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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 36及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear a part of a radio programme about stress and work. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording. Good stress 1 Good stress enables high performers

2、to_ 2 People have a period of _each day. Bad stress Causes of bad stress include: 3 too few_ 4 too many_ 5 too much_ 6 not having proper_ Recent survey results 7 more complaints about amount of_ 8 fewer complaints about lack of_ 9 small organisations have higher_ 10 large organisations have difficul

3、ties with_ Before going on holiday 11 E-mail information about _to colleagues. 12 Talk about _to a line manager. 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five different people talking about advertising campaigns For each extract there are two tasks For Task One, decide which method of advertising they have chos

4、en frOm the list A-H For Task Two, decide which purpose 0f the advertisement frOm the Iist A H After you have listened once, replay the recording 13 Task One The industries they reported For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the industries, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the industry re

5、ported. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A oil industry B high-tech industry C fireworks industry D retailing industry E movie industry F automobile industry G gas industry H manufacturing industry 18 Task Two-Summary of the news For questions 18-22, match the extracts with

6、the summaries of the business news, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the summary reported. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the text. A China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks. B The U.S, and China issued a joint statement on economic and financial issues. C The Pan-Pearl R

7、iver Delta region is willing to strengthen cooperation with the U. S. tourism players. D Shanghai gets western gas that pumps through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline. E Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation plans to out the price of its car parts aiming to have more market share in China. F Chi

8、na plans to build a third scientific research station on Antarctica during the 11th five-year-plan period. G China plans to regulate fireworks industry. H China strives to build the “remanufacturing industry as one of its pillar manufacturing industries. 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a dialogue amo

9、ng four speakers They are talking about Megadrome Park problem For each question(23-30), mark one Ietter(A, B or C)for the correct answer After you have listened once, replay the recording 23 The Megadrome Park problem they are discussing is that ( A) the Park is too old to manage at present ( B) th

10、e Park is suffering a loss in profit in the last quarter ( C) the Parks profit has been falling in the past 6 months 24 There are three options to solve the problem Franks option is ( A) to close the Park completely ( B) to keep it open on a much reduced scale ( C) to go on managing it 25 In the pas

11、t months。 the Megadrome Park has lost nearly ( A) $400, 000 ( B) $4, 000, 000 ( C) $40, 000 26 It is said that all the companys parks in Europe ( A) are doing very well ( B) are experiencing hard times ( C) are expanding their branches 27 Most economists predict that ( A) there will be a recovery in

12、 economy all over Europe from about the middle of next year ( B) there will be a worse situation of economy in Europe in the following three months ( C) customers in Europe will stay at home and spend less money by the middle of next year 28 From the dialogue we can see that ( A) Pam has written a r

13、eport ( B) Frank has written a report for the meeting ( C) Jane is writing a report for next meeting 29 Some one says that the largest running cost of Megadrome Park ( A) is the depreciation on all the equipment ( B) is the cost to maintain the equipment ( C) is the appreciation of the currency 30 I

14、t can be inferred form the dialogue that ( A) the problem has been solved ( B) there will be another meeting next Monday to discuss the three options again ( C) next meeting will focus on only two options in terms of money and make a decision BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 36答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Man: I wan

15、t to start by saying that stress doesnt always deserve its negative image. There is such a thing as good stress. Try telling a racing driver or a stage actor “high performers“ that stress is all bad and theyll look at you blankly, because they know they wouldnt be able to meet challenges without it.

16、 Stress is what makes them successful, but this is also true to some extent for all of us. The technical term for stress in general is “arousal“. You need to be sufficiently aroused to get up in the morning and go to work. As the hours go by, you become more alert until you reach your optimum perfor

17、mance, which is when you can do your best in your work. But bad stress exists too in the workplace. A very common cause is dealing with impossible standards which have been set within an unrealistic timescale. If resources are inadequate, bad stress will be produced. These days stress can often also

18、 be due to our circumstances. Competition and the drive for innovation means that many of us feel we cannot handle the sheer number of changes confronting us in our working lives, creating feelings of apprehension and demotivation. And there are other reasons for stress too. Todays job market can me

19、an that individuals are given excessive responsibility. Knowing that the buck stops with you can lead to difficulties in making decisions, or just in concentrating on the task in hand. A final cause of stress is one where staff are not in a position to blame senior management. While you may be compl

