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1、BFT阅读(综合)模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 Part 1 0 It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. 【 R1】 _ Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling.

2、【 R2】 _It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the hob, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor.【 R3】 _The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.【 R4】_A chance conversation with a

3、stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on.【 R5】_It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of ones entire life. 【 R6】 _Throughout a count

4、ry, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, and taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. 【 R7】 _For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems

5、 in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. 【 R8】_ A. Education knows no bounds. B. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. C. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. D. There are definite conditions surrounding t

6、he formalized process of schooling. E. Whereas schooling has certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. F. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. G. Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized p

7、rocess, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. H. The slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. 1 【 R1】 2 【 R2】 3 【 R3】

8、 4 【 R4】 5 【 R5】 6 【 R6】 7 【 R7】 8 【 R8】 8 People who are used to taking drugs or medicine when they are ill, or who expect to have an operation in a hospital, find the idea of acupuncture very strange. 【 R1】 _It began in ancient China, and although it seems to be “unscientific“ to Western minds, it

9、s principles are precise, and based on a belief that man is spiritual creature, as well as a physical one. According to acupuncture, the human body contains twelve invisible path ways, or lines, which pass through it.【 R2】 _These meridians carry a “life force“, which must be able to flow easily thro

10、ugh the body.【 R3】 _ The skilled acupuncturist learns where the meridians are, and how each one influences different parts of the body and the mind.【 R4】 _Normally, the patient feels no pain. The needle starts a current to imagine this, think of an electric current when travels through the meridian

11、to the physical nervous system. The part of the body, which is ill, then responds to the impulse carried on the current. The acupuncturist inserts the needle or needles in different places, according to the effect he wants to produce.【 R5】_To an acupuncturist, the parts of the body work together in

12、a way that Western medicine cannot understand. 【 R6】 _It is difficult for Westerners to understand Yin and Yang, but we can think of the complementary opposites such as male and female, night and day, positive and negative electrical charges, birth and death.【 R7】 _Disease and illness of the body oc

13、cur when the balance of Yin and Yang in it is upset. Acupuncture can help to restore this balance. What can this form of medicine cure? Its followers say it can treat many illnesses including stomach disorders, spinal diseases and headaches. It can be used as an anesthetic, and in one hospital in Br

14、itain, women giving birth are offered acupuncture instead of pain-killing drugs. 【 R8】 _ A. If it cant, the body becomes ill. B. This can mean that a needle is inserted into the back of the knee to treat headaches, for example. C. However the most important aspect of acupuncture for Westerners is th

15、at it can help where allopathy has failed. D. In fact, acupuncture is a much older form of medicine than allopathy, which is what most doctors practice in the West. E. To the Chinese, everything in the world is either Yin or Yang, and the balance of the two forces is essential for peace and harmony.

16、 F. Behind the healing power of acupuncture are the ancient Chinese ideas of Yin and Yang two forces which both oppose and complement each other. G To treat a patient, he puts a needle(made of copper, gold or silver)into the skin at an exact place on a meridian. H. These path ways are called “meridi

17、ans“, and they are quite different from the physical nervous system well-known to Western doctors. 9 【 R1】 10 【 R2】 11 【 R3】 12 【 R4】 13 【 R5】 14 【 R6】 15 【 R7】 16 【 R8】 16 The place is a lovely meadow surrounded by deep woods on a hilltop overlooking a beautiful lake in the Catskill Mountains 120 m

18、iles from New York. It is a quarter past eight in the morning, and you are about to commute to your office in the city. Yet there is no paved highway nearer than fifteen miles, and it is fifty miles to a railroad station. 【 R1】 _You press the button of a box nearby and a radio signal flashes to the

19、machine. The aircraft, looking oddly like a horizontal electric fan, drones toward you. When the pilot is directly overhead, all forward movement of the machine ceases and it descends vertically until the cabin door is within a foot of the ground. On the machines gray side is painted Helicopter Expr

20、ess to New York. 【 R2】 _ Fifty minutes later the helicopter bus hovers over a midtown New York building, descends slowly to alight on a roof space some sixty yards square. You go into the building, take the elevator to the street below, and walk half a block to your office. 【 R3】 _ 【 R4】 _If so, I c

21、an assure you, as a practical aeronautical engineer, that such a trip is neither fantastic nor impractical. I am convinced that a helicopter bus service is not only practicable but also, in fact, inevitable. In the air age of tomorrow, the manufacture, sale, and upkeep of the direct-lift machine wil

22、l become a billion-dollar industry just as the automobile industry. There will be many startling changes in our way of life. 【 R5】 _Millions of acres of hitherto inaccessible land will be developed with small homes for medium-or low-income groups. A cheap, swift helicopter bus service will ferry the

23、se people to and from their work. Suburbs will include ten thousand or more square miles. Real estate values will come within the reach of average incomes, and the people will literally return to the good earth. 【 R6】 _But the short haul of less than 1000 miles is equally the task of the helicopter,

24、 which can do it with the greatest efficiency. Express and air mail will be carried from the airports to final destination by helicopter. There will be a direct-lift machine service to take airliner passengers from the airport to the city in a few minutes. There will be special delivery of perishabl

25、e food to your door. The winter growth of fresh vegetables such as beans and tomatoes, celery and lettuce, in the warm South and the Far West has been hitherto restricted because of cost and time for transportation to market. 【 R7】 _ Private and bus helicopters will make possible vacations at seasho

26、re or mountain for countless thousands. The helicopter will destroy space for millions of people.【 R8】_To hover and fill ones eyes with an enchanting vista is to bring joy to the soul. A. Long-distance transportation of passengers and freight over land and sea will definitely remain the job for the

