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1、BEC商务英语(高级)阅读模拟试卷 125及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the statements below and the five extracts on the opposite page from newspaper articles about economic development of the five places in the world. Which extract(A, B, C, D or E)does each statement(1-8)refer to?For each statement(1-6), mark one lette

2、r(A, B, C, D or E)on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of these letters more than once.There is an example at the beginning(0).Example:0 Mining is the major industry of the area. AJharkhand, a state that traditionally has focused on agriculture, is attracting big international investors as

3、 the costs of land and labour rise in coastal regions. In 2007 alone, 187 new foreign enterprises had established presences in the state. Jharkhands main draw low wages and cheap land will continue to provide incentives for Foreign Direct Investment in the years to come. The state capital Ranchi, a

4、six-hour bus ride from Kolkata, accounts for about 30 percent of the total investment in the state.BVietnam will continue to invest heavily in its agricultural future. Rice is the major product of the country, and Vietnams ever-growing food demands will see that crop yields will need to be consisten

5、tly high. Hi-tech research is required, and government policies will ensure that more R therefore, everyone in that team can meet his need for getting acquainted with different colleagues and learn new skill from each other. Thus the definition of teamwork is a social system including more than thre

6、e people in an organisation or context. These members identify others as one member of the: team and they have the same goal. The managers in Starbucks treat each workpeople equally and all of the staff are called part-ners, even the supervisors of each branch are so(ailed as well. In order to narro

7、w the gap between managers and employees, they also co-work with the basic level staff in the front line. Due to this, they can maintain a good management system and create a much closer and more familiar atmosphere than other places, which makes not only employees enjoy their job but also customers

8、 affected by their enthusiasm. Starbucks has a well-organised communication channel for employees. It places a great importance on labours. For example, managers plan the working hours per worker and arrange the schedule of time off, and meet their requirements according to their wants. There are in

9、terviews every week to see what employees need is. A special survey called “Partner View Survey“ is taken off approximately every two years. The managers can receive feedbacks through the event on which part should be improved or what issue should be paid more attention to. The partners have the rig

10、ht to figure out what is the best policy for them, and the directors show a respect for each suggestion. Starbucks even wants every employee to join in making and developing plans, then achieving their goals all together. As a result, the policies and principles are communicated between all staff, a

11、nd there is no limitation in employees personal opinions. For this reason, business could improve, even innovate their strategies by different ideas. 15 The employees who can understand what customers really need are ( A) managers. ( B) important staff. ( C) supervisors. ( D) best quality personnel.

12、 16 Which of the following is not true according to the second paragraph? ( A) Starbucks mainly benefits from roasting, selling coffee beans and coffee or tea drinks. ( B) Starbucks is worldwide popular due to the price of coffee. ( C) Starbucks is famous for its satisfaction of employees. ( D) Star

13、bucks is worldwide popular due to comfortable surroundings. 17 According to the third paragraph, we can deduce Starbucks attach great importance to ( A) individual effort. ( B) individual ability. ( C) teamwork. ( D) serious atmosphere. 18 In order to narrow the gap between managers and employees, t

14、hey also co-work with the basic level staffs in the front line, which can maintain ( A) a good management system and create a more intimate and familiar atmosphere. ( B) a good management system and create a leisurely atmosphere. ( C) a loose management system and create a much closer and more famil

15、iar atmosphere. ( D) a loose management system and create a more relaxing atmosphere. 19 What is the purpose of “Partner View Survey“? ( A) Through “Partner View Survey“ managers can receive feedbacks to improve their work. ( B) Through “Partner View Survey“ managers can plan the working hours per w

16、orker. ( C) Through “Partner View Survey“ managers can arrange the schedule of time off. ( D) Through “Partner View Survey“ managers can meet the requirements of employees. 20 Why could Starbucks improve its business according to the last paragraph? ( A) Because the partners can figure out their bes

17、t policies, and the directors respect their suggestions. ( B) Because Starbucks closes its ears to partners suggestions. ( C) Because Starbucks allows every employee to make and develop plans. ( D) Because Starbucks has a well-organised communication channel for employees. 四、 PART FOUR 20 Read the a

18、rticle below about the effect of the present economic recession in the United States on American women in contrast to men. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. For each question(21-30), mark one letter(A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet. There is an example