20、aining bitterly of being overworked, you may not be taking a good hard look at your own shortcomings. A feeling of being overworked could be due to not setting and using appropriate priorities. If youre not organising your workload sensibly and tackling things in a logical order. youve perhaps only

21、yourself to blame. We conducted a survey of 500 companies recently and the results might be interesting. Generally speaking, dissatisfaction concerning stress levels is on the increase. Long hours continue to be a major subject of resentment, and we also heard a substantially larger number of staff

22、expressing their unhappiness about travel more people seem to have to go to more places more often than when we last conducted a survey. On the other hand, the question of not receiving recognition seems to have reduced in urgency, perhaps due to improved communications systems within organisations.

23、 We were interested to see that the issue of staff morale fared quite well in companies with less than 50 employees, where a relatively happy picture was painted. However, an interesting problem facing major employers is the question of recruitment, with applicants appearing to shy away from them in

24、 favour of friendlier more intimate environments, even if pay levels are lower there. Finally, here are a few words of advice relevant to this time of year, as many people get ready for their holidays. Ironically, preparing for a holiday can be stressful, with fears of everything going wrong in your

25、 absence. So prepare the ground by making sure your colleagues are up-to-date about your current projects send them all an email before you set off. Back this up by having a quiet word with your boss to inform him or her of possible problems, so that he or she will know what to do should anything go

26、 wrong. That way, you should be better able to relax away from it all. 1 【正确答案】 meet challenges 【试题解析】 此题是针对良性压力作用的提问。听力原文为: they know they wouldnt be able to meet challenges without it,从反面强调没有良性压力,他们不能面对挑战。因此答案为: meet Challenges。 2 【正确答案】 optimum performance 【试题解析】 与上题一样,此题是针对良性压力作用的提问。听力原文是: you b

27、ecome more alert until you reach your optimum performance, which is when you can do your best in your work。通过后文定语从句的解释,可得一天中最好的状态称为: optimum performance,为此题答案。 3 【正确答案】 resources 【试题解析】 此题是针对产生恶性压力的原因的提问。听力原文是: If resources are inadequate, bad stress will be produced,这里 揭示了产生恶性压力的第一个原因: too few reso

28、urces。因此,此处填入 resources。 4 【正确答案】 changes 【试题解析】 与上题一样,此题是针对产生恶性压力的原因提问。听力原文是:Competition and the drive for innovation means that many of us feel we cannot handle the sheer number of changes confronting us in our working lives,说明竞争和创新的压力让我们很多人感觉到不能把握在我们工作中的变化。因此,产生恶性压力的第二个原因是: too many changes。 5 【正

29、确答案】 responsibility 【试题解析】 听力原文是: individuals are given excessive responsibility,说明产生恶性压力的第三个原因是: too much responsibility。 6 【正确答案】 priorities 【试题解析】 听力原文是: A final cause of stress is one where staff are not in a position to blame senior managementA feeling of being over worked could be due to not s

30、etting and using appropriate priorities,说明产生恶性压力的第四个原因是: not having proper priorities。 7 【正确答案】 travel 【试题解析】 这一部分是针对调查结果 的提问。听力原文是: a substantially larger number of staff expressing their unhappiness about travel,因此,此处答案为 travel。 8 【正确答案】 recognition 【试题解析】 听力原文是: the question of not receiving reco

31、gnition seems tO have reduced in urgency,说明在减少的是 recognition。 9 【正确答案】 staff morale 【试题解析】 听力原文是: the issue of staff morale fared quite well in companies with less than 50 employees,表明小公司的 staff morale有了提高。 10 【正确答案】 recruitment 【试题解析】 听力原文是: an interesting problem facing major employers is the ques

32、tion of recruitment。故此处 答案为 recruitment。 11 【正确答案】 current projects 【试题解析】 这一部分仍然是调查结果的一部分,说明现代人去旅游都会有压力。听力原文是: your colleagues are up-to-date about your current projectssend them all an email before you set off,因此此处答案为 current projects。 12 【正确答案】 possible problems 【试题 解析】 听力原文是: Back this up by hav

33、ing a quiet word with your boss to inform him or her of possible problems,因此答案为 possible problems。这段话的意思是对于现代人来说去旅游会有很多压力。首先要告知自己同事自己最新进展,同时还要事先告知老板自己外出旅游时,可能出现的问题以及应对方案。 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Speaker One Man: Good morning. This is Daily Business Report. Shanghai gets western gas. Gas started pumpin

