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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力综合模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 You will hear a speaker giving a group of business students about how to write effective introductory sales letters. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. HOW TO WRITE EF

2、FECTIVE INTRODUCTORY SALES LETTERS Let Your Letter Get Past 【 L1】 It usually takes one_to decide whether to read a letter or discard it. 【 L2】 Nowadays, it is advisable to propose a_first, for it is a qualifying discussion to prepare you to a face-to-face meeting with your client. 【 L3】 If you set a

3、 proper initial aim in your mind, you show a desired appreciation of the_of peoples time. 【 L4】 The five-second rule should be used when you design direct sales letterss and headlines. 【 L5】 Headlines are often used to _of the target in five seconds. 【 L6】 People tend to use less and less time to at

4、tract interest and_. 【 L7】 Our environments train our brain to_and ideas much quicker than we used to. 【 L8】 People get bored sooner, and they need _quicker. Make Your Target Interested in Seeing You 【 L9】 _ letters will be read and understood, as well as saying something about yourself. 【 L10】 You

5、can take the language that your target uses as your_. 【 L11】 It is important to use the persons _and correctly spelled surname in the address. 【 L12】 Make sure that your letter can be read and understood in_. 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 11 【 L11】

6、 12 【 L12】 12 You will hear a successful executive addressing a group of trainees on a business course. She is describing her job to them. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. An Executives Typical Day Her day 【

7、 L1】 The first problem is to find a_. 【 L2】 How many appointments she has depends on how many _ she is discussing. 【 L3】 Just before leaving the office she always_. Meetings 【 L4】 She meets daily with her_. 【 L5】 The maximum length of these meetings is_. 【 L6】 Once a week she meets the_. 【 L7】 They

8、discuss_. 【 L8】 Once a month she gives a_to her colleagues. 【 L9】 As preparation for the presentation, she has to_from various departments. Background 【 L10】 A qualification from the_is essential. 【 L11】 You also need a Masters in_. 【 L12】 For this job,_is the most important quality. 13 【 L1】 14 【 L

9、2】 15 【 L3】 16 【 L4】 17 【 L5】 18 【 L6】 19 【 L7】 20 【 L8】 21 【 L9】 22 【 L10】 23 【 L11】 24 【 L12】 BEC商务英语(高级)听力综合模拟试卷 4答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Man: Um, can I have your attention, please? Thanks. A lot of people ask me how to write an effective introductory letter? Well, there are certain proven rul

10、es and techniques that improve the chances of: a)your letter getting past(or being forwarded by)the secretary to your intended contact, and b)your intended contact being interested in seeing you. Think how you treat unsolicited letters that you receive. Most of these letters go in the bin, and many

11、letters wont even be opened. A few seconds is all anyone takes to decide whether to read a letter or discard it. A secretary will open your letter, and he or she too will decide in just a few seconds whether to read on, then whether to pass it to your intended contact, another person, or to file it

12、or bin it. Increasingly these days its good to aim first for a telephone appointment a qualifying discussion when you can ask helpful questions and seek to understand the clients situation before expecting to agree a face-to-face meeting. You can do a lot on the phone. Having a telephone appointment

13、 in your mind as an initial aim often makes it easier to get the ball rolling. It also shows that you have a professional appreciation of the value of peoples time. Remember that your letter will be competing with perhaps ten, twenty, or even fifty sales letters received every day, sent by sales peo

14、ple also hoping to gain your targets attention. To get through, your sales letter needs to be good, different, professional and relevant. Use the five-second rule when designing direct sales letters opening statements and headlines. You must grab attention in five seconds: thats about ten words comf

15、ortably: fifteen to twenty words at most. This implies a headline, which is why headlines are often used. If you prefer not to use a headline, fine, but still you need to grab attention in your opening paragraph in five seconds. The time available for grabbing attention and conveying meaning is shri

16、nking all the time. People used to talk in terms of four to eight seconds to grab attention. Now its best to work on less than five seconds. This is because progressively we can all absorb information and ideas far more quickly than we used to. Our environments train our brains to do this. Think abo

17、ut TV adverts, video games, chat-rooms, email and text messages, fast-moving media and entertainment generally its all getting quicker we get bored sooner, and we need data quicker. Your contacts are just the same. Quick-thinking senior decisionmakers especially: they need your letters to help them

18、absorb and understand data as quickly as possible. If it takes too long they wont bother. Efficient and effective letters not only get read and get your points across, they also say something about you that you are efficient and effective too. So you need to be very efficient and thoughtful in your

