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1、BEC商务英语(高级)阅读模拟试卷 16及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the sentences below and five paragraphs. Which view (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1 - 8 refer to? For each sentence 1-8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E)on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. A The Sp

2、eech of the Paper Presenters The presentation of academic papers is the most fundamental form of communication at international academic conferences and the core activity of a simulated international academic conference as well. Well require that, on the platform, the students should be able to adju

3、st themselves to the. optimal state, control their voice, volume, speed and intonation, adapt themselves to the situation and ex- press themselves freely. Skills of opening are introduced to them such as direct opening, thanking and praising, background introduction, and humorous expressions, in ord

4、er to attract attention. They are also taught the approaches to logical development, topic shitting illustrating facts, displaying concrete examples, emphasizing key points, dealing with long sentences, repairing slip of the tongue, etc. B On-the-spot Preparations On-the-spot preparations relatively

5、 simple, which mainly refers to the arrangement of the conference room one or two hours before the conference, including hanging the logo, posting the papers (or abstracts), preparing drinks (for the breaks), adjusting the projector, arranging the seats of the guests, ensuring the recording and phot

6、ographing, etc. C Canberra Canberra, with a population of 286,000, is the regional capital of the Australinal Capital Territory (A. C. T.). The A.C.T was created especially as home for the national capital in 1911 to prevent jealousy between the various states (former colonies) of the country. It is

7、 located in south-east Australia and surrounded on all sides by New South Wales (originally the prison colony established by the British in 1788). All the major government administrative offices, the Australian National University, and the national museums are sited in Canberra. About 60% of the wor

8、k force is employed by the government, with a small electronics industry providing most of the other jobs available. Originally a small town, the purpose-built capital shows urban planning at its best, with elegant public buildings and landscapes gardens. D Algarve Whatever kind of holiday you want,

9、 youll find it in the Algarve, the garden coast of Portugal. But what the Algarve does, and better than most places, is the villa holiday. With your chosen companions-there are villas catering for from four to eight people - you for a package that includes transfers from Faro Airport to the villa, a

10、 fully-stocked fridge on arrival, maid service, arid a fabulous villa with its own swimming pool are feeling really lazy, or simply want to try Portuguese cuisine without the worry of which restaurant to choose, a cook. The best villas are usually those located on a hillside overlooking the sea, alt

11、hough there are some very attractive ones that are almost on the beach. E The ideal size for a team is between 5 and 8 members. Larger that this and agreements are more difficult to reach. Each member of the team must have a clear picture of the goals of that particular team and be committed to, and

12、 responsible for, the other members of his or her team. it is essential that teams should act together and develop the team spirit rather than working individually. Training should take place together, along with group discussions, debate and decision-making based on the various situations that team

13、 is being trained to respond to. 1 During the course of the use of such aids as projectors, slides, recordings and videos is also encouraged so as to improve the effect of oral presentation. 2 It is the national capital of Australia. 3 It includes determining the conference agenda. 4 If you communic

14、ate at international academic conferences, you will use it. 5 It may be able to come up with solutions much faster. 6 If you want to go some place for a holiday, you can go there. 7 The work force with electronics industry provides most of the other jobs available. 8 Faced with the unexpected, count

15、s for more than one person working single handed. 二、 PART TWO 8 Read the article about management buyouts of companies. Choose the best sentence from below to fill in each of the gaps. For each gap 9 14, mark one letter (A H). Do not use any letter more than once. Involving staff in management buy-o

16、ut (MBO) negotiations can help smooth the path for the future, Employees are becoming increasingly familiar with the fluctuations and instability that their working environments can present. Its not just mergers and acquisitions that can upset the situation. Internal MBOs can also be particularly un

17、settling for employees. In some cases, the MBO takes place to save an ailing company. In others, it is the result of senior management and board disagreements, or is to prevent a hostile takeover bid, (9) . This insecurity can be very damaging, One of the most important factors, often not considered

