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1、GMAT( VERBAL)语法改错模拟试卷 23及答案与解析 1 In 1980, for the first time, the number of foreigners touring the United States were in excess of the number of Americans going abroad. ( A) were in excess of the number of Americans ( B) had an excess over the Americans who were ( C) exceeded the Americans who were

2、( D) numbered more than the Americans ( E) exceeded the number of Americans 2 During the Renaissance, scholars were uncertain as to be location of Troy, and by the eighteenth century many historians doubted that Troy had ever existed. ( A) doubted that Troy had ever existed ( B) doubt that Troy has

3、ever existed ( C) were in doubt as to the existence of Troy ( D) were doubtful concerning Troys existence ( E) had doubts about Troys existing 3 Despite the recent election of a woman to the office of prime minister, the status of women in Pakistan is little changed from how it was in the last centu

4、ry. ( A) is little changed from how it was ( B) is a little changed from how it was ( C) has changed little ( D) has changed little from how it has been ( E) is little changed from the way it was 4 Because Halleys comet changes orbit slightly during the seventy-six-year interval between passing clos

5、e to Earth, it may veer onto a collision course with a planet sometime in the distant future. ( A) between passing ( B) of passing ( C) between its passes ( D) of its passes ( E) as it passes 5 The Commerce Department announced that the economy grew during the second quarter at a 7.5 percent annual

6、rate, while inflation eased when it might have been expected for it to rise. ( A) it might have been expected for it to rise ( B) it might have been expected to rise ( C) it might have been expected that it should rise ( D) its rise might have been expected ( E) there might have been an expectation

7、it would rise 6 The debate over bilingual education centers on the issue of whether the United States should foster the idea of a single common language, an idea, some believe, that has in the past been crucial in binding diverse constituencies together. ( A) been crucial in binding diverse constitu

8、encies together ( B) been crucial as a binding together of diverse constituencies ( C) been crucial to bind together constituencies that are diverse ( D) become crucial in binding together diverse constituencies ( E) become crucial to bind together constituencies that are diverse 7 The animosity bet

9、ween those who regulate and those who are regulated, never more pronounced than in recent debates over environmentalism and pollution control. ( A) The animosity between those who regulate and those who are regulated, never ( B) The animosity between those who regulate and those who are regulated, n

10、ever being ( C) The animosity between those who regulate and those who are regulated has never been ( D) Between those who regulate and those who are regulated, such animosity was never ( E) Between those who regulate and those who are regulated,such animosity has never been 8 In the traditional Jap

11、anese household, most clothing could be packed flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities. ( A) flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities ( B) flat, and so elaborate closet facilities were unnecessary ( C) flatly, and so there was no necessi

12、ty for elaborate closet facilities ( D) flat, there being no necessity for elaborate closet facilities ( E) flatly, as no elaborate closet facilities were necessary 9 Since the 1930s aircraft manufacturers have tried to build airplanes with frictionless wings, shaped so smoothly and perfectly that t

13、he air passing over them would not become turbulent. ( A) wings, shaped so smoothly and perfectly ( B) wings, wings so smooth and so perfectly shaped ( C) wings that are shaped so smooth and perfect ( D) wings, shaped in such a smooth and perfect manner ( E) wings,wings having been shaped so smoothl

14、y and perfectly so 10 While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously only if it would be taught as a separately required course. ( A) only if it would be taught as a separately required course

15、( B) only if it is taught as a separate, required course ( C) if it is taught only as a course required separately ( D) if it was taught only as a separate and required course ( E) if it would only be taught as a required course, separately 11 Rules banning cancer-causing substances from food apply

16、to new food additives and not to natural constituents of food because their use as additives is entirely avoidable. ( A) their use as additives is ( B) as additives, their use is ( C) the use of such additives is ( D) the use of such additives are ( E) the use of them as additives is 12 Although Ms.

