What does Rich

13、ard have to take into account when he chooses the product? ( A) Whether the price of the products is too high. ( B) Whether the products enjoy a large market share or not. ( C) Whether he can contact with the supplier or not. 25 How much do the books account for the market shares globally? ( A) eigh

14、ty-two billion ( B) three million ( C) three hundred thousand 26 What was the problem that Richard encountered when he operated the business for the first five years? ( A) raising fund and developing the right software ( B) coming up with good ideas ( C) changing company strategy according to the ma

15、rket 27 In May 1997, how much was the sales revenue of the corporation? ( A) 230 million ( B) 120 million ( C) 15 million 28 What is the focus of the corporation now? ( A) after-sales service ( B) enlarging market share and spending a lot on advertising ( C) getting the company listed on market 29 W

16、hat is the key secret of the success of the corporation? ( A) The corporation is able to deliver any book at any time. ( B) The price of books is lower than that of their competitors. ( C) They provide perfect service and deal with customers complaints friendly. 30 What is the most important element

17、 for the corporation to successfully compete with its rivals? ( A) The books price is lower than that of their competitors. ( B) The attitude towards complaint is positive. ( C) The corporation has a talented working group. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 105答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 You will hear a manager in a

18、 travel company addressing a group of employees on how to write a tourism marketing plan. As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording. You now have 45 seconds to read through the questions. pause Now

19、 listen, and complete the notes. pause Woman: Good afternoon, everyone. I am very glad to stand here to say something on how to write a tourism marketing plan. A tourism marketing plan helps guide your marketing decisions by assigning tasks, choosing marketing messages, and allocating funds to promo

20、te your area. It solidifies what you will say and how you will say it to entice potential visitors to your area. A successful plan requires specific information about the people who travel to your area and what they want while they stay there. Here I will suggest an easy-to-follow guide to help you

21、write your tourism marketing plan. Firstly, you should define your objectives. These should be broad-reaching goals your organisation would like to accomplish through a marketing plan. For example, you could attempt to increase the number of tourists who come to your area or the number of dollars ea

22、ch visitor spends in local shops. Secondly, perform a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors that could affect your position in the marketplace, such as plentiful natural features or a lack of banquet halls. Oppo

23、rtunities and threats represent external forces that affect your marketing capabilities. Thirdly, create a community or area profile. Make a master list of the features your area offers including lodging, restaurants, retail shops, attractions, parks, water features and other amenities that will app

24、eal to travelers. Fourthly, identify your target markets. Survey your visitors to determine who they are and what they like to do. Ask for demographic information that will help you purchase the appropriate media in the right markets, such as gender, age, income and hometown. Create market segments

25、based on targeted characteristics, for instance, families living in a nearby city who take day trips to your area or retired couples from a neighbouring state who visit your community annually. Finally, choose marketing objectives for each market segment. For instance, you could want to increase awa

26、reness of day-tripping opportunities in the market segment. pause Now listen to the recording again. pause That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 seconds to check your answers. pause 1 【正确答案】 ALLOCATING FUNDS 【试题解析】 此题所提供的信息以及其中 arranging tasks, selecting messages这几个词,替代了关键句中的用词 arranging task

27、s, choosing marketing messages,应填之词就一目了然了。 2 【正确答案】 SPECIFIC INFORMATION 【试题解析】 此题所提供的信息以及其中 an effective plan这几个词,替代了关键句中的 a successful plan,据此可知应填之词。 3 【正确答案】 OBJECTIVES/GOALS 【试题解析】 由此题所提供的信息可知,此处应填入动词 set的宾语,关键句的用词是 define yourobjectives,替代提示语中的 “set your_”,所填之词就很清楚了。 4 【正确答案】 A MARKETING PLAN 【

28、试题解析】 由此题所提供的信息可知,此处应填入介词 through的宾语,而整篇录音都是围绕 amarketing plan展开的,据此可知应填之词。 5 【正确答案】 STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES 【试题解析】 根据提示信息和上述关键句,判定应填之词是 Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities。 6 【正确答案】 INTERNAL FACTORS 【试题解析】 根据提示信息和上述关键句,判定应填之词是 internal factors 7 【正确答案】 MARKETING CAPABILITIES 【试题解析】 根据提

29、示信息和上述关键句,判定应填之词是 marketing capabilities 8 【正确答案】 AREA PROFILE 【试题解析】 根据提示信息和上述关键句,可知该空格里应填写这两个词。 9 【正确答案】 A MASTER LIST 【试题解析】 该题中表示 “做一个你的地区所提供的食宿等的 ” ,关键句中则用 “lodging, restaurants ”取而代之,意义未变,故所填之词应是 a master list。 10 【正确答案】 TARGET MARKETS 【试题解析】 根据提示信息和上述关键句,可知要确认目标市场,所 以这两个词是正确答案。 11 【正确答案】 DEMO