18、 during the process of an MBO, is the reaction of the workforce, yet it is those employees who more often than not can make or break the future success of any new management team. (10) . By maintaining channels of communication across the floor, new management teams could find the rank and file a us

19、eful ally in the bid to take over. Showing those employees that a buy-out could be to their advantage, creating new opportunities for promotion or career development, will in the long-term be advantageous to the entire company. The challenge for new management should be to reinspire employees. (11)

20、. If the new team doesnt engage old employees in future plans or consider the contribution they cats make, the idea that the MBO was meant to save everyone is lost. In this situation, long-term employees begin to see the new management team and shareholders as the only beneficiaries in the buy-out a

21、nd feel in the end that the only people saved are those at the top of the corporate adder. (12) . This will mean that the rescue will fail before it has really started. It is depressingly common for new MBO teams not to learn from the past. (13) . If the new team can find innovative ways to involve

22、staff actively in various aspects of the buy-out process, the benefits are manifold. (14) . A package with such components can gain their support and be invaluable building success for the venture, and is one that enlightened MBO teams tend to adopt. A. Including them in any buy-out, discussions can

23、 improve the new companys future prospects. B. In such circumstances it is easy for the new board to make the same mistakes as the old. C. Possibilities for realising these include decision-making, setting goals, and offering the chance of a future stake in the new company. D. Whatever its origins,

24、those lower down the corporate ranks can often be left out of the equation, wondering what is to become of them. E. Nobody benefits if the company fails to meet its objectives. F. Yet the new start represents a golden opportunity. G. This requirement is particularly relevant when a company has faile

25、d or when staff have lost faith in the previous management. H. Internal MBOs can also be particularly unsettling for employees. 三、 PART THREE 14 Read the following extract from an article about French bank and answer the questions. For each question 15-20, mark one letter A, B, C or D for the answer

26、 you choose. If you are buying a property in France, whether for a permanent or a holiday home, if is important to open a French bank account. Although it is possible to exist on travellers cheques, Eurocheques and credit cards issued by British banks, the fees for these services can be expensive. T

27、he simplest way to pay regular bills, such as electricity, gas, or telephone, particularly when you are not in residence, is by direct debit from your French account. To open a current account, you will need to show your passport and birth certificate and to provide your address in native country. Y

28、ou will be issued with a cheque book within weeks of opening the account. In France it is illegal to be overdrawn. All accounts must be operated in credit. However, there are no bank charges. Note that cheques take longer to clear in France than in Britain, and can only be stopped if stolen or lost.

29、 The easiest way to transfer money from a British bank to a French one is by bank transfer: simply provide your British bank with the name, address and number of your French bank account. The procedure takes about a week and costs between 25 and 40 for each transaction, depending on your British ban

30、k. Alternatively, you can transfer money via a French bank in London. You can also send a sterling cheque (allow at least 12 days for the cheque to be cleared), Eurocheques or travellers cheques. Finally, it is a good idea to make a friend of your French bank manager. His help can prove invaluable.

31、15 If you buy a property in France, you can save money by _. ( A) having a French bank account ( B) transferring money from Britain ( C) cashing travellers cheques or Eurocheques ( D) using credit cards issued by British banks 16 The word “debit“ in the second paragraph means _. ( A) remit ( B) with

32、draw ( C) deposit ( D) loan 17 One advantage French banks have over British banks is that _. ( A) you may take out more money than what is in the account ( B) the interest rates on bank accounts are higher ( C) cheques are dealt with more rapidly ( D) you dont have to pay for services 18 If you want

33、 to open a current account in France, you will NOT need to _. ( A) show your passport ( B) show your birth certificate ( C) buy a house in France ( D) provide your address in native country 19 The swiftest way to send money from England to France is _. ( A) to forward an English cheque to your Frenc

34、h bank account ( B) to go to a French bank in London ( C) to use a cashiers cheque ( D) to arrange a bank transfer 20 The best title for this passage is _. ( A) How to Open a French Bank Account ( B) The Difference between Banking in Britain and France ( C) The Way to Transfer Money from Britain to

