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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 26及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 How to approach Listening Test Part One In this part of the Listening Test you listen to a monologue, e.g. a presentation. Before you listen, read the notes, Think about what you are going to hear. Note all possible answers as you listen for the first time. D

2、o not worry if you do not know the answers. You will hear the recording a second time. You should write words that you hear, without changing them. They must fit the meaning of the notes. Decide on your final answer only after you have listened for the second time. Check that you have used no more t

3、han three words in each numbered space. You will hear a part of a radio programme about stress and work. As you listen, for questions 1 - 12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. STRESS Good stress Good stress enables high performers to (1)_ Peop

4、le have a period of (2)_ each day. Bad stress Causes of bad stress include: too few (3)_ too many (4)_ too much (5)_ not having proper (6)_ Recent survey results more complaints about amount of (7)_ fewer complaints about lack of (8)_ small organisations have higher (9)_ large organisations have dif

5、ficulties with (10)_ Before going on holiday Email information about (11)_ to colleagues. Talk about (12)_ to a line manager. 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five different people who all run their own business. They are talking about how they raised the money to start their business. For each extract

6、there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the type of business from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the source of funding for the business from the list A-H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 13 Task One - Type of business For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the types o

7、f businesses described, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the business described. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A. a travel agency B. a supermarket C. a building firm D. a clothes manufacturer E. a fast food outlet F. a business bookshop G. a firm of accountants H. a b

8、usiness language school 18 Task Two - Source of funding For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the sources of funding, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the source of funding described. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A. a large company B. a gift of money from a fr

9、iend C. sale of shares as a limited company D. money borrowed from family E. the sale of the owners property F. the investment of the owners savings G. state funding H. a bank loan 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear part of a conversation between an interviewer and Andrew Grove, the chairman, CEO and co

10、-founder of Intel. For each question 23 30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 23 Before Andrew Grove arrived in the U.S. in 1956, where did he live? ( A) Hungary ( B) Britain ( C) Portugal 24 Why are the tight-rope-walkers mentioned in Andrew Grovel

11、s answer? ( A) It shows that their task may be much better even though they are afraid of height. ( B) It shows that they can finish their jobs well because they are not afraid. ( C) If you are not afraid, you can do your job well. 25 What does Andrew Grove think people can do to alleviate the scari

12、ness of change? ( A) Although the scariness of change is healthy, we should eliminate some of it. ( B) People should alleviate some of the scariness of change. ( C) He thinks there is no need to eliminate the fear of change. 26 What does it mean that pain is healthy? ( A) If you feel physical pain,

13、it means that your body is healthy. ( B) Its aim is to say that there is something wrong with your body. ( C) Extinguishing pain can not solve the problem. 27 Which is one of the biggest contributions that Andrew Grove has made? ( A) Put the Intel Inside in a computer. ( B) Making the public aware o

14、f that Intel Inside campaign is inside a computer. ( C) He makes the Intel Inside in the campaign. 28 When did people describe their computer by the number? ( A) Late 1980s ( B) Late 1970s ( C) Early 1980 29 What is not the fundamental characteristic of a computer? ( A) Chip ( B) Microprocessor ( C)

15、 Software 30 In Andrew Grovels opinion, which is more important, marketing or technology? ( A) Marketing is more important than technology. ( B) Technology is more important than marketing. ( C) Marketing is as important as technology. BEC商务英语(高 级)听力模拟试卷 26答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 I want to start

16、by saying that stress doesnt always deserve its negative image. There is such a thing as good stress. Try telling a racing driver or stage actor - high performers- that stress is all bad and theyll look at you blankly, because they know they wouldnt be able to meet challenges without it. Stress is w

17、hat gives them their success, but this is also true to some extent for all of us. The technical term for stress in general is arousal. You need to be sufficiently aroused to get up in the morning and go to work. As the hours go by, you become more alert until you reach your optimum performance, whic

