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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力综合模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 You will hear a speaker giving a group of managers advice on how to give new trainees the general introduction to the company. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. HOW T

2、O GIVE NEW TRAINEES THE GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY Importance of the General Introduction 【 L1】 The general introduction to a company is significant for new trainees for it offers them the_with their work place. 【 L2】 The general introduction, covering all activities of new trainees, is gen

3、erally a_. 【 L3】 In the work place, a_can aid the trainees to get rid of their nervousness. Information to Offer 【 L4】 The supervisor should provide the trainees information about the structure, principles and_of the company. 【 L5】 The explanation of the_and the division of work among staff members

4、can help the trainees to fit into the team. 【 L6】 In order to gain their formal membership, the trainees should also be fully informed of the_Plan. 【 L7】 A_ document is necessary to make the trainees know working hours, necessary phone numbers for them. 【 L8】 If the trainees ask about risk involved

5、in their work, a Work Place Risk_ must be presented. 【 L9】 Since the trainees are inexperienced, they should be clearly informed of regulations and measures taken to deal with_ situations. 【 L10】 The trainees should know the work procedures and how the_will work out in practice. After Oral Introduct

6、ion 【 L11】 It is suggested to organise visits to the_: work places and facilities for various purposes. 【 L12】 Since the trainees may be bewildered by the shower of information, a_ document may be helpful. 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 11 【 L11】 12

7、 【 L12】 12 You will hear a college lecturer talking to a class of business students about how to meet and greet clients with the proper respect. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. MEET AND GREET CLIENTS Get Of

8、f on the Right Foot 【 L1】 When a businessperson makes the_ with a colleague, he wants to have a successful start. 【 L2】 An unsuccessful start will contribute to a_. Strategies 【 L3】 If you dont stand up when you meet someone, you send a_that he/she is not so important. 【 L4】 A smile is important for

9、 your_can give the other person more information than your words. 【 L5】 _is necessary for it shows your attention on and interest in the people. 【 L6】 When you meet people you dont know, _immediately. 【 L7】 It is not always enough to say who you are, you should give_, for example, about you work. 【

10、L8】 People always consider the person who first offers a handshake is _and at ease. Introductions 【 L9】 In business, it is common to introduce_people to the other party. 【 L10】 The_should be considered more important than your boss. 【 L11】 If you attach importance to the_as you hear it, you are like

11、ly to remember it later. 【 L12】 These rules can help you to have a sound start for_. 13 【 L1】 14 【 L2】 15 【 L3】 16 【 L4】 17 【 L5】 18 【 L6】 19 【 L7】 20 【 L8】 21 【 L9】 22 【 L10】 23 【 L11】 24 【 L12】 BEC商务英语(高级)听力综合模拟试卷 3答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Man: Um, OK, er, may I have your attention, please? Than

12、ks. Today, Ill give a prensen-tation about how to give new trainees the general introduction to the company. Some may take this lightly for they dont think it significant. However, I must point out that they are wrong. lt is very important to give new trainees a proper general introduction to a comp

13、any for it is the first contact of the trainees with their work place, it is generally a formal moment and covers all activities at the arrival of the trainees on the work place. For the trainees the first impression of the work place and staff is very important. A warm welcome in the work place wil

14、l help the trainees overcome their initial nervousness. Then arises the question “how to give new trainees a proper general introduction to a company?“ Well, there are no magic formulas, but I do have a few tips that Id like to share with you. First of all, in order to help the trainees through the

15、orientation period, the supervisor should describe the structure of the company, its principles and philosophy. Its also necessary to explain the work schedule and the tasks of the different staff members in the team. The trainees should also be fully informed of the Internship Activity Plan. Youd b

16、etter distribute a brochure or an organisation chart of the company, as well as a practical information document with working hours, necessary phone numbers for the trainees, etc. The information of “the house rules“ should also be offered. Actually, since it may interest most trainees, the rules ca

17、n be given in written form(English or another language). Then, it is also necessary to let trainees know safety regulations. Appropriate clothing and safety shoes will be provided, etc. lf so required, you will have to distribute a Work Place Risk Analysis form. Regulations and how to act in emergen

18、cy situations should be clarified for the greenhands, without working experience, are lack of ability to handle the situations. Dont forget to check if any documents like Internship Agreements have to be filled in or signed. You are also supposed to explain the work procedures and how the supervisio

19、n will work out in practice such as making appointments and so on. Inform the trainees how many formal assessment conversations you are going to have. Remember to spare enough time to explain and show equipment. When the trainees have no more questions about all this, show the premises: the main bui

20、lding, workshops, changing rooms and facilities for different purposes. The practical things to be organised may also include possible visits to other work places or units. And finally keep this in your mind: the trainees can be really showered with information. Therefore, youd better put informatio

