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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 17及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear a business presentation about 3 simple selling tactics. As you listen, for questions 1 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. SELLING TACTICS NOTES Business Presentation Pay Attention to G

2、etting Attention 1. A major obstacle of selling things is that your sales message will be_ Three proven ways you can capture a prospects attention quickly: 2. Make a_ 3. Emphasize the _ 4. Trigger Your Customers Emphasize the Human Relationship 5. Prospective customers are more receptive to buying f

3、rom a real person than from _ Tip: 6. Sell yourself to make prospective customers _ with the selling process, 7. Sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver _ Trigger Your Customers imagination 8. Convert the benefits deli

4、vered by your product or service into _. 9. Put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be _. 10. Be _ 11. If you promote a business opportunity, describe what it feels like to be at home working _ Tip: 12. Be sure your word pictures are dramatizing benefits and _ 二、 PART T

5、WO 13 You will hear five different people talking about something others might be interested in. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, decide who the listener is from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the purpose of the talk from the list A-H. You will hear the recording twice. 13 TAS

6、K ONE-THE LISTENER OF THE TALK For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H. For each extract, decide who the listener is. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A a computer teacher B a globe traveller C a visitor D a job applicant E a group of tourists F a

7、 personnel officer G a client H a band leader 18 TASK TWO-THE PURPOSE OF THE TALK For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the results, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the purpose of the talk. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A to offer some information B to utter a

8、 warning C to give some advice D to make an introduction E to promote a product F to make a quotation G to answer an inquiry H to make some arrangements 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a conversation between a journalist and Clinton Dines, president of BHP Billiton in China. For each question 23-30,

9、mark one letter (A, B or C ) for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 23 Clinton thought that his experience in China ( A) helped him to get his Masters degree. ( B) helped him to gain a better understanding of China and its people. ( C) made his life more interesting. 24 After he

10、came to China in 1980, what did he do? ( A) He took Chinese courses in a college. ( B) He started his own business. ( C) He participated in the establishment and management of several joint ventures. 25 What is the key factor for his success in JVs? ( A) His working experience in China. ( B) Being o

11、n good terms with people and keeping agreement on what to do. ( C) His fluent Chinese. 26 The reason that Clinton likes being in an industry is ( A) it brings fortune and has more value. ( B) it is mined rather than grown. ( C) it comes from his interest in rock band. 27 What Was their investment in

12、 offshore oil exploration between 1983 and 19967 ( A) US$23 million. ( B) US$200 million. ( C) US$1,000 million. 28 According to Clinton, what needs to be done to ensure mining business in China? ( A) To get Chinese nationality. ( B) To get permission from government. ( C) To add investment. 29 How

13、does Clinton differ from other general managers of JVs? ( A) He is able to speak Chinese. ( B) He has chances to be promoted to a higher position. ( C) He is a link between his headquarter and Chinese company. 30 Clinton feels that even though he enjoys his stay in China ( A) he is still not accepte

14、d by Chinese. ( B) he still cannot be a real participant of Chinese culture. ( C) he is unable to communicate with Chinese people. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模 拟试卷 17答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 M: Good morning everyone and welcome. Thanks for coming. My name is Bob Leduc. Today I will talk about some selling tacti

15、cs. The following 3 simple selling tactics produce sales by responding to the way customers normally think and behave. They work for any business regardless of what you sell, how you sell or where you sell it. 1. Pay Attention to Getting Attention Can you remember the last 3 advertising messages bea

16、med at you? Can you remember even one of them? Most people cant, including your prospective customers. That% because they automatically ignore the steady stream of advertising directed at them. This illustrates a major obstacle you need to overcome before you can sell anything. You have to get your

17、prospects attention and get it fast or your sales message will be ignored. Here are 3 proven ways you can capture a prospects attention quickly, Make a dramatic statement: Example: “Even My Doctor Uses These Health Products“ I Surprise your prospects with something unexpected: Example: “Try our serv