18、h is when you can do your best work. But bad stress exists too in the workplace. A very common cause is dealing with impossible standards which have been set within an unrealistic timescale. If resources are inadequate, bad stress will result. These days stress can often also be due to our circumsta

19、nces. Competition and the drive for innovation means that many of us feel we cannot handle the sheer number of changes confronting us in our working lives, creating feelings of apprehension and demotivation. And there are other reasons for stress too. Todays fluid jobs market can mean that individua

20、ls are given excessive responsibility. Knowing that the buck stops with you can lead to difficulties in making decisions, or just in concentrating on the task in hand. A final cause of stress Id like to mention is one where staff are not in a position to point the finger of blame at senior managemen

21、t. While you may be complaining bitterly of being overworked, you may not be taking a good hard look at your own shortcomings. A feeling of being overworked could be due to not setting and using appropriate priorities if youre not organising your workload sensibly and tackling things in a logical or

22、der, youve perhaps only yourself to blame. We conducted a survey recently of 500 companies and the results made interesting reading. Generally speaking, dissatisfaction concerning stress levels is on the increase. Long hours continue to be a major subject of resentment, and we also heard a substanti

23、ally higher number of staff expressing their unhappiness about trave- more people seem to have to go to more places more often than when we last conducted a survey On the other hand, the question of not receiving recognition seems to have reduced in urgency, perhaps due to improved communications sy

24、stems within organisations. We were interested to see that the issue of staff morale fared quite well in companies with under 50 employees, where a relatively happy picture was painted. However, an interesting problem facing major employers is the question of recruitment, with applicants appearing t

25、o shy away from them in favour of friendlier, more intimate environments, even if pay levels are lower there. Finally, a few words of advice relevant to this time of year, as many people get ready for their holidays. Ironically, preparing for a holiday can be stressful, with fears of everything goin

26、g wrong in your absence. So prepare the ground by making sure your colleagues are up-to-date about your current projects - send them all an email before you set alt Back this up by having a quiet word with your boss to inform him or her of possible problems, so that he or she will know what to do sh

27、ould anything go wrong. That way, you should be better able to relax away from it all. 1 【正确答案】 MEET CHALLENGES 2 【正确答案】 OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE 3 【正确答案】 RESOURCES 4 【正确答案】 CHANGES 5 【正确答案】 RESPONSIBILITY 6 【正确答案】 PRIORITIES 7 【正确答案】 TRAVEL 8 【正确答案】 RECOGNITION 9 【正确答案】 STAFF MORALE 10 【正确答案】 RECRUITMEN

28、T 11 【正确答案】 CURRENT PROJECTS 12 【正确答案】 POSSIBLE PROBLEMS 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Man: Im a one-man, small business. Very small. It was terrible at first. Nobody wanted to know. Constructions the first thing to be hit when theres a recession. No-one wants new houses, schools, nothing. I just took a cha

29、nce that if there was no new project going on then at least people would want repairs. I tried the banks but I couldnt get any help from them. Nothing. No interest. Must have gone to twenty of them. Id even done research. Showed them there was a demand for my work. But theyre not interested in small

30、 firms. Lucky I had a brother and an uncle with a bit of money who were willing to help me out. They lent me enough to get going. Now Im doing OK. Woman: I did everything by the book - projections, product research. I did the lot. Then I went round the local offices and noticed there was a niche in

31、my part of town for another take-away. So I decided to go for it. I thought about sandwiches at first but then I knew it had to be hamburgers. What else! 90% of people I talked to said there would be a demand. I didnt have any money so I approached a big company - one of the most famous in the world

32、 for this kind of business. I did a business plan and after a lot of work they took me on. I joined the franchise scheme. You know - where you borrow from the big company, use their name and pay them back from your profits. And I must say, its been very successful, so far. Very hard work, but well w

33、orth it. Man: Well, after a long time teaching I thought - no I knew - I needed to move on, do something else, and it had to be a good idea to set up my own operation. You only have to look around Central London to see the demand. Everybodys learning English and more and more business people need it

