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1、GMAT( VERBAL)语法改错模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 1 At a recent session, the French government has decided that Paris needs a second, larger opera house to complement the famous Paris Opera. ( A) has decided that Paris needs ( B) decided that Paris needs ( C) has decided that Paris will need ( D) decided that Paris has

2、 a need of ( E) has decided that Paris needed 2 Those with a cynical turn of mind might speculate if the new corporation, eager for pro-fit, might not have started the rumor that caused its competitor to declare bankruptcy. ( A) speculate if the new corporation, eager for profit, might not have star

3、ted ( B) speculate if the new corporation, eager for profit, had not started ( C) speculate if,in its eagerness for profit, the new corporation started ( D) wonder as to whether, in its eagerness for profit, the new corporation did not start ( E) wonder whether the new corporation, eager for profit,

4、 had started 3 Constance Horner, chief of the United States governments personnel agency, has recommended that the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to application for a job be grounds for not hiring an applicant. ( A) the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five y

5、ears prior to application for a job be grounds for not hiring an applicant ( B) any dangerous or illegal drug, if used in the five years prior to applying for a job, should be grounds not to hire the applicant ( C) an applicants use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to applica

6、tion for a job be grounds not to hire them ( D) an applicants use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to applying for a job are grounds that they not be hired ( E) for five years prior to applying for a job, an applicants use of any dangerous or illegal drug be grounds for not h

7、iring them 4 Though the term “graphic design“ may suggest laying out corporate brochures and annual reports, they have come to signify widely ranging work, from package designs and company logotypes to signs, book jackets, computer graphics, and film titles. ( A) suggest laying out corporate brochur

8、es and annual reports, they have come to signify widely ranging ( B) suggest laying out corporate brochures and annual reports, it has come to signify a wide range of ( C) suggest corporate brochures and annual report layout, it has signified widely ranging ( D) have suggested corporate brochure and

9、 annual report layout, it has signified a wide range of ( E) have suggested laying out corporate brochures and annual reports, they have come to signify widely ranging 5 Parliament did not accord full refugee benefits to twelve of the recent immigrants because it believed that to do it rewards them

10、for entering the country illegally. ( A) to do it rewards ( B) doing it rewards ( C) to do this would reward ( D) doing so would reward ( E) to do it would reward 6 As business grows more complex, students majoring in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming increasin

11、gly successful in the job market. ( A) majoring in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming increasingly ( B) who major in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are becoming more and more ( C) who majored in specialized areas such as those of finance and mar

12、keting are being increasingly ( D) who major in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been becoming more and more ( E) having majored in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are being increasingly 7 Judicial rules in many states require that the identities of all pros

13、ecution witnesses are made known to defendants so they can attempt to rebut the testimony, but the Constitution explicitly requires only that the defendant have the opportunity to confront an accuser in court. ( A) that the identities of all prosecution witnesses are made known to defendants so they

14、 can attempt to rebut ( B) that the identities of all prosecution witnesses be made known to defendants so that they can attempt to rebut ( C) that the defendants should know the identities of all prosecution witnesses so they can attempt a rebuttal of ( D) the identities of all prosecution witnesse

15、s should be made known to defendants so they can attempt rebutting ( E) making known to defendants the identities of all prosecution witnesses so that they can attempt to rebut 8 The bank acknowledged that they are and will continue to experience difficulties as it attempts to deal with the precipit

16、ous fall of the dollar against the yen and the dislocations reflected in the stock market decline. ( A) they are and will continue to experience difficulties as it attempts ( B) they are and will continue to experience difficulties as they attempt ( C) it is and will continue to experience difficult

17、ies as it attempts ( D) it is experiencing and will continue to experience difficulties as they make an attempt ( E) its difficulties are likely to continue as it attempts 9 As sales of cars and light trucks made in North America were declining 13.6 percent in late February, many analysts conclude t

18、hat evidence of a recovering automotive market remains slight ( A) As sales of cars and light trucks made in North America were declining 13.6 percent in late February, many analysts conclude ( B) Since sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined 13.6 percent in late February, and

19、many analysts conclude ( C) With sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declining 13.6 percent in late February, with many analysts concluding ( D) Because sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined 13.6 percent in late February, many analysts concluded ( E) Because

20、of sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declining 13.6 percent in late February, therefore, many analysts concluded 10 The new regulation mandate that a company allows their retiring employees who would otherwise lose group health care coverage to continue the same insurance at their

21、 own expense for specified period. ( A) that a company allows their retiring employees who would otherwise lose group health care coverage to continue ( B) companies to allow their retiring employees who would otherwise lose group health care coverage that they can continue ( C) that a company allow

22、 its retiring employees who would otherwise lose group health care coverage to continue ( D) companies allowing a retiring employees whose group health care coverage would otherwise be lost the continuation of ( E) companies to allow a retiring employee whose group health care coverage would otherwi

23、se be lost the continuation of 11 The Senate approved immigration legislation that would grant permanent residency to millions of aliens currently residing here and if employers hired illegal aliens they would be penalized. ( A) if employers hired illegal aliens they would be penalized ( B) hiring i

24、llegal aliens would be a penalty for employers ( C) penalize employers who hire illegal aliens ( D) penalizing employers hiring illegal aliens ( E) employers to be penalized for hiring illegal aliens 12 Many writers of modern English have acquired careless habits that damage the clarity of their pro

