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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 19及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear the an airline officer telling about the new service of the airline. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. THE NEW SERVICES OF AIRLINE TRAVEL Premium Class a

2、t Lower Prices 1. Alaska Air and America West have revised _. 2. Air Trans is eliminating _. 3. It will soon be flying the _ with Boeing 717s. 4. Best bet: check with travel agent to ask about premium-class _. More Long-haul Nonstop Service 5. International carriers are launching a raft of _ between

3、 US and other world countries. 6. Flying time between California and Singapore is cut up to _ off. 7. Singapore Airlines has crafted in-flight service to accommodate the _. 8. Emirates has equipped its _ jets with three cabins. 9. It has also offered first-class passengers _ with closing doors. 10.

4、Qantas will launch nonstop service between _ and Brisbane. The Rise of Online Check-in 11. Internet check-in and _ boarding passes. 12. Checking-in on the Web means reducing airport _ and avoiding crashing. 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five different people talking on different topics. For each extr

5、act there are two tasks. For Task One, decide what the speaker is talking about from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the occupation of the speaker from the list A-H. You will hear the recording twice. 13 TASK ONE THE TOPIC OF THE TALK For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the topics, liste

6、d A-H. For each extract, decide what topic each speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A methods to build a successful team B advice about being a good salesman C tips for being a successful negotiator D ways to be a strategist E how to be a good employee

7、 F being successful in an interview G secrets of making effective presentations H getting excellent employees 18 TASK TWO WHO THE SPEAKER IS For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the speakers, listed A-II. For each extract, choose the person who speaks. Write one letter (A-II) next to the num

8、ber of the extract. A a sales manager B a managing director C a search consultant D Director of Strategic Company E a job applicant of an entrepreneur G a recruitment advisor H a marketing professor 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a conversation between Brenda Schlender, an editor from Fortune and Bi

9、ll Gates, Microsofts chief architect. For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C ) for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 23 What can one do if he wants to listen to music while playing games? ( A) Put the same contents on different devices. ( B) Record the program. ( C)

10、 Listen to all the family music on the home network. 24 What is the advantage of home server? ( A) It is accessible more easily on PC ( B) It works round the clock and can be connected with any device. ( C) It has multiple disks to pool everything. 25 What does Gates say about his new products? ( A)

11、 They need improving. ( B) Many of them may not generate immediate profits. ( C) They are dependent on PC units. 26 According to Gates, by using Office business unit information workers can ( A) manage their schedules. ( B) understand business process. ( C) raise efficiency and productivity at work.

12、 27 When talking about businesses that lose money, Gates suggests that the company ( A) knows they may not make huge money. ( B) does not expect them to make money. ( C) is not investing much in them. 28 What mistake did Gates make? ( A) He produced 20 million cellphones and PDAs. ( B) He produced c

13、ellphones with decent screens. ( C) He had some products made based on his assumption. 29 Gates is quite optimistic about the near future because ( A) the job of IT person will be dramatically improved. ( B) some difficult problems in both business and production dimension will be solved. ( C) the b

14、usiness transaction will become fully automated. 30 To get things work more efficiently, people have to understand ( A) how each dimension in a business transaction works. ( B) the relationship between back-end systems and the knowledge workers. ( C) the business transaction between two companies. B

15、EC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 19答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Good morning, everyone. Today, Id like to talk about a new model of corporate business travel by air. Lets first look at premium class at lower prices. Two airlines, Alaska Air and America West, have drastically revised their fare structure which means g

16、reater availability of first-class seats at sharply reduced prices. Another carrier, AirTran, is eliminating its commuter-jet operation and will soon be flying the regional routes with Boeing 717s equipped with AirTrans spacious, business-class service. And a fourth, all-coach ATA Airlines, is equip

17、ping its entire fleet of jets with business-class cabins. Domestic premium-class travel is enjoying a substantial rebound this year. However, there is no simple, surefire way to find low-priced first-class service or business-class seats. Your best bet is to check with your travel agent or corporate

