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1、BFT阅读(综合)模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 Part 1 0 Facial expressions carry meaning, determined by contexts and relationships. 【 R1】_A womans smile at a policeman who is about to give her a ticket does not carry the same meaning as the smile she gives to a young child. A smile may show affection, convey politeness,

2、or disguise true feelings. Pain is conveyed by a grimace, which also signifies disgust or disapproval. Surprise, shock, or disbelief can be shown by raising the eyebrows. A wink given to a friend may mean “you and I have a secret“ or “I am just kidding“.【 R2】 _Our faces easily reveal emotions and at

3、titudes. 【 R3】 _The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as members of another does not mean they do not experience emotions. Rather, there are cultural restraints on the amount of nonverbal expressiveness permitted. Given individual differences, it is difficult t

4、o make generalizations about a cultural style of communication.【 R4】 _People from certain ethnic backgrounds in the United States may use their hands, bodies, and faces more than other Americans. There are no fixed rules, although it is considered negative or suspicious to have a “deadpan“ expressio

5、n or a “Poker face“.【 R5】 _ Eye contact is important because insufficient or excessive eye contact may create communication barriers. It is important in relationships because it serves to show intimacy, attention, and influence.【 R6】 _It is, however, common for two strangers to walk toward each othe

6、r, make eye contact, smile and perhaps even say “Hi“.【 R7】 _This type of glance does not mean much; it is simply a way of acknowledging another persons presence. In a conversation too little eye contact may be seen negatively because it conveys lack of interest, inattention, or even mistrust. 【 R8】_

7、 A. Americans express themselves facially in varying degrees. B. Between a man and a woman, a wink can be flirtatious. C. The degree of facial expressiveness also varies among individuals and cultures. D. Some people can be “read like a book“; others are difficult to read. E. For instance, the smile

8、, which is typically an expression of pleasure, has many functions. F. As with facial expressions, there are no specific rules governing eye behavior except that it is considered rude to stare, especially at strangers. G. The relationship between mistrust and lack of eye contact is stated directly i

9、n the expression, “Never trust a person who cant look you in the eye.“ H. The strangers may immediately look away and forget that they even had any contact. 1 【 R1】 2 【 R2】 3 【 R3】 4 【 R4】 5 【 R5】 6 【 R6】 7 【 R7】 8 【 R8】 8 The influence of climate on behavior appears all-pervasive. Indeed, who can c

10、laim that weather factors have no influence on their decision-making?【 R1】 _Peoples moods also change with the weather: bright sunny days seem to lift spirits, while dark rainy periods bring on depression. Law enforcement agencies are beginning to show interest in the effect of atmospheric condition

11、s on behavior.【 R2】 _Both monthly and seasonal variations are considered to reflect the varying influence of temperature, precipitation, humidity, length of daylight, and a number of other climatological factors. Various studies find relationships between specific climatological conditions and crime

12、. Rising temperature is generally accompanied by increases in aggression and violent crime. 【 R3】 _ Rain, cloud cover, and other forms of inclement weather are associated with lower levels of property crimes and increased depression. 【 R4】 _The analysis also shows that as humidity increases the leve

13、l of crime decreases. Temperature also has a great effect. Increasing temperature fails to influence the number of nighttime burglaries / larcenies, but it does increase the other crime categories. Burglaries / larcenies(day and night)and daytime assaults also tend to increase along with cloud cover

14、. 【 R5】 _ Individuals who respond with criminal behavior to weather changes or weather extremes may be controllable by administering drugs that offset these influences. 【 R6】_Changing or manipulating the weather is one possible means of attacking a weather crime interaction. 【 R7】 _ Minor changes ma

15、y be possible such as regulation of rainfall of sky cover. On the other hand, temperature control may be possible. 【 R8】 _Once this is accomplished, it will be necessary to devise more accurate means of forecasting the weather, counteracting the effects of weather on human behavior, and controlling

16、the environment, or identifying other approaches to the problem. A. Every year, the FBIs Uniform Crime Reports provide breakdowns of the crime rates by month and season of the year. B. Everyone can point to instances where plans and activities have been changed because of weather conditions. C. On t

17、he other hand, high humidity appears to reduce the incidence of physical activity and aggression. D This approach may not be feasible due to many relationships between weather / climate and rotation of the earth. E. More research is needed to assess and clarify the relationship between crime and the

