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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear a presenter on a radio programme giving information about some workshops. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording. CAREER WORKSHOPS November 7th

2、: 1. Title of workshop _ 2. Most suitable for _ 3. Seminar on _ 4. Location of workshop _ November 14th: 5. Title of workshop _ 6. Organised by company called _ 7. Applications from _ should be sent now. 8. Participants will receive their _ November 23rd: 9. Event organised by _ 10. Name of exhibiti

3、on _ 11. Organisers famous for _ 12. Information available on suitable_ 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five different people, who have all been interviewed for jobs with a large international company which is going to build a new factory. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the

4、job the speaker was interviewed for from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the feeling that each person expresses about changing jobs from the list A-H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 13 Task One - Job For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H. For eac

5、h extract, choose the job each speaker was interviewed for. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A. marketing manager B. computer programmer C. secretary D. personnel management assistant E. engineering manager F. maintenance supervisor G. finance director H. quality control man

6、ager 18 Task Two - Feeling For questions 18-22, match the extracts with what people say, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the feeling expressed. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A. welcomes the opportunity to travel in the new job B. is unhappy in his/her present job C.

7、considers the new job a promotion D. was net happy about their interview E. thinks the interview was successful F. is undecided about accepting the new job G. did not like the new company H. would like to live in this area 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear part of a conversation between two company emp

8、loyees, a woman called Rose and a man called Steve. For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 The main benefit of suggestions schemes is that they improve ( A) profitability. ( B) motivation. ( C) efficiency. 2

9、4 When receiving a suggestion, its essential to ( A) publicise it. ( B) implement it. ( C) research it. 25 In this scheme, it will be necessary to exclude ( A) staff in research and development. ( B) junior staff. ( C) senior management. 26 The reward for a successful suggestion will be paid ( A) ov

10、er a five year period. ( B) after three years. ( C) at a fifth of the total value. 27 When starting the scheme, Rose and Steve will emphasise how it could ( A) increase sales. ( B) be enjoyable. ( C) help promotion. 28 The scheme will be started at ( A) a regional office. ( B) head office. ( C) all

11、offices. 29 Staff will make their suggestions by ( A) using a special box, ( B) sending a memo, ( C) telephoning. 30 Rose and Steve will report to the board on ( A) the quality of suggestions. ( B) the value of suggestions. ( C) the number of suggestions. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 6答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文

12、】 Woman: And now, before we say goodbye, three dates for your diaries. Heres whats happening in November. First of all, on November 7th, Ashridge Ltd, the international centre for management development, are hosting a one-day workshop. The workshop is called Decision Making and will be led by Dougla

13、s Bernhardt of the Genevabased Freeman Research Group. It is open to all-comers but is really aimed at senior executives. It will focus on how to gain that critical edge needed for faster, smarter decision- making, and how to exploit advance knowledge of competitive threats. There will also be a sem

14、inar about advance planning in order to help executives develop commercial foresight. The cost for the days training is 435 and, as youd expect for this price, a three-course lunch is included. Booking details are from Kate Charlton at their Head Office. The workshop will be held at the University R

15、esearch Centre. Next, on November 14th, theres a seminar and workshop session at the Manchester Conference Centre called Jobs Worldwide. This is the only European recruitment fair to concentrate on giving young graduates information on training in multi-lingual, technical or business skills. This ha

16、s been set up by the high-profile European consultancy firm, Careers International. They have apparently had a good response so far and they will be closing the bookings soon so this is a last call for recent graduates to apply. Participants are offered reimbursement of their travel costs but not an

17、y overnight accommodation they may require. Applications must be in by November 3rd and should be sent to Careers International headquarters in Manchester. Applicants can also register their interest through email on www. hrn.demon.co.uk Finally, an important event which is taking place on November

18、the 23rd. English Partnerships is organising an exhibition in Birmingham to back up a recruitment drive in the building trade. More than 2,500 new jobs in the building industry are to be created, and the exhibition is called, appropriately enough, Building the Future. At the end of the day, particip

19、ants attending the exhibition will be able to apply for a selection of jobs in the building trade. English Partnerships are therefore trying to encourage everyone seeking work of this kind to attend. They are well-known in the industry for their original designs, and, to demonstrate this, there will

20、 also be photographs of some of their recent projects. If you are interested but dont yet have the right skills, they will also have stands with information on appropriate training programmes. So if youre looking for a job or a change of direction, its worth going along. Free tickets are available f

21、rom the English Partnerships office in London, from next Friday. 1 【正确答案】 Decision making 2 【正确答案】 senior executives 3 【正确答案】 (advance) planning 4 【正确答案】 University Research Centre 5 【正确答案】 Jobs Worldwide/world wide 6 【正确答案】 Careers International 7 【正确答案】 recent graduates 8 【正确答案】 travel costs 9 【正确

22、答案】 English Partnerships 10 【正确答案】 Building the Future 11 【正确答案】 (their original) designs 12 【正确答案】 training programmes 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Man: This is a great opportunity and just what this region needs. The unemployment heres been very bad and weve been very lucky to be chosen for this new fact

23、ory. And this position would be a step-up for me . a real advancement, so to speak. It could lead to me having my own department one day and a senior position. Especially if I pass the certificate in Human Resources which Ive almost finished. If Im appointed, Id have to draw up a list of everyone wh

24、os applied to the company and then help with the selection process. It helps knowing the area and Ive already got quite a few contacts and I told them that all of my experience has been working with people. Woman: I didnt apply for this job. They wrote and asked me to come for an informal interview.