18、ice without charge for one month; why arent you making six figures?“ And Id like to tell you a tip: Include attention getting headlines on all your web pages. Many visitors arrive at a web page then immediately click awayunless something instantly catches their attention. 2. Emphasize the Human Rela

19、tionship Prospective customers are more receptive to buying from a real person than from an impersonal company. Look for ways to create a personal relationship with your prospective customers. For example: If you sell face to face, spend some time early in the soiling process getting to know a littl

20、e about your prospects and letting them get to know you. If you sell online or in some other way where you dont talk with prospects, include some information about you in your presentation. What you say about yourself will have the greatest impact if it highlights why you are uniquely qualified to p

21、rovide what your customer wants. And there is a tip. Sell yourself to make prospective customers comfortable with the selling process. But sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver what you promise. 3. Trigger Your Custo

22、mers Imagination Convert the benefits delivered by your product or service into vivid word pictures. Then put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be enjoying those benefits. Be specific. If you sell financial products, describe what it feels like to enjoy an affluent li

23、ving without debt. If you sell boats, describe what it feels like cutting through the waves with your friends onboard. If you promote a business opportunity, describe what it feels like to be at home working without a boss, And Id like to introduce a tip. Be sure your word pictures are dramatizing b

24、enefits and not describing features. People dont really care about the new high-tech insulation used in their beverage cooler (a feature). They just want to be able to enjoy ice cold beverages all day long on a hot day (the benefit). These 3 selling tactics produce sales by responding to normal huma

25、n behavior. Use them in your web pages, sales letters and personal presentations. The volume of business they produce will surprise you. 1 【正确答案】 IGNORED 2 【正确答案】 DRAMATIC STATEMENT 3 【正确答案】 HUMAN RELATIONSHIP 4 【正确答案】 IMAGINATION 5 【正确答案】 AN IMPERSONAL COMPANY 6 【正确答案】 COMFORTABLE 7 【正确答案】 WHAT YOU

26、 PROMISE 8 【正确答案】 VIVID WORD PICTURES 9 【正确答案】 ENJOYING THOSE BENEFITS 10 【正确答案】 SPECIFIC 11 【正确答案】 WITHOUT A BOSS 12 【正确答案】 NOT DESCRIBING FEATURES 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 1 Yes, Norman, as you can see, we have well over a hundred PC computers, as well as 20 Macintosh computers set up for those who n

27、eed to produce high quality graphic design work. Of course, maintenance of all these machines and the equipment that goes with them printers, fax machines, modems, etc. takes up almost all of my time. So, we have a number of rules. All users are expected to follow the rules. If any of them fails to

28、follow these roles for three times running, he cannot use the equipment here for three months. Fortunately, it has been working well up till now. And hopefully I can have an assistant next year. 2 Well, you should not present yourself as being different from what you are, but you can present yoursel

29、f in a very positive way. Consider what the interviewers likely prejudices and dislikes are, and take them into account when answering questions and showing your personality. Remember to reflect on the personal qualifies that might be necessary for the work you will be doing. These qualities will su

30、rely be expected and even tested in the interview. If the company wants an aggressive go-getter, for instance, you had better not present a timid and overcautious self-image in the interview room. On the contrary, you should show a different personality. 3 Thank you for calling. We are glad to help

31、you. Our working team is quite professional with experience in this field for over 20 years. At present, we are fully equipped with the latest recording technology and are able to meet all your recording needs, whether its a small or a big project. Our rates are determined by your project size and l

32、evel of difficulty. We are currently closed for the holiday season, but we will re-open on Monday, April 25th. ff there are any questions, please call or send a fax message. Thank you and we hope to see you after the break. 4 Before spending all your vacation money on souvenirs, be sure to keep some

33、 cash handy for the flight home. International arrival and departure taxes are on the rise, and airport service and security charges are higher than ever. There is even a rather obscure “noise tax“. While these fees are often included in the ticket price, some countries collect them on departure cas

34、h only. Of the more popular travel spots, Nairobi, Kenya charges the most with an international tax of $40. Riode Janeiro, Brazil charges $36, while Aruba and London charge in the low thirty dollar range. Nontego Bay, Jamaica is lower at $27. Be careful and dont get “bitten“ by these charges. 5 This