19、 at the beginning(0). The Present Recession Affects Women More Than Men If men were the first to lose their jobs in the heart of the economic crisis in the United States, a study now shows a(0). B. trend, women,【 C1】 _mothers today, are suffering the collateral effects, while the American economy is

20、 back on the road to growth. According to a report by the Joint Economic Committee of American Congress, American men were the most affected at the beginning of the crisis as over-【 C2】 _in most key sectors such as building and industry. Today, they are finding jobs, unlike women and especially sing

21、le mothers. Between October 2009 and March 2010, women have lost 22,000 jobs while men have found 260,000 jobs, a 【 C3】 _ by that Committee. According to the chairwoman of this Committee, Democrat Carolyn Maloney, the conclusions of the survey show that single women were particularly affected, with

22、an【 C4】 _rate that【 C5】_from 8 percent to 13.6 percent between the year 2007 to 2009. 【 C6】 _, one third of jobs destroyed during the current recession were【 C7】 _by women, said Ms. Maloney. For example, it was discovered that during【 C8】 _ recessions, this percentage was lower: Women have been affe

23、cted by 15 percent of job losses during the recession of 2001. While women are losing more jobs, their families are more【 C9】_on women incomes, said Carolyn Maloney. In 2009, 3. 3 million women worked part time for【 C10】 _ reasons, the report said. Either because they had not found a full-time emplo

24、yment or their working hours had been reduced to part time. So lets all hope that this trend will change soon and that the economy gets better soon in America for women as well as for men.Example:A obvious B reverse C reverent D opposite 21 【 C1】 ( A) otherwise ( B) especially ( C) like ( D) particu

25、larly 22 【 C2】 ( A) affected ( B) whelming ( C) indulging ( D) indulged 23 【 C3】 ( A) committee ( B) finding ( C) find ( D) study 24 【 C4】 ( A) unemployment ( B) employment ( C) unemployed ( D) employed 25 【 C5】 ( A) rised ( B) aroused ( C) rose ( D) climbed 26 【 C6】 ( A) Finally ( B) Yet ( C) Throu

26、ghout ( D) Overall 27 【 C7】 ( A) Occupying ( B) hold ( C) Occupied ( D) occupyed 28 【 C8】 ( A) previous ( B) last ( C) passed ( D) past 29 【 C9】 ( A) relying ( B) depending ( C) dependent ( D) reliable 30 【 C10】 ( A) economic ( B) economical ( C) financial ( D) living 五、 PART FIVE 30 Read the articl

27、e below about language learning for small businesses. For each question(31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning(0).What Work Environments Do? Work environments are(0). as varied 【 B1】 _ there are types of businesses. 【 B2】 _it is a large c

28、orporation with multiple departments and locations, or a small business with only a handful of employees, different work environments seem to serve different purposes. If your company is experiencing increased or high turnover rates, it is important to look at all of the aspects that could be affect

29、ing employee satisfaction, but do not overlook the impact and influence the environment could have【 B3】 _the situation. The work environment can include various factors the lighting, furniture, colours, smells, sounds everything that makes【 B4】 _the environment where work happens combines into【 B5】_

30、an overall effect. Some things cannot be helped, of course. For example, a business that specialises【 B6】 _auto-body repair and auto-painting is going to have the equipment needed to get the job done, as well as some pretty strong odors of paint. There are things the employers can do【 B7】 _ minimise

31、 the effects but they will likely not be completely eliminated. One Would assume that individuals who are highly sensitive【 B8】 _this environment would not want to work there and【 B9】 _employees will understand the realities of the work environment. When employees expect a certain type of environmen

32、t and get something very different, problems can result. Those expected to work in a quiet, functional office but who find themselves【 B10】 _in an office environment that is loud, chaotic, with strong fumes coming from a nearby shop or other coping with other uncomfortable environment realities may

33、soon be looking for alternative work. 31 【 B1】 32 【 B2】 33 【 B3】 34 【 B4】 35 【 B5】 36 【 B6】 37 【 B7】 38 【 B8】 39 【 B9】 40 【 B10】 六、 PART SIX 40 Read the text below about job vacancies. In most of the lines(41-52), there is one extra word. It either is grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with

34、the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. The exercise begins with two examples(0 and 00).Knowing Your Strengths0 The idea tha

35、t positive feedback can be as effective as negative feedback in improving00 it performance is not the prevailing view among managers. In fact, when my colleagues【 M1】 _and I who direct an executives attention to the data on his or her strengths,【 M2】 _a typical response is, “Dont tell me to what Im