18、 various climatological factors. F. Our study showed that low humidity has the most widespread influence on all types of crime studied. G Electrical stimulation of pleasure centers in the brain may someday be a feasible counter-measure to aggressive stimuli due to increased temperature or other weat

19、her variables. H. Except for wind speed and barometric pressure with regard to daytime assaults, the remaining weather factors have virtually no influence on the levels of crime. 9 【 R1】 10 【 R2】 11 【 R3】 12 【 R4】 13 【 R5】 14 【 R6】 15 【 R7】 16 【 R8】 16 It is common for Americans to have different “c

20、ircles of friends“ such as church friends, work friends, or sports friends.【 R1】 _Ones friends from the office may never meet ones friends from the sports club. Terms such as “office mate“ and “tennis partner“ indicate the segregation of friends.【 R2】 _People have different types of friends: one may

21、 have many good friends and one best friend. “Best friends“ are usually two people of the same sex who have known each other for a long period of time. 【 R3】 _ It is easy to be misled by instant friendships which may appear to be deep and personal but are really superficial.【 R4】 _Friendliness chara

22、cterizes much of American daily interaction but is not always an indication of pursuing a relationship. Characterizing instant friendships is the appearance of two people becoming close but, in reality, there is no strong bond between them.【 R5】 _Many people frequently smile or say, “have a nice day

23、“ or “see you later“, or even extend an invitation as part of a cultural patterns of politeness. Such expressions do not always suggest an offer of continued friendship. 【 R6】 _It is possible that some Americans, because of their linguistic and geographic isolation, are hesitant about interaction wi

24、th foreigners. However, it is important to know that Americans are receptive to developing friendships with international visitors.【 R7】 _One foreign student, after having lived in the United States for several years, said that the most important advice he could give to newcomers would be, “Dont be

25、passive when it comes to making friends with Americans. Begin conversations, extend invitations and make the first move.“ A characteristic of American personal relations is the absence of fixed rules governing them. 【 R8】 _Even within a persons own culture, recognizing when a relationship has the po

26、tential to develop into a friendship is not always easy. When one is living in a foreign country, one is faced with unfamiliar friendship patterns which add to the challenge of initiating and maintaining meaningful relationships. A. Friendship and friendliness are not synonymous. B. Brief encounters

27、 do not always imply desire for further contact. C. Therefore, a variety of friendships are possible in the United States. D. People usually have more casual friends than close or best friends. E. A person may choose not to involve members of different circles in the same activity. F. The office mat

28、e is a friend in the office and the tennis partner is a friend on the courts. G With foreign visitors, Americans may not always be the first ones to begin friendships. H. In general, it is advisable to approach Americans first in order to initiate friendships. 17 【 R1】 18 【 R2】 19 【 R3】 20 【 R4】 21

29、【 R5】 22 【 R6】 23 【 R7】 24 【 R8】 BFT阅读(综合)模拟试 卷 4答案与解析 一、 Part 1 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 1 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 本文论述了微笑、眼神等体态语。第 1段的第 1句话是全文的主旨句。即:面部表情所传达的含义取决于所处的环境和关系。那么后文需要举例论证这个观点。选项 E: “例如,微笑这一典型的表示愉快的表情有很多不同的作用。 ”与空格前后句相呼应。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 空格前一句提到对朋友眨眼睛可能是说 “这是你和我之间的秘密 ”或“开个玩笑 ”,选项 B也是与

30、 wink(眨眼 )有关的,说明了 wink在不同场景时的不同含义,符合本段主旨,是正确选项。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 浏览第 2段,此段讲述了面部表情的表达与个人和文化之间的关系。那么,选项 C正好可以作为本段的主旨句。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 第 2段的前半部分说明了不同文化背景的人面部表情的表达程度不同。后半部分以美国人为例说明了个体表达之间的差别。选项 A: “美国人在不同程度上用面部传 递信息。 ”正好符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 第 2段的