21、n as much as possible on paper: a well-structured document prevents confusion and misunderstanding. Operating in a foreign language and in a new culture may be very confusing. In the beginning, check if the trainees understand you. The trainees should be urged to ask questions about anything that is

22、 not clear. Constant support and encouragement are vital for a positive working relationship. Well, I hope thats helpful to you. Now if anybody has any questions. 【知识模块】 填空题 1 【正确答案】 FIRST CONTACT 【知识模块】 填空题 2 【正确答案】 FORMAL MOMENT 【知识模块】 填空题 3 【正确答案】 (WARM)WELCOME 【知识模块】 填空题 4 【正确答案】 PHILOSOPHY 【知识模

23、块】 填空题 5 【正确答案】 WORK SCHEDULE 【知识模块】 填空题 6 【正确答案】 INTERNSHIP ACTIVITY 【知识模块】 填空题 7 【正确答案】 PRACTICAL INFORMATION 【知识模块】 填空题 8 【正确答案】 ANALYSIS FORM 【知识模块】 填空题 9 【正确答案】 EMERGENCY/EMERGENT 【知识模块】 填空题 10 【正确答案】 SUPERVISION 【知识模块】 填空题 11 【正确答案】 PREMISES 【知识模块】 填空题 12 【正确答案】 WELL-STRUCTURED 【知识模块】 填空题 12 【

24、听力原文】 Woman: Good morning. In todays class well talk about how to meet and greet clients with the proper respect. As we all know, a day in the life of every businessperson is made up of a series of meetings and greetings. Whether you are making the initial contact with a client or a colleague, you w

25、ant to get off on the right foot. Doing so will make the first encounter and subsequent ones go smoothly and easily. Getting off on the wrong foot can make for a difficult recovery. Here are some simple strategies for a successful start. 1. Stand up when you meet someone. This allows you to engage t

26、he person on an equal level eye to eye. By remaining seated, you send a message that you dont think the other person is important e-nough to warrant the effort it takes to stand. If you find yourself in a position where you cant stand up(such as being trapped behind a potted plant), offer an apology

27、 and an explanation. 2. Smile. Your facial expression says more than your words. Look as if you are pleased to meet the other person regardless of what is on your mind. Put a smile on your face for the person standing before you. 3. Make eye contact. Looking at the people you meet says you are focus

28、ed and interested in them. If you are staring off somewhere else, you may appear to be looking for someone more to your liking to come along. 4. Introduce yourself immediately. As soon as you approach people you dont know or are approached by them, say who you are. Dont stand around as if someone el

29、se is in charge of introductions. 5. Include a statement about who you are when necessary. It is not always enough to say, “Hello, Im Mary Jones.“ Give more information. “Hello, Im Mary Jones. I work for XYZ Corporation.“ 6. Offer a firm handshake. Extend your hand as you give your greeting. The per

30、son who puts a hand out first comes across as confident and at ease. Make sure that this physical part of your greeting is professional. Dont offer bone-crushing grips or wimpy limp-wrested shakes. Everyone in business shakes hands with everyone else. 7. Learn how to make smooth introductions. In bu

31、siness you always introduce less important people to more important people. The way to do this is to say the name of the more important person first, followed by the words “ Id like to introduce.“ and then give the other persons name. Be sure to add something about each person so they will know why

32、they are being introduced and will have some information with which to start a conversation. 8. Know who the more important person is. The client or the business prospect is more important than your boss. Just hope your boss agrees. 9. Pay attention to names when you meet people. It is all too commo

33、n to be thinking about what you are going to say next and not focus on the other person. If you concentrate and repeat the name as soon as you hear it, you stand a better chance of remembering it later. Your goal within the first few minutes of meeting other people is to make them feel comfortable a

34、nd to put them ease so they will want to do business with you. When you are confident of the rules for those critical initial encounters, you will have a solid start for long-term profitable relationships. 【知识模块】 填空题 13 【正确答案】 INITIAL CONTACT 【知识模块】 填空题 14 【正确答案】 DIFFICULT RECOVERY 【知识模块】 填空题 15 【正确

35、 答案】 MESSAGE 【知识模块】 填空题 16 【正确答案】 FACIAL EXPRESSION 【知识模块】 填空题 17 【正确答案】 EYE CONTACT 【知识模块】 填空题 18 【正确答案】 INTRODUCE YOURSELF 【知识模块】 填空题 19 【正确答案】 MORE INFORMATION 【知识模块】 填空题 20 【正确答案】 CONFIDENT 【知识模块】 填空题 21 【正确答案】 LESS IMPORTANT 【知识模块】 填空题 22 【正确答案】 CLIENT/BUSINESS PROSPECT 【知识模块】 填空题 23 【正确答案】 NAME 【知识模块】 填空题 24 【正确答案】 LONG-TERM PROFITABLE RELATIONSHIPS 【知识模块】 填空题


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