17、 Bakara had previously emphasized that she could not speak for other Black people, she ventured to do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would agree with her. ( A) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority peopl

18、e, likely most, would agree ( B) speak on this one occasion since she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would have agreed ( C) so speak on this one occasion due to her firmly believing that many minority people, even most, would likely agree ( D) do so on this one occasion beca

19、use she firmly believed that many minority people, if not most, would agree ( E) do so on this one occasion since she firmly believed many minority people, and even most, would likely agree 13 Unlike that of human beings, who waste away when they go without food for long periods, hibernating bears e

20、xist for months on only their excess fat. ( A) Unlike that of human beings, who waste away when they go ( B) Unlike human beings, who waste away when they go ( C) Unlike human beings, wasting away when going ( D) Dissimilar to human beings, wasting away when ( E) Lacking similarity to human beings,

21、who waste away when 14 Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes the eater ill, but only recently has it been established that the illness is caused by a toxin present in the quails body only under certain condition. ( A) Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes

22、( B) Europeans have long known quail eating is sometimes able to make ( C) Eating quail has long been known to Europeans to sometimes make ( D) It has long been known to Europeans that eating quail will sometimes make ( E) It has long been known to Europeans that quail, when it is eaten, has sometim

23、es made 15 As many as 300 of the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may actually be the works of his students or other admirers. ( A) the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may ( B) the 720 paintings attributed to be Rembrandts might ( C) the 720 paintings that were attributed to be by Rembran

24、dt may ( D) the 720 Rembrandt paintings that were once attributed to him might ( E) Rambrandts paintings, although 720 were once attributed to him, may 16 More than five thousand years ago, Chinese scholars accurately described the flow of blood as a continuous circle controlled by the heart, but it

25、 went unnoticed in the West. ( A) but it went ( B) but it was ( C) although it was ( D) but the discovery went ( E) although the discovery was 17 When rates were raised in 1985, postal service officials predicted they would make further rate increase unnecessary for at least three years. ( A) they w

26、ould make further rate increase unnecessary ( B) they would mean that further rate increases would not be needed ( C) that it would not be necessary for further rate increases ( D) that the increase would make further rate increase unnecessary ( E) further rate increases will not be needed 18 The av

27、erage weekly wage nearly doubled in the 1970s, rising from $114 to $320 yet the average worker ended the decade with a decrease in what their pay may buy. ( A) with a decrease in what their pay may buy ( B) with what was a decrease in what they were able to buy ( C) having decreased that which they

28、could buy ( D) decreasing in purchasing power ( E) with a decrease in purchasing power 19 For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.

29、( A) a method to protect ( B) as a method protecting ( C) protecting ( D) as a protection of ( E) to protect 20 Growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients: auditors may, for instance, allow a questionable loan to remain on the books in order to ma

30、intain a banks profits on paper. ( A) clients: auditors may, for instance, allow ( B) clients, as an instance, to allow ( C) clients, like to allow ( D) clients, such as to be allowing ( E) clients, which might, as an instance, be the allowing of 21 The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an

31、idealized sculptured portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an “artificial face“ ( A) so unrealistic as to constitute ( B) so unrealistic they constitute ( C) so unrealistic that they have constituted ( D) unrealistic enough so that they constitute

32、 ( E) unrealistic enough so as to constitute 22 Like many self-taught artists, Perle Hessing did not begin to paint until she was well into middle age. ( A) Like ( B) As have ( C) Just as with ( D) Just like ( E) As did 23 Students in the metropolitan school district lack math skills to such a large

33、 degree to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming ever more dependent on information-based industries. ( A) lack math skills to such a large degree to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming ( B) lack math skills to a large enough degree that they will be

34、 difficult to absorb into a citys economy that becomes ( C) lack of math skills is so large as to be difficult to absorb them into a citys economy that becomes ( D) are lacking so much in math skills as to be difficult to absorb into a citys economy becoming ( E) are so lacking in math skills that i

