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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 80及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 You will hear Jack Lester, founder of Hinde Instruments Corporation, a telescope manufacturer, giving a talk about the development of his company. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. After you have listen

2、ed once, replay the recording. HINDE INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION 1 Hinde Instruments_are in California. 2 Hinde Instruments faced the risk of_in 1991. Founding the company 3 Jack Lester worked for WAC as_ 4 At first, Hinde Instruments telescopes were available through_ 5 The_of Hinde Instruments telesco

3、pes made them popular with amateur astronomers. The problem years 6 In February 1991, Hinde Instruments faced demands for repayment of its 7 Amtex sold Hinde Instruments entire_of telescopes and its liabilities for $1,000. Progress being made 8 It took only_to clear Hinde Instruments debts. 9 Hinde

4、Instruments talks to_about its products. 10 The major strength of Hinde Instruments_is its advanced telescopes. 11 Hinde Instruments aims to use its_to expand into new markets. 12 HNT Networks buys_from Hinde Instruments. 二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear five different people talking about the companies

5、 they work for. For each extract, there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the recent change in the company the person mentions from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the strength of the company the person mentions from the list A-H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. Task One - R

6、ecent change in the company For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the recent changes, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the change in the company the person mentions. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the extract. A A new section was established. B Existing premises were re-design

7、ed. C A new manager was appointed. D A training programme was expanded. E The staff recruitment process was revised. F Some technology was updated. G New accounting procedures were introduced. H Employees were given input into a company system. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 Task Two - Strength of the

8、company For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the strengths of the company, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the strength that each person mentions. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the extract. A staff promotion and incentives B product innovation C publicity techniques D range

9、 of services E pricing policies F customer relations G financial planning H recruitment and induction 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a conversation between two Human Resources managers, Maria and David, about how to reduce staff turnover in their company. For each question(2

10、3-30), mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 Why does Maria think that staff turnover is so high in their company? ( A) Staff are dissatisfied with their workload. ( B) The company pays lower salaries than its competitors. ( C) Staff

11、 feel unimportant to the company. 24 Which of the following did the consultants identify as a problem? ( A) New employees feel that their training is inadequate. ( B) The wrong people are chosen for promotion. ( C) Senior managers feel their job responsibilities are unclear. 25 Maria is concerned th

12、at the newspaper article on the company will ( A) discourage potential recruits from applying to the company. ( B) cause skilled staff to consider leaving the company. ( C) make many staff anxious about the companys future. 26 How does David think the staff turnover problem should be resolved? ( A)

13、People should be made aware of their role in achieving company goals. ( B) A bonus scheme should be set up for staff who reach targets. ( C) Management structure should be altered to improve communication. 27 Maria says that one of their competitors has resolved a similar problem by ( A) conducting

14、regular performance reviews with all staff. ( B) using off-site locations for staff meetings. ( C) amending its mentoring scheme for new recruits. 28 When discussing training courses, David recommends that ( A) there should be input from staff into the planning of the courses. ( B) staff should be m

15、ore carefully selected for them. ( C) more care should be taken in the choice of issues to address. 29 What does Maria say about offering bonus payments? ( A) It would be less popular than offering stock options. ( B) It may have limited impact on staff loyalty. ( C) Devising a fair system for it mi

16、ght prove difficult. 30 At the end of the meeting, David and Maria agree ( A) to present their proposals to the Board. ( B) to produce a draft action plan for the Managing Director. ( C) to incorporate some of the suggestions made by the consultants. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 80答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 My

17、 name is Jack Lester and Im here to talk about the company I originally founded in nineteen seventy-two, Hinde Instruments. Today, the company, with factories in Nevada and Texas and its headquarters in California, is one of the worlds largest manufacturers of telescopes. Sales have grown at a rate

18、of thirty-six per cent for the last ten years and in two thousand and two, reached one hundred and twenty-six million dollars. But this hasnt always been the case. In fact, in nineteen ninety-one, the threat of bankruptcy was hanging over the company. Ive always been an amateur astronomer and starte