36、good at. Give me something to work on.“【 M3】 _It underlies the first rule: Get beyond the idea that praise is a tool to make【 M4】 _the people feel good or to fortify them against the negative feedback.【 M5】 _Second, dont assume for that standout strengths that are obvious to you are as obvious【 M6】

37、_to the individuals who possess of them. It is just as difficult for high achievers to see their【 M7】_strengths and as it is for them to see their weaknesses.【 M8】 _Third, when offering up positive feed back, dont expect people will immediately take it in.【 M9】_Just as individuals can have trouble i

38、n hearing criticisms, they can have a hard time【 M10】 _accepting praise. The executives weve worked with cite reasons when they reject praise:【 M11】 _theyre concerned it will go to their heads; they fear it will burden them with other peoples【 M12】 _expectations; and they therefore worry that receiv

39、ing praise only raises the bar higher. 41 【 M1】 42 【 M2】 43 【 M3】 44 【 M4】 45 【 M5】 46 【 M6】 47 【 M7】 48 【 M8】 49 【 M9】 50 【 M10】 51 【 M11】 52 【 M12】 BEC商务英语(高级)阅读模拟试卷 125答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 C 2 【正确答案】 B 3 【正确答案】 E 4 【正确答案】 A 5 【正确答案】 B 6 【正确答案】 D 7 【正确答案】 E 8 【正确答案】 A 二、 PART TWO 9 【正确答案】 H

40、【试题解析】 因为前一句讲到这个策略包括询问使用我们产品或享受我们服务的律师,会计师,金融分析师,投资经理,科学研究者和其他专业人士每分钟都在干什么。同时后面一句讲到这样做,我们就学会了帮助终端消费者的方式,如果不采取上述策略这种方式我们也许永远不会找到。故应选 H。 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从上下文关系来看,前一句讲到如果我们是一个消费者产品公司,这种对终端客户的仔细观察是极其正常的 。其后一句讲到但是像很多其他的商务对商务公司一样, Thomson一直以来对购买者而不是终端消费者了解得更多。所缺的句子是举例说明对终端客户比较关心的消费者产品公司的做法。对应 D项提到:宝洁公司

41、一向以跟随在店里购物的顾客和观察在厨房里的消费者而著名,符合上下文的语境要求。 11 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 前一句讲到但是像很多其他的商务对商务公司一样, Thomson一直以来对购买者而不是终端消费者了解得更多。其后一句为 Thomson公司的转变早在十多年前就开始了。所缺的句子应该是对 “Thomson一直以来对购买者而不是终端消费者了解得更多 ”。这种情况的具体说明。 E项提到:比如说,我们对为整个部门做出采购决定的金融服务信息经理了解得很多,但是对于使用我们的数据,研究结果和其他资源为客户做投资决定的个人经纪人或投资银行家的了解就会相对很少,符合上下文语境。 12 【正确答案

42、】 B 【试题解析】 所缺的句子应该是对当时公司基本情况的介绍。 B项提到:那时Thomson是个有 70年历史的公司,有 87亿美元的收入。符合上下文语境。 13 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 所缺句子应该是对市场 变化的具体情况的说明,并且这个情况是纸质财产的价值处于危险中的原因。对应 F项中提到:特别是,互联网的崛起将会永久地改变报纸和出版市场,符合上下文语境。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 所缺的句子应该是对 “转变 ”过程的进一步论述。 A项提到:可是真正的突破发生在几年后的转变过程中, 2001年我们意识到我们需要比以前任何时候更加关注顾客,符合上下文语境。 三、 PAR

43、T THREE 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 第一段讲述了随着全球化速度的加快,竞争愈演愈烈,拥有相似产品的服务行 业更是如此。商家成功的关键不仅在于提供高质量的产品,而且合作环境和零售商的团队工作效率也很重要。直接与客户打交道并且熟知客户需要的雇员是一线工作人员。因此,公司有必要通过激励、薪酬和培训使他们成为最佳雇员。据此,可确定 B项为正确选项。 A、 C、 D项与文中内容不符,可排除。 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 该段讲述的是星巴克的发展史。星巴克是由在大学期间相识的三位好朋友所创立的。这家世界领先的咖啡零售连锁店主要经营咖啡豆、多种咖啡以及茶饮品,全世界有四千多家连锁