35、t will be difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming 24 Similar to rising interest rates, consumer and producer prices have been rising. ( A) Similar to rising interest rates, consumer and producer prices have been rising ( B) Consumer and producer prices have been rising, as have interes

36、t rates ( C) As interest rates are rising, so have consumer and producer prices ( D) Consumer and producer prices have been rising, like interest rates do ( E) Consumer and producer prices, as interest rates, have been rising 25 In June of 1989, Princeton Township approved a developers plans to buil

37、d 300 houses on a large portion of the 210-acre site of the Battle of Princeton, one of only eight Revolutionary War battlefields that had remained undeveloped. ( A) one of only eight Revolutionary War battlefields that had remained undeveloped ( B) one of eight of the only Revolutionary War battlef

38、ields that have remained undeveloped ( C) one of the only eight undeveloped Revolutionary War battlefields that remains ( D) only one of eight Revolutionary War battlefields to remain undeveloped ( E) only one of the eight remaining undeveloped Revolutionary War battlefields GMAT( VERBAL)语法改错模拟试卷 23

39、答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 B、 C、 D比较前后的对象不具可比性; E、 A比较, E中的 exceed比 A中的 be inexcess of简洁,仅用一动词形式即可 (类似的简化表达很多,请大家多加体会 )。 【知识模块】 语法改错 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 B中, that从句中用现在完成时显然不对; E中 existing应改为用其名词形式 existence; A、 C、 D从语法上都说得通, A的表达更为简洁且准确。 【知识模块】 语法改错 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析 】 从句中,由 fromin the last century 暗示本句的时

40、态应是现在完成时,表明 “从上世纪至今的一个时段 ”, A、 B、 E时态错,同时用被动语态也不妥。 C显然比 D简洁,另外, D中 how从句中的现在完成时态也不对。 【知识模块】 语法改错 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句划线部分是对 interval作修饰。 E使用方式状语,代入原句理解不通; B、 D的介词用 of不恰当, “间隔之间 ”用介词 “between”; 而 A、 B均错在 passing之前无动作执行者,形成一泛指,使句意模糊 ;而 C补出了 its指Haleys comet,使句意准确而具体,并且名词复数形式 passes与 interval(两次以上才存在 “

41、间隔 ”)相对应。 【知识模块】 语法改错 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 A中 for it多余; C中 that从句表达不够简洁,同时,若 that从句作为宾语,用被动语态就不对; E中 there have might have been的句型在 GMAT中不使用; B、 D比较, B的表达符合 expect的习惯用法, expect to do sth。 【知识模块】 语法改错 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 C、 E中用 that从句限定 constituencies不如在被限定名词前直接加形容词修饰简洁; D、 E中的动词用 become替换 been没有根据 (没有任何暗

42、示表明这是一个变化的过程 ); A、 B比较,并结合前文, A反映了句意, B改变了句意。 【知识模块】 语法改错 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 A、 B中均缺谓语动词,由 never more pronounced决定了本句时态应用现在完成时; D、 E中, such animosity是含糊不明 确的,前文未出现过。D中用 was错。 【知识模块】 语法改错 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 该句关键在于弄清楚 packed之后该用 flat还是 flatly。一般来说,在动词之后肯定是用副词形式 flatly修饰 packed,但在本句中,这是一个例外,这里应该用 flat,但它

43、不是修饰 packed,而是修饰 clothing。 flatly修饰 packed属于搭配不当。这里,我再举出两例类似用法:新概念英语中的: Food can be bought cooked, canned or preserved其中,过去分词化的形容词 cooked,canned, preserved是修饰 food而不是修饰 bought; TOEFL全真试题中有类似结构的一道改错题: Although most house plants are acquired already potted, they also can begrown from seeds or leaf cut

