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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 76及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear an introduction to a course in Business Management Today. As you listen, fill in the information for question 1 12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT T

2、ODAY Seminar/Workshop programme MARKETING 1 _ 2 _ Bishops Hall One STRATEGIC PLANNING Bishops hall Two HUMAN RESOURCES 3 _ TIMETABLE LOCATION 9. 30-11.00 4 _Hall Coffee and biscuits 5 _ 11.30-1.00 6 _ Lunch 7 _ 2.00-3.30 8 _ Tea and biscuits 4.00-5.30 9 _ 5.30- 6.30 10 _ NB Books and resource materi

3、als On display in 11 _ Centre closes 12 _ 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five different business people talking about corporations. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the advantage of corporations described from the list A H. For Task Two, choose the disadvantage of corporation

4、s from the list A H. You will hear the recording twice. 13 TASK ONE ADVANTAGE For questions 13 17, match the extracts with the advantages, listed A H. For each extract, choose the advantage stated. Write one letter (A H) next to the number of the extract. A Continuous life B Ease of attracting capit

5、al C Greater motivation D Ease of transferring ownership E Large size F Limited liability G Tax advantages H Almost unlimited Secrecy 18 TASK TWO DISADVANTAGE For questions 18 22, match the extracts with the disadvantages, listed A H. For each extract, choose the disadvantage stated. Write one lette

6、r (A H) next to the number of the extract. A Government regulations B Lack of secrecy C Difficulty in creating D Lack of cooperation E Rigid structure F Lack of planning G Lack of personal interest H Higher taxes 三、 PART THREE 23 Whom do business angels usually invest in? ( A) business start-ups and

7、 small businesses ( B) large businesses ( C) individuals BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 76答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning and welcome to our course on “Business Management Today“. I hope youve all registered and obtained your name badges and information packs. I would like to point out some addition

8、al information and changes to the agenda you will find in your packs. The four seminar workshops are now as follow. Room Six “ Marketing“. Bishops Hall One “Communications“, which re- places “Taxation“. Bishops Hall Two “Strategic Planning“, which now includes small business as well as large compani

9、es. Room Five “Human Resources“. Ill just run through that again. “Marketing“ is in Room Six. In Bishops Hall One we have a change to the original programme and “Taxation“ has been replaced by “communications“. “Strategic Planning“ in Bishops Hall Two now includes small businesses and Room Five is “

10、Human Resources“ We will stay in the Convocation Hall for the first morning session which runs from nine-thirty till eleven oclock, when we shall all meet up in the Memorial ball for coffee and biscuits. The eleven-thirty session will be held in Bishop s Hall One. A buffet lunch will be held in the

11、self-service restaurant from one to two. We are hoping that this system will prove quicker than waitress service and ensure a prompt start to the afternoon session which begins in Bishops Hall Two at two oclock and runs to three-thirty. Please note, however, that we shall be in Room Five for the fou

12、r to five- thirty session. Tea and biscuits will be brought to you between three-thirty and for oclock. At five-thirty we invite you all to the Assembly Hall for an hours general forum. There will be time for questions based on the days sessions. This session in the Assembly hall is intended to give

13、 you an opportunity to clarify and problem areas which may have arisen during the day and to ask any questions you may have. There will be a general exhibition of books and resource materials in the Abbey Room which will be open for the whole day. Anyone in- terested in purchasing any of these mater

14、ials will be able to order them at the various stands. Please feel free to visit the Abbey Room at any time during the day up until the Centre closes at seven- thirty p.m. May I draw your attention to the fact that notes ac- companying the seminars will be provided by the speakers. It is therefore n

15、ot necessary. 1 【正确答案】 Room 6 2 【正确答案】 Communication (s) 3 【正确答案】 Room 5 4 【正确答案】 Convocation 5 【正确答案】 Memorial Hall 6 【正确答案】 Bishops Hall One 7 【正确答案】 self-service restaurant 8 【正确答案】 Bishops Hall Two 9 【正确答案】 Room 5 10 【正确答案】 Assembly Hall 11 【正 确答案】 Abbey Room 12 【正确答案】 7:30 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】

16、 M: Unlike partners and proprietors, owners in a corporation have limited liability. They stand to lose only what they have invested. Creditors can sue a corporation for not paying its debts, forcing the corporation to declare bankruptcy. Creditors, however, cannot make the stockholders pay the corp

17、orations debts out of their own personal assets. Because corporations have to report so many of their activities and because many government agencies scrutinize their activities, corporations often lose the competitive advantage of secrecy. Corporations must make public reports on profits, total sal

18、es, and research expenditures. Competitors can learn much about each other by reading reports and studying reports from hearings. F: Stockholders can transfer shares of stock to others without causing the termination of the corporation. Major stock exchanges list the latest selling price for thousan

19、ds of stocks by the minute, and they provide a ready market for buyers and sellers. The withdrawal is easy compared to the other forms of ownership because the sale of an owners stock does not dissolve the corporation. A proprietor can have a brain-storm over a ham sandwich at lunch. Make a decision