34、g through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline on Friday, sending gas from the Tarim and Chongqing gas fields in western Xinjiang and Shanxi Provinces to Shanghai. At 9:00 am on National Day, PetroChina President Jiang Jiemin pushed a button at a gas compression station at Jingbian in Northwes

35、t Chinas Shanxi Province to launch the 4,000-kilometre-long pipeline Construction of the pipeline began on July 4, 2002 and cost more than 140 billion yuan (US $16.9 billion). It will transmit 12 billion cubic meters of gas a year. Speaker Two Woman: China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks

36、. President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Lu Yongxiang said in Beijing Thursday that his academy and the Academy of Sciences of Russia (ASR) planned to build hightechnology parks both in Northeast China and in Russias Novosibirsk. Representatives from CAS Changchun Academy and the ASR Siberia

37、 Academy signed a memorandum on seven cooperative projects Thursday morning at CAS headquarter. While carrying out the new form of science and technology cooperation in building the hi-tech parks, Lu acknowledged, the two sides need to start appropriate research projects on the principle of equality

38、 and reciprocity. N. L. Dobretsov, vice ASR president who aim heads ASR Siberia Academy, said the hi-tech parks will epitomize increased cooperation between Russian and Chinese science communities. Speaker Three Man: Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation declared Tuesday a price-cutting plan for its car p

39、arts aiming to increase its market share in China. According to the plan, hundreds of components for Passat and Polo, its two dominant cars in China, will get large price cuts of between 25 and 80 percent starting Oct. 1. The price adjustment “will offer more preferential prices and lower the mainte

40、nance costs for consumers“ as the corporation has formed “batch-produced ability for components“ and set up an “after-sale service network“ around the country, said a company spokesman. The spokesman said insurance premiums and purchasing and usage costs will also decline. Consequently, the two cars

41、 will become more competitive and help consumers regain confidence in the car market. Chinas car market is price-sensitive, but experts noted that price cuts only have short-term effects. In the long run, other factors will win out. Shanghai Volkswagen is one of the top car sales companies in China.

42、 Speaker Four Woman: China strives to build the “remanufacturing“ industry as one of its pillar manufacturing industries, said Xu Binshi, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, in Beijing Wednesday. “China will also set up related auxiliary industries, aiming to promote the national economy a

43、nd realize re-employment and sustainable development,“ said Xu at a national workshop on “recycled economy“. He went on to say that remanufacturing and self-renovation are considered in Chinas medium and long-term plans as a priority development theme and a key technology in the manufacturing sector

44、. From the 1990s on, there have been enterprises in China studying remanufacturing, said Xu. Although the remanufacturing project is yet to be mature, he said, it is a “sunrise industry“ and a potential giant industry, which has the ability to improve the quality and performance of products, reduce

45、material consumption, save energy resources and protect the environment. Xu added that the crucial step of putting forward Chinas remanufacturing industry is to establish relevant laws and standardize business activity and market operation. Speaker Five Man: China plans to regulate fireworks industr

46、y. The Chinese government is planning to strengthen safety supervision over its scattered fireworks manufacturers to reduce the rising risks of accidental fireworks explosions. Sun Huashan, deputy director of the State Administration for the Supervision of Production Safety, said at a national firew

47、orks safety conference held in Liuyang, Hunan Province that the incomplete safety supervision system in Chinas fireworks industry is the main reason for explosions. Sun said Chinas fireworks industry is still in need of regulation, and that safety supervision system in the whole is still weak. 13 【正

48、确答案】 C 【试题解析】 听力原文的主要内容是关于西气东输项目成功,上海接收到来自西部的 天然气,因此此题答案为 G。 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 听力原文第一句是: China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks,由此,可得答案为 B。 15 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得: Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation declared Tuesday a price-cutting plan for its car parts aiming to increase its marke

49、t share in China,因此可得答案为 F。 16 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得: China strives to build the“remanufacturing”industry as one of its pillar manufacturing industries,因此可得答案为 H。 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得: China plans to regulate fireworks industry,因此可得答案为 C。 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 听力原文是: Shanghai gets western gas Gas started pumping through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline on Friday。因此,可得答案为D。 19 【正确答案】 A


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