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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 67及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 The History of Eldertree Cosmetics Early days 1. The company was established in _by Olivia Jenkins. 2. Her products sold well because of the_of natural products. 3. In order to satisfy demand, the owners had to find_in 1977. The 1980s 4. The introduction of n

2、ew products resulted in the_of the business. 5. By recruiting professional expertise, the company managed to secure_with major UK retailers. 6. To support further growth, Eldertree needed both of a bigger_company. 7. In 1987 the company was acquired by Greenaway, the UKs largest_. 8. To improve prod

3、uctivity, Greenaway decided to build a_in 1988. 9. Greenaway also decided to keep Eldertrees_for its products. Eldertree Cosmetics today 10. Greenaway has centralised functions such as its_. 11. In spite of its increased size, the company has kept a . 12. In the last decade Eldertree has become a_bo

4、th at home and abroad. 二、 PART TWO 12 Task One-Person For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A H. For each extract, choose the person who is speaking. Write one letter (A H) next to the number of the extract. A. the sales director B. the managing director C. a secretary D. a

5、 new junior manager E. the advertising manager F. the finance director G. the catering manager H. the information technology manager 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 Task Two-Opinion For questions 18-22, match the extracts with what the people say, listed I-P. For each extract, choose the opinion express

6、ed. Write one letter (I-P) next to the number of the extract. I. There are good ideas, but little of practical value. J. The sessions go on too long. K. It may be difficult to remember everything. L. There are too many specialised sessions. M. The eating arrangements should be improved. N. Technolog

7、y isnt being given enough. O. The training methods are old-fashioned. P. People expect too much from the programme. 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear part of a conversation between two company employees, a woman called Rose and a man called Steve. For each question 23-30 mark o

8、ne letter, (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 The main benefit of suggestions schemes is that they improve_. ( A) profitability ( B) motivation ( C) efficiency 24 When receiving a suggestion, it is essential to_. ( A) publicize it ( B) implemen

9、t it ( C) research it 25 In this scheme, it will be necessary to exclude_. ( A) staff in research and development ( B) junior staff ( C) senior management 26 The reward for a successful suggestion will be paid_. ( A) over a five year period ( B) after three years ( C) at a fifth of the total value 2

10、7 When starting the scheme, Rose and Steve will emphasize how it could_. ( A) increase sales ( B) be enjoyable ( C) help promotion 28 The scheme will be started at_. ( A) a regional office ( B) head office ( C) an office 29 Staff will make their suggestions by_. ( A) using a special box ( B) sending

11、 a memo ( C) telephoning 30 Rose and Steve will report to the board on_. ( A) the quality of suggestions ( B) the value of suggestions ( C) the number of suggestions BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 67答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 PART ONE Good morning and welcome to Eldertree Cosmetics. My names Maria Darcy and Im t

12、he Managing Director. Im here today to tell you a little bit about the history of the company before youre taken on the official tour. So, Eldertree Cosmetics was founded by Olivia Jenkins in 1975 originally under the name of Eldertree Cottage. And in those days it really was very much a cottage ind

13、ustry with Olivia and her husband Mike producing a range of natural soaps in their own kitchen. The soaps proved to be a recipe for success and sales took off due to the popularity of simple, chemical-free products. It soon became clear, though, that Olivia and Mike would be unable to satisfy demand

14、 if they continued working out of their kitchen. So in 1977 Mike began searching for suitable premises and this resulted in the move to the Old Bakery in the town centre. At the start of the next decade sales continued to grow dramatically and Olivia and Mike widened their product range to enter new

15、 markets such as haircare and cosmetics. This led to rapid expansion and a change of name to Elder-tree Cosmetics. It was at this point that Olivia and Mike realised they needed support with their sales and marketing efforts. So they took on an experienced Sales Manager, who was able to win substant

16、ial contracts with some of the largest UK cosmetics retailers. This significant increase in business meant that Eldertree needed to recruit a lot more staff and upgrade its facilities. The company had reached a critical point. In order to develop, it required the resources and knowledge that only a

17、large and established organisation could offer. And faced with several takeover bids, Olivia and Mike finally decided that in the interests of Elder-tree and its employees, they would sell the company to the UKs biggest high-street chemist, Greenaway, which they did in 1987. Greenaways first move wa

18、s to look at ways of increasing productivity. Although the Old Bakery site had been upgraded over the years, it was still limited by its size and layout. So in 1988 Greenaway began construction of the new factory, which was completed at the end of the following year. The other major decision which w

19、as taken at this time was to continue to trade under the Eldertree brand name and not that of its parent company. Today Eldertree Cosmetics is a state-of-the-art producer of high-quality cosmetic products. Structural changes have seen certain functions move to Greenaways Head Office. By moving its m