20、. And act on it before the end of the day. But corporations have many departments, committees, and beards that must approve major projects before actions can be taken. M: Unlike proprietorships and partnerships, a corporation can last indefinitely. While some charters specify the length of life of t

21、he company, most assume an indefinite life span. The existence of the corporation is unaffected by the death or withdrawal of its stockholders. The government creates the corporation as an artificial being and feeds its offspring with dozens of rules and regulations. Many of these regulations apply

22、to all organizations, but enforcement is focused on the larger corporations. In order to comply with all the regulations, corporations spend a good deal interpreting laws, maintaining records, and reporting to government agencies. F: Corporations have a large advantage in obtaining more money for ex

23、pansion. They can raise money more easily because its stock and bonds are bought and sold in public markets such as stock exchanges. The price of ownership is known, and when the company wants to raise new funds, it can sell new shares or bonds to the public and attract funds from both domestic and

24、foreign investors. The larger a corporation becomes, the more sources of financing are available to it. The corporation is treated as a legal entity and must pay taxes on its taxable income. When after-tax corporate profits are paid out in dividends to the stockholders, the dividends are taxed a sec

25、ond time as part of the individual owners income. Thus owners pay taxes twice on corporate profits. M: While all corporations are not large, most large businesses are corporations. Large size offers the advantage of economical production methods; large companies can buy materials, manufacture produc

26、ts, and ship finished goods in bulk. But even more important is the ability to specialize. This potential, combined with the ability to pay higher salaries and offer attractive fringe benefits, gives the corporation an advantage in hiring and keeping top-rate employees. A corporation is more costly

27、and difficult to create than other forms of ownership. Preparing the articles of incorporation, developing a prospectus for potential owners, complying with regulations on stock issues, and registering in other states is costly and time consuming. Filing fees, lawyer expenses, and promotion costs ca

28、n be expensive. 13 【正确答案】 F 14 【正确答案】 D 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【正确答案】 B 17 【正确答案】 E 18 【正确答案】 B 19 【正确答案】 E 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 H 22 【正确答案】 C 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 Woman: Welcome to this weeks programme. I have with me in the studio Mark Fletcher, a business angel. Mark, can you explain what a business

29、angel is? Man: Yes, well it sounds like someone who is altruistic, but in fact a business angel expects to make a good return on their money. We usually invest in start-ups and small businesses looking to expand. When the company does well we expect our capital back with a substantial return. Someti

30、mes we group together to make a syndicated deal. Woman: Who act as business angels usually? Man: Well, angel investors are often retired entrepreneurs or executives, who may be interested in angel investing for reasons that go beyond pure monetary return. These include wanting to keep abreast of cur

31、rent developments in a particular business arena, mentoring another generation of entrepreneurs, and making use of their experience and networks on a less-than-full-time basis. Woman: How do private companies and angle investors meet each other? Man: Because there are no public exchanges listing the

32、ir securities, private companies meet angel investors in several ways, including referrals from the investors trusted sources and other business contacts; at investor conferences and symposia; and at meetings organised by groups of angels where companies pitch directly to investors in face-to-face m

33、eetings. Woman: How do these investments differ from bank loans? Man: In my case I like to lend between ten and a hundred thousand pounds to a business. I dont charge interest, so Im taking a risk with my money. But within five years I expect to get a good return on this investments about 50 or 60 p

34、ercent. Woman: How do you get your money back? Man: The company either raises money by floating on the stockmarket, or by selling. I will have all agreement with the owners as to how much of the money raised goes to me. Woman: How do you find a company to invest in? Man: I belong to a network of bus

35、iness angels, and business owners contact us to find an investor. Typically, they give a presentation to a group of prospective investors, and if anyone likes what they see, they put money into the business. We accept an average of 3 deals for every 10 considered. The most common reasons given for r

36、ejecting a deal are insufficient growth potential, overpriced equity, lack of sufficient talent of the management, or lack of information about the entrepreneur or key personnel. Woman: How do you decide who to invest in? Man: I go very much by gut feeling. Of course I need to see business plans, bu

37、t if I think the company is producing something that theres a market for, and if I think the owners have the drive and ambition to do well, then Ill put my money in. Woman: Are all the businesses you invest in successful? Man: (Laughs)No, of course not. If I invest in ten companies, I expect three o

38、r four to go bust, two or three to do OK and a couple to be really good. Those are the ones I make my money on. Earlier this year I got back ten times the amount Id invested in one company. This makes up for the investments where I make a complete loss. Woman: And once youve invested your money, is

39、that it or do you have any further involvement in the company? Man: Im very much a hands-on investor. Before I became a business angel, I ran several successful businesses which I then sold on, so Ive got plenty of experience and I like to help companies develop and expand. Sometimes Ill expect to b

40、ecome a director of the company. Other times I concentrate on giving financial advice. The great advantage is that I can see what is happening to my money. Woman: Thanks very much, Mark. Now if anyone is interested in contacting a business angel, you can find out more information on our website. 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 该题所问的是投资天使都把资金投向哪些人。 Mark Fletcher回答“We usually invest in start -ups and small businesses looking to expand.”据此判定为A项为正确答案。


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