31、结尾句应结合前文观点,即:不同的人面部表情程度不一样。由此可知应该选 D: “有的人就像一本能读懂的书,有的人很难读懂。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 6 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 第 3段论述了适度的眼神交流的重要性。空格的下旬用转折词however说明了陌生人也会进行眼神交流。那么空格处应该是交代眼神交流的适用规则。选项 F: “对于面部表情来说,除了认为盯着别人 (特 别是陌生人 )看很不礼貌以外,没有就眼部的表现做出具体的规定。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 7 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 空格上句提及 strangers之间的眼神交流,那么空格处应该是陌生人

32、之间另外一种表现。选 H符合题意,即: “陌生人可能很快转移视线,忘记他们曾经有过任何接触。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 8 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 空格的上句提及过短的眼神交流对交谈的负面影响:会表示对谈话缺乏兴趣、猜疑等。那么选项 G用一个俗语很形象地论证了这个观 点: “永远也不要相信不敢看着你的眼睛的人。 “ 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本文第 1段举例说明了天气与人类行为之间的联系。空格处的后句说明了天气对人们情绪的影响,由 also推断,空格处也应该是天气对某一行为因素的影响。 B说明了天

33、气和人们活动的关系,符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 空格的上句提到司法机构对天气条件对行为的影响感兴趣。那么后句应该举例 说明才能衔接。空格处选 A: “联邦调查局的同类罪行报告每年都提供每月、每季度的犯罪率分析。 ”符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 第 3段说明了各种研究发现,特定的气候条件与犯罪之间有联系。空格的前后句均是研究结果,那么空格处应该选 C。 “on the other hand”引出另一个例子。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 12 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 空格后句

34、分析表明:随着湿度的增加,犯罪率下降。由后句中的“also”推 出,上句也是说明湿度和犯罪率的关系。 F正确。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 13 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 第 4段主要论述了湿度、温度等气候条件对犯罪率的影响,最后一句即窄格处应该选 H作为总结:其他没有提及的气候因素也会对人的行为产生影响。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 14 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 第 5段谈到了人们在寻求控制对气候变化的反应的可行的办法。选项 G: “用电刺激大脑的兴奋中枢神经也可能某天成为一种可行的措施来对付高温或其他气候变化带来的进攻性 刺激。 ”符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分

35、析选择填空题 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 上句提到 “改变或控制天气是一种解决天气与犯罪之间相互作用的可能手段 ”,后句提到 “有可能对天气进行小幅度的改变 ”,由此可以推断,改变天气很难做到,选项 D与题意相呼应,是合适的选项。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 16 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 选出此选项的关键是找出空格的下旬 “this”的指代对象。经过大意分析, E是 “this”合适的指代对象:还有待于对犯罪和气候学等因素作进一 步的研究。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 17 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 本文介绍了存在于美国社会

36、的形形色色的友谊。首句提到美国人不同的朋友圈子,第 3句说明 “他的办公室朋友可能从未与体育俱乐部的朋友谋过面 ”,中间缺少一个过渡,选项 E: “一个人可能不会让不同圈子里的朋友参加同一项活动。 ”承上启下,符合逻辑。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 18 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 空格的上句提到两个术语 “office mate”和 “tennis partner”,那么空格处就应该是对这两个术语的解释。选项 F正好符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 空格的上句把美国人的朋友分为好朋友和普通朋友两种。所以空格处可以是对此作进一步的介绍

37、,选项 D: “人们所拥有的普通朋友通常比亲密的朋友或最好的朋友多。 ”符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 第 2段区分了美国文化中友谊和友好的区别。空格的后句分别定义了友谊和友好,那么空格 处应该选 A: “友谊和友好不是同义词。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从本段的最后一句话可以得出结论,陌生人见面打招呼也可能是出于礼节,而不总是希望继续发展友谊。所以空格处选 B: “短暂的相遇并不总是意味着进一步的交往 ”,符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 22 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 第

38、 3段讲述了美国人和外国朋友打交道的习俗。空格的后句指出:“有些美国人受到语言和地理上的限制,不愿与外国人交往。 ”所以空格处选 G:“对 于外国来访者,美国人并不总是首先与其建立友谊。 ”符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 23 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 空格的后句引述了一个在美国生活了几年的留学生与美国人交朋友的经验之谈,空格处选 H与之相符合,即: “总的来说,最好是先主动与美国人接近,以便建立友谊。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 24 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 上句提到美国的人际关系没有固定的规章制度,那么选项 C与之相呼应,作为本文的总结: “因此,在美国有着形形色色的友谊。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题


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