20、arketing operations to Greenaway, for exam-ple, Eldertree has not only cut costs, but also enjoyed the advantages of its parents substantial advertising budget. And Im sure youre all familiar with the new TV campaign. Despite the fact that Eldertree has grown enormously, it still retain a family atm

21、osphere, with many of the original employees from the Old Bakery still working for the company today. Over the last ten years or so, these loyal employees have seen the Eldertree name successfully establish itself as a market leader in the UK and overseas. 1 【正确答案】 1975 【试题解析】 这里要留意年份信息。 2 【正确答案】 po

22、pularity 【试题解析】 关键信息: The soaps proved to be a recipefor success and sales took off due to the popu-larity of simple, chemicalfree products正是由于人们对没有任何化学污染的绿色产品的喜爱,公司才得以成功。 3 【正确答案】 suitable premises 【试题解析】 关键信息: So in 1977 Mike began searchingfor suitable premises这里要注意同义词的替换问题, find在原讲话中用 search for

23、和 result来表明。 4 【正确答案】 rapid expansion 【试题解析】 关键信息: This led to rapid expansion由于护发用品和化妆品市场成功,带来了公司业务的迅速发展。 5 【正确答案】 substantial contracts 【试题解析】 关键信 息: who was able to win substantialcontracts with some of the largest UK cosmetics retailers由于业务的迅速发展,他们招募了有经验的营销经理,目的就是要确保获得英国一些大型的零售商的大额合同。 6 【正确答案】 r

24、esources and knowledge 【试题解析】 关键信息: it required the resources andknowledge that only a large and establishedorganisation could offer为了以后的发展,他们需要只有大型的经验丰富的组织才能提供的资源和知识。这是关于 company更深层次发展特点的描述。 7 【正确答案】 high street chemist 【试题解析】 关键信息: they would sell the company to theUKs biggest highstreet chemist,

25、Greena-way为了维护 Eldertree及其员工们的利益,他们于 1987年把公司出售给英国最大 的商业巨头 Greenaway。 8 【正确答案】 new factory 【试题解析】 关键信息: So in 1988 Greenaway began construction of the new factory因此,他们于 1988年开始新建了一个工厂。 9 【正确答案】 brand name 【试题解析】 关键信息: was to continue to trade under theEldertree brand name and not that of its parent

26、company他们能够仍旧使用 Eldertree公司的商标进行销售,而不是用母公司的商标。 10 【正确答案】 marketing operations 【试题解析】 关键信息: By moving its marketing operations to Greenaway通过把市场营销转移给母公司 Greenaway,他们不仅可以减少成本,还可以享受母公司巨大的广告财务支持。 11 【正确答案】 family atmosphere 【试题解析】 关键信息: it still retain a family atmosphere, with many of the original empl

27、oyees from theOld Bakery still working for the companytoday由于现在的员工许多都来自原公司,因此,他们相处得很和谐。 12 【正确答案】 market leader 【试题解析】 关键信息: Over the last ten years or so, these loyal employees have seen the Elder-tree name successfully establish itself as amarket leader in the UK and overseas在过去的 10年里,许多忠实的员工都看到了公

28、司已经成为英国以及世界上的市场领先者。 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 PART TWO Woman: Well, its quite interesting, isnt it? I mean, overall. Youre never going to please everyone always. I think one of the main benefits is perhaps something we werent really expecting, or, at least, I wasnt. And thats the way people with differe

29、nt roles, different jobs, are working together here. Sure, my responsibilities do go across the departments, everyone wants a PC, needs help with the software, Im always hearing about the problems never good things, of course, with the network. . . but here were sharing experiences, different viewpo

30、ints, bringing in ideas which reflect our different roles. Then again, thats maybe a problem in itself, cause I really dont see how Im going to hold all this in my head. Im sure that next week, itll all have disappeared from my memory. Man: Frankly, I wonder if my time wouldnt have been better spent

31、 back in the office. Well I dont want to sound negative. Oh, maybe its just me. I grant you, theres some great theories going round. Amazing ideas, really. All these visions of what could really be happening, pictures of the possible future and what you have. But at the end of the day, well be back

32、in the same old office, and Ill be typing and ruining around and still be expected to do ten things at once. So, if Im honest, Im not really sure how all these fine speeches are really going to help me in my job. A letters still a letter, isnt it? Mind you, Im not saying its not inspirational in som

33、e ways. Woman: I feel very privilegedand, on top of everything, its a great way to meet everyone. Its really helping my confidence. The sessions on technology have been interesting, because I know so little about it. Theyve told me Ill get more on that as time goes by. And, actually, my problems not

34、 really that. Because, well, what I need at this early stage is some kind of overview, some kind of feeling of the whole picture. you know, how it all fits together. I dont know where Ill be in 5 years time, you see, so Im not quite sure what I need to know now. And thats why its a bit frustrating t