25、se, but these habits can be broken if they are willing to take the necessary trouble. ( A) but these habits can be broken ( B) but these habits are breakable ( C) but they can break their habits ( D) which can be broken ( E) except that can be broken 13 One of every two new businesses fail within tw

26、o years. ( A) fail ( B) fails ( C) should fail ( D) may have failed ( E) has failed 14 People have discovered the principles of solar energy whenever fuel becomes scarce and expensive but will forget them every time a new source of cheap energy is developed. ( A) have discovered the principles of so

27、lar energy whenever fuel becomes scarce and expensive but will forget ( B) have discovered the principles of solar energy whenever fuel has become scarce and expensive but they forget ( C) discovered the principles of solar energy every time fuel becomes scarce and expensive, forgetting ( D) discove

28、r the principles of solar energy every time fuel became scarce and expensive, but they forget ( E) discover the principles of solar energy whenever fuel becomes scarce and expensive but forget 15 Although the manager agreed to a more flexible work schedule, he said that it must be posted on the bull

29、etin board so that both management and labor will know what everyone is assigned to do. ( A) he said that it must be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor will know what everyone is ( B) he said it had to be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor know

30、s what everyone is ( C) he said that they would have to post the assignments on the bulletin board so that management and labor knew what everyone was ( D) he said that the schedule would have to be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor would know what everyone was ( E) sayi

31、ng that the schedule had to be posted on the bulletin board so that both mana, gement and labor would know what everyone had been 16 In the last ten years, the dropout rate among Black high school students fell substantially over the past decade, while the number of Blacks who attend college is more

32、 than twice what it was. ( A) fell substantially over the past decade, while the number of Blacks who attend college is more than twice what it was ( B) fell substantially, while the number of Blacks attending college is more than double what it was at that time ( C) has fallen substantially, while

33、the number of Blacks attending college has more than doubled ( D) has fallen substantially over the past decade, while the number of Blacks attending college is more than twice what it was at that time ( E) has fallen substantially over the past decade, while the number of Blacks who are attending c

34、ollege are more than double what they were 17 Most state constitutions now mandate that the state budget be balanced each year. ( A) mandate that the state budget be balanced ( B) mandate the state budget to be balanced ( C) mandate that the state budget will be balanced ( D) have a mandate for a ba

35、lanced state budget ( E) have a mandate to balance the state budget 18 Native American burial sites dating back 5,000 years indicate that the residents of Maine at that time were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking people. ( A) were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking

36、 people ( B) had been part of a widespread culture of people who were Algonquain-speaking ( C) were people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algoquain-speaking ( D) had been people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algoquain-speaking ( E) were a people which had been part o

37、f widespread, Algoquain-speaking culture 19 According to a study published by Dr. Myma Weissman, only one percent of Americans born before 1905 had suffered major depression by the age of seventy-five; of those born since 1955, six percent had become depressed by age twenty-four. ( A) only one perce

38、nt of Americans born before 1905 had suffered major depression by the age of seventy-five; of those born since 1955, six percent had become depressed by age twenty-four ( B) only one percent of Americans born before 1905 suffer major depression by the age of seventy-five; if they are born since 1955

39、, six percent become depressed by age twenty-four ( C) of Americans born before 1905, only one percent of them have suffered major depression by age seventy-five, but six percent of those born since 1955 do by the age of twenty-four ( D) major depression is suffered by the age of seventy-five by onl

40、y one percent of Americans born before 1905, and by age twenty-four by the six percent born since 1955 ( E) Americans born before 1905 suffer major depression by the age of seventy-five only one percent of the time, but six percent of those born since 1955 did so by age twenty-four 20 It is possible

41、 that Native Americans originally have migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed between Siberia and Alaska. ( A) have migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed ( B) were migrating to Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that exis

42、ted once ( C) migrated over a bridge of land to Western Hemisphere that once existed ( D) migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed ( E) were migrating to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land existing once 21 For some birds the sense of smell appears to play

43、a role in navigation, since pigeons with surgically removed olfactory nerves were found to have increased difficulties in homing. ( A) were found to have increased difficulties ( B) have been found to have increased difficulty ( C) were found to have increasing difficulty ( D) had been found to have

44、 increased difficulties ( E) have been found to have increasing difficulties 22 A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lake. ( A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been

45、allowed to dump ( B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping ( C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump ( D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump ( E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by

46、 municipalities 23 Since 1986 when the Department of Labor began to allow investment officers fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform, several corporations began paying their investment advisers a small basic fee, with a contract promising higher fees if the managers perform well. ( A)

47、 allow investment officers fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform, several corporations began ( B) investment officers fees to be based on the performance of the funds they manage, several corporations began ( C) that fees of investment officers be based on how the funds they manage p

48、erform, several corporations have begun ( D) fees of investment officers to be based on the performance of the funds they manage, several corporations have begun ( E) that investment officers fees be based on the performance of the funds they manage, several corporations began 24 In Egypt in the lat

49、e Paleolithic period, the climate changed, pastures became deserts, and the inhabitants were forced to withdraw to the land bordering the Nile from their hunting grounds. ( A) Inhabitants were forced to withdraw to the land bordering the Nile form their hunting grounds ( B) Inhabitants had been forced to withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land that bordered the Nile ( C) Inhabitants were forced to withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land bordering the Nile ( D) Inhabitants having been forced to withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land that bordered the Nile ( E) I


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