44、tings from mature plants (本句是改正之后的正确句子 )其中 potted就是修饰 plants的。确认了此点,答案就很容易出来了,排除 A、 C、 E。对于 D,立刻排除, GMAT就没有 there being的用法, B简洁而准确;但如果该题仅分析句子的后半部分而不考虑 flatly和 flat的区别,同样可得出答案 E中 as引导的从句与前半句之间的逻辑关系搭配不上; D there being句型不妥; A、 B、 C比较,仍是 B最简洁又表达了句意。请牢记此例。 【知识模块】 语法改错 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 C中的 are shaped所反映的

45、时态与 would not不一致,注意本句中,逗号后的内容是虚拟语气 (仅表示一种愿望 ); E中 :用现在分词完成体作修饰词不妥。在公理中曾提到 havingbeen done不够简洁; A、 B、 D之间的比较在于:是用副词形式 smoothly修饰 shaped,还是用形容词形式 smooth修饰 wings。smoothly作为副词解时,可译为:顺利地,平稳地 (如 movingsmoothly),因此smoothly与 shaped搭配不妥,而应该是用 smooth修饰 wings,这正好呼应了前面的 frictionless,由此排除 A、 D。 【知识模块】 语法改错 10 【正

46、确答案】 B 【试题解析】 C、 D、 E中 only的位置由 A中的修饰 if变为了修饰 if从句中的不同成分,必错;而 A: separately采用副词形式,只能修饰 required,导致的结果是逻辑不通; B中: separate采用形容词形式,表明 separate与 required都是修饰 course,即单独的必修的课程,这与上句中的 integratedinto形成对应;同时,本句是真实条件句, A中的 would be改变了句意。 【知识模块】 语法改错 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 A、 B中 their use的表达不仅句 意不清,且不符合表达习惯;只有用 t

47、he use of sth表明 “某物的使用 (使用某物 )”才符合习惯用法。 D中主谓不一致; E中表达不够简洁,同时 as addictive还会产生歧义。即它们本来是另一种物质,而在这里是充当添加剂,改变了句意。 C正确,句中的 such是对前面出现的new food addictive的强调。 【知识模块】 语法改错 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据对前面的动宾结构作替代用 do so的表达原则,可排除 B、C; E中有两个明显缺陷: (1)宾语从句缺引导词 that; (2)主句中的 firmly与宾语从句中的 likely在语义上是矛盾的。 A、 E中各有一重大表达缺陷,

48、即: likely most或 and even most作为插入成分在表达上是含糊不清的,因为这样会导致人们不知它们与之前 many的关系,是两者取一,还是两者兼而有之 ?同时,无论这两个选择中的是哪一个,在句意理解上都是不妥的。 D正确,用 if not most对前面的 many做了一补充限定,即 “如果不是大多数的话 ”。 【知识模块】 语法改错 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题是考核 like的用法, D、 E中句首的 dissimilar to及 lacking similarity to的用法都不对。 A中: N1与 N2不具可比性; C中把现在分词短语夹在两个名词 (

49、human beings和 bears)之间,造成误解,不知其修饰哪一个名词。 【知识模块】 语法改错 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 B中有两个缺陷: (1)宾语从句省略了标志词 that。 (2)quail eating与 be able to的搭配不妥。 C中用被动语态不妥,同时状语 sometimes夹在 to与make间,位 置不恰当; D、 E中: It has been known to sb that的用法不恰当,一般是用 it has been known that的句型。同时 D中 will所表示的将来时显然违背了句意。而 E中:主语 quail与谓语 has made的搭配不妥,且时态不对, A中that从句中一般现在时表明了一客观事实。 【知识模块】 语法改错 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 attributed to中的 to是介词,而不是动词不定式的标志, B中的 to be不对;同理: C中 to be错: that从 句中由于有 by Rembrandt,使句意不能理解; D中: Rembnandt paintings与之后的 attributed to him属于同义重复; E中彻底改变了句意,由于 “300幅 ”在主句,而 “720幅 ”在从句中,使得人们不清楚300与 720的关系,更不用说句


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