19、use of language and words. Every word must be working for you: if its not, remove it or find another. Think about the language that your intended contact uses for example, what newspaper they are likely to read this is your vocabulary guide. Think about the business vocabulary, too: senior decision-

20、makers and company directors are concerned mainly with making money and saving money. Read the financial pages of the broadsheets look at the words that people use and start using these words too. Obviously make sure you use the persons correct title(Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, etc.)and properly spelled surnam

21、e in the address(initials are considered by some to be more professional and polite than using first names). Keep the sentences short. Introductory letters must be able to be read and understood in under 30 seconds less than 20 seconds even better so your letter will never require more than one side

22、 of paper. The less words the better. Generally three short paragraphs of body-copy suffice. Its doubtful youd achieve what you need in just two: four or five are Okay if theyre very brief: any more is way too much. Use bullet points if you have a number of short points to make. 【知识模块】 填空题 1 【正确答案】

23、A FEW SECONDS 【知识模块】 填空题 2 【正确答案】 TELEPHONE APPOINTMENT 【知识模块】 填 空题 3 【正确答案】 VALUE 【知识模块】 填空题 4 【正确答案】 OPENING STATEMENTS 【知识模块】 填空题 5 【正确答案】 GRAB ATTENTION 【知识模块】 填空题 6 【正确答案】 CONVEY MEANING 【知识模块】 填空题 7 【正确答案】 ABSORB INFORMATION 【知识模块】 填空题 8 【正确答案】 DATA 【知识模块】 填空题 9 【正确答案】 EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE

24、【知识模块】 填空题 10 【正确答案】 VOCABULARY GUIDE 【知识模块】 填空题 11 【正确答案】 CORRECT TITLE 【知识模块】 填空题 12 【正确答案】 30 SECONDS 【知识模块】 填空题 12 【听力原文】 Woman: Well, Ive heard you are not expecting to hear its all easy, because let me tell you, it isnt . Right. So this is our typical day for me you might start. Once I found a

25、 parking space, and that can feel like a job itself, I go up to my office, and my secretary greets me with an enormous pile of post. So the first task of the day is to get through that lot. When thats out of the way, the next thing is the diary. I sit down with my secretary, and we check through all

26、 the various appointments Ive got. How many there are varies a lot according to whether or not Im negotiating any big contracts. Oh, there is one thing I should mention. There is something I always make sure I do before I go home at night. And thats tidy my desk. I had to do that, otherwise its just

27、 impossible to start the next day with any feeling of energy. Well, as Im sure you know, business is basically meetings. Meetings, meetings, meetings! Every day I get together with my line manager and we go over the day ahead and everything else thats coming up. That never lasts more than an hour. I

28、 get on pretty well with him, so I dont mind that. Then there are weekly sessions with the head of marketing. Those meetings are much tougher. We have a really hard look at the sales figures. As if that werent enough, every month I have to go and present a progress report to the rest of the team. Bu

29、t some of these sessions can be very rewarding, because thats when we put together ideas and plans for the coming month. The only problem is that getting ready for these presentations can be difficult, because they involve analysing statistics from various departments. Although it is essential, its

30、very demanding. What you need for this kind of work? Well, I think its a question of balance. You need the right training, but you also have to be the right kind of person for the job. Every one of you who wants to do the kind of work I do will need to take the institute of business diploma as a sta

31、rting point. And after a few years of experience, you will find its time to start on a Masters in business administration. But pieces of paper themselves dont make you good at business. You have to have certain qualities: patience, the ability to work hard, creativity, and most of all, ambition. You

32、ve got to be one of those people who really drive themselves on because if you arent, you wont get anywhere. 【知识模块】 填空题 13 【正确答案】 PARKING SPACE 【知识模块】 填空题 14 【正确答案】 BIG CONTRACTS 【知识模块】 填空题 15 【正确答案】 TIDIES HER DESK 【知识模块】 填空题 16 【正确答案】 LINE MANAGER 【知识模块】 填空题 17 【正确答案】 AN / ONE / 1 HOUR 【知识模块】 填空题 18 【正确答案】 HEAD OF MARKETING 【知识模块】 填空题 19 【正确答案】 THE SALES FIGURES 【知识模块】 填空题 20 【正确答案】 PROGRESS REPORT 【知识模块】 填空题 21 【正确答案】 ANALYSE STATISTICS 【知识模块】 填空题 22 【正确答案】 INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS 【知识模块】 填空题 23 【正确答案】 BUSINESS ADMINSTRATION 【知识模块】 填空题 24 【正确答案】 AMBITION 【知识模块】 填空题


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