25、 It must have been because Ive had considerable experience with the accounting system they use and Ive done a lot of work on pricing and costing of new lines, at quite a high level. Theyd like me to start very soon. Its important to be in at the beginning when you deal with the money side, to make s

26、ure everyone stays within the budget constraints which you decide. But Im not really sure about it at all. Ive got a good job now and Im happy where I am and not really looking for a change. It needs a lot of thought as they are a good company and . well Ive got the weekend ahead to think about ever

27、ything. Man: Yes I know a lot about this company. They are very good and Ive had contact with them before, at various trade shows and advertising conferences in this country. It would be good to work for them. I would be doing the same sort of thing, except on a bigger scale. Its not a promotion or

28、anything. The same grade and money but . more presentations and a lot of consumer research. Although I like my present job, this would give me a chance to get around a bit more, to visit their overseas offices. In fact they are launching a big campaign soon in ten different countries and theyd like

29、me to co- ordinate some of it. It would be a great chance and Id certainly accept it. Woman: Its going to be a successful venture. I can feel it and Id really like to be involved. But I expect there were a lot of very well qualified applicants, what with all the word processing courses around and th

30、e number of computers in peoples homes. But Ive got all the keyboard skills, Im fast and accurate and I can spell well. Ive been doing the job for over ten years, since the days of typewriters. This is the same job but I think it would be interesting . and I like the area. Id really enjoy living her

31、e. Welt, you can only hope. You never can tell with interviews. Man: Yes, indeed. 1 was very impressed and I must say that . well perhaps its best not to say anything. But I do feel confident about it. There were some interesting questions, but my line of work is very technical so you know it or you

32、 dont. Its not as simple as people think. Its not just a question of checking the product at the end of a conveyor belt but setting up a continuous system which monitors every aspect of the production process. This is the only way to get an end product without fault. I hope I get the job. 13 【正确答案】

33、D 14 【正确答案】 G 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【正确答案】 C 17 【正确答案】 H 18 【正确答案】 C 19 【正确答案】 F 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 H 22 【正确答案】 E 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Man: Well, I definitely agree with you, Rose, that the suggestions scheme is a good idea - Woman: Good. Man: - and its got the MDs support, which is crucial, of cours

34、e. Woman: Yes. Well, I am pleased, because where Ive seen these schemes in other companies, they do seem to be valuable, you know, worth setting up. Man: I suppose because they push profits up? Woman: Yuh, well, not exactly. I mean, yes, ultimately, that can happen . but its more that if you get an

35、efficient scheme going, one that runs well, then the real advantage is people feel more involved, that they matter more, so you get more energy around the place. Man: I see what you mean. OK, so when we get the suggestions in, how do we start? I guess we check out viability - if its worth going ahea

36、d? Woman: Certainly youve got to be seen to respond. But actually the first thing, crucially, is to acknowledge it. Id have thought we could use the noticeboard for that, put the suggestions on it, so people see immediately that it goes somewhere. Man: Right. And now, is there anyone who cant be inv

37、olved, do you think? I was thinking that the assistants maybe shouldnt - Woman: Oh no, they should have a say, some of their ideas could be useful, and its important for them to feel more involved. I was wondering about the directors and so on, because theres a danger - Man: That their ideas would s

38、eem like orders? Woman: Absolutely. Mind you, I think we can set the thing up so that all ideas are to be judged as ideas, regardless of the level theyve come from. Man: OK - but I do think, whatever level theyre at, that Im not sure about including the Research and Development people. Woman: I thin

39、k youve got a point there, yes, I mean R &; D could be setting their own agenda because they could just end up putting forward existing ideas, and then getting extra for them. Man: Yes - wed have to make sure that that cant happen. Right, so how should we do the rewards? I was thinking of a proporti

40、on of the benefit, once we know it - I mean, assuming the idea runs. Woman: Oh yes, obviously only the ones put into action will get . so, er, well, itll depend on when we can see the benefits come in, I suppose, say two years would - or we could pay out over a three year time-scale? Man: I dont thi

41、nk we can predict the time, it depends on too many factors. Why dont we just say we estimate the value of the idea in terms of worth to the company, and pay a proportion of that right away? Woman: So, a fifth, for example? Man: Sounds reasonable. And we work out the time-scale later. Woman: What mat

42、ters now, I think, is to get the idea over to people that its something theyd have fun doing. Man: More chance of promotion! Woman: But we cant make any promises there. Im not even that keen on profit or sales margins here, just the idea that theyll feel good if they come up with new ideas. But then

43、 we really dont know exactly where its going to lead us. It might really vary from office to office. Man: Mmm . lets start with head office, shall we? Or one of the regions? Woman: Well, weve got to start somewhere. How about the south-western branch office? Man: Uh-huh. And then spread to everywher

44、e else later. Woman: Right. Now, how are they going to get their suggestions to us? Man: However they want. Woman: What, even by phone? Man: Oh, I see what you mean, could be pretty disruptive - Woman: If we get a lot . or memos - Man: Would be good. Theyre simple, direct . in a box, maybe, in Recep

45、tion - Woman: But then wed be putting off any people who dont go in there - Man: True. OK, they can send them to us then. Well, I hope this is going to work! Woman: Bound to. Its not a question of whether it works, but how well! Well need to evaluate it, of course, for the board. Theyll want to know

46、 how much money we think were saving. Man: But I dont think well know that exactly for some time yet. Woman: The sames true for quality issues, too. Man: Hmm. We could just give an initial report on how many ideas we receive in the first month, or something like that. Woman: Thats the most realistic aim, and it should be enough to start with. 23 【正确答案】 B 24 【正确答案】 A 25 【正确答案】 A 26 【正确答案】 C 27 【正确答案】 B 28 【正确答案】 A 29 【正确答案】 B 30 【正确答案】 C


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