27、large airplane. B. Most important is that hundreds of thousands of people can return to the health and beauty of the countryside. C. Now you hear a low hum, and over the horizon appears a flying machine. D. Nothing is more delightful than touring in a helicopter. E. Does this sound like a fantasy im

28、agined by science fiction writers? F. Not quite an hour has elapsed since you drank your morning coffee in your home. G. The airline and helicopter freight service will speed such healthy foods to the ends of the nation. H. The door opens and you step inside. 17 【 R1】 18 【 R2】 19 【 R3】 20 【 R4】 21 【

29、 R5】 22 【 R6】 23 【 R7】 24 【 R8】 BFT阅读(综合)模拟试卷 3答案与解析 一、 Part 1 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本文论述了广义的教育和学校教育的差别。文章前两句话提到了两个相对的观点,后面两段分别论述了广义的教育和学校教育的差别。中间缺少一个过渡句,那么空格处就应该选 C: “这种说法暗示了学校教育不同于广义的教育,而这种区别是非常重要的。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 第 2段的首句提到广义的教育比学校教育自由得多,内容也广泛得多。与选项 A“教育是没有范围的 ”相

30、呼应。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 3 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 从空格前后句可以得出,教育的地点和教育者是各式各样的,选项F与之相呼应,点明了教育的实质。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 4 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 空格的后句: “与陌生人的偶然交谈,可以使一个人发现其对其他宗教的了解是多么肤浅。 ”是一个例子,恰恰论证了选项 E: “学校教育具有一定的可预见性,而广义的教育却常常产生出人意料的结果。 ”这种观点,所以应该选E。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从空格的后句 “教育是贯穿人一生的过程 ”推出,前面应该有一个关于教育性

31、质的说明与之相呼应。选项 B: “广义的教育是十分广泛、包罗万象的一种概念。 ”符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 6 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 通读第 3段发现本段论述了学校教育的范围、性质等。空格处缺少的是一个主题句。选项 G: “反之,学校教育却是详细、具体、形式明确的过程,其总体模式差异甚微。 ”是合适的选项。 【知识模块 】 逻辑分析选择填空题 7 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 此空格处的后句是一个细节: “高中生在有限的课堂里有很多学不到的东西,比如社区政治、电影动态等。 ”这就恰恰论证了选项 H的观点。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 8 【正确答案】 D 【

32、试题解析】 空格处即最后一句是对学校教育的总结。选项 D: “学校教育的这种形式明确的过程受到具体条件的影响。 ”符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析 】 本文介绍了中国传统医学 针灸法。首段是一个导入段,引出了针灸这个话题。从第 2段的第 2句判断,此段讲述了针灸的由来。所以空格处应该选 D: “实际上,针灸是比西方大多数医生采用的医疗方法更为古老的医疗方法。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 10 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 第 2段介绍了人体里的 12条 path ways(经络 ),空格的后句出现了一个

33、新名词: meridians。那么空格处也应该具体解释这些经络与 meridians的关联。选项 H: “这些经络被称为子午线,与西方医生所熟知的神 经系统不同。 ”是一个很好的衔接句。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 空格的前句指出:经络里有一种生命力,这种生命力很容易流过整个身体。空格处应该选 A: “如果不能,身体就会得病。 ”才合乎题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 12 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 第 4段讲述了有经验的针灸医生如何诊治病人。空格后一句话讲述病人对针的反应以及针扎入穴位后开始的一个流通循环。那么空格处应该是医生如何扎针

34、。选项 G正确。 【知识模块】 逻辑 分析选择填空题 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 空格前一句介绍了针灸常常是针治患处以外的地方。那么选项 B正是这样一个例子:针灸膝盖的后部可以治疗头痛。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 14 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 文章第 5段讲述了针灸治疗功能的理论基础 阴阳论。空格处应该选 F,起主导本段的作用。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 15 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 第五段空格后一句提到阴阳失衡会使身体生病,所以空格处应该选E: “中国人认为,阴阳平 衡才会使身体各项功能协调。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 16 【正确答案】

35、 C 【试题解析】 文章最后一段提到了针灸的治疗范围。选项 C: “然而对于西方人来说,针灸最重要的方面是能在西方医疗方法失败时起作用。 ”是合适的结尾句。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本文讲直升机短途服务给人们的生活带来的种种变化。前 3段描述了一个假设的场面,说明直升机的便捷服务。本题考查考生对前后段内容的把握。上文 中提到 “你准备上班,可是方圆 15英里内没有公路 ” ,所以 F选项“ 直升机出现在你的视野内 ”最恰当。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 18 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 空格前文提到直升

36、机停在你家门口,故 H选项与上文相关。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 19 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 空格前文讲述了直升机 50分钟以后把你送到办公地点, F选项自然承接上文。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 20 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 本题考查考生对全文 ,尤其前 3段与下文的逻辑关系的把握能力。E选项作为一个自然的过渡,既与上面的描述衔接,又与下文的内容呼应。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题既涉及考生对文章的整体结构 (尤其第 5段末的全文核心句 “这将给我们的生活方式带来惊人的变化 ”)的把握,又涉及考生对下文的句意内容

37、的理解。能够满足这两个要求的选项为 B。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 22 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查考生对段落内部逻辑的把握。既然下文说 “But the short haul of less than1000 miles is equally the task of the helicopter”,相对应的上文就该是 A项。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 23 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 本题考查考生对段落内部逻辑的把握。上文提到由于时间和成本的问题,新鲜蔬菜的输出受到了限制, G选项自然承接上文。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 24 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 文章最后一段讲述了直升机给旅游带来的便利,故 D选 项正确。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题


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