35、 is John calling for Twinlabs. We have noticed that your account has been inactive recently; your last order was made almost a year ago. We would like to express our appreciation for your patronage and encourage you to continue using your account. Right now you will be given a discount on the new To

36、tal Diet Package, which includes a months supply of our top-of-the-line diet pills, two bottles of chromium tablets and our high-energy muscle builder. Bought separately, these items would cost over a hundred dollars, but we would like to offer them to you for the low price of sixty dollars. We are

37、looking forward to your early order. Of course, we offer delivery service as usual. 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【正确答案】 D 15 【正确答案】 H 16 【正确答案】 E 17 【正确答案】 G 18 【正确答案】 D 19 【正确答案】 C 20 【正确答案】 G 21 【正确答案】 A 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 After arriving in China to study in 1979, Clinton Dines has since lived through the

38、countrys whole reform period and has grown from a young lover of Chinese history to an accomplished businessman. He participated in and successfully managed several of the first joint ventures in China, and founded one of the earliest rock bands in the country. Since 1988 he has worked with the Chin

39、ese operation of Australias BHP, one of the worlds largest resource company, selling rocks, that is, mineral products, to China. Fluent in Chinese and familiar with the latest jargon, he talks to CIB about his experiences from rock bands to rocks, and the knack for success in China. How were you abl

40、e to come to China in 1979 and study? I earned my degree in economics and Chinese studies. At the end of university, 12 students were selected to do a postgraduate program in China in 1979. I think I was chosen because I have a good wuchanjieji (proletariat) class background. I was sent to Nanjing N

41、ormal College. Looking back, what does that experience mean to you? I stayed for nearly 18 months in Nanjing. I find the experience valuable for me. When I sit with a Chinese official or a partner who is 50 years old, I understand what his life was like because I was there too. I feel like I can qui

42、ckly get to a point where we feel like we have something in common. To me its the biggest advantage. So does it feel like you have never left China? Yes. After studying in Nanjing, I decided to stay in Asia and went to Taiwan for a while to formalize learning Chinese. I came back to the Chinese main

43、land hi 1980 and have been involved in negotiations and the founding and running of several of the countrys first joint ventures (JVs), including two in the transportation industry. JVs are not easy. Why do you seem to have the knack for successful JVs? Im lucky. I had no work experience in Australi

44、a, all my work experience is in China. The way I work leans towards the Chinese way. I tend to focus on relationships and try to build up a consensus on what we want to do. You had a rock band, one of the earliest in China. Tell us about that? I always played guitar for fun. In the second half of 19

45、89, we didnt have much business, so my friends and I made a band consisting of the five of us. We played part-time in the bars. The biggest concert was during our tour of Mongolia where there were about 7,000 people in the audience. We were on CNN and things like that. The band lasted for three year

46、s and I havent played much in recent years as Im busier and have a family. From rock band to rocks - the corner stone of BHP Billiton is rocks, in its original sense. Whats so exciting about the rock business? Look around and youll see that everything is either grown or mined. I like being in an ind

47、ustry thats essential and really creates wealth and adds value. What is your business in China? The bulk of our business-in China is sales and we dont have too much investment at the moment. We sell iron ore, aluminum, steel and other products BHP was the participant in the first offshore oil contra

48、ct signed in 1979. Offshore oil exploration in China cost us about US$200 million between 1983 and 1996. We were also the first major foreign company to invest in mineral exploration in China. From 1991 to 2000 we had five joint venture exploration companies. Also during that period we invested abou

49、t US$23 million into two wholly owned steel fabrication factories. Has your offshore and mineral exploration been worthwhile? We did a lot of oil exploration, but didnt find anything. Our five exploration IVs also didnt come up with anything. Thats the nature of the mineral business and we accept that. Typically in our business we might have 1,000 exploration projects for one commercial mine. None of the top ten mining companies have mining investments in China. They


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