30、GRAPHIC 【试题解析】 根据提示信息和上述关键句,可知所填之词应该是 demographic。 12 【正确答案】 MARKET SEGMENT 【试题解析】 最后一个步骤是为每个市场部门设定销售目标。故所填之词应为market segment。 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 You will hear five different people talking about ways to build sustainability into the fabric of their business. For each extract, there are two tasks

31、. Look at Task One. For each question, 13 17, decide which approach each speaker mentions from the list A H. Now look at Task Two. For each question, 18 22, choose the reason each company takes the approach from the list A-H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. You now have 30 second

32、s to read the two lists. pause Now listen, and do the two tasks. pause Woman: At Kraft Foods, the approach to sustainability is helping the company meet the needs of the present while also being mindful of the future. I believe it is all down to leading from the head and the heart and about each and

33、 every individual taking steps, both big and small, to do their part. We believe its about working together to build a better world. Weve been on this journey for a number of years, and were making good progress in the last three years weve raised the bar significantly higher-making sustainability a

34、 company-wide effort, setting aggressive sustainability goals and making it a business priority. The company are working to make a lasting difference, and part of the business strategy by incorporating it into business decisions and to help guide thinking and actions. Man: In fact, Herman Miller beg

35、an its work on sustainability back in the 1950s, when the companys founder, Paul Murray, stated that every employee should be a good corporate environmental steward. There is no doubt that the founder of the company really set the DNA if you will, for the environmental programme, you know, its ok to

36、 worry about the environment, He set a precedent by saying that every person should be able to see out of a window for no less than 50 feet and proclaimed that any land bought as green space should be kept at 50 percent green space. And he continued doing things as he went along, like creating a woo

37、d waste boiler so that we could burn our wood waste to create energy so what is recognised today as renewable fuel. Woman: Product sustainability has also been a key focus at Dell. Product recycling remains a key element of the companys green strategy and the firm takes a whole lifestyle approach to

38、 sustainability that takes into account product design, business operations, supply chain efficiency, manufacturing and end of life product considerations. With this approach we aim to make being green easier, more efficient and more cost effective for our customers. For example, we were one of the

39、first organisations in the industry to offer a free global recycling programme for consumers and a suite of asset recovery services for businesses. Were actively working to integrate innovative agricultural materials into packaging for products across our portfolio. Dell has always maintained a posi

40、tive approach to attainability and in many cases remains on top of its game in adopting green practices. Man: DuPont has focused on corporate sustain-ability for sometime, in fact DuPont has over two decades of experience in the sustainability sector. We believe that the longer you commit to one thi

41、ng, the better itll be realised. In 1989, the company announced its first set of goals with a focus on reducing the environmental footprint of manufacturing operations and performing in line with public expectations. Over the last several years, the company has been moved to recognise the value of h

42、elping its customers and consumers improve their environmental footprint. In 2006, the company established its current goals, which is expected to be achieved by 2015. While the 2015 goals continue our drive toward a smaller footprint, they also commit us to apply our science and innovation to deliv

43、er sustainable solutions to markets around the world. Our market-facing goals identify opportunities where we can create new products and services that will help meet our customers needs and expectation for more sustainable offerings. We are anticipating and responding to changes in the global marke

44、tplace that are driving demand for solutions to major challenges, such as climate change, clean energy, water and ecosystem protection. Woman; We believe that the first step is looking at your business in a new light only then will you be able to harness business opportunities and turn peoples good

45、intentions into meaningful results. Whatever the business, there are sure to be lots of opportunities for improvement. Thankfully, more employees than ever get sustainability and want to make a meaningful difference. A number of companies are doing great things and what they all have in common is fo

46、cus a willingness to partner and a guiding vision. We actively encourage our employees to consider their own environmental impact and to take an active role in helping to ensure a greener future. pause Now listen to the recording again. pause That is the end of Part Two. pause 13 【正确答案】 F 14 【正确答案】

47、D 15 【正确答案】 E 16 【正确答案】 B 17 【正确答案】 H 18 【正确答案】 E 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【正确答案】 F 21 【正确答案】 C 22 【正确答案】 H 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 You will hear a radio interview with Richard Wood, the founder of Bookstore, a company that sells books on the internet. For each question, 23 30, mark one letter(A, B or C)for t

48、he correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. You have 45 seconds to read through the questions. pause Now listen, and mark A, B or C. pause Woman: Good morning, Richard. Now, in 1994 you were a computer science graduate with a good job working for an investment company . an

49、d then you started Bookstore. Why? Man: Well, I was thirty and settled at work, but then I came across a report predicting annual internet growth at 23%. The figure was like an alarm clock ringing in my head. I started to think about the regrets I might have at eighty. I realised I probably wouldnt even remember the things that seemed important in my thirties(like getting my end-of-year pay bonus). But Id def


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