18、 travel adviser and ask if there is a reasonably priced premium-class option on your next flight. Youll be surprised to learn that a seat up front now often costs less than a trip in coach. Next is more long-haul nonstop service. While the rest of the airline industry struggles to regain its financi

19、al equilibrium, one segment of travel is undoubtedly entering its golden age. Thanks to a new wave of long-haul jets such as the Airbus A340-500, international carders are launching a raft of non-stop flights between the United States and distant global outposts of world commerce. The long-haul para

20、de began in February when Singapore Airlines began flying nonstop between Los Angeles and Singapore. The 18.5-hour flight, the worlds longest nonstop, cuts up to 3 hours off the previous connecting flying time between California and Singapore. To accommodate the very long flying time, Singapore Airl

21、ines has crafted its in-flight service accordingly. The A340-500s on the route feature just 64 seats in Singapores sybaritic Raffles business class and only 117 seats in the airlines upgraded coach cabin. Each cabin also has its own in-flight lounge where passengers can meet, mingle, relax and wile

22、away the flying time. Another breakthrough in long-haul travel comes from Emirates, which later this year will launch nonstop flights from New York and San Francisco to its hub in Dubai. Emirates, the flag carrier of the United Arab Emirates and one of the worlds most respected air-lines, has equipp

23、ed its A340-500 jets with three cabins. Most notable is the airlines first-class service, which will offer passengers private rooms with closing doors. Each room will offer a plush seat that turns into a roomy, flat bed, extensive in-flight entertainment options, ample storage areas and a button to

24、summon in-flight room service. Other notable new long-haul routes are debuting this year: Cathay Pacifics nonstop flights between New Yorks Kennedy airport and its Hong Kong hub; Qantas nonstop service between Los Angeles and Brisbane; and Air New Zealands launch of flights between San Francisco and

25、 Auckland. As stringent security measures clog up airport ticket counters and check-in desks, major U. S. airlines have responded with what could be the ultimate post-9. 11 amenities: Internet check-in and print-them-yourself boarding passes. The systems allow travelers to check in electronically fo

26、r a flight via the airlines Website as much as 24 hours before a flights scheduled departure. After checking in, travelers can then print out their own boarding passes right off the Web. Accomplishing these two routine tasks on the Internet means that travelers can reduce their airport waiting time

27、and avoid the crash of passengers at airline ticket counters and check-in kiosks. 1 【正确 答案】 FARE STRUCTURE 2 【正确答案】 COMMUTER-JET OPERATION 3 【正确答案】 REGIONAL ROUTES 4 【正确答案】 OPTION 5 【正确答案】 NON-STOP FLIGHTS 6 【正确答案】 3/THREE HOURS 7 【正确答案】 LONG FLYING TIME 8 【正确答案】 A340-500 9 【正确答案】 PRIVATE ROOMS 10 【

28、正确答案】 LOS ANGLES 11 【正确答 案】 PRINT-THEM-YOURSELF 12 【正确答案】 WAITING TIME 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 1 The advice I would give is to know your own business as much as you possibly can; know their business as much you possibly can; and know them. If you know where you are starting from, if you understand you

29、r business then you are not going to make a mistake on your side. The more you know their business, the better chance you have of actually pitching your own sales strategy appropriately. And the more you know of the person you are dealing with, the better chance you have of success. Of course, you c

30、annot always win, but you can gain some lessons from failure and add to your experience. 2 There are a lot of general methods and some specific ones to our company. For instance, one general method is to get the managers to understand how they work together and to use models like Belbins model that

31、I know youve been using to give insights into how people behave in the management group. Another approach is to give people personal feedback about their management style and how they are seen by their colleagues. The third approach is to actually observe the process going on in management. These me

32、thods will certainly improve your work efficiency and increase chances of success. Of course whether they can work well also depends on the quality of the person you work with. 3 Well, the key is to be enthusiastic because what you have to leave your delegates with is as much enthusiasm for the prod