35、France ( D) A Guide to Banking in France 四、 PART FOUR 20 Read the article below about team-building. Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. For each question 21-30 mark one letter ( A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Learn to Be a Team Player A wise man once s

36、aid to a young novice, “The best way to limit your accomplishments is to try doing everything by yourself.“ A simple statement, yet it has (21) implications. The result is evident when you work with others: You (22) your effectiveness. You achieve bigger success. You and your team can go far. In fac

37、t, the sky is the limit when you all work as a team. The adage, “many hands make light work“ is not only tree but practical these days when the demands and pressure at workplace are high. More often, lone rangers tire and get worn out before they (23) . So its wiser to inculcate team spirit from you

38、ng, especially in the school, and learn the skills needed to be a survivor in the working field (24) on in life. Team-building is an art. And like any artisan, we all need to embrace the skills required to be a perfect artist. It may take heaps of encouragement, tons of (25) and a truckload of patie

39、nce to master the skills. It also takes careful delegation and long hours. But the results are (26) it. Also We need to (27) with our peers. We may need to harness their energy, ideas and share in their wisdom. We must learn to (28) responsibilities and duties and not attempt to reinvent the wheel,

40、so to (29) . Remember, two heads are better than one. So, be prepared to work with others and work as a team. (30) , it is the end results that matter. Working as a team, the goal always seems easier to achieve than if we were to go at it alone. ( A) complex ( B) intense ( C) apparent ( D) far-reach

41、ing ( A) enlarge ( B) multiply ( C) accelerate ( D) stretch ( A) triumph ( B) conquer ( C) prevail ( D) exult ( A) working ( B) keeping ( C) later ( D) going ( A) praise ( B) exaltation ( C) flattery ( D) admiration ( A) paying off ( B) worth ( C) making ( D) deserving ( A) cope ( B) join ( C) compe

42、te ( D) collaborate ( A) assign ( B) delegate ( C) transfer ( D) allocate ( A) declare ( B) mention ( C) speak ( D) tell ( A) Lastly ( B) Nevertheless ( C) Eventually ( D) Consequently 五、 PART FIVE 30 Read the article below about flattery. For each question 31-40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS o

43、n your Answer Sheet, Fooled by Flattery Being swept along by their followers isnt the only form of influence that leaders need to be wary of. Sometimes, follower influence takes the subtler and gentler form of ingratiation. Must people learn very early in life that a good way to get people to like y

44、ou (31) to show that you like them. Flattery, favors, and frequent compliments all tend to win people (32) Leaders, naturally, like those who like them and are more apt to let those they are fond of influence them. F or their part, followers think that (33) on the bosss good side gives them some mea

45、sure of job security. Indeed, a recent study indicated (34) successful ingratiators gained a 5% edge over other employees in performance evaluations. This kind of margin by (35) wont get someone ahead, but in a competitive market, it might (36) tip the scale toward one of two people up for a promoti

46、on. Everyone loves a sincere compliment, but those who already think highly (37) themselves are most susceptible to flatterys charms. Gratuitous ingratiation can create a subtle shift in a leaders attitude toward power. Instead of viewing power as (38) to be used in the service of the organization,

47、clients, and stakeholders, the leader treats it as a tool to further personal interests, sometimes at the expense of others in and outside the organization. (39) happens as a leader starts to truly believe his press and comes to feel more entitled (40) privileges than others. 六、 PART SIX 40 Read the

48、 letter below about a kind of service offered by a company. In most of the lines 41-52 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. If there i

49、s an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Kelly Associates Investigative Consultants I hope that you are enjoying the challenge of your tour in the United States of America. Perhaps my firm can be of much service to you in meeting that 41 challenge. Kelly Associates specializes in the prevention and detection of 42 the business frauds, which are making a significant problem in the United States. 43 The US Department of Justice estimates that frauds will cost US busin


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