44、店,是美国发展最快的企业之一。其成 功的原因不仅在于它提供高质量的咖啡,更多的是来自于它优质的客户服务和温馨的环境。此外,星巴克也以其员工的高满意度而著称。据此,只有 B项在原文中没有提到。 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 该段主要讲述团队合作。本段开头就指出星巴克为我们提供了一个合作与团队工作的最佳的商业模式。团队工作可以是一个组织中建立的小的团体,也可以是不同技术和专业领域的员工组成的团队,它主要的任务就是为了完成企业共同的目标。团队中的每一名成员都发挥重要的作用,需要互相熟悉并互相学习专业知识,以完成共同的目标。由此可以确 定 C项为正确选项。 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】

45、 第四段讲述了星巴克各级员工的平等关系。星巴克的经理平等对待每一名员工,所有的员工都被称为 “合作伙伴 ”,甚至每一家连锁店的负责人也被如此称呼。为了减少经理和员工之间的差距,经理也会与一线员工一起工作,这样做能够维持良好的管理体制,创造更加和谐的氛围,使员工能够享受工作,顾客也能够被他们的热情所感染。 A项表述与文中内容相符: B项中 leisurely意为“宽松的,休闲的 ”,与原文中 “closer”不符; C、 D项内容未在文中提及。 19 【正确 答案】 A 【试题解析】 第五段进一步说明星巴克高度重视员工情感与员工价值。例如,经理根据员工的需求,计划每位员工的工作时间,安排好休息时

46、间。每周经理和员工都见面以了解员工的需要。一个被称为 “合作伙伴观点调查 ”的项目大概每两年进行一次。从这项调查中经理能够得到诸多反馈,比如说哪些方面可以得到改善,什么问题需要注意等。题干意为 “合作伙伴观点调查 ”的目的是什么 ?本段最后一句话 “The man-agers can receive feedbacks through the event on which parts should be improved orwhat issue should be paid more attention to ”与 A项内容相符,可确定 A项为正确答案。 B、 C、 D项所述内容虽然在原文中

47、提到,但与题目不符。 20 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 该段讲述了合作伙伴有权确定适合自己的最好的政策,负责人对每项建议表示充分的尊重。星巴克甚至想让每一位员工加入到制定计划中来,然后一起实现目标。政策和原则可以在所有员工之中进行交流和讨论,对于员工的个人意见也不加限制。因此。企业得以发 展,不同的想法也创新了企业的各项策略。题干问及星巴克得以发展的原因是什么,综合这一段的内容,是因为星巴克员工良好的交流渠道。据此,可确定 D项为正确选项, A、 B、 C项所述内容与题干不符,均可排除。 四、 PART FOUR 21 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 词义辨析题。 A项意为 “否则 ”;

48、B项意为 “尤其,特别是 ”; C项意为 “像 ”; D项意为 “尤其 ”。根据该句表达的意思,应该选 D项。因为这里强调把mothers作为 women中的一个很独特、很特别的特殊群体来进行描述。 22 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 词义辨析题。 A项意为 “被体现,被代表 ”; B项意为 “覆盖的,淹没的 ”; C项意为 “纵容,沉溺,牵就 ”; D项意为 “被娇惯的 ”。根据该句表达的意思。应该选 A项。 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 词义辨析题。 A项意为 “委员会 ”; B项意为 “调查结果,研究结果 ”; C项意为 “(有价值的 )发现物 ”; D项意为 “学习,调查,研

49、究 (成果 )”。根据该句表达的意思,应该选 B项,取其 “调查结果 ”之义。 24 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 综合辨析题。首先确定各个选项单词的含义。 A项意为 “失业 ,失业人数 ”; B项意为 “工作,职业,雇用,使用 ”; C项意为 “失业的,闲着的 ”; D项意为 “受雇佣的,被使用的 ”。这里需要了解的知识是: unemployed或 employed表示 “失业的 ”或 “被雇用的 ”修饰名词时只能置于表示人的名字之前,故排除 C和D项。另外, an the unemployment rate表示 “失业率 ”, an the employment rate意为 “就业率 ”,这两个均为固定表达,而根据该句要表达的意思,正确答案应为 A项。 25 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 词义辨析题。 A项可分 解为 “rise(升高,举起 )+d”的形式,不是单词,也不是 rise的过去式 (此时应为 ros


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