19、d building my own telescopes when I was ten. After working as an engineer at WAC, it seemed quite natural to start my own telescope company, Hinde Instruments. To start with, the company imported telescopes and sold them by mail order, but by nineteen seventy-seven, the company was making its own te

20、lescopes. Almost overnight, we took a huge portion of the market, amateur astronomers being keen to buy our telescopes because of the features they offered. By nineteen eighty-three, sales reached two million dollars. In nineteen eighty-six, I sold the company for six point five million dollars to t

21、he Amtex Group, staying on as President. From the start, I disagreed with the new owners, and things did not go well. Then the sky fell in. In February nineteen ninety-one, the bank called in the companys loans. There was no cash at the time. In fact, the companys balance sheet gave a net worth of m

22、inus two point five million dollars for nineteen ninety-one, the company having lost that much the previous year on sales of eleven point five million dollars. I made a personal loan to the company of sixty-five thousand dollars to stave off the bank for one week so I could start to negotiate with t

23、hree senior managers at Hinde interested in buying the company. It worked, and Amtex agreed to sell us one hundred per cent of the companys stock, along with all its liabilities, for one thousand dollars. As the key investor, I purchased fifty-one per cent of the company for five hundred and ten dol

24、lars. The four of us managed to put together two million dollars, and we decided this was to be used totally on product development. Amtex hadnt moved on any new products, so we had the luxury of engineering and of proof-of-concept waiting for us. We published a new catalogue of high-tech products a

25、nd took out advertising in leading astronomy magazines. Just twelve months after our purchase, we managed to get the company into the black. For the first two years, we all took very modest salaries. But it was an exciting time, and progress was being made. We develop products the market wants to bu

26、y. We rely on our instincts and have frank discussions with dealers. We do this rather than run marketing studies, because we think they can be a waste of time. It sounds simple, and it works for us. And while the advanced telescopes are clearly the companys brand strength, a major reason for our su

27、ccess with consumers is our ability to apply sophisticated technology to mass-market models. We offer a range of telescopes costing from eighty-nine dollars to fifteen thousand dollars, but fifty per cent of sales are generated by telescopes sold for under five hundred dollars. In the future, I see

28、Hinde creating more telescopes for amateur astronomers. But the company is also looking for ways to broaden into new markets. We believe that our core competencies are in demand and will achieve that breakthrough for us. For the last year, for example, the company has supplied optical components to

29、HNT Networks in Seattle, a wireless-communications company. Thank you. If you have any . . . pause Now listen to the recording again. pause That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 seconds to check your answers. 1 【正确答案】 HEADQUARTERS / HQ 2 【正确答案】 BANKRUPTCY 3 【正确答案】 (AN)ENGINEER 4 【正确答案】 MAIL O

30、RDER 5 【正确答案】 FEATURES 6 【正确答案】 LOANS 7 【正确答案】 STOCK 8 【正确答案】 TWELVE MONTHS /12 MONTHS / ONE YEAR / A YEAR 9 【正确答案】 DEALERS 10 【正确答案】 BRAND 11 【正确答案】 CORE COMPETENCIES / COMPETENCES 12 【正确答案】 (OPTICAL)COMPONENTS 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Speaker One Man: There seem to have been so many changes already t

31、his year . . . its hard to keep up, to keep taking things on board. The CEOs nothing if not dynamic, thats for sure! Well, they say this new system will work better, compared to the previous one, with its habit of crashing the network on a weekly basis. Its certainly been tough, battling to meet our

32、 performance targets, only to find your PC cant access anything all afternoon. Its just so frustrating! So lets hope it proves to be one innovation thats of real benefit, that helps us help clients with what they need . . . because thats what were best at, the front line, and I hope we never lose si

33、ght of that. Satisfying them is whats rewarding, after all. Speaker Two Woman: It always comes down to people in the end, and thats why keeping staff happy is so crucial to success. We have to have a culture of creativity, of imagination, to keep improving. Our growth and profits come from our abili