35、hat each lecture seems so separate, so single-issue. Id like a wider range to be covered. Man: Its going pretty smoothly, Id say, all in all. Weve had worse, and weve had better. And given that we had to put the whole menu together at pretty short notice . . . Having said that, though, Im not at all

36、 sure they see it like that. I dont know, I think half the problem is people come to something like this with so much hope . I mean, they assume the world is going to change overnight. And, of course, nothings that simple. I hear them complaining, but not about the food Im happy to say! that its not

37、 quite what they want. Too general, too specific. and so on. Anyway, the snacks and the lunches seem to have gone down all right, and I suppose thats all I need to worry about! Woman: Mmm, yes, I think its been worth it is worth it. Its difficult, of course, bal-ancing the costs and benefits, the ti

38、me lost from the office, compared to what Im investing in. But Ive always said our staff, our people, are our biggest assets, so anything that brings my people up must be of value in itself. Of course, much will depend on the performance reports, which I hope the different departments can draw up fo

39、r me reasonably soon. Otherwise, I wont really be in a position to know if I did make the right choice. My main reservation at this stage is that I dont see sufficient input on the system, on the IT side of things. And thats a great pity, because its vital that we exploit our existing computers to g

40、et the best out of them. I want a company thats right up to date. 13 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 关键信息: My responsibilities do goacross the departments,everyone wants aPC, needs help with the software, Imalways hearing about the problems由此可以看出,他是负责计算机硬件和软件工作的,因此,应该是一位信息技术部经理。 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 关键信息: But at the

41、end of the day, well be back in the same old office, and Illbe typing and ruining around and still beexpected to do ten things at once由此可以看出,他是一位办公室文员 (秘书 )。 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 关键信息: What I need at this earlystage is some kind of overview, some kindof feeling of the whole picture youknow, how it all

42、 fits together I dont knowwhere Ill be in 5 yearstime从这个人的字里行间,我们能够感到他的不自信,因此,他应该是位新提升的初级经理。 16 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 关键信息: I hear them complaining, butnot about the food and so on Anyway, the snacks and the lunches seem to havegone down all right从他的谈话中的措辞如 menu, food, snacks, lunches等等,我们可以认定他是位餐厅经理。 17

43、【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 关键信息: Its difficult, of course, balancing the costs and benefits, the time lostfrom the office, compared to what Im investing in从这段谈话中,我们了解到他是位公司负责人,他谈到运营成本 、利润、人员管理、各个部门之间的协作等。故 B是正确答案。 Managing Director总经理,总裁。 18 【正确答案】 K 【试题解析】 这是一位信息部经理在抱怨他工作的不易: I really dont see how Im going to

44、 holdall this in my head Im sure that next week, itll all have disappeared from my memory因此,对他来说健忘很可能是种解脱。 19 【正确答案】 I 【试题解析】 从这位办公室秘书的谈话中,我们了解到他从理论到想法都涉及了,但是都没有多少可操作性,也就是说主意不错,但不实用。 20 【正确答案】 L 【试题解析】 关键信息: And thats why its a bit frus-trating that each lecture seems so separate, so single-issue Id

45、 like a wider range to becovered从这位初级经理的谈话中,我们了解到,他很担心他的没有针对性和单调的发言 ,由此可知他参加很多的专题会议。 21 【正确答案】 P 【试题解析】 关键信息: I think half the problem ispeople come to something like this with somuch hope人们都希望餐厅的饭菜和服务有巨变。但是人们的期望值太高才产生了不满意的问题。故 P是正确答案。 22 【正确答案】 N 【试题解析】 关键信息: My main reservation at thisstage is tha

46、t I dont see sufficient input onthe system, on the IT side of things Andthats a great pity I want a companythats right up to date这位总裁说到:我们对整个系统投入得还不够,尤其在信息技术方面,我们要充分利用我们现存的电脑系统,让我们的公司跟上时代。由此可知,他认为技术没有得到足够的重视。 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 PART THREE Steve: Well, I definitely agree with you, Rose, that the

47、 suggestions scheme is a good idea. Rose: Good. Steve: And its got the MDs support, which is crucial, of course. Rose: Yes, well, I am pleased because while Ive seen these schemes in other companies, they do seem to be valuable, you know, worth setting up. Steve: I suppose because they push profits

48、up. Rose: Yeah, well, not exactly. I mean, yes, ultimately that can happen. But its more than if you get an efficient scheme going when it runs well. Then the real advantage is people feel more involved, that they matter more, see? Get more energy around the place. Steve: I see what you mean. OK, so when we get the suggestions in, how do we start? I guess we check out viability, if its worth going ahead? Rose: Urn, certainly youve got to be seen to respond, but actually, the first thing, crucially, to acknowledge it. Id have thought we could use a notice board for that. Put the suggestions


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