33、uct as youve got. And if youve got that enthusiasm, theyll get out into the market; theyll produce your new product; theyll get involved in the sales campaign, and indeed theyll want you to take part in an incentive, which is the third reason I am going to give you. Theyll want to get involved in th

34、e incentive that will actually ensure the sales campaign is a success, and that incentive might be a trip abroad, it might be to win a television or something like that. Anyway, its something very attractive and rewarding. 4 Prospective employees are particularly concerned about people in positions

35、of higher responsibility. They put this on the top of their priority. They are interested in selecting quality people who can be trusted with company information, knowledge and secrets. They need to be convinced that you offer value and skills to them. Spend some time thinking about what you have ac

36、complished in your previous jobs and what skills you can bring to the table. Ask yourself whether these skills are in demand. Make a list and review it repeatedly. This will improve your attitude and self-confidence. In any case, be sure not to be rash for this might ruin all your opportunities. Bes

37、ides, credit is also something they consider important in the quality of an employee. 5 Well, I think I would justify it on the basis that we are net “stealing“ individuals. We are merely presenting them with opportunities. The final decision must be theirs. And the fmal decision for somebody to mov

38、e jobs has to be a function of two things: We say there has to be a “push “and “pull“. There has to be a push from their existing organization, and there has to be a “pull“ to the new organization. We spend a lot of our time making it clear to them what the pull is, i.e. bigger job, more money, bett

39、er location or whatever. We can do nothing at all about the push, thats up to them. 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【正确答案】 A 15 【正确答案】 G 16 【正确答案】 F 17 【正确答案】 H 18 【正确答案】 B 20 【正确答案】 D 21 【正确答案】 A 22 【正确答案】 F 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Youve said youre excited about whats going to happen in the home over the next few y

40、ears. Why? First of all, the videogame machine will advance enough to have the ability to do what TiVo does: record your TV programs. You will also be able to talk to people while you play. And it will be a companion to the PC. If you want to listen to music while you play you wont have to go rip th

41、e same content on multiple different devices. Youll just have all the family music available on the home network, no matter where it is. Do you expect the equivalent of a home server to handle most of the content? There will be hard disks in multiple places: on your PC, on your TV, and perhaps a hom

42、e server, but they will be organized and displayed to you so that it seems like you have one big disk to pool everything. The home server is advantageous in that its a machine that you would leave on 24 hours a day and would always be accessible by any device - your stereo, your TV, another computer

43、. In fact what most people will probably do is designate one normal PC to be on all the time to manage the storage for everything else. How soon is that coming? Certainly within three years. And hopefully that will reignite PC sales into the home in this country. Your most recent results revealed ju

44、st how immensely profitable your operating system and PC applications businesses are, but also that youre losing money in most of the newer markets youre entering. Can Microsoft successfully broaden itself beyond its core business? Its very possible to have a situation where Microsoft is delivering

45、lots of breakthroughs to customers that dont map into increased profitability. Fortunately, we can afford to be patient and take chances. What we now call the “information worker“ business, which is mainly Office, is very profitable, but it will have to change a lot going forward in order to keep gr

46、owing, and not just in terms of changing the pricing model to a subscription model. We have to take a broader view of what productivity software actually is beyond word processing and spreadsheets and presentations. So its not like the Office business unit that has hit any limit. The goal is to come

47、 up with software to make information workers more productive: helping them manage their schedules, prioritize their events, understand the business processes they participate in, and keep their information secure. And we are nowhere near that yet. Some of it is hard, but, the good thing is that it

48、is just a kind of software overlay on companies existing investments in networks and data storage, so it will cost at most a few hundred dollars per information worker to dramatically improve the quality and the efficiency of handling these everyday processes and tasks. What about your money losers?

49、 If you take the four businesses where were losing money - business solutions, which are enterprise software for small business, the Xbox, MSN, and mobile platforms like PDAs and smart cellphones - we do have a three-year track, and in one case a four-year track, to where they all become profitable. That doesnt mean that were proud of losing money, but it isnt like what were thinking, “Oh, my goodness, we thought we would be making a profit by now. Take mobile as an ex


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