34、ty to keep bringing out new models, new features, that keep us ahead, and of course, those ideas all come from people. Thats why I think this latest in-company development makes sense. Instead of having different people spread about in different departments all over the company, while trying to thin

35、k in related ways, its much better to group them in one section, especially since weve got the space. I think its a good example of intelligent management - proper strategic thinking at its best. Ill be very interested to see what fresh angles come out of the new set-up. Speaker Three Man: Well, yes

36、, its very much in line with the way we usually go about things, so Im sure itll prove to be a change for the better. I mean, if were saying we want to monitor things, to relate achievement to targets and so on, then of course we should be looking to have more aspects tied in and programmed. Its onl

37、y fair that the sales staff should become involved in the setting of targets in the first place, so thats a useful improvement, whichll make them feel more accountable for results. I also think it could have an impact on how they deal with their customers, because theyll have more of a stake. Weve a

38、lways been good at bringing staff on, providing attractive career paths, quarterly bonuses and so on, that keep them motivated. Speaker Four Woman: Well, in a small company like ours, everything has to count for something, otherwise well sink . . . competitions so tight now, we have to be sure that

39、were doing the right thing. Without scale, were never going to be able to compete on price - thats just a fact of life - but where weve always been good, I think, is on getting our name noticed out there. Ingenious promotions, placements, high-profile local sponsorship, that kind of thing . it all a

40、dds up. And I think theyve put the right person in charge this time. Johns skills will transfer very well from his old section, and his IT knowledge is second to none, which will come in very handy here as we battle away with our rather antiquated computers! Speaker Five Man: I have to say I feel al

41、most uneasy about our success . . . its as if its too good to be true, and that eventually all this expansion will have to come to a halt. I dont know if I trust the long-term predictions for growth. But then again, I guess we really have got the right package - a reliable product that customers kno

42、w they can trust in a market where things are changing so rapidly that they can often feel rather bewildered by all the new developments. What they want to be sure of is getting value for money, and were succeeding by offering high-quality products that dont cost the earth. Anyway, I suppose this re

43、furbishment is the right thing to do, to rearrange the sections like this . . . its certainly easier than looking for a new site, at any rate. pause Now listen to the recording again. pause That is the end of Part Two. 13 【正确答案】 F 14 【正确答案】 A 15 【正确答案】 H 16 【正确答案】 C 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【正确 答案】 F 19 【正确答案

44、】 B 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 C 22 【正确答案】 E 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Woman: David, this issue of staff turnover has been brewing for a while. I assume youve had time to read the report from the consultants we called in to look at the problem? And I was horrified to see that turnover of staff is now up to

45、 forty-five per cent a year. Can we put our heads together and see what we can come up with? Man: Yes, Ive read the report and I agree we need to deal with this fairly urgently. Woman: Now, Im aware that our pay rates have not been competitive for a while, but we still seem to be able to recruit, so

46、 we need to look at what happens when people actually start here. They seem to become unhappy when they realise how much we require of them - and in fairly difficult circumstances as well. I think most staff are conscious of how essential they are to our success, but thats clearly not enough . . . w

47、hats your view? Man: Well, reading through the consultants report, it seems there are serious issues affecting all grades of staff - for example, they mentioned the fact that, although new recruits are well catered for, theres no real ongoing training. Then it noted that, once sales staff reach a ce

48、rtain level, theres nowhere for them to go. And also it found that the higher levels of management would like a more clearly defined role in the organisation. It seems there are a range of problems. Woman: Yes, and its not been helped by that newspaper article about our expansion. It was so critical

49、 that I think it will start affecting our ability to attract new staff. Weve already got too many skilled staff leaving, and having a shortage in other areas will just compound the problem. Certainly the article didnt present a very confident view of our future - but people on the inside have more faith in us, thank goodness. Man: Well, weve got a range of options, havent we? I think weve got a good communication


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