34、. I had worked in business for a number of years and knew I had the experience to make it work. The one big drawback to the whole plan was that no-one was interested in lending me money. It was hopeless. I wasted so much time going to different banks without success. I was just about to give up when

35、 I read about the Government Start-up scheme. If they like your idea they give you money. I was lucky. Its a great success. Woman: It started as a group of friends getting together and talking about a common problem. The high cost of business trips and the need for a reasonable package. Once people

36、know you are going away on business they think you have unlimited funds for it. And we all knew from our own experience that quite the opposite is true when you work for yourself. So we decided to start something ourselves. Our initial enthusiasm soon disappeared when we tried to raise the money to

37、start, though. We were met with a complete lack of interest. So we put together a good business plan and went knocking on doors. We kept at it. We didnt give up and eventually we found a sympathetic bank manager and they advanced us some money. Were doing pretty well now. Man: Take the number of MBA

38、s for example. Courses are a real growth industry. And where you have courses you must have textbooks. Its about ten standard texts for a first year Business Diploma alone. I thought it was a market I had to get into and everywhere I went people said I had a good idea. Until I asked for money. Then

39、nothing. Goodbye. I knew it would be difficult but I didnt think it would be impossible. But I was so determined, I decided to put my house on the market, and I put the money I got from that into the business. It was a huge gamble, and it could have ruined me completely, but its worked, its really p

40、aid off. Im opening my second branch next year. 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【正确答案】 E 15 【正确答案】 H 16 【正确答案】 A 17 【正确答案】 F 18 【正确答案】 D 19 【正确答案】 A 20 【正确答案】 G 21 【正确答案】 H 22 【正确答案】 E 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 F: Our guru on management is a 63 years old Hungarian immigrate who arrived in the U. S. in 1956 with neithe

41、r a word of English, nor a dime in his pocket. Today he runs the company that makes the semiconductor chips that power 90% of the worlds personal computers. He is Andrew Grove, chairman, CEO and cofounder of Intel, the San Jose based giant in semiconductor chip manufacturing. Obviously, Intel has ma

42、naged change dramatically well. Thats what Intel is about. Yet change really intimidates people and its very frightening. What do you think people can do, managers, just regular folks, can do to alleviate some of the scariness of change? M: Im not sure you want to eliminate scariness. I really wonde

43、r if the tight-rope-walkers can do their job because they are not afraid of heights or whether they can do their jobs because they are afraid of heights and theyve just learned how to do their task that much better because they know what its like, or they have a pretty good idea what its like to fal

44、l. I think fear is your “ally in here, because it is fear that gets you out of comfortable equilibrium, gets you to do difficult tasks“. You know, managing in general is not an easy job, so I dont think I wanna eliminate fear. I dont eliminate fear of change, I dont wanna eliminate fear of whats wan

45、na happen if you dont move. Its healthy, its kind of like, you know, pain is healthy, physical pain, it warns your body that something is wrong and just extinguishing pain doesnt make the problem going away. It just makes your sense that there is a problem going away. So it makes it worse. F: One of

46、 the biggest contributions that youve made down to making the public aware of whats inside a computer is the Intel Inside campaign, which is a very big marketing campaign designed to make the consumer, the end user, allow them to make their choice based on Intel being inside the box. When did you fi

47、rst think that this was important? There are obviously risks to this strategy, there are obviously rewards. How did you analyse the risk-reward in this? M: Well, you know, it was kind of obvious in a way, if you listened to the language people used to describe their computer at the time youre talkin

48、g late 80s. Most of the time, people would refer to their computer by the number, the number of the microprocessor that they had in it. Im gonna take my trusty old 386 and look it up, or do something on it. They didnt use the name of the manufacturer. They used the model number of the microprocessor

49、, which actually is kind of right, because the fundamental characteristic of that computer is the microprocessor. That defines what software its gonna run, its gonna define how fast it runs it, and if it defines how fast it runs it, it defines what you can do with it. So the user experience, what the user can do and how well he can do it, more than anything else depends on the microprocessor, the chip. So we k


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